E Online Compares Adam Lambert to Lady Gaga
Filed Under (article,news ) by Admin on Thursday, October 7, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, October 07, 2010
E Online posted a new article on Adam and it's not a nice one. They are implying he is attention hungry and want to out-Gaga. They even got a psychiatrist to evaluate Adam. Read the article below the photo.

Oops, Adam Lambert did it again—kissed one of his bandmates onstage, this time in Tokyo.
Part of us thinks, so what? Lambert likes kissing, and he especially likes kissing bandmates who happen to be men. More power to him.
But part of us wonders, did he pucker up this time with purpose? Was he trying to out-Gaga Lady Gaga?
Last fall, after all, it was Lambert who owned the "Did you see that?" question, courtesy—sound familiar?—of his onstage smooch of a (male) bandmate at the American Music Awards.
But this fall, we're all abuzz over Lady Gaga, her meat-wear, and her newly vocal gay-rights efforts, as promoted, in part, by her meat-wear.
So, it is plausible that Lambert was getting a little jealous, a little lonesome for headlines, maybe even a little hungry?
Yes, according to Beverly Hills psychiatrist Dr. Carole Lieberman.
"When a rival celeb gets attention for their PR stunt, other celebs are driven to steal the attention away, and grab it back for themselves," Lieberman told us via email. "…It is plausible that Adam, known for being irreverent, does not want to be outdone by another singing sensation."
If that's so, then Lambert best see if Bruce Willis' meat toupee is available. The only way to battle Gaga right now is to come armed with your best piece of steak.

Oops, Adam Lambert did it again—kissed one of his bandmates onstage, this time in Tokyo.
Part of us thinks, so what? Lambert likes kissing, and he especially likes kissing bandmates who happen to be men. More power to him.
But part of us wonders, did he pucker up this time with purpose? Was he trying to out-Gaga Lady Gaga?
Last fall, after all, it was Lambert who owned the "Did you see that?" question, courtesy—sound familiar?—of his onstage smooch of a (male) bandmate at the American Music Awards.
But this fall, we're all abuzz over Lady Gaga, her meat-wear, and her newly vocal gay-rights efforts, as promoted, in part, by her meat-wear.
So, it is plausible that Lambert was getting a little jealous, a little lonesome for headlines, maybe even a little hungry?
Yes, according to Beverly Hills psychiatrist Dr. Carole Lieberman.
"When a rival celeb gets attention for their PR stunt, other celebs are driven to steal the attention away, and grab it back for themselves," Lieberman told us via email. "…It is plausible that Adam, known for being irreverent, does not want to be outdone by another singing sensation."
If that's so, then Lambert best see if Bruce Willis' meat toupee is available. The only way to battle Gaga right now is to come armed with your best piece of steak.
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Uh...does the person who did this "article" or "Dr" Carole Lieberman know anything at all about Adam Lambert? My guess, in a word is NO. He has been doing the Fever Smooch for many months (as we all know and love!), long before Gaga's latest weirdness. If he were worried about "keeping up with her headlines", he would show up in airports in a Speedo (oh, God, yes, PLEASE! lol), attend public functions dressed in tin foil or something, and parade around the world flipping people off in front of the cameras. On another note, Gaga's gay-rights efforts are NOT new. This guy (or gal) needs to take the surloin out of his ears and get a clue!
This is so wrong and so mean. We know the truth: Adam is being Adam. Write to E online and tell them what you think. The Adam bashing has to stop. E Online is angry because of the Daily 10 outrage.
Oops, spelled "sirloin" wrong, my apologies! Maybe I was thinking "surly" since this seems to be this article's attitude. Perhaps the author has his own jealous, meat fetish issues!!
It is just sour grapes from E online because of Daily 10. A little late! The kiss has been in The Glamnation Tour from the beginning . They are losing credibility .
Don't send any more hate mail to E!, because it will only get worse for Adam.
Oh God, how stupid can they be? I guess there will be lots of comments to that article. Just one so far, but a good one.
