Tommy's interview from InRock Magazine (Translated)
Filed Under (Others,The Band ) by Admin on Friday, October 15, 2010
Posted at : Friday, October 15, 2010
Translated by taxcha. (SOURCE)

Tommy, Adam Lambert's band member exclusive interview with InRock Magazine (Japan)
Right before Adam Lambert's first Japan tour, in mid September we managed to get a first interview with his bassist, Tommy Joe Ratliff. He joined the band after his audition last year, and not long after, he became widely known after Adam kissed him on stage at the American Music Awards performance. Just like Adam, he has glam makeup on that suits him but when we actually talk to him, he has this cuteness in him and he seems like the character who is being loved and protected by Adam and everybody else.
Is this your first time doing a world tour?
Well, I've been overseas for the promo tour before, but this is the first time for me doing a tour this scale. And other band members are like my family, so I think it's very cool.
Have you ever been to Japan?
No, I've never.
I think you will like Japan. Seems like there are a lot of Tommy fans in Japan.
Yea, it does seem like it. Some fans came to America from Japan to see the shows, and there are some people who prepared presents for me. It's all thanks to Adam.
What's the highlight of the tour so far?
Well, the shows have been so awesome these two days. When it was the last show for our former drummer (Longineu Parsons III), it's kinda sad in a way, but the energy was awesome. And we have a new drummer Isaac (Carpenter) and from today on we're stoked to play with him. And aside from that, on our days off sometimes we rent a boat, or playing around the ocean on a jet ski, or stuff like that. It's very cool see a lot of different places in the country and I think it's a crazy life. Because last year this time I was in my cubicle doing desk work, and I've never done any work as a professional musician like this. And also to have people like Monte and Adam with me ... they're just like brothers to me.
Were you born and grew up in California?
Yes, in Burbank, outskirts of Los Angeles.
Have you always known since you were little that you're into music, or did you enjoy sports or other things?
I've been playing guitar since I was 12, and I've been in various bands in Los Angeles, and even though there are times when we got paid for performing, I've never played in professional level like this. Sports, well I played baseball when I was little, but I realized that I'm not good at it ... I'm just not good at (sport) teamwork (laughs).
You said you've been in several bands before, what kind of music did you play then?
Depends on the band, there are times where I played heavy metal, and I think because Monte once played heavy metal also, we have good music chemistry. We're trying to create that kind of energy and produce better sound at the shows. And I'm also a blues guitar player. I'm actually a guitar player, but when I audition for Adam Lambert, they asked whether I would try for bass and I've been playing bass since.
When you first audition was it for guitar player or for bassist?
In the first audition they were looking for guitar player so I auditioned for that. But after that I got a phone call that the position was filled, and they asked whether I'm interested to try out for the position of a bassist who can also play guitar. It was on my birthday, but cos they told me they wanted me to come the next day with a bass, I rushed home, missed my own birthday party, got a bass guitar and practiced for the audition (laughs). And then I got the job.
So you like bands like Depeche Mode and Nince Inch Nails, do you have any similar likings with Adam?
Yea, I like bands like Nine Inch Nails or Marilyn Manson, and since Adam introduced me to artists that he likes, I've been listening to Miike Snow, Lady Gaga and Goldfrapp. I think from the first time we met we have a lot in common, like we both love the movie Velvet Goldmine (1998). And we've introduced the music that we like to each other, I like Adam's taste. I like electronic from the 80's like Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, New Order, and I grow up listening to them.
Aside from your musical talent, I think Adam is also into your cute looks. That American Music Awards performance, it was not long after you were hired, right?
Yes, that was my first performance.
The part where Adam kissed you, it wasn't rehearsed?
No, it just happened in the moment. Like I said before, we both like Velvet Goldmine, it's almost like I want to be a rockstar because of that movie. We were talking about it and inspired by that, we thought we had to do something. We didn't plan the kiss, but at the rehearsal when it comes to that part, Adam supposed to pull my hair and then walk away. It was our first performance as a band, and I've said to Adam that he can grab me or do whatever he wants. And at the show Adam came and kissed me. I think it's very cool, I like to shock people.
I guess the world was too shocked by it.
Yes, because it is wrong according to Christian belief. It's okay for Britney Spears and Madonna to do it, and it's okay for Katy Perry to sing about kissing girls, kids have seen all that and they don't see it as a problem, but when guys do it, it become a problem. I think it's a huge double standard. And I'm glad that we did it cos in a way we've raised some awareness of that problem.
