Adam Lambert: Hello Malaysia
Filed Under (pictures,tour news,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Continuing his massive Glam Nation tour, Adam Lambert arrived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia earlier today (October 13) ahead of his concert tomorrow.
The “American Idol” stud looked a bit subdued as he made his way through the airport, with fans and paparazzi all around.
The Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party has already mounted a massive protest against the show, saying, “Lambert is morally unfit. His gay lifestyle will harm our society. He is of bad, bad character and poses a danger to young Malaysians. We want the government to cancel the permit. The country is battling a serious problem of moral decay. We are experiencing rising social violence and crime."
In response, Adam tweeted, "While I don't believe that my glamnation tour is in any way offensive I have agreed to make a few minor adjustments out of respect for the Malaysian government. Looking forward to a fun show."

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Someone needs a shave. Maybe he was trying to be incognito? LOL Very happy when this whole thing done and he's moved on. Although, have to say if publicity is what the PAS are seeking, that trains runs both ways and Adam has been in the news non-stop. Even in my hometown newspaper, who never prints anything Adam. Don't think you can pay for that kind of recognition. Nice support by Lance Bass. Up early and had my coffee, still a little dark.
Here's video at the airport:
That's good news for Adam, at least people know he has a concert of 16000 waiting for him and wonder why isn't happen in US, just saying.
I love the 5:00 shadow look - very studly. Have a safe trip Adam and get out ASAP! As for Lance Bass support - great news. Finally someone has recognized Adam's brave and intelligent stance. It is kind of funny and sad that we don't hear more about Adam's international triumphs in the USA. Actually, I haven't heard or seen any comments about Adam on the so-called entertainment channels or newspapers.
I'm sure the entertainment channels want to keep some distance to the Glamberts..
I meant the US entertainment channels of course.
I think Adam could fill bigger venues in the US. He had 10K in Puyallup, WA. I think they just booked venues that were way too small. I mean look at Club Nokia, his last show and only 2300. Nuts.
Well, I hope that Adam has a great show in Malaysia and all his fans there get the (almost) full Adam experience! :)
Dear Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party:
Adam Lambert only spreads the message of love, tolerance, acceptance. I really don't think he will contribute to the moral decay of your society. There must be something else that is contributing to the problem. Love is not the problem. Just sayin.
I can't really comment regarding this matter because it's too complex for me. Call me a sheltered life because I didn't even know there were different gay lifestyles?! Plus you can never really win on a holy war. It has been there before Jesus time so there's no point making points. You'll get no where... js
I love Adam more and more because he is such an amazingly strong and intelligent guy! Who ever thought ADAM could perform in KL....noone thought it would ever be possible and yet here he is yet again conquering the world fearless!
@ Anon 10:24
The point about "different gay lifestyles" simply meant that people live their lives just like straight people, they work and play...some attend a church, some don't, some party hard, others are homebodies, some love dancing, some love reading, some love travel, some enjoy cooking while others prefer to zap their dinners. Gay and straight is about who you love in an intimate relationship. Besides that everyone is really the same...we all have our interests, our family commitments, our work. Just like the straight community He's just saying that we shouldn't generalize that all gays are this way or that...because, just like straight people, there is a lot of diversity within that label. :)
ADAM couldn't cause a 'danger' to anyone. Infact he would teach people how to love unconditionally, be open and honest, be true to yourself, spread positivity and the list goes on and on. This is one classy guy!
This is a remarkable man. Love him!
Anon 10:32 AM Thanks for the enlightenment. I do get the part that you maybe straight or gay we all do practice the same way of living. That's life.
Looking at these pictures I see the difference in his face. He lives off energy and he knows that there is a country that hates him. It breaks my heart that such a loving man that asks nothing from anyone but to entertain us with his beautiful voice has to be exposed to such evil. This is like pulling the wings off of a beautiful monarch butterfly. I hope that he never goes to Malaysia again. Thanks to the fans there that are showing up to his concert but I don't like him performing under such a disturbing curtain of evil lurking everywhere. I hope he knows that there are hundreds of thousands people in this world that love him. Do your show and get the hell out of there! Love you Adam.
