People Choice Awards '10 : Vote for Adam Lambert!
Filed Under (Others ) by Admin on Monday, October 18, 2010
Posted at : Monday, October 18, 2010

Adam Lambert's name is not included on the list of ballots but you can still type in his name to vote for him.
First, GO TO THIS SITE, under the music section categories, check "Others", then type in "Adam Lambert" and click on "CAST YOUR VOTES". For favorite song, check "Other" and Type "Whatya Want From Me Adam Lambert"
Also, help Adam by voting on Twitter as well! (Retweets count as one vote according to PEOPLE)
Tweet these along with your supporting messages on Twitter.
1. Adam Lambert #maleartist #PeoplesChoice
2. Whatya Want From Me #Song #PeoplesChoice
3. Adam Lambert #breakoutmusicartist #PeoplesChoice
4. Adam Lambert #popartist #PeoplesChoice
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Guess I would like to hear from Adam whether this matters to him. Somehow I think it really does not but (shoot me) I could be wrong. Didn't he say he just ignores the hate (and maybe the snubs too)? It might be one of those efforts that just ends up causing more apathy towards him. Tell me I'm wrong.
VOTE every day!!!!!!!!!!
HOw do I vote on twitter?
Anon 7:56 PM
You will need to have a twitter account. It's easy to open one and then you're in!
Please keep this posted so we can remember to vote daily. What does it take to get his name on an awards list in America ? He has a platinum record, sold out concerts, gold going platinum album, two gold records in the US.
WTH this is getting annoying.
I have started voting already! Here's one good tip guys, keep the link in your favorites so it's easy to access everyday when you're ready to vote!!!
Here's the link & bookmark it;
Goo Glamberts... for ADAM!!!¤t=101017AdamLambert---Campbell-------.mp4
Just voted.
When can we vote again after voting? Is it on a daily basis?
I voted at least a dozen times tonight.Just scroll down after you have finished and click on the catagories you want. I think Adam does care if he gets a nomination or better yet a trophy. He is human.
Pls. vote as many times as you want. Even 100 x a day if you can, it's allowed.
God, he's snubbed again, this is getting soooo pathetic!!! This is one show that he definetly should be on the ballad!!! It's people choice awards and we choose ADAM, it's not whose most markable and auto-tuned and lip-syncing awards or is it?
Another catagory He could be written in as nominee is "Favorite TV Guest Star".
Hi, they never ever will include Adam in any nominations, awards, peoples choice or even these stupid Jingle Balls lists. Adam out of any nominations ( in US) The stage was stollen by Adam since AMA and forever. I just read about it! Adam stoll the stage on AMA! Nobody even paid attention about AMA until Adam appearance! Everybody crazy about Adam, everybody wants to hear Adam, to see Adam.
Adam is big star wich gonna be a legend pretty soon. Nobody wants to be with ADam in the same time in the same stage in the same red carpet or AWARDS (except AWARDS CANADA,JAPAN OR NZ)events! Nobody can compete even Lady GaGa. I like her a lot. However, I heard the "Soaked" in Malasia. It was different, it was so different, Adam's voice was ..... I can't find any words!
And these people who make the decision about the nominees, awards,etc, there are proffecionals with music degree. I graduted music college with bachelor degree. Only one person on the history of the Rock Adam can't compete , this is Freddie Mercury. However, Freddie was forbitten in US. Do you know how many people remeber Freddie's name in US? Freddie and Adam are different but they have the same destiny-they are lovers of life any singers of song! If Adam will wrote the song just by himself just once he will be a legend.
Thanks for the post. Besides following the guidelines on this post, this is another thing I do. I search on Twitter using keywords "Adam" "Peopleschoice". I make sure people's tweets have the correct hash tags and I click on retweet to my followers. Hope this helps to have Adam's name on at least one award show this year. Too bad VMA and AMA didn't have him nominated on anything. Glamberts this is the only way at least we can include Adam's name on one award show. Please do it!
Ok it's the PEOPLE's CHOICE -- time to send a very loud and clear message it is TIME for ADAM to shine and win awards. IF we all vote every single day as many times as allowed we could make this happen.
It is TIME for MIRACLES for Adam!! Not being on the ballot is a travesty! Adam's fans need to UNITE and stand behind him. When Adam won the muchmusic award - he thanked his FANS!!
He wants the people to speak and an award coming from his fans WILL MEAN the world to him!!!
