US Album and Singles Sales Update
Filed Under (album news,If I Had You,what ya want from me ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Album Sales:
Adam Lambert, For Your Entertainment (3,000, -6%, 744,000) (#172 BB200)
Top Idol downloads:
Adam Lambert, If I Had You (25,000, -15%, 569,000 total)
Daughtry, September (21,000, +3%, 265,000)
Carrie Underwood, Mama's Song (11,000, +4%, 117,000)
Carrie Underwood, Undo It (9,000, -6%, 865,000)
Adam Lambert, Whataya Want From Me (6,000, -6%, 1.582 million)
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Wow, what an insanely hot picture that accompanies this thread.
Love it!
Son of a hot biscuit eater!!! look at them scores!!!You go Adam!!!!
Gads, I wished I had Brook's bod.
I'm going to order a couple FYE CDs from Amazon and give them as gifts. Adam has brought so much happiness to my life. I'd love to see him go Platinum. Screw those award shows. Let's take care of our boy.
@Anon 11:24PM
AMEN! SCREW THOSE AWARD SHOWS! His phenomenal positive effect on the lives of his global fans is far more relevant than any of those presentations. And for this X'mas i might as well do the same. Thanks for the idea.
my sister gave me a FYI CD last Christmas and now I am a faithful glambert. I think this year I will pay it forward and buy a cd for a friend.that is a great picture of Adam and Brooke above.
I'm w/ PRS, what a pic... besides AFL and obviously Brooke - what's going on in the background and at the edges of the pic - awesome
ps. @Anon Oct 20 11:21pm - Gads, I wish I had Adam's bod... ;)
Adam really need another song release to push his platinum CD goal in US. Just keep finger cross. Yes, screw those award shows.
The picture must be hot, can only see top half, bottom half must have burned up. Just bought a new CD, so doing my part. Think that brings my total to six--gave them as gifts. Need to start a grass roots campaign now to make sure new album goes platinum in US. We are so lagging behind other countries. So we just need to step up our game. Wonder why Mgmt doesn't want new single in US. Must be some reasoning behind this.
Thanks for the info, always wondering what the numbers are...
I SOOOO want "Sleepwalker" to be released in the U.S. His fans already LOVE the song and would support it and request it like crazy.
AIR PLAY would reach those who DON'T know it and get it out there to the rest of the listeners. I REALLY think this could push The album sales PAST the MIL mark in the U.S., especially if MGMNT promotes Adam on tv shows singing it LIVE! He was phenomenal when he sang it on Leno. How can he have 'hits' if the songs aren't released?? "Sleepwalker" could be the biggest hit yet!
Anon. @ 12:03-- Yes I thought of that too-that's the only thing that's made be stop myself from begging anyone on twitter to get a campaign, or petition or whatever going to get a movement going to GET "Sleepwalker released... WHAT could they possibly be thinking??? HOW could anohter hit not be a good idea??
Any ideas anyone??... Every time I read about his album sales I want to scream... How many artists(with 1/2 Adam's talent) have released multi tracks off 1 album and are consantly rammed down out throats and considered great successes at the top of the charts! There are SEVERAL more potential hits just sitting on his album, enjoyed by the people who already HAVE it... It needs to get out to MORE people who don't know how great it is, or thought they wouldn't be interested...
Why should his awesome debut album that he put so much of his heart and soul into- with such
GREAT tracks keep getting reffered to as "sales not as good as expected"... JJEEEZ! Release some more songs so people will HEAR it, get interested and buy. If there's no buzz, sales will go to the NEXT release from another artist that has the backing promotion to create a stir..
I read somewhere that someone requests Sleepwalker on Ryan Seacrest's' daily "American Top 5" even though it's not released. That's great idea if it gets tabulated and they SEE a demand for it, so I think I'll follow suit too... get the name out there.
Any takers?? I invite us all to play in techno-land.. facebook, twitter, airplay requests, blogs, whatever way possibe, let's start a buzz and get Adam's album platinum! He looks good in silver glitter!
My that picture is torrid! This entire Glam Nation is a force to reckon with. They are all amazing in their own way, and the king of this troop is too hot to handle. I am wondering if the music mongols are afraid of the competition one magnificent singer is giving them. Would seem they are trying to set him back a step. Won't work, and we will tell you why--his fans won't allow it. If it's sales you want, watch us. Whatever it takes, just watch us!!!
I think IIHY would have been as big a hit as WWFM if Adam had been in the country to promote it.He was touring so was unable to do any tv or radio promos, he had the video, but I still think it would have done much better if he could have performed it on tv a few times. Maybe they are waiting for the tour to be over before releasing SW so that he can do the promo.
Wonder what the numbers are for FYE, last time I saw them they were at 330,000, pretty good numbers for a song that 'bombed'.
HK fan
Yeah HK fan - we should view (hit) FYE to increase the #'s, maybe run the vid in a second window when blogging on 24/7 :)!!
meant sales numbers for FYE, video views are at 5.5million on vevo...
HK fan
oh, thanks HK fan. Wow, I learned something just now, I would not have thought FYE video would be at 5.5mil on vevo or anywhere, yay for FYE. I mean, I LOVE the FYE video (and song), I just didn't think views would be quite that high, but YAY.
Holy guacamole! Really? 5.5 Million?!?
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