Yes to the comments about the diversity of gays no diferent than the straight community. We are all individuals after all with similiar hopes and dreams. I think that some of the people that say negative things about the gay and lesbian community really don't personally know any. Adam is a classic example of a loving spirit, even if you disagree with his lifestyle. Extend your hand in friendship. You may be pleasantly surprised. funbunn40
Adam must be under a lot of stress in a foreign country with some radical detractors. I'm sure he is very uncomfortable with this situation and even tho' he'll want to please his fans, will be glad to move on. I hope all goes well and there won't be any incidents.I'm sure Adam will do what he's agreed to do and will honor his word. It'll be hard, not doing what comes naturally, containing that sensuous body! Curious what they'll do with the dancers costumes. Burquas? funbunn40
Bring on the baruquas to all on stage. That would be funny!!!
I am proud og Adam performing in Nalaysua. He is spreading love!!!!
We have to keep supporting him. He can't do it alone!!
Request his songs. Buy his CD for gifts, and always be a good ambassador for tolardnce and equality
that's what I try to do. At the end, love wins!!
Yes, STUD! That is all. ebbtide
I will be so relieved when he is out of there. Someone the other day said this PAS group are just like the Westboro Baptist Church. No, this religious group has thousands of followers, not the 20 or so of the WBC! Hugh difference! Adamluv
USA must be the only place where people think Malaysia is an evil country. This news has been all over place, in Europe too. I'm happy my country is neutral.
10:32 applause, applause, clapping, whoots.
ooh yes, bad bad Adam. thats why we like him so much. cos he's a bit naughty ;-)
I agree, Adumluv. But I'm so proud of him for going and I have to admire the fans that are showing their love for Adam and standing up to the PAS group. Adam is helping to bring change whether he's trying to or not. \O/ ebbtide
Ironic, isn't it that many Americans (religious conservatives, anyone?) feel the same way about Adam that the PAS does. Really, in the good old USA, Land of the Free? What a crock...many Americans are no more evolved that the backward Malaysian govt. Adam will become an International entertainer now, who would blame him, but don't forget Canada, Adam. We have shown you the love !!!!!!! Elzaeth from Canada
US trained all the terrorists remember, so that they could fight against Soviet Union and now they fight against them..
@funbunn40 @ 12:01 - regarding your statement about AL containing his sensuous body and pulling back on what comes naturally... I was thinking about what Fan4fun said the other day about how, when you watch old AI8 stuff, knowing what we know now :), you can truly see Adam, in some spots here and there, really working at reigning it in - funny... I agreed w/ Fan4fun on that thread and I thought of it again now reading your post. It srikes me as funny somehow, funny but true... just a stupid post, sorry, silly I guess, but maybe it will make someone smile. Love the entertainment this dude's puttin' out, just love it!
aNON 12:48, great observation.
I think those crock(s) are everywhere. Because Adam is American and we seem to concentrate on USA. Adam will be global because many people are waiting for him for a long time around the earth since the medicore ,lipsync, whatever you name them, have been
taking over the pop music world in the last 15 years.
I am American. I have traveled to Malaysia. The country is wonderful. The people are beautiful, kind and friendly. There are people everywhere who choose hate over love, in whatever country. Let's not malign a country of people for their governments view. I, honestly, loved Malaysia...and clearly do 16,000 fans in Malaysia love Adam Lambert! I just hope it all goes well for Adam and the band and dancers, and that they rock Malaysia "respectfully" so they can then move on with their tour. Adam will show them what being a loving human being is all about. :)
I misspoke, the PAS has close to 1 million followers and is the 2nd largest political party there. Adamluv
adam oh adam, am so happy for you. it looks like even the level headed conservative race (not all unfortunately) is embracing your amazing talent and personality but please BEHAVE and don't let your fans down by giving the PAS (opposition party) the reason to stop your concert. you will be closely monitored and they could stop the concert if you fail to deliver the contract. from your loving fan.
it is so sad that the americans do not totally see the rare talent of this guy including MTV and AMA people. adam missed out on these two awards even though he fully qualified. i guess he will follow PINK footsteps, she is more popular overseas than her own country. it is very SAD really.
i am familiar with malaysia, beautiful country, wonderful people (very warm people) but when it comes to values (3 races) they differ but majority are well educated and open minded so adam will be fine there.
to all above who think malaysia is like middle eastern country, NO u are all mistaken, and NO they don't wear burqas only tudong not all women do, NO, not all are fanatics, majority are very well educated, level headed, friendly and modern thinking. please note that their prime minister was a UK educated and his wife as well and most of the ministers and government officials.
