The Boy That Adam Lambert Tonguedive with!
Filed Under (pictures,The Fans,tour news ) by Admin on Thursday, October 21, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, October 21, 2010
A few more pictures of the tonguedive in Sydney.

A clearer picture of the lucky fan!

A clearer picture of the lucky fan!

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ya , very hot , Adam has some taste
Nice mouth, but not as nice as Adam's. Lucky boy.
That is a kiss!!!!
dang! I am proud to be a fan. Go Adam, get those hot motherfuckers and suck their faces off! LOL
Poor horny Adam.
Ifeel sad for Adam, I think he is starving for a relationship.Hope when he finishes this tour he can stay in one place long enough to to find the right one for him.
he is just having fun and enjoying this crazy adventure. Lord is he a good kisser! *flailing*
@ZZ lol, I am proud too, at the same time jealous :(
Why oh why are the cutest guys gay? I am past looking for love, but for all the young gals out there, it must be a real bummer--all these gorgeous guys not available. Can't even imagine what a riot a straight Adam Lambert would cause. The real Adam Lambert causes a big enough stir. Tongue Diving should become the newest international sport. Looks like fun!
Ha! that guy was begging to be kissed!!!
Yay! Sweet Adam touched his throat... that was that deep!!! Lol
@ The Dark Side
If tongue diving becomes the newest international sport both of us know already WHO will get the Gold Medal!!! So, let's bet and make some extra money?!
Was this the alternate after the rejection or was
this the second time going into the audience? I'm so confused ..
This guy sure is cute!
THIS is hilarious!! Havent seen it posted anywhere... NOVA 96.9 (new bits)
ZZ, I second what you said! Cute guy! Adamluv
Go vote for Adam on BB website:
Please check all his songs under the 100 best 2010 songs and check his name on the next best artist category.
Wow, what a hottie! Oh yeah, he was beggin' for a kiss!
- Adam Fix
@Urethra, thanks for the link, hilarious. I almost chocked @ that Pizza question. I love this dude *sighs*
LP @ 4:57. I agree. I've felt a certain sense of loneliness or sadness in his eyes for a while now. As much as he does love singing, entertaining and touring the world,and says so at every interview, there are split-second moments that his eyes tell a slightly different story (at least IMO).
This guy had a come hither look if I ever saw one. He was begging for it, and got it. The crowd went wild. If anyone offended by that kiss, the screams drowned them out. What a show, what an audience. Bet this one will be talked about for a while. Adam back in the news. Ha. Also, going viral about wanting to be a father, which isn't exactly what he said, but wtf, knew it was going to get attention. Also, seeing posts about his being dissed by the Award Shows. We aren't the only ones recognizing what's happening. People starting to ask questions. About fucking time.
new generation people so just enjoy life and don't be miserable. As long as we respect our differences nothing to worry. Go go Adam who cares about politics anymore ha!ha!ha!
Sorry 24/7 -- I think that this site is fastly becoming a 'voyeur site'. Used to be a great place to get Adam news about his music and other projects. Why the obsession with Adam kissing other guys? Don't really see straight artists kissing all the time on their fans' sites.
If he's at the concert...with no shirt and doesn't want to kiss Adam ...he just playin games...wants exposure.......kind of person who would use Adam.....
ooh that guy is cute LOL and I love Adam's fingers and nails in the top picture for some reason :P
Just sayin.
@October 21 4:49PM - Agree!
Anonymous 6:24, you are correct. Apparently he has already been on the radio a couple of times talking about the kiss. EVERYBODY wants their 15 minutes, huh.
new novafm video
ZZ, thanks for info. about billboard. Just voted. I thought it funny that David Archuleta is beating him, but not Bieber! Adamluv
about adam, he is young, he is fresh, he does not compromise and he is enjoying life, let him be!
@anon7:01 pm
thank you ZZ for billboard link. Did you see how many votes Adam got for WWFM and IIHY?! Also, he got a lot of votes for top artists! I think this time they can't change number of votes. However, they did it in Tampa Jingle Ball! they didn't put Adam name in the participant artists list:(
Peeps - go vote on BillBoard w/ ZZ's link:
@adamluv, IkR! Call me ignorant but I had to google that david guy. Anyways, we need to keep the pace and vote more and never give up.
Pls don;t give in, I won;t let you down....
That boy is cute. He's definitely Adam's type. I also agree with someone who said that Adam needs to find love. He's lonely :(
two things.. This guy looks kinda like the Mitcham guy.. And he has that real square jaw line. Very stong lines. Kinda like Cheeks. Hell, he sure can pick them. We know exactly what he is looking for. We could acutally go shopping for him while he is on stage and come back with three or four in tow.. WOOT!
I sure would like to know why these pretty boys do not wear shirts????????????????????????
And, why do the drummers have a need to go shirtless???????????
@Urethra - OMG, thanks for that hilarious interview! Um - YEAH, of course I'd like SAUSAGE with that!! Hello?
Just had to come back and echo someone else's comment...look at this guy's lips! Wow-ee.
And whoever said they didn't like threads/stories like this one on 24/, it's what ADAM did at his concert! So although there might be a picture of a cute, shirtless blond dude having a make-out session with Adam, it's all about ADAM! 24/7 is just reporting the latest Adam news...and you'd know we insist they give us info on this topic if they hadn't, already.
- Adam Fix
Where is this guy cute at? I think he's ugly! Yuck!
Yes,that boy is Adam's type..he likes small guys.he's very cute,tho.I think any guy or girl that Adam has kissed in the audience have been set up in advance.He prob meets the guy( or guy/girl)before the show.Kissing complete stangers( esp like he did in the close-up pic of that guy,could be VERY dangerous..think about it.That guy was picked before that kiss.I'll always believe that)
