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Adam Lambert touches down at KLIA (Malaysia)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Adam Lambert touches down at KLIA and walks through a mass of screaming fans, signing some autographs along the way to his van.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see the security around him!! I am sanding positive thought. cant wait o c the show.

Anonymous said...

Sr for posting this several times but I want to remind all of u vote for Adam!

U guys plz continue voting... (lots of sites :D)
DONT LET HIM DOWN. Especially the "Rock In Rio" and "Top 30 under 30". Its good for his promotion, Rock In Rio is a big event in Brazil
(Top 30 Under 30 2010)
(Rock In Rio 2011)

(Jingle Ball)
(Poll: Do you think he is doing the right toning down his tour for Malaysia? - NY Daily News)


Anonymous said...

Yea, just curious what exact changes are going to be made, hope not too much , I am just happy that he's there for all of the fans. Have a fun time dancing & jumping!!!!

The Dark Side said...

Awesome the love shown by his fans. Obviously, they are willing to be counted in their Country. Hoping that everything goes well tonight at the concert, and that his fans enjoy the show. That's what is important. Wow, talk about your boatload of publicity!!! He is arriving alone these days, think this is a trad way most stars do it. Or maybe he wants to keep his crew safe. Happier this am.

Anonymous said...

@Anon9.54 : Probably no kissing Tommy, no sexy dance moves and definitely no tongue-diving... but we'll never know!

Anonymous said...

Well this group was certainly NOT anti-Adam!!! Yay for them!

Anonymous said...

Adam has fans all over the globe now and they know how to show the love. Our BB is a megastar - life will now be forever changed for Adam. I'm glad to see all the security and I can't wait until he can leave safely, out of harm's way.
P.S. I love the little knitted cap look on Adam. He even looks more adorable than ever!


Anonymous said...

I can only wonder what is going through his
mind!!!!!!!!!!!! THE KING!!!!! The King is here!!
AI-DIAH! Beautiful sound.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Glad for Adam and glamily's safe arrival and welcoming fans who deserve to see and enjoy them as we do in the US. Adam, despite restrictions will give his all as he always does. No one can restrict his magnificent voice and beautiful spirit! Enjoy and love him, Malaysian fans! A great loss for his detractors. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Anon at 10:00am insinuated that we would not know how the concert went. Is this true, will cameras be "forbidden". If there is a protest, that is bound to make news. I know that this is a large country, and it is modernized, so thinking that the PAS threats have given us a slanted view of just what this country is really like. It is a popular vacation spot for Europeans. If the screaming fans in the airport any indication, this threat has been blown bigger than what it actually is.

Anonymous said...

Ok that is scary . Why would his management send him into a country where they can be so fanatical and hold such beliefs. Good luck Adam do the show and GO. You truly are a kind giving person to your fans.
Prayers be with you

Anonymous said...

Liked hearing the screaming fans, but this video did nothing to alleviate my anxiety about his presence there. They need big burly security guys and I didnt see anyone matching that description. And again there is a hugh difference between a tourist visiting this country and a gay male performer! I think there is a lot of denial of reality here or just naivete! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adamluv - spot on!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope these people rushing him are put through metal detectors before they reach him. A small knife can do a lot of damage.

Anonymous said...

YOU GO BB...they LOVE you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Scary like spooky all these posts--knives, big guards, being naive, not getting that from this arrival.

Anonymous said...

Adam will be fine. Even though a fraction of the people may take issue with him, he will be watched and carefully protected. Malaysia a country filled with wonderful people...maybe a few extremists...but we have those in the US too. Rather than send Adam fear energy, let's all send him love energy. It's the positive energy that protects the ones we love. :) Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Lord! Beautiful reception at the airport and I'm glad there are so much security men available for sweet Adam's protection, but suddenly they look like a «live cage» for my exotic singing bird!!!
God be with you all the time, sweet Adam! My Guard Angel is just behind you. All my prayers go to you, baby, as always. Do your best but take a special care when working or having fun this time... do it safely, promise?

