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New Pictures of the Glamtroupe in Honolulu

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 25, 2010

Posted at : Monday, October 25, 2010

New pictures of Terrence and Neil on the beach! Neil smiling!

A beautiful picture from Tommy's Hotel room in Honolulu.

Thanks daydreamin for the tip!


Anonymous said...

AWW... what a sweet picture of them both!!
Neil looks a lot like Adam in this with a great
Well, I guess we know what hotel they are at now, wish I were there, but up here in Canada with my
jacket on haha

Anonymous said...

Tommy...I bet you don't miss that rock on "Little Kitty"

Anonymous said...

How can you tell which hotel?......

Never been to Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

I've said this before and I'll say it again!
NEIL, if you see a camera pointing at you ~~~~ JUST SAY CHEESE! :)
Whose silhouettes are those? My guess, Isaac and Terrance! Nice view from Tommy's room, endless ocean view... wow! What's yours like Adam? :)

Anonymous said...

Neil looks great. That's the ticket baby bro. Smile, and those sexy girls will be falling all over you as much as they do Adam. He does have a terrific full smile--first time I've ever seen it. And that scruffy beard looks good too. Baby bro is growing up.

Anonymous said...

anon 10:03 AM
Even if you've been to Hawaii you won't be able to tell which hotel it is from this pics. You have to be living there to be more familiar with location and landscapes. And Honolulu has the most hotels in Hawaii so even more difficult to identify.

Anonymous said...

I can tell which hotel based on the view and balcony shape. I'm two hotels away . But I won't give it away :)

Anonymous said...

Neil is wearing an Adam Lambert hoodie!
Lookin' good brotha.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, I know which one it is also.

glitzylady said...

Yep, I also know...but not sayin'....

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is just to fool us and Adam is at a
different one! haha

The Dark Side said...

Well done ladies--not telling so they get overwhelmed with people on the elevators. Not a bad day's work! Tour boat, white sands. clear skies, spam. The only time I ever want to eat spam is when Hawaii is mentioned. Settle for a tropical drink instead. Dark Rum of course. Not in Hawaii with all this glam going on, so slightly bummed. Was the show last night or tonight? Slightly bamboozled with all this Honolulu envy. You thought I was going say something else. Well that too.

Anonymous said...

haha... a lot of teasing here! I like >>>>>>>

Anonymous said...

The shows are tonight and tomorrow. 11PM PST if you're following the live twitterfeed.

And Glitzylady: You're in my old home town so do me proud and get a bit wild and crazy for me! Sad as hell I had to miss these.

Glitz and Sparkles said...

hmmmmm maybe my post didn't take, but sorry if this duplicates...we all know the hotel. We're keeping it hush for their privacy and enjoyment. Will finally get to meet glitzylady this afternoon at the pre concert party...should be a blast. Oh, and Adam is giving a private "concert" today for 40 fans (1pm Hawaii time)...will give you the link later.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 24/7! PRS and Glitz and Sparkles...let us know how your 'meet' went! PRS, are you getting in to the private concert? Do we know any LUCKY fans here going?


Anonymous said...

Glitz and Sparkles: Think you've confused me with someone else. I didn't post about the hotel (although I do know which one it is). I just posted for glitzylady to get a bit wild for me. Glad you get to meet her, she's a great lady. Have fun!

Daydreamin: Think that my initials just got tangled in with Glitz's. I'm not in Hawaii, so No I'm not going to any private concert. I WISH!

All of you lovely ladies in Hawaii: Have an awesome time! Can't wait for Suz's videos!!!

Anonymous said...

Leaving from Maui in a few hours to go to Oahu for the show tonight! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

glitzylady said...

Yes, not talking about the hotel...whatever we can do to help Adam and the rest of the Glamily have a bit of privacy...they get so little time off and I am so glad they are enjoying some here...I am very excited to meet Glitz and Sparkles and some of the other fans I have met through the fan club as well..It is totally unbelievable how many wonderful people I have met through my Adam fandom..We are all truly the best in my opinion! (Don't always have to be humble...LOL!!!)