Kissing a stranger - dangerous for Adam? I thought his middle name was "Adam Danger Lambert"??? Adam himself has said he is not a "routine" type of guy...he's more spontaneous...and can you imagine how badly he probably wants to change things up at his show, out of sheer boredom? Gotta add a little spice. I think the only danger is when the fans almost rip his clothes off and maul him, when he steps down into the audience!
- Adam Fix
That guy is hawt!!! No wonder Adam chose him, beforehand and/or at show.
I went to a Scissor Sisters concert recently near San Francisco, and a LOT of young twinks were shirtless. And there were LOTS of twinks. There was no chance of Jake Shears doing any tonguediving, so I think it's just something they do. Appreciative females in audience enjoyed the view! Oh, and Jake has quite the bod himself. :D
Adam has good taste. Why not? It's rock and roll.
to 8:17...drummers go shirtless since they need to keep cool...that's all i know.
Just a general comment in response to the "why do they go shirtless" questions...Why not??? And having spent some major quality time in a GA steam bath at Adam's Seattle Showbox Sodo concert in July, where people were passing out from the heat and the sardine-like standing- for -3-hours- in -one- spot conditions, I can tell you I wanted to take my shirt off too...But assumed it wouldn't be okay in my in "Good God woman, please put that shirt back on right now!!" So lucky boys...!!! And for the record, I think Adam has very good taste..
As far as Isaac going shirtless, when he first became Adam's drummer, Tommy and Monte asked him if he would be going shirtless like Longeneu, so he said he probably would.
Secondly, did anyone notice the security guard tap on Adam as if to say: "Ok, enough of the tongue-diving, now get back to work."?? Adam picked right up on it and immediately got back on stage.
The guy did have a shirt on initially (a singlet), before eventually getting hot and hooking it around his neck like his friend on the left. He only took it off after the kiss - he wrote something on it for Adam and threw it on stage.
Petite and pretty boy?.. I guess Adam's type doesn't change. LOL.
@ 8:39 I think Adam always do the tonguedive spontaneously.So no advance set up. However I do believe that Adam doesn't just kiss people randomly. I heard that the first girl in the first tonguedive (not in Sidney - I think it was in US)met him at M&G before. And Adam made eye contacts with her before the tonguedive. So I think Adam chose the person(s) who he felt some kind of connection with.
@Venz1, regarding the first US kisses in Providence RI, he absolutely met the boy and girl at a M&G beforehand and had complimented the girl several times about her makeup. And he absolutely pointed to her and "read her" before "going in", lol. Eric and Erica where their names, kind of poetically perfect huh?!! And the "set-up" scenario 8:39 mentioned, NO, not IMHO. Also, you said "...Adam'stype doesn't change. LOL..." I know, right? I find that sort of charming and sexy (like pretty much everything else about AFL).
Adam loves Australia. He's accepted and loved and I couldn't be happier for him. He is so in his element when there is genuine happiness and joy in the air. May sound cliche' but Adam was truly born to entertain and he has the personality that is gonna surprise and delight his fans. I'd rather see a great kiss than say what Ozzie used to do. hmmmmm (bite the head off a bird??? Was that true? Rock On! LOL
That kiss wasd hot, wish it was me.
@ 7:19 Thx for the details :D
What u said about Adam "read her" before "going in" reminds me of what I thought was 'off' about the whole MM things. Adam likes eye contacts and I'm sure he "read" MM too before going to him. Oh well.. he was just probably "miss reading" this time :p
@ 7:35 I think it was a bat that Ozzie bit. Yuck. You're right. A kiss (or two) is so much better. LOL. And I do believe that someday Adam will become a legend. And his first real home will someday become a Graceland :)
Yes Anon 7:35AM, thank you.
And @Venz1/9:05, Adam did say, about MM, "where's that boy who was jumping...", so AFL had spotted him previous to that specific moment, not that this means anything, I guess I'm just sayin'. But respect all around, that's a good thing, not worthy of further drama I guess :).
9:46 here again, it was a bat, I'm pretty sure, lol.
Guess it's the nurse in me, but as much as I enjoy seeing Adam spreading the love and know he must be lonely and needs his kissing quota, I think it would be safer for him to kiss without the tongue diving, especially if these are total strangers. Being cute doesn't make you immune to Aids, oral herpes,Flu, etc. I've seen it all and they all never thought it could happen to them because the spreading partner was hot and looked clean. Rock and Roll is supposed to be reckless and living in the moment. I get caught up in the fantasy and excitement of watching that "hunk of burning love" getting his groove on and wishing I was on the receiving end, but I really am concerned for his well- being and also don't want the Hawaii, L.A. and other venues to miss out if he gets sick, or us to miss our daily dose of him. Just want him to take care of himself. funbunn40
Adam is ramping up the frisky which we all love, but of course the AMA bunch will say "Adam is still out of control,justifying their obvious snub and homophobia, especially since the AMA's aren't so far away. Adam will always have his core of fans that love him no matter what, but he probably will be limiting himself to a specific audience instead of a wider mass like those who would support the likes of Elvis,M.J. etc. I thought originally he would reach those heights, but that would mean making more compromises that I don't think is in his nature. He may be happier and get more satisfaction playing to audiences appreciating a more flamboyant risque style and still remain true to himself. funbunn40
ozzie used to bite the heads off of birds, pidgeons mostly, during every performance. one time he just pulled the head off.
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