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"Sleepwalker" is the next new single in Canada

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, October 18, 2010

Posted at : Monday, October 18, 2010

From Adamofficial:

A Special Message For Canadian Glamberts

We’ve been thrilled by the amount of feedback we’ve received on the site and through Facebook and Twitter for a new single in Canada. With that being said, "Sleepwalker" will be serviced to Canadian radio next Monday, October 25.

As always, we love your enthusiasm Glamberts! However, please remember that radio stations can become easily overwhelmed with requests and that being respectful and patient often yields the best results.


Anonymous said...

I heard about this great news and posted it on the wrong thread... lol

Yaaaaay! I already requested it on my favorite radio station & will do so religiously!!!

The Dark Side said...

WTF!!! Canada is always showing us up when it comes to Adamglory. Not their fault, they rock! Who gave him his first music award? His first platinum award? Whose radio plays him so much, they get a fourth single? We are green with envy Canada, but will bow down to your greatness in the Adamfandom/radio playing/award giving categories. We will endeavor to catch up. Is it any wonder that American Glamberts are wringing their hands in frustration?

Anonymous said...

love canada-love canada glamberts.

Anonymous said...

Great news, though I'm envious! You go Canadian glamberts!

Anonymous said...

Lucky Canada! You give him the support and recognition he deserves and you get another single in return. Thank you for that!

...but...the US wants another single too!

OK U.S. Glamberts...collectively...1,2,3...whaaaaaaaaaa.

Anonymous said...

Go CANADA! Watch this become his biggest hit yet! Will eat my big floppy straw beach hat if it doesn't!

Anonymous said...

Well said Dark Side... very well expressed!

Anonymous said...

The Dark Side, You said it! I so want Sleepwalker here in the states!!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Make sure to request it to Canadian radio stations. I really think this one can surpass "If I Had You".

Anonymous said...

don't you worry glamberts fans, we are all in one purpose and goal. The Canadian base will always support you guys around the world. We hope that those people in America who hates Adam Lambert will realize that Canadian and the rest of the world are watching them ha!ha!ha! so watch out.

It's a new revolution of music so please suck it up and enjoy while u can. We love u Adam from CANADA.

Anonymous said...

My only wish is that the Leno version would have been released and not the one from the CD. I did not like the song until I heard it on Leno and also at his concerts. The emotion is missing. JMO. Hope it becomes a huge hit, but we need Fever or Music Again to be released in the US. Vote for Adam on People's Choice. You have to do a write in :(

Anonymous said...

I don't care how many singles he releases in Canada, I just a f*ing tour! Lol


melissa toronto said...

OMG! OMGGGGG!!!! This is my favorate song since day one. This will be the biggest hit for Adam , I can feel it in my bones. It broke my heart when I heard there might not be another single. The management is very smart to distribute different single in various countries. So all his songs will be heard.
I love this sites 24/7 and the regulars that comments here. I enjoy all of you, Thank U!!!

melissa toronto said...

Forgot to memtion that when I vote at the Ryan Seacrest Top5/Top40 I actually request for SW, lol. Now Iam going to have fun with the radio stations here. Don't worry, I won't drive them nuts, will maybe a little, haa.

Anonymous said...


I´m on twitter(surprise, surprise). There was an incident on the flight from NZ to Sydney.


TommyJoeRatliff :had such an awesome birthday! exactly a year ago today i became apart of all of this... im one lucky motherfu**er! ;)

Monterrific: had a great 24 hours! "Enter Sandman"!, plane almost crashed (lucky to be alive), In Sydney! (one of my favorite places), and did X Factor!

tonita_face :Their plane almost crashed?! Wtf?! Thank EVERYTHING it didn't!!

Monterrific: sorry for the scare. the plane hit the runway but almost hit another plane then took off up in the air again.

Monterrific: Tommy was on one arm and Cam was on the other. I told the The Montster would keep them safe

TommyJoeRatliff: @Monterrific ya we almost pissed ourselves! ive never seen a plane do that before haha


Anonymous said...

thanks God they are safe
i want a video too to sw

Anonymous said...

Well Allrightty then, that's it--looks like I gotta move to Canada!! Congratulations, Well done & well deserved Canada.
Dark Side, good points all!

I left a very long tirade on the title "no more singles" that some of you have probably read, so I won't repeat it here... but I'm SO happy for Canada that the exact song I preached about "Sleepwalker" WILL be released there.

OKay, so how do we follow suit? Twitter & Facebook? That worked?? LET'S go AMERICA... There's a party goin' on and we're ALL invited to play in the in techno-land.

What a wonderful age we live in... start burnin it up people --> twit, tweet, tw*t, book, request, whatever.
Lets let him and mgmnt KNOW we in the U.S. WANT "Sleepwalker" too! It WILL be another hit, possibly the BIGGEST one yet. It reach new ears, sell more albums, (make them more$) and make US Happy! I'm a sleep-walker, walker ...walker YEAH!