E online writes something negative about Adam when the hits are down on their ridiculous site. Notice they have learned their lesson about homophobic remarks about Adam. I know it is hard for me to resist making comments because I love Adam. I am just hoping I have the will power not to fall for their asinine attempt to make money by our hits on their site.
Talk about wanting attention.. the pot calling the kettle black, E online. I fear that you and your silly shrink need all the attention you can get.. Adam is Adam , a fine ,talented, articulate artist..You E online however are irrelevant.
Maybe we should all ignore these idiots... that would hurt them real bad.
Yes, please ignore them! That one comment I saw said it all.
To respond to Eonline is to give this story credence. Take the high road on this one. Getting into pissing contest with Eonline only hurts Adam.
Oh noooo! It´s now over 100 comments. Stop it now!
BTW, who is Dr. Carol Libermann, someone's Astrologist? Think I will refrain from telling her where she can put the meat.
E!online - soon you will be OFFLINE with no one wanting to hear or read your unfounded, biased lacking all crediability -- so called reporting.
My vote would have been for them to be off the air YESTERDAY. Agreed -- DO NOT go on E! website and comment. LESS is MORE in this case.
IGNORE THEM!! What a rotten and underhanded way to get hits on their website!!
E!Online is a F**king JOKE!
Yes, I did just write this!
I for one will NOT respond to the E! article..instead I will let Adam know what I think of him and the article.. I would rather put the energy into boosting Adam up, not E!online's website hits.
Yep, agree, don't even give them hits!
(@PRS - I emailed)
Doesn't this idiot person know that Adam has been doing the kiss for months? What does GaGa have to do with it? Adam and GaGa each have their own style and their own way of performing. Adam is certainly not copying her, nor does he need to. We Adam fans don't need an ignorant shrink to spew her psychoanalytic claptrap.
What does it matter if the Doc is Jewish? Yikes. MGF.
In case anyone forgot the AMA's, and I don't think anyone has, Adam said in an interview, that after watching Gaga and Pink, he had to do something to top their performances, and that was why he went as far as he did with his performance. In sports , education or singers or acting, of course there is competion. It only means they are doing their very best in their own fields, as Adam has done. He knows he is the newbie, and so has to prove himself. which he has done extremely well, and has far more talent than Gaga or Pink and many others. People are slowly coming to realise that he is a star to contend with, and I am sure that Gaga and Pink are trying to up their performances because of Adam. They didn't expect a superstar like Adam to show up, and steal their thunder.
I bet Adam really knew Ga Ga was going to wear a dress from her Ed Stien collection months ago and thats why Adam started kissing Tommy,lol. I needed a good laugh today, thanks E
Adam Lambert is probably the only truly authentic artist of today. He sings like a virtuoso. Adam is a trend-setter and he has brought back glam rock. As Kara said,"nobody's doing it - it's yours for the taking" or something like that.
He's drop-dead gorgeous and fierce. Adam doesn't back down and is unapologetic just as he should be. He's also smart, kind, and everyone who has a brain loves him. That kind of hot stuff attracts a lot of jealousy. Just keep going Adam - your doing it perfectly.
But this is what we like about him, hes not afraid to do whatever he wants and to be himself.
Everyone here who has Twitter, lets let Adam know how much we love him by retweeting this: https://twitter.com/LisaKomatsubara/status/26547536892
Well, now it´s only two comments on the article. The first one that I saw and one that says Adam should think about the children and stop kissing guys.
Why you tweet this article to Adam. He must already know about it. Just take responsibility for your own acts Glamberts.
Something tells me Adam would not consider a piece of meat on top of his beauiful head as a way to get attention. I did think Bruce Willis looked cute with his new hairpiece!! I have to admit though,if Adam did decide to wear a piece of meat anywhere on his body,I would be the first in line to have a GOOD LOOK!!!
Not really worth a comment - pathetic!! If this strange idiot spent just 5 minutes in person with Adam, wonder if he could continue to spit out this erroneous garbage about one so self confident, gracious, and intelligent.
