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"Glam Yourself" Twit-Pic Contest Finalists Revealed

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, October 2, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, October 02, 2010

From Adamofficial:

"Alright Glamberts, here are the 6 finalists (in no particular order) because 5 just didn't cover the sheer GLAM-NESS of it all!"

You can let Adamoffical know which one you prefer by clicking here.


Anonymous said...

WOW - ha, ha, these are great!

I love the blond "Tommy" look-alike. And I like the fact that it's kind of hard to tell their gender...guy?...girl?...who cares! They're HOT! And what's the blue stuff on their neck?

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Yay! There are finally some vid's of Day 2 Singapore: (I heard this song for the FIRST time today on the radio...FINALLY!)

If I Had You:


Anonymous said...

The first guy is the best! How cool is that and Adam would love him. Have to admit on the US Glam Nation Tour I saw people glammed beyond brilliance...and a lot of them guys. Would love to have seen them here. Even saw a girl who was so glittered I took her picture.

Anonymous said...

I like #2 and #5

#1 a little scary

Anonymous said...

The last ones "name" is Mrs.Bill K. (dont remember how to spell his name) but it's the singer from Tokio Hotel. I guess she likes them both! Cool! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

They are all beautiful and fanglamastic!

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 4:54.
The ladies in # 2 look really good, as does the Tommy look-alike.

Anonymous said...

Lovin #5 and the purple chain mail

Anonymous said...

#5 has this pic on his own web site.

Anonymous said...

The girl in picture 2, wasn't she the girl that Adam tongue dived??? If not, sure looks a lot like her. She posted on this site after the concert. Hard to choose. All look good.

Anonymous said...

#5 bothers me. That's Brandon Hilton and he has had that pic for ages on his website. He's a nice guy but a publicity hound. Not a true fan. I'd rather see a real fan win. All he did was take his professional photo and submit it and call it a glam photo.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:20, I thought the girl in pic 2 looked like Mrs Tonguedivee too. I didn't know she posted on this site. I must have missed that one! What is her site name, or do you even remember?

Anonymous said...

I like #2. Also thought she looked like the tongue diving lucky fan,#4 had great eye makeup and I thought she looked very glam. #1 looked more creepy to me than glam, but maybe just the hard facial expression. funbunn40