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Adam Lambert on 3News in New Zealand (Youtube)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, October 25, 2010

Posted at : Monday, October 25, 2010

This was posted a while ago but here is the youtube version for those who missed it!

Thanks to Adam Lambert News Network


Anonymous said...

Since Adam I have had no trouble sleeping as I collapse after my eyes can no longer stay open, following this sweet, indelible soul, and don't need an alarm clock to wake up, as eager as I am to see him again. In other words, I go to bed with him and get up with him. I'm happier than I've ever been, but, am I crazy?

Anonymous said...

Down to earth Adam on flip flops, tank top and big hats... I ♥♥♥ it!!! Definitely not crazy but maybe free spirit and a bit impulsive?!... still ♥ you! :)

Anonymous said...

WELCOME TO THE CLUB....................

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Best Club in the World! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam makes people happy even during difficult times. That's the magic of Adam. Yeah, I'm definitely in the club! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 10:29AM

Errr... several nights ago I noticed another pair of feet in the bed I share with sweet Adam... Was it you? LOL

Hey Glamily,
our «Club Weird» is growing, every day we get new members...


Anonymous said...

long live club weird

Anonymous said...

"On stage he loves to camp it up - he's openly gay and loves a good costume change"

OMG - I was totally ROFLMFAO when she said that!!! Hilarious!

Then he had to get into taking his pants off. Damn you Adam Lambert!

This was a great, down to earth interview as well.

- Adam Fix (long time member of Club Weird)