Is it true that Adam calls you Glitterbaby and you call Adam babyboy?
(laughs) It's funny because one time when we met I said jokingly "What's up babyboy?" and Adam laughed his ass off. So after that sometimes I call him that. And a while after, when we were getting ready for a show, I had glitter on me and when Adam saw that he called me glitterbaby. And on twitter Adam tweeted "what's up glitterbaby?" and I replied to him "hey there babyboy", it was just a simple thing like that, and it's funny how it became something this big.
Even now it looks like you're flirting with each other.
Well we're just joking around. We're very good friends, and Adam's like my own brother. He helped me a lot. Even on personal things like when I had an emergency situation and I had to leave the band. Especially there were a lot of things going on with my family, and Adam said that cos we're brothers, I don't have to worry about anything and I should go back to my family whenever I need to. We're just very close like that. I talk to him about anything, and he talk to me about anything. We're very good friends.
How is it for you lately? (his father passed away in August)
There are some good days, and some not really good days, but I'm happy that my dad saw me doing my best and I'm proud of it.
Do you think there's something that we don't know about Adam?
Hmmm, he's has an open personality from the first. In our off days we joke around and do stupid things, there certainly are some stuff that he doesn't say in interviews or on TV, but basically, he's just the way he is.
He does seem like that kind of person.
Yeah, even when there's something that he doesn't like, he doesn't pretend or sugar coat things. He just say it the way he sees it, he's not fake. I'm mostly the same, that's why sometimes I said I'm the straight version of Adam and we laughed together. We have a lot of things in common.
Do you have the same sense of humor?
Yes, it's true. Well, I have a rather weird sense of humor and sometimes and he gives me a 'what the hell' face.
We have some questions from your fans. Since you joined the band, is there anything that you notice different from yourself?
No, I don't think I've changed that much as a person. The opposite, I'm staying true to myself and always be grateful for the chance that is given to me. I'm not forgetting where I came from and I don't want to spoil myself. But maybe after staying at a very good hotel I found myself disappointed when I came home (laughs). But basically I don't want to forget where I came from and I'm trying to be careful not to become conceited (full of myself).
When we asked Monte the same question, he said the part that changed in him was that now he wears more make up (laughs).
Hahahaha, Well in my case I also wear more make up than I used to be. Before I just put on eyeliner, but now before show I can put on eyeshadow and lipstick myself. I think it's very fun and again I'm thankful to Adam for this.
What kind of makeup products do you use?
MAC. My lipstick is Dark Side from MAC, and I mix it with a black smolder to create this very gothic look like Marilyn Manson, or Robert Smith from The Cure.
Aside from music, what are you into lately?
I'm a movie junkie. Sometimes I rent a box set of tv series and do a marathon. I don't really like to party, so I don't go out a lot and I spend a lot of time at home alone. I always watch Western movies at home and all my friends are calling me old. I love horror movies too. I don't really play videogames, but a nice fan gave me a nintendo DS, so I play that sometimes.
What's your favorite Western and horror movie?
My favorite Western movie is probably Tombstone (1993), and my favorite Horror movies are Exorcist and Halloween.
You've been touring for some months now, what's the most shocking or surprising thing so far?
Shocking? I think it takes a lot to surprise us. Hmm, there are several times that we performed at a surprising venue. Like a very small stage, or somewhere in a remote area, and once in Texas we played at a slaughterhouse. That was quite shocking. And there's this stage that was in the center of the venue, and it was a rotating stage. I think that was the most interesting one to me. It feels like a Metallica concert.
What's the latest CD that you listened to?
The National's new album. And the latest album from Marilyn Manson called The High End Of Low. His music helps a lot when I feel sad or have problems in my relationship. When we feel miserable, to me it's Manson or Nine Inch Nails that reminds me that I'm not alone.
How do you see yourself in 10 years?
I want to be doing what I'm doing now (laughs). It's really fun. I really want to keep playing for Adam. And I really want to start a blues band. In whatever form, I'll be happy if I can continue doing music. I don't want to go back to where I was a year ago (bitter laugh).
Do you want a family?
Of course. I'm almost 29, and I thought about it, but honestly it's scary (laughs). It's just kinda scary to even hear the word "girlfriend". There are a lot of things I want to do, but I guess we have to find a person who would understand. I know if we find the right person it wouldn't be scary, but it's hard to find someone who would fully support your career. Especially lately with all the things that is going on, a lot of people wants to get close to me, and most of the times I can't tell whether they are interested in me or because of my job.