Why should he stop kissing guys? He has two kinds of shows, one is rated PG or family oriented, and the other is definitly R or very sexual. He always checks to find out what kind of audience is expected to see his show. If it is an older audience then kiss all the guys, and good luck to him, after all he is gay, and not trying to hide it. But on the other hand he is very respectful of young people in the audience, and is not so sexual.
The sexual part is hard for him to tone down, cuz thats who he is, and why we like him.
Was that "shrink speak?" Not sure I know what she said, as it didn't make any sense. It must be a slow news day, and that picture of Adam kissing Tommy all over the net, like it's never happened since the AMA's. Responding to E is a useless exercise and I'm not wasting my time. Actually,think it's true, nothing going on at the moment, and this picture pops up! So here we go, again!!! This is a tempest in a teapot. I prefer the stories on why Adam is such an alpha male and we are all crazy over him. Now that's some psychology I can understand.
This "psychiatrist" says Adam "is known for being irreverant..." Why? For the AMA? So very last year. I think she, E online and Seacrest are being extremely irrelevant.
That is the dumest thing I have ever heard. She must not know they are friends and would never be in competition what so ever. I am rolling with laughter right now because that is someone who just plain opened her mouth and did not do research at all. She heard snippets about both artist but truly knows very little and formed an opinion. Would you want to pay her for an hour of her work? Heck no! She only make a fool of herself for goodness sake fans to not follow in her footsteps and cuss and degrade her on that site. Be smart for Adams sake and be cool and call her out in a way that shows some class the other way just does exactly what Adam would not want spuing of hate and anger. Let her cook her own goose!
Carol Lieberman is a gun for hire. You have an opinion you want backed up, call her and she'll give you YOUR opinion on any subject you choose if there's enough $$ involved.
She's a media hack of the worst kind.
The only thing I like is the kissing picture. It looks like two suction cups blend together. LoL!
Forget that E-online.
It appears the E Online is the one looking for some attention. This is just plain ridiculous. Adam is Adam. He likes surprise. And, honestly, Adam kissing a man...is...NOT...a surprise. Just sayin.
i don't have any idea why this psychiatrist needed to get involved in this kind of cheap journalism. adam is himself and his style is original. it is sad that this wrong evaluation on adam comes from e on line.
E!Online is attention hungry? Yes they are. Because they now know after the Catherwood incident that a lot of people would react. Thus, causing them to post this artile.
Oh, they so do love pitting celebrities against eachother.
Psychiatrist, you say? Well, they must be right cause they are 'experts'? (Read with sarcasm) No?
E!Online I've never watched you before, never will...
Dear Dr. Asshat,
Are you aware that Adam has been kissing the same said MALE bandmate ALL GLAMNATION TOUR LONG???
That is all! :-)
How in the name of all that's glittery can a psycho analyst (space between the words is intentional) know what's going on inside the mind of someone she's never met (and hopefully never will)? Yeah, that really demonstrates her professionalism.
Adam generates buzz. He sells. E wants attention themselves and trashing him is an easy way to get it. But where's the shock value in a gay man kissing another man, which is in this case, a playful and very crowd-pleasing moment in a stage show? If E wants to cause a sensation, maybe they should ask Tommy about how much he likes it!
Katherynemorse This is why I quit following E-online ontwitter. they are so biased in their reporting not to mention all the BS they spew. GET A CLUE PEOPLE! It's FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT! GLAM NATION ROCKS
ps. HE's gay and proud of it and I'm very proud to call myself an Adam Lambert fan!
I'm going to quit following them as well Katheryne. I will not comment to them either as that's exactly what they want when they post obvious made-up lies. My suggestion would be not to feed them. You feed them, and they grow.