Anonymous said...

Boy, they didn't even put up ropes to hold back the crowd. They would have torn him to pieces showing their lovefor him if not for the guards that were there. Strange, no ropes. Enjoy your concert fans and Adam. All be safe. :)
(i'll bet negative NEAL is having a shit fit listening to all these fans worrying about Adam.
He got his lot the last time he posted that kind of crap to Adam's fans so he must be under a
bushel somewhere.... right?

coloforadam said...

JEEEEEEEEEEEEZ - where were the big, burly guards that you usually see around him, especially with the warnings and controversy?? The fans were darling but that was totally scarey. What was he thinking? I would say probably, "holy shit - get us through this in one piece!" I know he will do a gracious, well thought out, energetic concert but I think we won't breathe until he is out of there.

Anonymous said...

What’s the deal with all the negativities spread around 24/7 ? Some of you are still making a f*cking big deal about the protests, exaggerating about Adam toning down the show and whatnot. STFU already and let us enjoy the concert in peace. Hell, we even have armed forces to safeguard your precious international treasure if we need to. Just show some respect to other countries’ law, customs and regulations and all will be okay!

Lay here, it's safe here, I'll let you be broken open
Hide here, confide here so we can be broken open…


ps: People, I’m afraid that all these negativities are affecting poor Neil; he might go back to the States as PositiveNeil instead. :) just saying.

Anonymous said...

Adam is really true to his fans eventhough at the back of his mind that there is also danger awaits anywhere he goes. Amazing talent not to be waisted instead, sharing to his fans around the world the freedom of love and respect to one another. I am a bit worried because of all the news against him from Malaysia. He will prevail for sure because of his commitments for his fans around the world. Never mine about the awards from America, they all full of nonsense anyways. As long as the fans wants him, that's the most important them all. AMEN

Anonymous said...

"your precious international treasure"? and you think using those words are what a fan would say as it's dripping in sarcasm? You STFU!!! and yeah, it's a fuckin' big deal when someone you care about is in possible danger! Too bad you're too stupid to know that.

Anonymous said...

Holy wow I've never seen that kind of welcome at an airport for him! LOL Good heavens! They mean business! I thought it was chaotic here, at his shows in the US but I think Malaysia fans have us beat by a long shot, they're very persistent and LOUD!

LOL So funny when the mob dispersed towards him and he and the security guys just STOPPED dead in their tracks! At one point he turned around and looked at someone, I think it was the girl that was screaming "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!"

Amazing how he's able to smile through all of know he must be thinking something like "Holy shit, what'd I get myself into", hahaha! Time to tighten up security and get ready for a helluva time in Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

I bet he was relieved to get into the van.
Always smiling tho..

Anonymous said...

guys...adam is about spreading luv and care.
plz dont curse each other. Plz2. Adam gonna be sad if he read our comments, he dont want us fan to quarel. He is now in KL, safe. Ready to perform tonite. Your precious, and ours too, remember? is safe. i can asure you guys. Malaysia is multi cultured, so it doesnt matter if he is queer or not, its about the music, we appreciate his music.

Bout that Islamic Party, dude they are not muslim, they pretend only. Real Muslim respect all. Love all. Those homophobic cunt doesnt have any faith. What they know is promote hate.

See you guys tonite.

-Damn! i forgot my purple lips gloss, got to go!
-Muslim, Queer, Proud.

Anonymous said...

I'm Anon 6.48PM. Just wanna apologize if I go a bit outta line with my comment. I meant no harm; must've been the coffee talking.

Peace, people. <3 you all.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon. 6:48PM/9:52PM

Ok, apologies accepted... but only if you promise me to take a personal care of «our precious international treasure» tonight and never more your 'talking coffee' uses these words referring to sweet Adam (my Diamond Boy) with any sort of sarcasm, deal?

Anonymous said...

I lost my voice today.

Adam vocal acrobatic is out of this world!

I can sleep last nite.

Kuala Lumpur want more Adam.

-Muslim, Queer, Proud