Adam Lambert Wants To Return To Acting
Filed Under (news,Others ) by Admin on Friday, October 15, 2010
Posted at : Friday, October 15, 2010

Adam Lambert fancies a career in acting.
The singer, who found mega fame after being a contestant on American Idol, has been involved in musical theatre in the past, but would love to hit the big screens.
“I’d definitely be interested in that. I did theatre for about 10 years in Los Angeles and a little bit in Europe.” he told the Malay Mail.
“Getting back into acting would be very exciting and something that would make sense for me.”
“I don’t have any immediate plans but maybe something will come up. I think I’d like to try on-screen because I’ve never really done much of that, I’ve done a lot of theatre and I’m not saying I won’t do more, but I’d like to do something new.”

Speaking about the idea of a guest roll in hit TV show Glee, Adam said: ”That would be cool… If they wanted to work together, I would enjoy that. It’s a great show.”
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Our glittery alien in movies ... BRING THEM ON!! :D
I'd love to see Adam as Fiyero in the MOVIE "Wicked"!! :D
Sue's total nerd, bespeckled, middle hair part brother substitute teaches a science class for a teacher who's been injured in an auto accident. The glee club challenges the faculty to a masquerade ball/singing contest. Our nerdy science teacher suprises everyone with his looks and vocal ability in 1940's style dress and songs. He and Rachel sing a duet to end the contest.
warning: ice cold water needed when opening link O_O
I would love to see Adam on the big screen! That would be awesome! Please let it happen... movie producers are you listening? Here's a great idea for you! He can sing, dance, can act and he's handsome to boot! Come and get him... he's sizzlin' hot and spectacular!!!
@ ZZ
Thanks for the link... smokin' Hoootness and Sexinesss!!! Hold that thought BB cuz Im doing the same... lol
con't for anon 11:38 PM
Actually maybe not yet, maybe later because Adam is too busy making great music for us. So hold that thought until he is ready! :) Don't want to overtire our dear Adam.
Adam should star in Jesus Christ Superstar on Glee as I said in an earlier post.
He would be great in any movie. But could you imagine Adam in a film such as Brokback Mountain? Why use pretend gay actors when we have such a luscious one in our BB. However, Adam might consider that type casting. I'm not sure he would go for it but a girl can dream right?
Adam's already expressed a desire to be a vampire, so please make that happen on the big or little screen.
I also see Adam on SNL. Who has a better sense of humor. All the egos would have to be put aside because once Adam comes on the screen, no one is looking at anyone but him.
I've wanted to see him in a movie since I first knew he existed! To add to 11:38 above...not only can he sing, dance, act and is unbelievably handsome...he also speaks inordinately clearly. You can hear every single syllable he says, which is frequently not true of many of his interviewers and also not true of many current actors. Plus...his expressions and smiles are totally effortless and adorable. They never look forced as do some of the expressions I see in movies. Bottom line (which we ALL KNOW)...he is a 100% NATURAL to be in a movie...or for that many movies to come.
If Adam ever went on Glee I think I'd die of amazingness.
I miss Adam, nothing replaces his presence being here at home in the US
Why does he have to play a gay guy or a rocker? It's called "acting." Just ask Neil Patrick Harris. I can't stand it when actors just play themselves...basically. If you're a good actor, you take on roles that challenge you. I'd like to see Adam in a role he can sink his teeth into, (not a vampire, by the way), and show us the depths of emotion.
Jake, I agree with you!
And everybody else too.....such great ideas!
Yummmmy imagining Adam on the big screen. Movie industry, listen up! You could experience a huge increase in theater attendance! (All of us going repeatedly at the very least.)
11:14--that is my new refrigerator picture. Can't wait till my 71 year old husband sees it!!!
Me too JakeL!
And hey, I'm sort of rushing right now - but has this Examiner article been posted on 24/7 yet?, link:
It's about what Adam's team submitted for consideration for the Grammy's. Hey 24/7 admins, if it's not already up, I bet your readers would like to check this one out.
Sorry if it's been linked somewhere here already, again, kinda rushing.
I thought Glee is for falling stars like Britney..
NO WAY 9:49am Anon, not at all! (IMHO)
Watching the very first episode of Glee now. So far not impressed. They've got all the stereotypes, it started with a bullying scene and that is supposed to make you laugh?
Totally off-topic - but loved this little chunk from a larger article about the opening act for AL's New Zealand concert this weekend:
"Lambert, a former American Idol contestant, has millions of fans and his concert venue seats 5000 and is fully booked."
millions of fans - I rather like the sound of that! :)
(link for full article if interested, kinda cool:
You have to stick with it 10:20am Anon. Glee is a peeling an onion type of thing. Keep us updated, let us know what you think after you've watched more episodes or the first season. To each his own of course!
