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Glam Nation Tour in Brisbane, Australia

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Friday, October 22, 2010

Posted at : Friday, October 22, 2010

WWFM Partial




Ring of Fire

Music Again


Opening Medley Voodoo/DTRH/FYE


odette said...

adam is strutting all over the world! STRUT, STRUT, good on you dear adam, happy for your success.

Anonymous said...

still photo #4 - no words... MGF

Anonymous said...

Photo # 1 : The hair is fabulous, the clothes are incredible, the eyes are piercing, and the overall photo is absolutely perfect!

Anonymous said...

Tommorrow go to youtube kokestar21 for great video of The Glamnation tour Brisbane. Managed to catch most of the concert on video. Adam was amazing last night. lol Anaom

Anonymous said...

Sorry meant tomorrow! Have started uploading now 1 vid there!!!! lol Anaom

Anonymous said...

Off the subject..Adam has a few days off before Hawaii...Does anyone know if he's going to attend Katy Perry's wedding in India...since he is in the area...sort of.....

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:05, I was wondering if Adam was going to Katy's wedding also. I know it would be nice for Adam to be there for her.OOHHH! & to sing at her wedding , OMG!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pic. # 4
Wow! That's such a sweet young man roaring at my life, rocking my mind and rolling over into my heart! I did found the perfection and it is so hot!

The Dark Side said...

My ears are hemorrhaging! Looks like Brisbane had a ball. Nice to have a few days off between flying here and there. Probably go on to Hawaii for a few days rest, or California--or maybe another pirate ship--possibilities endless.

Anonymous said...

Sporting that bedroom hair again. WoWee!

Anonymous said...

The last photo of Adam and Monte is fantastic! Adam has said he is not going to the wedding. Love the hair too! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

It appears by all public accounts that Adam Lambert and Katy Perry are perhaps friendLY, not necessarily close friends.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this Brisbane thread is EPIC!!!

I was there, centre front row, soaking it all in - MAGNIFICENT!!!

We sang, jumped, pumped, screamed - we let Adam know we love him.:)

He smiled several times so hopefully he enjoyed it too. Love his BrisVegas tweet. :)

Anonymous said...

Brisbane was Awesome!!!!! Better than any
Glam Nation US Tour concerts I went too by far!!!