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Honolulu Weekly Up close with Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 24, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, October 24, 2010

After losing to Kris Allen on the eighth season of American Idol, Adam Lambert went on to record his smash debut album For Your Entertainment, spawning the hit single “Whataya Want From Me.” Before he arrives for his Blaisdell appearances, Lambert took time to speak to the Weekly about his sexual identity, his beach attire and that kissy performance on the American Music Awards.

Happy 10/10/10.

Yeah, I know right? It’s weird. What do you call that?

A lot of techie geeks call it “binary day.” How did you spend the day?

I’m at the airport right now, flying from the Philippines to Hong Kong.

Did you eat any of the Filipino food?

I didn’t have a chance. I ate a sandwich last night from Subway. I know it’s kinda sacrilegious.

Your debut album ended up selling almost triple the amount of Kris Allen’s. Why do you think that is?

I don’t know. I think it’s you either like this or you like that. People just responded to it. I definitely made an album that had a very strong pop-rock kind of sound and then I got to work with really cutting-edge producers to make something really current and contemporary. So maybe in some ways, that album features music that was an evolution to what I did on Idol.

Are you annoyed with all the attention given to your sexual identity?

Annoyed isn’t the right word. The only time I get a little irritated is when it starts overshadowing my actual music. It’s up to the journalists at that point whether they’re going to sensationalize it or whether they’re gonna just mention it as a matter of fact. I’m totally comfortable with it and proud of it and I want to provide an example for young people who might be questioning or feel like it’s something they should be ashamed of. I want them to feel they shouldn’t be and I want them to be proud of who they are.

Now that you’re a celebrity–and with all that gay bullying going on right now–do you feel a certain responsibility as a role model?

Yeah, I think that at the end of the day, it’s the whole idea that you can make it, that you can have success, regardless of your sexual orientation. I think the thing that gets to me is that it’s made such a big deal out of. And it’s really not such a big deal.

Do you regret that risqué performance on the American Music Awards?

I’m not one to have many regrets. In hindsight, the timing of it may have been off. That was a big debut, my first television appearance after Idol and I think expectations were different, and if I had to do it again, I’d do the performance, but maybe a different performance before that one.

Will we see some of that naughtiness in Hawaii?

There’ll be a little dash of it but while I have nothing to make any apologies for on my artistry or my sexuality, I think there comes a point that something can lack sophistication and polish and can actually take away. I think one of the things about that performance was that it was a bit out of control. Definitely having that edge is a part of me but I’ve learned to refine it.

Was that tumble part of the performance?

No, that was an accident. I fell.

Do you ever just lounge around in boxers and a baggy T-shirt, eating potato chips?

I don’t walk around in leather pants and glitter and makeup all day. It happened when I was in Miami [Beach] with the paparazzi and they were like, “What is he wearing?” What was I supposed to be wearing? A leather snakeskin suit?

So when you hit the beach in Hawaii, you’ll be in board shorts.

Yeah, what else do you sit on the beach in?



Anonymous said...

Poor Adam we pick on everything! Even what kind of shorts he's suppose to wear! And what do you mean, you're not in leather & glitterized 24/7... I'm shocked... lol And you had a Subway in the Philippines... another shocker! No lumpia and pansit for you, Mr. Lambert! :))

Anonymous said...

A leather snake-skin suit? *cat sound*

Anonymous said...

WTF is with all this sexiness???


Anonymous said...

Guess what happens when Adam Freakin Lambert covers your song? Your Album sales increases... Aparently after Adam covered Metallica's song on his GNT Newzealand, Metallica's album re-entered the ARIA charts @#35...Look below:
A few interesting movements appeared this week. Midway through their Australian tour, Metallica's self-titled album has re-entered at #35 with a staggering 110 weeks now under its belt. Adam Lambert and Paramore scored a few more sales with their appearances in the country, moving upto #6 and #22 respectively. Kings Of Leon's Only By The Night re-entered at #36 also.

I guess the trolls should be happy now.


Anonymous said...

Thanks ZZ - cool (and unsurprising ;))

As far as the article for this thread - not sure what I think... BUT, came across this vid a few days ago:

a lot of fun, mostly dancing.


Anonymous said...

this is not a new article. I remember reading this a few weeks ago. I think.

LP said...

Why do the interviewers always have to ask the same questions?Once in a blue moon do we get someome who asks a new question.In fact I don't care if Adam wears boxers around the house, which he actually doesn't because he has already told us what he wears, But I wasn't sure if I knew he walked around the house eating potato chips.Which as you noticed, he didn't say.I guess he has to have a few secrets.I just hope I can sleep tonight worrying about if he is eating potato chips.

Anonymous said...

I also read this a few days ago. Adam seemed a bit fed up with being asked stupid questions, and I don't blame him. It gets obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

First time i read this interview and frankly i'm really disappointed because it appears to me now
that the handlers in Manila didn't do a good job at all. The least they could have done was provide them with decent hotel food. And if they paid some attention to articles written about Adam before, they should have known that he likes our noodles and spring rolls. But to learn that all he had was a Subway sandwich is very embarrassing. Whatever happened to the Filipino hospitality we are known for. I also remember Tommy saying that there was no hot water in the hotel WTF. I wonder where they were billeted since even the cheap INNs here have hot water. Then the problem with the props of Taylor at the airport plus my other issues with the minimal advertising for this GNT. Thought i was just OT but i guess there were several glitches with the organizers here that's why we never got a tweet from Adam. Sorry for the ramblings.

Anyway I'm glad he said he isn't one to have many regrets so that's a little comforting. Most of all i admire his sense of professionalism by acknowledging the fact that some aspects of his performance needs improvement. Adam is business savvy who knows exactly what he is doing.

24/7 thanks so much for the updates.


Anonymous said...

I was supposed to wake up this morning by listening to sweet Adam (as always) but I guess after this performance I'll be sleepwalking around «Hell's Kitchen» all the day long...

Anonymous said...

@MGF - thanks for the link. It is good there is a fan vid of Brooke and Adam with all those frisky and sexy moves. Enjoyed watching it over and over.


Anonymous said...

Your Welcome Bing - it was a good vid wasn't it! (Sexier than I first remembered actually, but in a good way :), I hope more readers check it out, it's fun!). BTW, you're so kind on this site, it's nice.

Anonymous said...

MGF, I checked it out, loved it + sent it to a friend...!

Thank you(!)to you + everyone who puts links for other cool stuff on here + to 24/7 for all the updates.


Anonymous said...

So I went to the source to read it (mainly cause that advert on top of this page was covering a lot, and I'm reading it going 'yeah yeah, here we go with some of the same questions' and then I see the top of a YT link, went 'yead' then saw it was the AMA performance. Gawd, just when the memory starts to fade for those who had hissy fits, it comes back! Out of the hundreds of YT, if not thousand, videos out there, why the hell did they pick that one? I could give my own theory but what's done is done

Def back in the good ol' USA where the media coverage is concerned

DC Canadian