Lance Bass Supports Adam Lambert's Decision To Tone Down Act
Filed Under (news,Others ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Adam Lambert has pledged to overhaul his sometimes over-the-top act in accordance to rules set forth by the Malaysian government and fellow musician Lance Bass told exclusively that he supports Lambert's much-talked about decision.
"I don't think it's that out of the question especially if you go into someone else's country," Bass told at a news conference Tuesday announcing the 2010 American Music Awards nominations.
Lambert has agreed to restrictions against stripping, jumping, and kissing on stage. "It's something I'm doing out of respect," Lambert said in an interview with the AP. "It's just one little thing. Man kissing another man is something that government really doesn't appreciate."
Bass, who is also openly gay, agreed with Lambert's sentiment.
"You have to respect the laws, the beliefs... you might not have to believe it yourselves but it is all about respect and I think there's a time and place for everything and if it's not the time and place for that then you should change your act."
Lambert came under fire last year for his performance on the American Music Awards during which he kissed another male and had a dancer simulate oral sex on him. Of that performance, Bass gives him two thumbs up.
"I thought it was great. It's America you can do anything you want here. Kiss a guy, kiss a girl, kiss whatever! It's awesome!"
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thanks Lance for your support to Adam , we love him so much
Adam agreed not to "jump"? Is that offensive?
I'm it?
Lance, thanks for the thumbs up on the AMAS!!!!!! will have to add you to my list of good guys! Have a question. Understand the kissing part, stripping (?) part, but how can jumping be considered offensive???? Adamluv
Anon 2:04, we posted the same question at the same time. LOL! Adamluv
If you haven't noticed (and I am sure you have), when Adam jumps, it does shake up things a little.Don't quite know how to say it any nicer lol.
Didn't know Lance Bass gay. Well I also did not assume that Adam was on Idol, Guess I just don't think in terms of is he/she or isn't he/she. On every post I read there is the jumping question? Adam jumps, so do most artists as they are performing. What is the BFD about jumping? Hope Adam putting on and taking off his coats not considered stripping. Does this Country usually invite strippers to perform? My money's on that Malaysia hasit's own top notch strip joints.
LP, good point! LOL. Adamluv
I guess the glambulge needs to stay in one place...therefore no jumping!! LOL
@ LP
LOL... Indeed!!! I've noticed that when sweet Adam jumps, even when he is not «comando» his jewelry shake up quite good!!! And what a view, I do love it!
Adam knows his limits / boundaries. He isn't born yesterday! He is an intelligent beautiful thang! :)
Now, I wonder if he still can shake those auto pilot hips of his! O__O no hips too?!... maybe?
You know, I'm not sure about Adam anymore. It seems like he wants to be like his extremist fans in the US want him to be. Can he make it on the UK with that attitude?
I guess I am a bit slow, I just realised that Lance Bass was answering questions at the AMA nomination. Of course they had to bring up about the Malaysia contravercy, they don't miss a chance to put Adam in a bad light. I guess his AMA performance will go down in infamy. I am glad Lance stood up for him.
Do I really need to pull out a vid link on the "jumping" issue and post it for illustration purposes peeps... I'll do it!! You know I will!!
I mean can Adam be succesful in the UK. The highlights of GNT in the US has been the Adommy kiss and his glambulge.
am surprised adam is not big in the UK yet, i thought the brits are more tolerants and open minded than the yankees. just asking.
@anon 2:55 PM
Adam is only altering his show for this particular country and after that back to be Adam! No worries UK fan! Adam has to do what he has to do so he won't be detained... got it?!
OK, do it! Do it! Come on, DO IT!!! I'm waiting...
No I'm not a UK fan. I know that British can be very conservative.
Let's just hope nobody throws a flower to Adam on stage. hehehe.
Could the "jumping" mean stage diving? I think it said in the "rules", that jumping could cause chaos in the audience. They don´t know about that "enormous junk" do they? Or perhaps they do and want to be on the safe side.
re the jumping, I read from a Malaysian fan that it means 'no jumping' into the audience, as that has happened in the past, and the no stripping, was because some previous performers have taken their tops off. I get the impression that none of the taboos are aimed just at Adam but is a universal 'contract' for western performers.