Come on guys RCA promo wants us to vote for Adam. The site states: Come back every day and vote for your favorite...! Be sure to come back on November 9th to vote for the top nominees that YOU chose! It very easy go to the link and vote:
i live in sydney, australia, am i eligible to vote? could somebody help?
Anon 8:11pm: Sadly, the answer to your question seems to be he has to be straight.
Why do I think because we write in Adam's name that it won't matter? Look at VH1. In the end they weren't going by the votes. It is obvious with his name being omitted, that they are going for no awards- MTV, AMA, Grammy??, People's Choice. I hope that if we let them know the people's choice they will listen, but it seems like a total blacklist to me. Right when everyone is talking about bullying we have a prime example because there is no way that he shouldn't be nominated. :(
Glamberts: RCA Promo Dept. wants you to RT the following on twitter:
RT @RCAPromo Adam Lambert #everycategory #PeoplesChoice @AdamLambert
For more information go to @RCAPromo on twitter.
Lots of us don't twitter, so please keep this link up so we can vote everyday. adam fan for life.
This is the preliminary stage to get Adam's name NOMINATED on each one of the eligible music catagories. We as his fans are acting as professionals nominate artists on Grammy but this is People's Choice award and the fans are NOMINATING their favorite artists. If we vote for Adam's nomination he has a great chance of being included on one of the eligible music catagories. Please don't be lazy. We don't have VH1. We can vote for Adam on this one and RCA Promo is asking us to do this for Adam. International fans: if you can access the site or have twitter yes you can vote for Adam's NOMINATION as well. Then on November 9 once his name is nominated by us we can vote for him to win.
I'm sorry to be a downer, but we can vote until our fingers fall off and it won't make a difference. Don't you think it is odd that he is given awards and honored everywhere else except in his own country. All of these so called award shows have blinders on when it comes to Adam. They know that he is so much better, as an artist, then some of the people that they have nominated, but don't have the balls to do or say anything about it. Who or what are they afraid of??? And please don't mention the AMA's again or I'm going to scream!!!
Just keep voting. Even though he is our favorite guy EVER, he is sort of new. But when you look at the other artists, it's really sort of a joke that everyone doesn't "get" him yet. It's all about freakin' record sales anyway. Adam's pace is good. He will grow into the crazy record sales. I just hope that he doesn't loose his grace and artistry and become a plastic pop dude.
Keep your SOUL Adam! PLEASE!!! No one else does!
Such a part of pop idol crap! Look at Madonna with her face implants, and Christina A with her fake boobs. All his IDOLS are plastic! I am serious. I don't want to see Adam fall into that level! Just sayin' now! Keep IT REAL ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've just voted at Peoples Choice...I mean written Adam's name in under "Other" in 4 categories. Did it several times with no problem. Please everyone do it for Adam! This would have true meaning and worth for him because his FANS voted for him!!! Thank you!
@Anon 9:59PM living in Sydney
I live in Sweden, and I could vote.
On Ryan Seacrest and that top 30 under 30 I could only vote once. Then it said "You have already voted, the last vote was not added to the result". If they can see who votes, and that the same ppl vote 1000 times, they might just don´t count it. It was ok for Arkansas voters during AI8 though.
Let's stay POSITIVE! And consistent. Vote Vote Vote like it says above the Four categories . Plus Favorite TV guest star. Which he is. We have a lot of good information here. Thank you for that.
We can do this for Adam.
For Favoorite guest TV star Im putting Adam Lambert -Ellen
I just voted from Canada. Adam Canadians love you, I hope this work.
What are they afraid of?? If you have so many untalented singers that producers,etc. have put a ton of money into, then along comes Adam Lambert who can actually sing, you get nervous about your investments. Adam is a throw back to a time when the music business had talented performers, today they need help staying in tune.
IMO Adam is a threat to the industry.. the public might start demanding real singers again with real songs that have real meaning,instead of the commercial crap they have on radio and TV.
Thank goodness for Adam ,we finally do have 'Music Again'!! He may not be winning the industries ridiculous awards,but he is winning fans, who appreciate his talent ,all over the world.
Re: Deliah5 - I agree with everything you said. Adam Lambert is a star no one can compete with. People really know he is great, but they don't want HIM to outshine THEM. And, yes, Anon 10:04, the answer is always because he is gay. The hate runs too deep and as much as his fans don't want to hear about it, how can you stop hate? Everyone is now on the bandwagon to support gay teens, but when it comes right down to it, the gay community won't even support one of their own. It's disgusting!
so upset - I forgot my tag.
guys, besides voting for adam on people's choice awards, also at the top of the page there is the poll section also where you can put in your comments. People are starting to write in saying they cannot believe he is not listed. quite a few for susan boyle also. Maybe that will get thier attention.