There was a brief, wise message in that last interview. Adam seems always awed and grateful for this period of fame in his life but he also noted that it is "fleeting" - that word came out quietly as it was rushed over by the eager, co-performing interviewers. As totally smitten fans, it is sweet to know that there will be other phases of musical expression that will follow the frenetic dream of the Rock Music scene. I believe it will last several more years for him and feel no rush to desire it's fragmentation it into stage or screen or make up lines. Adam has so much more to give and to say with the power, rush and honesty of Rock music. It will require his full concentration and I love that he is so devoted to this time. Young critics can snarf all sorts of insults to us as older fans but the almost drug-like love of Rock music has carried many of us through many years of rocky existence. It is pure joy to realize through this beautiful young person, and many others, that the music will go on and it will make life bearable and wonderful for the new generations that thrill me with their energy.
Anonymous 9:49 you're fucking pathetic. Britney Spears sold 100 millions records while Adam sold 1 million, you should watch your mouth !
@ ZZ
I left you a message on the Oct.12 thread «Adam has officially made it to 1 million fans on Facebook» but I guess you never saw it because you are soooo busy finding amazing sites for all of us... Well, never mind, I love you anyway! Ha!
I like Britney. I'd rather buy her album than Madonnas..
@coloforadam - interesting posts today coloforadam :), saw the other ones also in the threads a few previous to this one. Good reading, thanks. (wanna reply/add, but rushing, lol, "unforgiveably addicting" as you said on the other thread :) and I need to get off this computer on this busy Saturday!!! So much for just popping in for a second 8^)...)
You know you have made it when every little utterance is turned into a story. Adam has said often he would embrace doing a movie or TV show. All it takes is for some producer to get with the program--can guarantee great viewership. Come to think of it several stories are prominent from one interview. Way to go on a slow weekend. We are beholden to you all.
@coloforadam 10:31am
Like MGF, have busy Sat. "stuff" to do (off to a gymnastics meet in the real world..)..but just wanted to say I agree with your comment...thanks....although a little bit of Adam on the big screen would be just fine with me...even on the little screen...
And I have to add I love watching Glee.... the storylines can be a little goofy sometimes, but absolutely love the performances...My husband likes it too...and there are some good messages in there as well..Celebrating diversity, etc...
JakeL, agree with you about Glee and so thrilled that Adam has finally said that he'd like to be on! A lot of peeps are falling over each other to be on that show. It's the place to be now. Will be seeing Matthew Morrison and Lea Michele on Oct. 28th for the stage production here in LA of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. So excited. It's 2 nites after the Glee show does their Rock Horror tribute. Cant wait to see Kurt as Riff Raff. Both nites should be a hoot!!! Adamluv
I have watched most of series 1 of Glee, and I must admit I grew tired of it pretty fast. I like some of the songs, I've put some on a disc for my 8 year old. But agree about the sterotypes. I was talking to my son and a couple of his friends the other week about those teen suicides in the US, and one of them brought up Glee and said, they should get rid of it, because it just makes it worse for gay kids, with Kurt always being bullied and made fun of.
HK fan
@Adamluv - how did you get so cool!!
I personally like Glee. I has a vry large following, and also the music from Glee has surpassed everyone in record sales. This would give Adam a good intro to his acting career. It would also introduce him to many people who don't know much about him. But, Please - no gay characters, he doesn't need to wear a "Label"
@HK fan - just read your post more closely. I have actually been a part of conversations where similar sentiments were expressed about Glee and Kurt's storyline in particular. I gotta do some prep for a volunteer thing I have in the morning, so can't get into a long post now - but I just wanted to throw out there that I have heard similar thoughts expressed... (I hold a different view, but hard to be succinct about it :), can't write about now). I'm expecting a payoff in future episodes 'though, the peeling an onion thing taking place I the meantime, I enjoy the high camp of it all, and the music of course :).
MGF, just a curse, I guess! LOL LOL LOL!!!!!! Lea Michele has said a couple times how much she'd love to sing with Adam and IMO she has the best voice of any current female artist. Think it would be a smart move on his part to do something with her instead if Christina A. since she is very current! Saw her and the rest of the Glee cast in concert this year and they are a very talented group of performers. Interesting that the biggest applause/welcome was for Chris Colfer who plays Kurt, a gay character. As to the comment above about him being bullied, yes, that's true but most of the singers in the glee club are also bullied yet find a place of respect/dignity in that arena. Just a thought..... Adamluv
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