And off Topic:

New LA show added for Dec. 15th at the Music Box Theater, the same one that Adam did the Zodiac very meaningful for him..He did his amazing version of "A Change is Gonna Come" there...

link to info re the theater..and the above performance..

And go to Adam Official for info re pre-sale etc...this we go again!!!!! Also go to Ticketmaster for well

glitzylady said...


You bet I am going to get a little wild and crazy...Its a Glam Nation concert!!! Or I should say CONCERTS, since I am going to some fan club parties...Woo Hoo!!! What happens in Hawaii, stays in Hawaii...Just a good warm up for those LA shows...and hubby isn't going with me to those...Just sayin'...LOL!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm soooo happy for you... and so jealous for me! Have a great time, just promise you'll give us a full account of what we're missing!
Nothing like ADAM, A--LIVE!
Enjoy =)


Anonymous said...

Now Neil that is what I like to see, a big smile. Please keep smiling as you look so much better.

Anonymous said...

I am gonna try sooooo hard to get a ticket to the 12/15 show. If I do, well then it would have to be party-time!

In the meantime, I'm wishing you two great shows!

Anonymous said...

Neil looks GORGEOUS in that picture!!!! - abby

Anonymous said...

The hoodie looks very nice and colorful on Neil. Will have to go to fan club site now and get one for myself.Pictures,beautiful. Have a great show tonight Adam & Co.and fans.

Anonymous said...

I'd ask glitzylady to throw an extra flail or two in for me as well, but she's probably already out the door for her events :)... (man, I wanna come back as glitzylady in my next life, lol).

PRS - HI you're old stomping grounds, right?, ouch... well, hit that twitter feed later and make yourself feel better :) - I'm going to follow it too - I did so a lot during the summer (aaahh the summer of GNT) and it was really kind of exciting (and it's not like you can't watch TV or read or something at the same time!) Oh, and another feel good thing I just thought of - isn't Suz there for these HI shows?? Or am I wrong? Well, either way, I'm thinkin' good vids are gonna be had! Good luck getting tix to 12/15 PRS.


Anonymous said...

and what's this "private concert" business?? Geez, I'm trying really really really hard to contain my jealousy here folks and be happy for others... but you're killin' me here people!!!!

MGF ;)

Anonymous said...

oh, one of PRS' posts said Suz was indeed there, my bad... I guess I'm having trouble reading with all this damn green in my eyes!!!!! Ha

Anonymous said...

Neil & Terrence <3 they BOTH look adorable! Someone on twitter said the pic was taken in NZ not Hawaii. It's from Terrence's Facebook :)

Anonymous said...

Ahhh MGF: You should grab a ticket to 12/15 show and fly on out here to LA. Would be fun to meet you; I'm sure you and I and glitzylady could whoop it up! (And Adamluv if she's going.)

If I can get tix to 12/15, I'm seriously gonna grab one to the 12/16 off Stubhub.

Anonymous said...

Have a great concert Adam. Hope you find a little lovin' in Honolulu while you're there. Luv u!

Anonymous said...

Just a hint for you lovers of 24/7...when you come here, go down the menu to the last post you read and then read from the bottom up. So much easier that way and no confusion as to who said what about when.

Anonymous said...

Hey PRS, I will also be at the 12/16 show in LA...hoping to meet some of my 24/7 peeps and friends!!

MGF - get your ass out to the west coast!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Hello Adam Fix. I remember you from making connections for Puyallup. You were unable to make the concert due to family issue.

I'd really like to be able to make it to LA. If I get that ticket, I'll hook up with you.

Anonymous said...

Neil.....Oz loves you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Neil, no kissing, licking, ass grabbing,etc,
I must have been on too many Meet and Greets!