Oh, so you don't have a girlfriend right now, really? (laughs) Well, but you're really busy and right now you can do whatever you like, so in a way it's good?
Yea, of course (laughs). I sometimes talk to my friends on the phone, and they always complain about their boyfriends or girlfriends and sometimes they're with a different person when they just broke up the day before, they're just very dependent. Luckily I'm not that type of person at all.

Tommy, Adam Lambert's band member exclusive interview with InRock Magazine (Japan)
Right before Adam Lambert's first Japan tour, in mid September we managed to get a first interview with his bassist, Tommy Joe Ratliff. He joined the band after his audition last year, and not long after, he became widely known after Adam kissed him on stage at the American Music Awards performance. Just like Adam, he has glam makeup on that suits him but when we actually talk to him, he has this cuteness in him and he seems like the character who is being loved and protected by Adam and everybody else.
Is this your first time doing a world tour?
Well, I've been overseas for the promo tour before, but this is the first time for me doing a tour this scale. And other band members are like my family, so I think it's very cool.
Have you ever been to Japan?
No, I've never.
I think you will like Japan. Seems like there are a lot of Tommy fans in Japan.
Yea, it does seem like it. Some fans came to America from Japan to see the shows, and there are some people who prepared presents for me. It's all thanks to Adam.
What's the highlight of the tour so far?
Well, the shows have been so awesome these two days. When it was the last show for our former drummer (Longineu Parsons III), it's kinda sad in a way, but the energy was awesome. And we have a new drummer Isaac (Carpenter) and from today on we're stoked to play with him. And aside from that, on our days off sometimes we rent a boat, or playing around the ocean on a jet ski, or stuff like that. It's very cool see a lot of different places in the country and I think it's a crazy life. Because last year this time I was in my cubicle doing desk work, and I've never done any work as a professional musician like this. And also to have people like Monte and Adam with me ... they're just like brothers to me.
Were you born and grew up in California?
Yes, in Burbank, outskirts of Los Angeles.
Have you always known since you were little that you're into music, or did you enjoy sports or other things?
I've been playing guitar since I was 12, and I've been in various bands in Los Angeles, and even though there are times when we got paid for performing, I've never played in professional level like this. Sports, well I played baseball when I was little, but I realized that I'm not good at it ... I'm just not good at (sport) teamwork (laughs).
You said you've been in several bands before, what kind of music did you play then?
Depends on the band, there are times where I played heavy metal, and I think because Monte once played heavy metal also, we have good music chemistry. We're trying to create that kind of energy and produce better sound at the shows. And I'm also a blues guitar player. I'm actually a guitar player, but when I audition for Adam Lambert, they asked whether I would try for bass and I've been playing bass since.
When you first audition was it for guitar player or for bassist?
In the first audition they were looking for guitar player so I auditioned for that. But after that I got a phone call that the position was filled, and they asked whether I'm interested to try out for the position of a bassist who can also play guitar. It was on my birthday, but cos they told me they wanted me to come the next day with a bass, I rushed home, missed my own birthday party, got a bass guitar and practiced for the audition (laughs). And then I got the job.
So you like bands like Depeche Mode and Nince Inch Nails, do you have any similar likings with Adam?
Yea, I like bands like Nine Inch Nails or Marilyn Manson, and since Adam introduced me to artists that he likes, I've been listening to Miike Snow, Lady Gaga and Goldfrapp. I think from the first time we met we have a lot in common, like we both love the movie Velvet Goldmine (1998). And we've introduced the music that we like to each other, I like Adam's taste. I like electronic from the 80's like Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, New Order, and I grow up listening to them.
Aside from your musical talent, I think Adam is also into your cute looks. That American Music Awards performance, it was not long after you were hired, right?
Yes, that was my first performance.
The part where Adam kissed you, it wasn't rehearsed?
No, it just happened in the moment. Like I said before, we both like Velvet Goldmine, it's almost like I want to be a rockstar because of that movie. We were talking about it and inspired by that, we thought we had to do something. We didn't plan the kiss, but at the rehearsal when it comes to that part, Adam supposed to pull my hair and then walk away. It was our first performance as a band, and I've said to Adam that he can grab me or do whatever he wants. And at the show Adam came and kissed me. I think it's very cool, I like to shock people.