HK fan
Yea, but I bet some US crazy Glamberts want him to brake the rules anyway. They tweet him before the concert and you know Adam..
Jumping, kissing, stripping....don't care about this stuff...all I want is to hear that VOICE and to see that Smile!!!!!
I meant break the rules. At least I can pronounce.. :D
And I just want to see sweet Adam SAFE!
What is a safe place, South American jungle? Wonder if there are any german brazilians here..
@anon 3:04pm What do you mean "british conservative"? I thought the best band and musicians are from UK! Beatles and Queen, David Bowie and Muse,etc.! Sr. Elton John!
Actually, if Adam will want to move some day, UK would be the best country. They spoiled their musicians as nobody else in any country!
Things can "jiggle" when you jump. Hence the no jumping rule. :)
MGF, yes, yes, do it. There is a vid where Adam does not have on his jockies. And does he ever jar things loose down there. I don't know right off hand where it is so, MGF, if that is what you are talking about will you post it for us all??? Another thing about jumping in general,
Adam didnt start that. The PLAID SHIRT sector started it and Adam joined in. That's the reason I don't care for jumping. Too "plaid shirt" for me. Get it? And, Adam is such an awesome dancer I love to see all his moves. He's great on the floor!
Yes, jiggle, it's like an "out of control garden hose"..... hahah
WTF hasn't anyone heard of a jock strap? Something tells me he is going to do a show similar to the other Asian shows, without the Adommy. Also doubt, he gona let it all hang out. Let's give him a little credit. Adam plays to the crowd. Brooke, Sasha and Issac will need to put on shirts and Brooke will have to eliminate the crouch shot in FYE, but other than that should be Adam as usual. I'm not worried about Adam or his fans in the audience, the those nut jobs protesting outside.
Actually they might like the crouch shot, it's gays they want to behead. Such strange behavior.
Friend of mine is a lingerie designer and guess where her biggest sales come from? Saudi Arabia of all the places. These people are bunch of hypocrites I can't wait for their time to come to an end by their own people soon. They are upset because of Adam's jump! WTF?
Instant offense to person calling us US crazy Glamberts. who will tweet Adam to break the rules. Go stick your head in a goose's rump.
Since, when was Adam stripping?
lol that would be awesome!
Adam lambert steling the show
naughty tsk tsk
I just want Adam to stay safe. I am fretting a little. It's nice of Lance to stand up for Adam at the AMA event...
hopefully someone video tapes this concert. this will be the most awaited of all his concert videos. no bellys showing? no kissing tommy--no jumping. maybe they could give him a good over stuffed chair to sit in and sing. wtf.
I don't think Adam would like to strip, he has enough trouble with his hair dye now, without adding to it LOL
Wishful thinking... Adam stripping... hahahaha
Maybe his coat/jacket and that's about it. Since when did people get off on thinking Adam will strip? He's not a stripper! He has an enormous talent to show for, are we forgetting this?
Stripping!!! I wish! Now that would be something to see.
adam plus his glamily are possibly busy shopping in kuala lumpur for appropriate outfits! duh!
Yes Lance, the USA is great .... "I thought it was great. It's America you can do anything you want here. Kiss a guy, kiss a girl, kiss whatever! It's awesome!" ..... just be careful, if you are a guy kissing a guy, be ready to suffer the consequences, as Adam can tell you firsthand.
It's really stupid that the government saying such things.
I really felt bad for Adam and I really felt shame to have such government!
They just try to make havoc and trying to stop the concert.
Anyway, cant wait to see Adam later today!
What kind of religion is this that one of the main principles of its holy book is to LIE. How can people be so idiot to let these so called holy clergies to rule their lives and minds. Open up your minds its 21st century not 7th century. Throw away all these old mentalities that came about when there were any papers and pens. We are living in an age of technology that everything we see and feel is under our finger tips. People of the world don't let old mentalities of ancient world to rule your mind. Sorry for all the ranting. I'm so upset and I can't wait until Adam is on safer grounds. I don't know if I can sleep tonight.
anon 5:23 - ooooooh-eeeee! I had to cover my own eyes while attempting to watch that clip!! That was quite a...sight! Thanks!
- Adam Fix
Not kissing Tommy isn't a big deal. Adam's concerts are fabulous with or without that.
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