Anonymous said...

We can only hope they will take mercy on us here in the USA and release Sleepwalker. That would be glorious!!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Canada!!! We in the US love that you love Adam so much! Thank you for supporting him and showing your love!

Okay, so can't we in the US do it too??? We want Sleepwalker!!! Love, love, love that song so much! Adam Rocks!!!


Anonymous said...

wow, Canadians really get it. I too think this song would be a big hit here in the US, especially since this is the fall season and that song conveys that mood so perfectly..also Im sure the video would be really cool. Even Jay Leno told him so himself when he performed it on his show a while back. It could also push his album sales over the one million mark. The label would have to promote it but they know they can count on the fans to do their part and request the song. Im sayin' its a worthwhile risk. It would also build anticipation for his next album...I could go on and on...oh and we would get more live performances/talk show appearances :)))

Anonymous said...

OK! Everyone! Let's get over to twitter and request that his record label release Sleepwalker in the US too! Do we have the power that can move the record industry!?!?!?! I think we do!

Anonymous said...

hi everyone, PEOPLE'S award is now open to nominate your favorite musicians, although adam's name is not included in their lists but we could tick (OTHER) and include adam's name in all respective categories. we could beat them in ignoring adam if we unite.

Anonymous said...

That's right anon 4:48 PM! And just scroll down under music & pick every single category that Adam should be nominated. Just click "other" and type his full name and then it should be counted.

Let's all do this for Adam! Let's make him WIN more awards... that he so dearly deserves!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh! and here's the link for Peoples Choice Awards:

Anonymous said...

WoW!!! I am so lucky to be Canadian, just heard the news. Hope the same will happen soon in US. Imagine to hear Sleepwalker in a snow day on the radio, so romantic.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, I envy you Canadians. Is there going to be a video?!? I'm dying for a video.

Anonymous said...

I hear secrets that you keep; when you're talking in your sleep.

Oh crap, wrong song! Good for you Canadian Glamberts! You're so lucky! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a video! :D

laurieb said...

woohoo!!I am sooooooooo happy to be Canadian right now..cant wait to hear the new single on the radio.. I just love Adam so much. this is almost like Christmas. Is there always a video to follow a singles release? i sure hope so..I request his music on the radio every week and they do play it. I will start requesting Sleepwalker, altho i bet they play it quite a bit at the start

Anonymous said...

Why is Adam once again being ignored for an awards show? I added his name in all appropriate catergories but personally think it's a waste of time. The powers to be dont want to acknowledge his existence. Or am I just being paranoid? Adamluv

coloforadam said...

Almost a plane crash? Jeeeeez - it's hard to think of anything else right now. Wish I hadn't even read that!!

Anonymous said...

Where on AO is the post telling about the Canadian release of SW. Is there a separate Canadian AO website?

coloforadam said...

Sleepwalker is a treasure wherever it appears and the way he performs it is gripping. I think the CD performance may seem less emotional because we are not watching what singing that song does to him. It's the only song I've seen where his eyes are closed much of the time as if he is in that dream and it hurts too much to look out of it. Hard to see that on a CD.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:26 here is the website for the news of sw being released in Canada

glitzylady said...

I am adding my hopes that they will take a second look at releasing SLEEPWALKER as a single in the US...I still don't REALLY understand why "they" don't think there will be another single in the US from the current album...Adam has said it will be at least late spring or summer before the next album comes out...It seems like more than enough time to release another song and see it become a very big hit..but then I don't profess to know anything about how that all works...Guess we'll see what happens. Perhaps the record company will wait to see how it does in Canada, and I am sure it will do extremely well, so maybe there is hope for us!!!! And a music video please, since I'm pleading!!!

Anonymous said...

We Canadians love Adam!!!!! I hope Adam will come tour here in Canada!!

Anonymous said...

It will be a hit for sure!
Hope Adam make a video of this single.
Love it. Love it. Love Adam

Anonymous said...

I am happy for Canada and Adam but....who attended 70 sold out performances of the Glam Nation tour? (I went to 3!)

His US fans, that's who!

"Sleepwalker" done Live on tour was incredible and all they have to do is find some of those amazing performances on youtube, make a vid and release it!

Anonymous said...

Excelente idea del comentario anterior.
Por favor liberen a "Sleepwalker"

Anonymous said...

Every song on Adam's FYE should be released as singles all over the freakin world!!!!!! Hell yea!!! I attented one GNT show in Dallas & got front row !! Hell yea!! SW was awesome live, especially when i was right there in front of Monte!!
So glad Monte & everyone are safe on the ground again, whew! right now I can't imagine this world w/o Adam & his troops, they are all amazing, just wish LP had stayed(crying).

Anonymous said...

Wasn't ADAM's San Diego concert videographed to be shown on TV in the fall sometime this year? Well then ... why not release SLEEPWALKER & that video in the US? That way they wouldn't need to make a new one & that removes any 'excuse' for not releasing it in the US? AGREED??