I truly believe that if Kris Allen had the success that Adam has had, he definitely would have been nominated. WWFM was a top ten Billboard hit, and the video of it was excellent. Sadly, this leaves me with only one conclusion: Some of you are absolutely right. I think they are scared because he is gay and they don't want to even risk the remote possiblity of another AMA situation. I believe he has been blacklisted because of it. The WWFM video should have definitely been nominated for a VMA but wasn't. Unfortunately, the world is run by middle-aged straight white men, and I believe they just can't handle what Adam represents to them - a confident gay man who is secure and happy being gay.
ColorforAdam 10/18 @ 7:47: I'm with you. I think he ends up paying for the over-exuberance. Sadly, it's hard to stop a barreling train.
I agree with those of you that feel that he wont be nominated regardless of what we do.But I will continue to vote in hopes I am wrong!I remember voting for Adam last years on Times 100 most influencial peeps. hE WAS AT LEAST ON THE LIST. At the end he placed somewhere in the top 8 but when the Time magazine issue came out with pictures etc. of the top 100, HE WASNT ON THEIR LIST. How was that possible? Adamluv
I don't know - I wish some of Adam's BIG GUN supporters and believers of his talent would speak out on his behalf. Like Brian May, Meatloaf, Steven Spielberg, Ryan Tedder, Muse, all the other heavy hitters and really voice their disgust over WHY Adam is being blacklisted like this?
Maybe that might wake up the music industry again. Giants of the music industry sure could send a powerful message. Adam is a real geniune talent.
I for one am voting every day as much as I can.
That Lady Gaga, who speaks out for gay rights, should really speak up for Adam. He talks of her all the time, how he is a fan, how great she is and pimp for her in every possible way. I´ve never heard her mention Adam. I don´t mean she should make a speach, just mention his name just once. I don´t like her much now that I think of it.
Where do I find the spell check?
hey HeartAdam4ever, I agree w/ you 110% but they also probably think Adam hasn't enough cred under his belt or worked hard enough. Well, I say, by God, he has worked hard enough, & the only cred he needs is his voice!!!
To hear Adam hasn't been included in these awards just saddens me. & Some of us believe in the voting system enough to think they will put Adam on the nom list & some of us believe voting on "other" will do no good. I have voted but then I don't believe a damn thing about this society. I was just watching showbiz tonight & all they have to say are things about mayer or t. swift. what crap! both of these people have won awards, especially swift, when it should've been Adam winning all of these awards. A lot of people just don't get Adam. But I am sure glad I am one of the many who do.
OMG, I agree with everyone right now! Lots and lots of valid points and we all know to vote under "other category for adam" but the mainstream as a whole is pretty stupid and they will just click on the box with the names all spelled out for them. Yes, some of these other artists should also speak up in adam's behalf, even on CNN the other night with the gay bulling videos being put out by lets say lance bass, ect, same thing adam is behind , but no, not a mention of him whats-so-ever! This will be a test to see just how powerful us glamberts voice can really be. Do you really think millions are voting for willow smith right now? Sadly it wouldn't surprise me, people that aren't as passionate about this award thing will just think she's really cute for 9 and can sing. Us, glamberts really take this personal because adam is just being treated so unfairly, to tell you the truth I could care less about these stupid awards it's the principle now! sorry for venting, I'm done now and going to get a glass of wine and calm down!
I am a great fan of Adam, I love him and his music. But I think the problem is he shot himself in the foot, when He keeps pushing the fact that he is gay. We know that and do not care, but he won't stop pushing it in our face. He says he shouldn't be judged on being gay, but on his music. That is right, so stop pushing being gay, you can be sexy but leave off the kissing, that is gay.He will always be known as the gay singer, because apparently thats the title he is searching for, even though he says , he is not.He is so talented , he doesn't need to shove it in our face at every concert, and then call it rock and roll, that is B.S.Rock and roll has nothing to do with guys kissing guys.