Just such a stupid article...I actually saw this yesterday on AOL...and thought, oh GREAT....The thing is, I really don't understand why these gossip rags must constantly tear Adam down...he does so many nice things, looks amazing nearly all of the time, has been doing this kiss with Tommy for months, its well-known that they do it for fun and for the fans, because most of us like it : ) , and just because he can!!! He has had a wildly successful GlamNation tour, and then to have this idiotic and pathetic little article complete with the faux-psychological "evaluation" along with it...just so unfounded ...absolutely no research by the guy who wrote this at all...just a snarky little piece of c**p designed to make Adam look bad and ridiculous...Very sad..It only makes any kind of "news" at all because he is gay...And it's old news anyway..So last year!!! I was temped to respond to it but it looks like many others have already done so, complete with a few trolls and their silly comments, almost all staunchly defending our boy and letting the writer know he is full of BS...I will be so glad when Adam gets good publicity instead of this type of stuff, that is designed to draw attention to E online, at the expense of Adam and many other celebrities...Apparently they can make up stories about anyone they want to and think they can get away with it because they have a psychologist come up with some sort of "opinion", based on nothing at all...This kiss in the picture is not in front of a TV audience, it is done in front of his adoring fans who really expect nothing less than some sort of Adommy action in each sold-out show..too bad the guy didn't mention that sold-out shows part, much more relevant to what Adam is achieving this year....And too bad the writer didn't call upon someone who actually understands what Adam is "about"...among other things to show that he is not ashamed to be a gay man and a talented entertainer and singer, something that is rather positive psychologically-speaking than saying that he does this for attention and to out-Gaga Lady Gaga...Just stupid....Heck, truth be told, I have an 11 year old family member who could have written a more factual article than this guy, because she has been to one of the concerts, and understands that it's part of the show. Adam doesn't need to kiss anyone to get "attention"...just being on stage (or walking down the street..) is enough to do that!!! .Moving on..
Hi I agree with the all the comments above, the E article is not worth commenting on, its is inaccurate, dated ,snarky the list goes on. Seems to me they do it to get a rise out of Adams fans and give themselves a bigger folowing when all his fans react. DONT REACT GUYS, its what they want on there site, just vent here where we all a of a like mind.
You see.. If that's what Adam wanted (the world according to e-online) that's what Adam gets. These people are so stupid (or wise)... would anybody even be talking about e-online had they not written something about "The Singer"? (I mean Adam. I would call him "The Voice" but the name has already been taken by the great Sinatra).
Uh someone needs to do there homework. Adams been kissing Tommy this whole time..
Attention seeking? Jealous of Gaga? Are you kidding me?! He has his own show and he's out there doing his own thing! He's being himself; original and unique. He doesn't have to copy anyone! Good grief!! moom4adam
sorry, guys before I came here, I was there (E website) and yes I had to comment. Do you really think this hurts adam? if so I won't do it, but the bashing has to stop. Don't know if they said it on T.V. god I hope not, there are enough haters out there as it is.
Anon 7:12 - apparently you've mixed your singers...) Sinatra was known as 'The Chairman of the Board' and 'Old Blue Eyes.' He was never called the 'Voice.'
I suggest we glamberts start calling him "Adam, The Voice, Lambert" and see how far it goes. Thanks for the idea 7:12 ...:) If it catches on, he'll be "The Voice" and everyone will know who's being talked about.
All the comments (except two, and one is anti-Adam) has been removed from the e-online article. Why?
I posted my comment,#191 on E's site of this article. All of the comments supported Adam except three, which seemed like they all came from the same person. Didn't know that they removed the comments ,but they all basically said that Joel, the writer was inept and hadn't seen the GNT or done any research. He also quoted a so-called psychiatrist as saying Adam is competing with Gaga for attention. I compared him and her to the National Enquirer amongst other things. The comments were so in agreement and made E look really ridiculous and inept. funbunn40
BTW,I commented before being on this site and have already spoken my piece and won't give them anymore of my time. funbunn40
The comments are all there, all #221 of them, under Adam L all the news, gossip,etc.
Desperado journos .... wadaloada bunkum! :-(
The Adommy kiss is already a cliche. I don't know why he keeps pleasing the most immature fans.
Huh?? This article is a whole lot of rubbish without any substance!
dr. liebermn, YOU ARE AN IDIOT. of course, you were asked a very stupid question and gave a very stupid answer. and of course, you don't do any research or view any videos of adam or read anything about him. so, for all of us very serious fans , this article is ridiculous and isn't worth the time it takes to read it.
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