I guess the world was too shocked by it.
Yes, because it is wrong according to Christian belief. It's okay for Britney Spears and Madonna to do it, and it's okay for Katy Perry to sing about kissing girls, kids have seen all that and they don't see it as a problem, but when guys do it, it become a problem. I think it's a huge double standard. And I'm glad that we did it cos in a way we've raised some awareness of that problem.
Is it true that Adam calls you Glitterbaby and you call Adam babyboy?
(laughs) It's funny because one time when we met I said jokingly "What's up babyboy?" and Adam laughed his ass off. So after that sometimes I call him that. And a while after, when we were getting ready for a show, I had glitter on me and when Adam saw that he called me glitterbaby. And on twitter Adam tweeted "what's up glitterbaby?" and I replied to him "hey there babyboy", it was just a simple thing like that, and it's funny how it became something this big.
Even now it looks like you're flirting with each other.
Well we're just joking around. We're very good friends, and Adam's like my own brother. He helped me a lot. Even on personal things like when I had an emergency situation and I had to leave the band. Especially there were a lot of things going on with my family, and Adam said that cos we're brothers, I don't have to worry about anything and I should go back to my family whenever I need to. We're just very close like that. I talk to him about anything, and he talk to me about anything. We're very good friends.
How is it for you lately? (his father passed away in August)
There are some good days, and some not really good days, but I'm happy that my dad saw me doing my best and I'm proud of it.
Do you think there's something that we don't know about Adam?
Hmmm, he's has an open personality from the first. In our off days we joke around and do stupid things, there certainly are some stuff that he doesn't say in interviews or on TV, but basically, he's just the way he is.
He does seem like that kind of person.
Yeah, even when there's something that he doesn't like, he doesn't pretend or sugar coat things. He just say it the way he sees it, he's not fake. I'm mostly the same, that's why sometimes I said I'm the straight version of Adam and we laughed together. We have a lot of things in common.
Do you have the same sense of humor?
Yes, it's true. Well, I have a rather weird sense of humor and sometimes and he gives me a 'what the hell' face.
We have some questions from your fans. Since you joined the band, is there anything that you notice different from yourself?
No, I don't think I've changed that much as a person. The opposite, I'm staying true to myself and always be grateful for the chance that is given to me. I'm not forgetting where I came from and I don't want to spoil myself. But maybe after staying at a very good hotel I found myself disappointed when I came home (laughs). But basically I don't want to forget where I came from and I'm trying to be careful not to become conceited (full of myself).
When we asked Monte the same question, he said the part that changed in him was that now he wears more make up (laughs).
Hahahaha, Well in my case I also wear more make up than I used to be. Before I just put on eyeliner, but now before show I can put on eyeshadow and lipstick myself. I think it's very fun and again I'm thankful to Adam for this.
What kind of makeup products do you use?
MAC. My lipstick is Dark Side from MAC, and I mix it with a black smolder to create this very gothic look like Marilyn Manson, or Robert Smith from The Cure.
Aside from music, what are you into lately?
I'm a movie junkie. Sometimes I rent a box set of tv series and do a marathon. I don't really like to party, so I don't go out a lot and I spend a lot of time at home alone. I always watch Western movies at home and all my friends are calling me old. I love horror movies too. I don't really play videogames, but a nice fan gave me a nintendo DS, so I play that sometimes.
What's your favorite Western and horror movie?
My favorite Western movie is probably Tombstone (1993), and my favorite Horror movies are Exorcist and Halloween.
You've been touring for some months now, what's the most shocking or surprising thing so far?
Shocking? I think it takes a lot to surprise us. Hmm, there are several times that we performed at a surprising venue. Like a very small stage, or somewhere in a remote area, and once in Texas we played at a slaughterhouse. That was quite shocking. And there's this stage that was in the center of the venue, and it was a rotating stage. I think that was the most interesting one to me. It feels like a Metallica concert.
What's the latest CD that you listened to?
The National's new album. And the latest album from Marilyn Manson called The High End Of Low. His music helps a lot when I feel sad or have problems in my relationship. When we feel miserable, to me it's Manson or Nine Inch Nails that reminds me that I'm not alone.
How do you see yourself in 10 years?
I want to be doing what I'm doing now (laughs). It's really fun. I really want to keep playing for Adam. And I really want to start a blues band. In whatever form, I'll be happy if I can continue doing music. I don't want to go back to where I was a year ago (bitter laugh).