LP: What Adam is doing is expressing who he is. That is what gay rights is about. If Adam acted differently, he would not be himself, he would just be an actor. If you are not gay, it's okay to kiss on stage. Why can't gays kiss who they want? Also, Adam is a very sexual man. That's who he is. Look around at other artists, they can be sexy and it's okay. If being sexy is not your cup of tea, then don't be a fan of Adam. To expect him to be less gay is the same as "hiding". I wouldn't want Adam to endure that. Adam is who he is: gay, sexual, and proud. That's why we all love him and he is an icon to gays and straights alike. Adam does not want to be popular as a fake. He wants to be real. That's what we all want isn't it?
With the shennegans that GaGa has been up to lately, I pray she doesn't stand up for Adam. It will only turn off more people if she does.
Thanks Rae - I wish I didn't feel I was right about this. Adam is dealing with an industry that was born on freedom, individuality and rebellion and has become elitist and snobby with narrow guidelines of any sort of recognition by the CEO's of Sound. If you have the most recent issue of Rolling Stone, read the article on the Kings of Leon - the way they seemed to turn on their middle aged fans to be seen as cool.... made me sick. And Gaga WILL speak up for Adam when the time is right. If she still retains the moxie I believe she has, she will do when it does him the most good. Trust. More wonderful things are coming for Adam. I love the ride - the valleys as well as the peaks.
Adam said in the Atlanta interview that he´s doing the kissing to prove(proove?) a point "I´m subversive that way". He wants visibility. We need to see that two guys can kiss, and it can bee sweet, it can bee hot and sexy and there is nothing scary or ugly about it. And if parents didn´t make a big drama about it in front of their kids (because it´s the parents who is upset, not the kids)then the children growing up would perhaps not see gays as freaks and "faggots". Look, Adam is kissing a boy, and it´s ok. He likes boys and that´s ok". OMG pity I don´t have kids. What magnificent human beings they would be. LOL
all of this makes me so sad. as we all agree on Adam is so talented. i don't understand the U.S. i watch VH1 every weekend and Adam isnt even on the charts anymore after all his sold out shows! i think the problem is that he's new out there, and he played such small venues for his first tour.maybe another album then this extreme long tour in 2011 with large venues. i dont know just an opinion? i loved his show.
Adam is a smart boy, always think there are more reasons doing the kissing just for being himself.
As a fan outside America, never see so much hate against a singer before. Very eye wide opening to see the way how he was judged after idol. The record sale and the die hard fan may not be enough for him to secure his future. Remember, most of his fans are women and sex sell anywhere around the world. He need a sell out tour to generate enough buzz for his second round and he is doing a hell of a good job. I would think he will be more concentrate on his music but still sexy ,may be wear less cloth on his second tour. Trust him, he is a loving human being.
@ 6:50: Thank you for your poignant comments. I agree that there is a lot of hate swirling around him in America. I'm happy that he's doing so well internationally, and I suspect that he will eventually move to Europe (as he's talked about) so that he can actually be an artist that is able to be himself without all the ridicule.
It's too bad that the supposed "greatest country in the world" is so full of hate, bitterness, fear, resentment, jealousy etc. etc. ad nauseam.
Well ... I for one am determined to VOTE on this so called People's Choice awards just to prove that it is the PEOPLE who do choose the NOMINEES when all is said & done. Surely from reading all the posts all over the internet sites WE can make a difference if WE are TRUE to the task at hand ... so let's give it OUR 'damnedest' EFFORT & VOTE! & TWEET! until OUR fingers are sore. I intend to do just that ... I can't just sit by & do NOTHING!! ADAM "NEEDS" his fans to take a STAND for HIM whether or NOT it produces any FAVORABLE results ... AT LEAST WE CAN SAY WE "TRIED"!!
Eva - your posts are crack me up!
- Adam Fix
agree about the comment on gaga that said she can only hurt his career since she has shown herself to be quite the phony and an attention whore off stage. People are finally starting to see she is way to overrated.
Dick Clark isn't doing the music industry any favors by snubbing Adam on the peoples choice awards...he could wish he was as talented...Vote for Adam.....
I have been a fan of Adam's since his first appearance on American Idol. He is one talented, charismatic, dynamic singer..vocal perfection. Unfortunately, at times whatever goes on around his performances(kissing,the makeup, gyrations, language, references to drinking) all detract from the main thing, his magnificant voice. Granted this happens with other rock and roll acts, but they cannot sing and all of that just covers up their inability to perform live. His audience connection is pure electricity and he should focus on the music because it does stir your soul. Adam was cheated for his WWFM performance and video, but I think he knows how much his fans love that song and for me it was the best song of 2010 way beyond any other song released. He is gay, we all know that, so let's just get on with the music and continue to support his spectacular musical artistry.
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