"EX-BEAT +PLUS" Interview with Adam Lambert (aired on Oct 23, 2010)
Filed Under (interview,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Friday, October 22, 2010
Posted at : Friday, October 22, 2010

This interview was recorded in Japan a few weeks ago!
Thanks to mmyy9!
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Great interview from Japan. The Japanese are not afraid to put on the air songs from Adam Lambert's debut CD that we never hear in North America: FYE (well, played in Canada but rarely in the US), Pick You Up and Soaked. They also played If I Had You at the outset and WWFM at the end!! Thank you Japan!!!
Pick You Up --I love that!!!
Okay - so I'll get back to work in a second, I promise :)... but first, since Eva didn't give us her usual twitter rundown on the Brisbane show - here's a few tweets that give us a little hint as to what to expect from vids (which I think will be coming if I understand some tweets correctly??)
pomegranate02 Important bits - kiss for Tommy in Fever. TCB as encore."Lesbians Love Lambert" sign in the audience...
about 3 hours ago via TweetDeck
pomegranate02 Adam was really playful, laughing with the audience (who were fiesty & loud & appreciative), egging everyone on to scream louder, to sing...
kittybaroque Home from Bris show, kinda dirty playful energy, full on mosh, VERY rock inspired photog... @Pomegranate02 & @GCRPDA have vid & photo
saw some other stuff about "moshing" - hhhhmmm, hope there's vid
off topic:
RE: Jade Moon's article
Here's her email response to me:
Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 7:56 PM
Thank you so much! I am overwhelmed by the responses-- to tell you the truth I wasn't sure how it was being received. Please thank your posters for me. And Adam Lambert really is an extraordinary person.
Aloha and mahalo,
Jade Moon
OMG G&S - so great, so so great. Thanks for posting! Have fun at your Hawaii concert.
I also have another Off-topic - sorry, really do have to get back to work and don't wanna go find correct thread, but I really don't think you fans will mind ;), here is a link for a damn nice vid of Fever from Sydney (maybe it's on the proper thread already, IDK):
Thanks again Glitz & Sparkles!
Glitz & Sparkles
Good news from you, as always. So Glad you e-mailed Jade Moon and got an answer!!! That article was much better than great. Sweet Adam so deserved it... I'll be waiting for your full of details report from the Hawaii GNT venue you are going to... Are you planing to meet Glitzylady + husband??? Hope so! Have fun together sending your positive energy at sweet Adam. Do it in my name too, please... I'll be with you in spirit.
Jade Moon writes so eloquently of Adam and his journey from a child brought up by smart, loving parents to whom he gives much credit for guiding him and helping him navigate his "differentness". A perfect alignment of genes to produce breathtaking beauty of body and soul doesn't hurt, either.
Jade Moon rocks. Love her words and kindness to Adam. She is a true fan. Her stories are articulate and to the point, and very flattering. Nice to know more about her. I thought she was in Hawaii not Japan. Learned something new. Adam as his interviewee best as usual. Is Jade in the above pict? She would be the one to the right? Does he have an interpreter in his ear? All I am hearing is Adam and people speaking Japanese.
Sorry guys! I was on another mission impossible this afternoon called real life. It wasn´t much twitter going on during concert. I think MGF, my twitter sister got the good parts. There were some caps-lock-on-M&G, but the hysterical woman didn´t remember to sniff him. We want to know how he smells. Dior Hommes is da shit!
MGF I love you.
It is currently not playing for me, anyone know why? D:
who cares? D
Hey There Eva - must be my Swedish blood you're connecting with, LOL... had a straight-off-the-boat Swedish grandparent :). Hope we get good Brisbane vids. MGF.
MGF, no kidding? Me too! Both my maternal grandparents were also straight-off-the-boat Swedes. Eva, kept meaning on telling you that! My mom was born here in Los Angeles but my dad used to tease her about coming over to America in cattle boats with square port holes so the "Swedes" could stick their heads out! He was a hugh tease and meant no offense by that statement. My mom would just shake her head, I would howl with laugher, and my dad would be so pleased with himself. Sorry TMI. Cant wait until Adam is in Stockholm. Adamluv
@Adamluv, re swedish blood - if my memory serves me correctly, we both have the coloring to prove it :). Saw Obama was at campaign event in LA today...hope no resulting traffic nightmares were messing you up today, LOL. MGF
Adam has such a great vocabulary. Good use of the word "robust" - just as an example! :)
Jeez, you listen to other pop stars getting interviewed and very rarely do you hear anyone who has his depth and introspect. Well done, Adam - as usual - well done.
- Adam Fix
MGF, what a memory about the coloring! No, not near the event but thanks for the shout out. Adamluv
Loved hearing "Pick U Up" in the background!!
@daydreamin - left you a reply on one of the two threads where you talked about your job a few days ago... old thread now, it was called JJ and Ean something something something :). MGF.
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