Do you want a family?
Of course. I'm almost 29, and I thought about it, but honestly it's scary (laughs). It's just kinda scary to even hear the word "girlfriend". There are a lot of things I want to do, but I guess we have to find a person who would understand. I know if we find the right person it wouldn't be scary, but it's hard to find someone who would fully support your career. Especially lately with all the things that is going on, a lot of people wants to get close to me, and most of the times I can't tell whether they are interested in me or because of my job.
Oh, so you don't have a girlfriend right now, really? (laughs) Well, but you're really busy and right now you can do whatever you like, so in a way it's good?
Yea, of course (laughs). I sometimes talk to my friends on the phone, and they always complain about their boyfriends or girlfriends and sometimes they're with a different person when they just broke up the day before, they're just very dependent. Luckily I'm not that type of person at all.
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That was a good interview. I liked it a lot. It said more about Tommy than we have read in the last year. Now we love him even more.
this is the first interview I have ever read of Tommy. He is so down to earth. I admire him even more now.
That was very enjoyable...I like Tommy more after this.
Thanks to taxcha for the translation.
The most interesting venue to Tommy was the "rotating stage". That's where I saw him.
So nice to hear that!
Adam said in a previous interview that he hired people for his dancers and band members not only for their talent but for who they were as a person, friends and new people he felt he would like to get to know....helps you stay grounded. He obviously saw something in Tommy and can help him grow as an artist.
OMG! Tommy is ADORABLE! What a cute personality. So happy to hear that Adam really is like he seems. Glad to see that Tommy was open to try something different! I truly believe that can bring people such good experiences. Loved this interview, I want more! :-) (Hello Monte...)
Tommy seems like a delightful guy. I only wish him the very best in life.
Terrific interview. Did not know Tommy's blues interest. Love Adam singing the blues--one of the best blues singers I've ever heard. This is encouraging that maybe Tommy, Adam, and Monte could collaborate to write some blues for next album--something they could also improvise with at future concerts (ala WLL). Some seriously good blues could get Adam and band a whole new group of followers. I wish Adam would look to his own band for songwriting collaborations. They're so good together!
Kentucky Fan
It's one thing to see Tommy from a distance, and admire his talent. It's another to be able to add some personality to his image. He seems like a solid, honest guy. Enjoyed reading about him; many thanks to the translator.
Why are there no Tommys in my cubicle hell?? It would make work so much more tolerable!
Hey peeps, sorry to go off-topic, but I just read an Examiner article where apparently AL says an "it gets better" spot from him has already been shot?!! Thought you peeps would be interested and figured this might be a hot and well-read thread, so here's link if you're interested:
@Uree/11:53 - LOL :)
Thanks for the interview on Adam's "Kitty"
I'm making DVD of Tommy pics for my granddaughter...she loves him.
I'm mostly for Adam and Tommy seems like a nice guy otherwise Adam wouldn't have him in his circle of friends and entourage... Love him.
Love this interview, thank you to whoever do the translation and whoever post it on this site. I love Tommy more for his talents and personality. ADAM's team is the BEST !! Glad that i am a fan !!
Enjoyed hearing more about Tommy. He really sounds grounded and down to earth. In person he comes across exactly that way as many who have met him attest to. And he aint bad on the eyes either!! Adamluv
I forgot to say thanks to taxcha for the translation on this - THANKS, much appreciated, a great read.
And sorry for the brain cramp in my post at 11:54 - I forgot that Adam spoke very directly already to his "it gets better" spot at the Malaysian press conference.
Never worked in a cubicle, but Tombstone one of my fav westerns, and anything with Sam Elliott. I have said this before, and will say it again. I truly believe that Tommy is the next Keith Richards. Keith BTW on cover of Rolling Stone. Monte more the Ron Woods type-stoic. Adam seems to keep his friends close. Life is changing drastically for everyone in Adam's world. Monte used to the fame, but I personally never heard of any of the rest of his crew until they started touring. Tommy doesn't need to worry about settling down. He has the world as his playground, and eventually he will find someone who likes westerns. Great Interview!
So... Tommy talks! And good things came out his mouth and heart! Loved this interview. Loved to know a little(but such a «good» little) about him by himself. Way to go, Glitterbaby!