Cheril, your comment bought a lump to my throat I thought the same as you.
Adam was happily living his life until he was nticed on Idol now he has to put up with all this crap. He has been given a wonderful gift and all he wants to do is share it with us. He is a wonderful loving soul.
that is one dangerous looking man. who could imagine that one such as he could change your sexual orientation just by looking at you funny. on that note , he can look at me any way he wants, any time, any place. i'm his. 2t2tag
@malaysian expat: I am not worried about the "good" people of Malaysia (and I know there are many), but rather my worries are about the extremists that could do harm to Adam and his friends. @ANON 3:00 PM> I know that Adam's fans all over the world will be thinking of Adam tomorrow and sending him love (and prayers if that is their belief) With that much positive energy being sent to all the glamily then the situation has to work out and he will do his show and get out. A huge weight will be off my shoulders when he lands in New Zealand. Then Australia and Hawaii - wow lots of bright light at the end of the tunnel!
Thanks for your response. It's good to know others share the same feelings.
Pls don't compare countries/parties that push sharia law with other countries. It is extremely evil with stonings, amputations, lashings, etc. I am not saying Malaysia is like that. I am saying that this political party is not like the Westboro Baptist; it is a party of over a million, connected to other groups who want sharia law (which execustes gays) all over the world.
I'm beginning to think our entertainment media US are afraid to cover anything Adam, knowing consquences if it isn't positive by us glamberts. sadly, it's all positive with adam, but I guess that doesn't sell.
Interesting to see Adam looking like a normal guy. Once he smiled and waved his hand down his body at an interview and joked, "It's all smoke and mirrors." Seeing this, we can kinda relate to that. He is such a beautiful man; yet it is kinda cool to see him just like like a "guy" with his famous hair and dazzling eyes hidden and a little stubble around the chin. Normally he seems so perfect, I don't even think of him shaving! ( he's a beautiful Grecian statue, only a lot sexier!)
One other opinion. Michael Jackson was very hyped, but his voice, compared to Adam's, was thin and weak, without its own character. Technique and style-wise, Adam's got it all over him.(Just sayin' but I think history will bear me out.)
In less than 12 hours, Adam will take the stage in Malaysia.
Hold on everyone, it's almost over.
I'm sure Adam hasn't given this performance a second thought after signing the "contract to tone it down". I doubt he is afraid, worried, or even wasting one minute on the "what if's". He is not a "dweller". He's probably enjoying the shopping and the culture.
Deep breath everyone, it's all gonna work out!
Ppl, Keep positive thinking. We all need this!!!
It's really hot in Malaysia right now and even in my air-conditioned office, I'm sweating buckets. Adam, I blame you for our global warming because you're so HOT!!! :D
<3 you Adam!
Malaysian fan
All I can say is that he looks sexy as hell.
Those guys next to Adam look like they really mean business! Hope that they are the protection in case some fanatic decides to take thing into his own hands. I know that sounds paranoid, but it could happen. Can't wait to see the vid from this show (hope someone is able to get it!) as it will be a departure from the norm. I feel badly for the fans there that don't get to see Adam pull out all the stops.
Hope he'll be safe. Malaysian Glamberts- please do take care of him. (I know you will!)
Malaysian fan, that was too funny! I hope you can cool off soon. Are you going to the show?
I thought Adam looked kinda guarded in all the photos here. I sure hope all goes well for them.
Malaysian fan
Hahaha i love the global warming part. So that just explains what exactly happened in his Manila GNT, how could i have missed that!
Have a blast!
@ Anon October 13 5:55PM - who said - All I can say is that he looks sexy as hell.
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