Adam Lambert on Front Page of MSN's New Make Up Article
Filed Under (article ) by Admin on Saturday, October 23, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, October 23, 2010

Here is Adam's part:

"He was this reality show's breakout star, but we think the glam rocker looks better sans pancake makeup."
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Jeeze Louise, what part of "Glam" Rocker don't they get? Adam has said himself, and it is quite evident looking at him going through numerous airports, he wears makeup on stage, not in his everyday life. His everyday wardrobe seems to be jeans and T-shirt, maybe jacket--no makeup!!! Thanks for the "Breakout Star" part BTW.
Good golly Miss Molly! I like him anyway he wants to be .
Dark Side! Yes! Adamluv
I like him any which way but prefer less
LOVE the F-ing sparkles, glitter and product. He is the full package!!
I really believe he wears a little makeup sometimes even in areas of his "everyday" life, maybe not every single moment but not never either... think about it. Totally not a slam, but really look and listen, he does IMHO, which I think is GREAT btw.
The major American media are starting to really disgust me, particularly in their attempts to gang up on, shun, or vilify Adam Lambert. Only a dummied down audience would not be able to get their minds around how brilliant and multi-talented this man is. That's apparently what these media are shooting for--a dummied down audience. Hopefully, that does not mean the masses in the USA; but, sadly, it might. These media are certainly doing their part toward dummification.
Among Adam's many talents is that he may have also been a child protege for make-up application and costuming, starting to learn these crafts by age 8 or younger. I believe his father--in one interview--said one of Adam's 1st jobs out of high school was in a makeup department of a major dept. store where Adam did so well advising women, that the dept. store co. wanted to hire Adam into a higher position (to train other makeup dept. store staff?), making good money. Adam turned it down to pursue singing and theatre.
One of my pet peeves in life is for less talented, experienced,thoughtful,educated and/or intelligent people to make judgments re: more talented, experienced, thoughtful, educated and/or intelligent people--especially without doing their homework on the person they are judging. This is one way bright, creative, talented people end up getting bullied--because the less bright people group up together and proclaim themselves to be better or smarter than the person they are judging as "different".
I saw Adam performing in Louisville up close and could not get over the perfection of his makeup (and how beautiful he is in person); it was like a work of art. Astonishingly, there were NO makeup lines or runs of any kind even though he was sweating. The base color he wore (a pale, grayed ivory bisque?) was completely natural looking. I also love that Adam has worked makeup into his own life and come to terms with something he's been driven to do from an early age. I, too, want Adam to do whatever he wants. I trust Adam's judgment--especially re: himself!
Kentucky Fan
Make up or no make up?who the hell cares,his one of a kind...
I don't think the article was negative - they were just stating their opinion that Adam looks better with less makeup. Nothing more than that.
He doesn't need makeup to look good, but when he uses it, it's immaculately done. Sometimes I wonder why he even needs Sutan or Jeni, because his own makeup skills are amazing.
I think you can look at this in a positive way. If you go to the site they give, you get to see Adam performing on Idol again...which is not always easy to find for some of us. He will always be beautiful inside and out to me. MSN put him on the cover because he is a big draw... of all the "made up" celebs, someone in marketing chose him because it would get a lot of hits...plain and simple :)That's my story and I'm sticking with it.
Beauty in the eyes of the beholder!... with make up, pancake makeup, less makeup or oh natural!
If You Got It Flaunt It BB!!! :)
Adam's songs from American Idol are on OMRG website...I go there to listen to the AI songs...I can still picture him on that show
He was so amazing....HE IS THE AMERICAN IDOL
@ Kentucky Fan
You definitely belong to the «more talented, experienced, thoughtful, educated and/or intelligent» group of people, and I think your judgement here was impeccable!
I just love him. Period. In whatever way he wants to present himself. He is and will be an inspiration to many, beyond his beautiful voice and performance style. Makeup. No makeup. Doesn't matter. His soul shines through it all. And what a beautiful soul.
@ HH.
Es la verdad,no? Y un alma de dios. :)
skilled and talent what else could it be? He is one of kind human being. Gorgeous and sincere is good enough for me he!he!he!
adam lambert our bb is perfectionist- looks voice and good attittude period.make-up or no make up-hes beautiful.,
Concluyendo tenemos que ADAM es ESPECIAL Y ÚNICO
Todos Sabemos que tiene una gran voz, Talento,
belleza,Carisma,pero además, es un ser humano
increíble, con una gran inteligencia emocional,
Adam said in quite a few interviews that he doesn't always wear makeup. It's just his eyeliner doesn't wash off, so he always looks as if he is wearing eye liner.
lmb: Good to see you back. I've missed your post-worthy comments!
Adam is pure beauty from the inside out, and looks good no matter what he is or is not wearing simply because he exudes a bright and shining light of positivity.
Ditto @PRS comment: good to see @lmb back and commenting!!!!
I think Adam is beautiful no matter what he choses to wear make-up wise..It makes him happy to change his look and if he is happy, I'm happy..especially if I am seeing him in person, either up close or from far away...The times I have seen him from a few feet away : ) ,I was struck by his almost otherworldly perfection and larger than life presence.. so I would definitely agree with @Kentucky Fan in that dept.. Seeing him in videos doesn't do him justice by the way... I would also agree that I am to the point of being fairly disgusted with the American media in their choices to either largely ignore Adam or somehow feel they can pick on him and think it is quite okay..Snark (or in Kentucky Fans words, dummification) has become routine and accepted as the way to talk about many celebs these days and Adam seems to be one of the favorite targets of snark...And when his faithful and passionate fans try to defend him or express their concerns re the snarky comments they (we) are branded as "over the top" and "overly defensive" and just plain "crazy"..Not saying he is perfect, but I just get tired of the mistreatment and sometimes outright vilification..In the meantime, I will continue to support Adam by attending his concerts (and if the concert happens to be in Hawaii, all the better!!!), spreading the word of his wonderful voice and try to explain to all who will listen that what they may have seen or read about Adam in the tabloids (if there is any mention at all...) does not even begin to describe the "real Adam Lambert" , as in the whole person..So while I don't really get the point of this article other than maybe it was a slow celeb news day, I do suppose I appreciate the fact that at least he got a mention...And I think he looks great in the above picture...
glizylady, I agree with you 110%. i couldn't have said it better!
I've worn eyeliner for 30 years now, and it does wash off. You just need some soap and water and a little time. Just saying...
and your point is?
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