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Adam Lambert's "Sleepwalker" Debut on CHUM FM

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 25, 2010

Posted at : Monday, October 25, 2010

If you missed the debut of SLEEPWALKER in Canada-CHUM FM Radio live, you can listen to it on youtube now!


Anonymous said...

Great song! Great voice! Wish I could see him on TV sometimes, but I know he's busy touring right now. Hope he has some spare time to enjoy Hawaii and Germany.

Anonymous said...

Surprise!!!! BadSony blocked it for Azores... Fan4fun

The Dak Side said...

Nice debut-great song, greater voice. 100% Wow factor. Thank you Canada. Your are our ultimate Adambuddy. Oh yeah, Australia, you're up their on our Christmas card list also.

Anonymous said...

Of course it´s blocked. This is what Vevo and Sony does for Adam; blocking videos from anyone outside Us and Canada. Thank you very much! That will certainly help him in his international career.


Anonymous said...

Is this a different version than on the album? Sounds a little more vibrant than I recall.

Anonymous said...

DAMMMNITT!!! I LOOOVE this song... I want it released in the U.S. =(..
Nice to hear the official DJ intro on the radio.

I do miss the way he goes wild in the live version from the tour after the mad guitar solo... but dammnit that's such a great song.

This has to play on American radio... Adam's great vocal, plus the added bonus that ORIANTHI played the guitar solo in this version... this would be SUCH a HIT!!!

Twitter people... any buzz about this yet?? there have been so many discussions & comments... Let's get this released!!

glitzylady said...

I am reposting this comment that I made on an earlier thread...maybe if I say it enough and a whole lot of others do the same, being that I'm pretty sure my say alone isn't gonna do it (LOL!)..Sony might listen and release it...PLEASE!!!!! I believe they are making a huge mistake if they don't..... For example, I have a co-worker who is aware of Adam (wonder why...) but not nearly as big a fan as I am...yet... who saw him sing Sleepwalker on Jay Leno and absolutely loved lets get this song on American!!!

I can only hope and send out those positive thoughts to the Universe that Sleepwalker will be released in the US...As I have stated here and there before, I cannot understand on any level why it cannot be released here...I suppose there is some well-thought-out grand plan (maybe...), at least I sincerely hope so, but really, WHY NOT????? To release it in Canada and NOT in the US really makes no sense...And as others have said, if nothing else, pick a truly great video, or a combination, from the tour, and release it..I believe that Sony filmed one of the concerts awhile back...give us that one, or any of a number of other good versions..His live concert versions would be nice because they present some of his finest work, usually even better than the CD version, plus we get to watch him sing..AND they can save $$$ on music video production costs...problem solved!!! Okay, so maybe I'm dreaming just a little here, but its worth a try...and dreams have been known to come true, as Adam Lambert can attest...

Anonymous said...

although i prefer adam's AFTERMATH as a good reminder of who you are, sleepwalker sounded good on the radio. canadians know how to pick a great song. CONGRATS!

Anonymous said...

Maybe if the Canadians push it to #1, Sony will reconsider but the song most likely cost money to release it in the way of radio ads.

"Sleepwalker" sounds really good blaring when you are diving in your car! The Live version is even better imo.

Anonymous said...

@Eva and Fan4fun,
its not blocked in all places, I can listen to it, I can listen and watch most (although not all) things posted on here, its really strange how sony pick and choose which ones to block for us.
@glitzylady, agree just put out on of his life performances for a video, that Brisbane one would be a good one, or one of the professionally filmed ones.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that SW is being released as a single in Canada! I only wish the USA would also release it, the song needs to be heard by everyone! Props to Ryan Tedder, Aimee Mayo and Chris Lindsey for writing the song .... especially Aimee as I remember her total excitement when SW was chosen to go on the CD.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady Well said! PLEASE RCA RELEASE SW AS A SINGLE IN THE US!!! It's a no-brainer....the SW performances from the GNT are so spectacular to accompany the single as a video! What are they waiting for???


Anonymous said...

I like the CD version of SW,but my very fav is the one Adam sang on Jay Leno.At the very end,he went up several notes on that last part"Let me out of this dream"...So beautiful.I think they's still a chance that the US may get this single,I hope.