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Neil Lambert in Japan

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, October 2, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, October 02, 2010

"Nagoya: Japanese menus are tough, especially whilst wearing Bacardi glasses." - Neil



Anonymous said...

I don't think this is Neil. First, Neil doesn't have tattoos and he doesn't wear a wedding band. Also, Sasha retweeted the pic and called the guy Tim.

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

JA JA... que divertida y real la situación
de Neil y del equipo.

Anonymous said...

not Neil.

Anonymous said...

Si, tienen razón, no es Neil .

Anonymous said...

DC Canadian -- Right! Also not Neil's teeth!

Anonymous said...

I love there´s someone writing in Spanish here. I love it. Please go on... I would love to read some French too.

Anonymous said...

Y a mi me encanta tener una excelente traducción de sus comentarios. Gracias 24/7

Anonymous said...

Jeg skal på konsert med Adam på Sentrum sene,noen fler fra Norge her inne som skal?

Peace and love from Norway

Anonymous said...

The headline doesn't actually say its Neil in the photo, its just Neil that sent the tweet.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Why are we even talking about Neil anyway.

The Dark Side said...

This is a non story about a non picture, about someone that really isn't that someone. Perhaps it was a tweet that went a twit, and now it a story about a story that went astray.
I think it's going to be a very long winter!!!

Anonymous said...

@Dark Side ... love your post ... very eloquent & funny! No! this is not Neil ... check out his arrival at airport pics ... he just tweeted it. Why? I don't know.. LOL
Light & Love
