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Adam Lambert's 'It Gets Better' Featured in LGBT Teen Suicides Vigil

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, October 22, 2010

Posted at : Friday, October 22, 2010

The vigil was held in Long Beach, California.




Anonymous said...

Listen, young men. Adam has his heart around you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for posting 24/7. MGF.

Anonymous said...

Wow! of all the testimonies they might have & they picked Adam's! That's saying a lot!!!

Anonymous said...

Wish all the best for Adam Vincent. So pleased they chose Adams video! Adamluv

Lolita said...

Such a beautiful man; such an important message.

Anonymous said...

Adam's IGB vid Total Views: 226,319

Anonymous said...

When Adam speaks, you listen. He's just that kind of man. Bravo to both Adams.

Carlos said...

I uploaded it to Youtube if someone cares!

Anonymous said...

I watched most of the other "It Gets Better" videos by other celebs. Adam's video just speaks to the heart. He talks out of experience of being bullied by haters on his web news articles (or, I would say he hid it, by the music industry or may his label!?) Few of you may have never experienced any type of discrimination. But I should tell you it hurts so much. If you don't have a great family support it breaks you down. I would like to find out about the aftermath of this Adam kid on the video. It's kind of sad that he has to open up to FOX(out of all the networks) reporter instead of his parents. I hope his parents are loving him no matter what!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's intensity in his IGB video. It verges on full-blown anger and helps portray the convictions he feels in his heart. Coming from a man who is so positive and upbeat, it strikes the perfect balance and really pushes the heart of his message through.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Bravo Adam! ...and take heart all of those who have been brave enough to come out this week. It makes a better world for all of us. Closets are for clothes. A parent at a meeting I attended said this," Se affirm today that every child deserves to know that truth: that everone is worthy of respect and the "different" does not automatically mean 'wrong"..that growing up and learning in an atmosphere of dignity and safety is our birhright."


Anonymous said...

Adam is a classic example of personal value and what can be accomplished with patience and learning to love one's self and not giving any human being the power to break your spirit or have the credibility to judge or determine your self worth and destiny. I hope the many youth and all those filled with self doubt that have been beaten down and cruely hurt will be lifted up and given the strength to grow into their unique gifts that can be shared with the world. Adam is a beacon of love and light. The world would be a darker place without his bright light and smile that brings joy to so many. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Boy, I had a few typos! Well said funbunn40. I will never forget how open and honest Adam was in the early interviews...he not only came out, but spoke about what it was like for him in high school...not to be able to have that "real" first kiss or first date as straights were experiencing in the early teen years. He has been a great teacher and truly is a "beacon of love and light".
Hey, and I noticed his career seems to be doing nicely,too!


Anonymous said...

Amen, funbunn40 - beautifully said! Thank you.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

What a sad and at the same time a happy way to start my morning! Sad because of all this fear that swallow so many weak young people, but happy because of so much strength coming to help them up... and sweet Adam has been listened!

Very, very, very well said, @ Funbunn40, as always. In a few threads behind I said that sweet Adam doesn't have any idea yet about how much brightness he can bring to the world's darkness. Thanks God we do!

Anonymous said...

RE lmb's friend's comment (thanks for sharing lmb) from 12:23AM: "different" does not automatically mean "wrong"... that notion right there is sort of the bottom line and heart of it all for me, across the board and in terms of ANY KIND OF DIFFERENT. Sigh, I don't get it. Fear I guess?? IDK. Well anyway, back on-topic - I think I posted this in another thread, can't quite remember, but the Tim Gunn IGB vid is really great also, if anyone is interested:

Don't expect to but would be interested to know how Adam Vincent makes out also, best possible outcome is my hope.

Anonymous said...

Adam has done so much for the gay community by being himself and by helping others with videos like this. He is also helping to bridge the gap between the haters and the lovers. You go Adam.

Anonymous said...

They probably chose to feature Adam since this report was by a San Diego tv station, his hometown.

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

I know Adam has said that he did not want to become political - just an entertainer. But sometimes greatness is thrust upon those who are great when they don't seek it out. Adam was seen by millions on Idol here and in many other countries. He has become a role model because he has touched so many people, not just with his talent, but because of who he is. There are not many people like Adam who can connect so easily with people. His naturalness and sincerity come through with everything he says and does. Adam is now saving lives, I believe, through his message to be strong and be who you are. As Adam says, "It's up to you."
I think that's brilliant, because in the end, we really have to believe in ourselves - no one can do that for you.


Anonymous said...

lmb, am so happy to see you posting once again. It's been too long. Welcome back. And as always thank you for your insightful comments. I think the TV station is in LA, not San Diego but could be wrong. Anyhow, am thrilled they used Adams video since IMO, it is one of the best. Others making these videos are Gloria Estefan, Joel Madden from Good Charlotte, Secretary of state, Hiliary Clinton and President Obama. The presidents focus was on gay bullying but brought up his history/experience of being "different". And look where he is today!!! My comment, not his! Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

There is no better spokesperson for this "it gets better" campaign than Adam. He had the courage to come out immediately at the beginning of his career and be honest. He wasn't outed by others, or forced from the closest, but willingly came forward, knowing full well it would in some way impact his career. Think all these videos are positive, but only those who are gay can really make the statement that it gets better. Unfortunately, for many they could not wait for it to get better. If Adam's message can reach these most vulnerable young people, and give them hope, then he has saved some lives.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind and heart that Adam Lambert's emergence on the pop culture scene has saved young lives. This is not to pressure him in any way, shape or form, I just think it is most probably the case; it will ultimately be unbeknownst to him, which may be best, but I sincerely think his emergence into the public consciousness has and is saving lives... and possibly not just young ones. Again Adam Lambert, no pressure, just keep doing what you're doing, FOR YOURSELF and nobody else, and the beautiful incidental (and maybe even accidental) byproduct of that will be the improved lives of countless human beings among us.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Adamluv for your welcome back. Re @ 3:18 Yes! I agree 100% with you. I don't think Adam knew that he was giving what I consider ground breaking interviews...he was just being his honest, decent, proud self! But in letting us know about his "journey" he tremendously helped others...just by what he said and how he acts.He is not always "in character" like Lady Gaga...although I respect what she has tried to do, there were more comments about what she wore when she gave her speech about DADT than what she said. Adam presents a stronger message for me and I am so grateful for his bravery.


Anonymous said...

Hello lmb/4:21 - 3:18 is me MGF, I got inspired by the post above me, started typing quickly, got on a roll and hit post comment without my tag (& didn't feel the need to immediately post again and add it). I've enjoyed your comments on this thread.