PS: What Tommy said to Glitzylady in Puyallup about her niece was so appropriate and lovable! Wow, Wow, Wow!!! I just can't stop imagining the scene! She should tell us again, but it is up to her.
The rotating stage, cape cod melody tent, ma is where I got my picture taken with tommy in the restaurant prior to the concert. He is adorable in person!
To echo what you've all commented, already - this was a really great interview! It was fun to learn more about Tommy. He does seem like a very sweet, grounded guy...and who knew he was such a homebody/loner? And into the Blues...? So interesting! Never would've thunk it! The Blues...and Marilyn Manson...what an interesting guy!
So glad that he and Adam found each other. Tommy's dedication to music is apparent - he skipped his own party to get prepared for his audtions? Awwww! He sounds very professional.
Tommy's appearance lead me to assume that he liked to party and was a wild guy, but actually, he sounds like the opposite. As I've said - myself! - you can't judge a book by the cover!
Anyway, loving Tommy even more now. Love the fact that Adam surrounds himself with such good, solid people...or maybe they gravitate towards him. And Tommy has the perfect personality to play the "sex toy" part in Adam's show. :) And he sure is a cutie and looks great all glammed up.
Wonder what kind of "cubicle job" Tomnmy had before - ?? Can't even imagine him in a cubicle - LOL!
- Adam Fix
i love the twoo boys , are so cute each in his wright and Adam said once that Tommy is a good musician , i like theyer chemistry whatever it is
off topic but a big thing for Adam is again in 10 most fascinating people list of Barbara Walters[Gossip]-Jersey-Shore-Makes-Barbara-Walters//-//10-Most-Fascinating-People//-List.htm
Thanks for coming back and taking job as bass player...U R one lucky dude!
U get to kiss Adam
U get to C the world
U get the girls
U R living the ROCK N' ROLL DREAM
Love and Light Glitterbaby
vote for Adam to perform in rock feastival of Rio , there are the best bands and rockers of the world , he is #2 , after AC/DC , but needs more votes to keep this place or to be #1
Great interview...not so great a photograph.
Terrific interview...long overdue. I knew Tommy was magnetic! He just oozes love and glam. So happy to know so much more of he and Adam's great friendship.
Thanks to anon 3:33..this is BIG news! Glad the mods of 24/7 picked up on this.
OT but here is a vid from Adam's good friend Cassidy Haley singing an absolutely beautiful song called "Foolish Boy" he wrote from the "It Get's Better" vids. Might get kleenex handy too. He speaks to his issues growing up gay also. He's cute too!
Great interview. Tommy is a sweetheart just like Adam. He has an awareness about him and is very considerate. Yes, I talked to him briefly. You can see why he and Adam are friends. I didn't know that AMA was his first performance with Adam!! What an introduction. It would have been terrible if he pulled away from Adam and
daydreamin, thanks so much for that link. Spent about 30 min. there watching it (another moving tribute) then to Cassidy from the show with Monte the other nite that I had to miss! He sang my favorite, whiskey in churches! I really like this guy. Then watched the Adam video done to that song plus other videos of him that I'd never seen! Early Christmas!!!! Some scumptious photos of him. Can he get anymore breathtaking? Adamluv
Yeah!! I was wondering if Adam would make Barbara Walters 10 most fascinating people's list!! Way to go again Adam!!
So Tommy's in a relationship? xD I'm confused
Of course you can't hear him in this interview, but when I heard him speak the first time, I was very surprised...he has such a deep voice.
8:30 pm No I don't think Tommy is going out with anyone now. He said that he is scared of having a relationship right now.
Anon 9:41 - I agree, the first time I heard him speak, I was surprised by that deep voice coming out of that little guy who looks like a pixie! :)
Anon 5:43 - yes, that struck me too...the AMA's were his first performance w/Adam??? Wow - good thing he likes to shock people!
- Adam Fix
@daydreamin October 15 5:37 PM -
thanks for the Cassidy link. Haven't been checking him out online in quite a while (but love him, have his stuff on my ipod and try not to spend too much time on this damn internet :)) so thanks for the reminder.
Great interview. I'm so glad that he plans to stick it out with the band. I was giggling when Adam introduced him as HELLO KITTY in one of the Tokyo GNTs. Love the way those boys tease the crowd, works all the time. They sure know how to put on a show. Tommy is such a sweetheart and he is PRETTY.
Day dreamin- thanks for the link. Adam is blessed with so many talented friends.
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