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The 10 Best Quotes/Moments From Adam Lambert's ETHS!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, November 22, 2010

Posted at : Monday, November 22, 2010

From Entertainment Weekly:

Last night’s premiere of E! True Hollywood Story: Adam Lambert wasn’t exactly bursting with new information about the American Idol season 8 runner-up/glittery, octave-scaling entertainer. But it did have its share of entertaining moments. My personal top 10:

10. Neil Lambert recounting that growing up, his now-famous older brother’s giant costume box meant Halloween “could happen any time of year.”
9. Footage of Adam in his Zodiac Show days, dressed in feathery regalia and sporting bright blue hair, belting “A Change Is Gonna Come.” I suspect anyone who saw that performance live and in-person wasn’t terribly surprised when Adam nailed the civil rights anthem again on the Idol stage.
8. The visual splendor of the turquoise, red, yellow, and black blouse worn during confessional interviews by Adam’s pal Scarlett Cherry. (Note how the colors were picked up by Cherry’s turquoise necklace and violet-red locks.) Fab!
7. Adam giving us too much information, but using humor to make it totally inoffensive: “I lost my virginity at 21, and it was to a man — not a woman. And it wasn’t very good.” [Laughs.] “Sometimes it takes a little while to learn how to do that correctly.” [Bigger laugh.]
6. Grade-school Adam’s Century 21 ad: Blink and you missed him!
5. Adam explaining how his bandmate Monte Pittman convinced Madonna to spend some time with the young Idol graduate. “He used the fact that I was on the cover of Rolling Stone as kind of incentive for her to meet me.”
5a. Multiple sightings of (using full Oprah voice) ALLISON IRAHETA!
4. Lynne Broyles, Adam’s first vocal coach, reduced to tears just thinking about Adam’s performance of “Mad World” during Idol‘s eighth season. (Awww.)
3. That shot of The Post Daily — which looks like a very primitive Muggle newspaper — with an all-caps front-page headline of “‘IDOL’ SHOCKER: LAMBERT PICKED AS MAN TO BEAT, BUT ALLEN PREVAILS.” I don’t know where/how/if this Post Daily (with a tagline of “the finest newspaper in the world”) actually exists, but I appreciate any paper that understands an Idol finale is on par with DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN or other major global events.
2. Adam’s dad joking that his big-voiced son, who cried “23 hours a day,” was “one of the more evil infants.” Hey, it’s all about building lung capacity!
1. High school drama club advisor Doug Smith showing a floral prop Adam made for a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. “Lots of glitter. Adam loves glitter.”



Anonymous said...

Laughed at the Oprah voice- ALLISON IRAHETA! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the show. Hope it distracted greatly from the AMA's...............

Anonymous said...

I actually didn't love this... I happened to be taking a quick break earlier today and saw this Michael Slezak article shortly after it had been posted, not many comments yet, wonder how it's been received in the blogosphere?. I generally like Slezak, but sometimes find him working too hard at being clever or something... IDK, it's just me, my issue :), Slezak is actually a great entertainment news writer. I will say, that if my memory serves me correctly, he's a big Kris Allen fan, which is great, I only mention it because I wonder what he thought about the E THS portion that covered AI8 - I mean, it wasn't, how shall I say it...overly sensitive towards Allen (I'm not looking for controversy here!!! I was just sort of suprised, did NOT have a problem with it, was just sort of taken aback) so anyway, I'd love to know what Slezak thought of that?! But anyway, yeah - didn't love this. I did love 'though, as Adamluv said - the Oprah voice/Allison Iraheta line... Slezak was a fierce supporter of Iraheta (me too! Dang, her cd is really good - think there is such a great possibility that many teen girls would like it more than Swift's stuff if they were better exposed to it...and I love it as an adult!). Sorry, longwinded :)


Anonymous said...

I am not a Slezak fan at all. He is too snarky in his comments about Adam because of his loyalty to KA as MGF stated above. Once I saw who wrote the article I passed on reading it, just as I have passed on reading this.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I didn't blink but if I did I just replayed it! :) But must admit I did miss the Post Daily shot & visual splendor of the turquoise of the Cherry's‼ ☺

Anonymous said...

Show your support by writing your comments on EW website about the above story of Adam Lambert's 'E! THS' The 10 best quotes/moments

Anonymous said...

Just pre- ordered my EP acoustic CD from Adam Official. Thanks for convenient link![11/22, 8:01 PM] Don't wait too long, as there are a limited amount of the hard cds. It was $4.98+ shipping. Guess it will ship on or after Dec.6th, the day it goes on sale of to gen. public. Also gave Michael Slezak an indirect shot. His list pitiful, but at least he gave Adam some mention. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I ordered my two EP CDs from the fan club site ... nothing to it ... ordered/paid for ... now just waiting for delivery. If you are a member of the ... '' ... go there ... there are different packages available ... I just got the two physical EP CDs which includes a WWFM download.


Anonymous said...

I know that Michael Slezak is a Kris Allen fan, but his two interviews with Adam after AI and the AMA:s were good. They seemed to enjoy each other and Adam even thanked MS for taking the piss out of him during the beginning of AI: "I need an eyeroll now and again, I am ridiculous I know that".


Anonymous said...

I ordered from Adam's website...ordering fron there makes me nervous..I never know if order went thru..even when it says it had and my calendar has been 2 months now..will I see it before 2011?..So used to ordering and receiving within couple days.....Because it's Adam stuff and EP is limited ..I get anxious.....

Anonymous said...

Speaking of good Adam merchandise, I just got my hands on a Japan magazine (Inrock) from eBay which features some really cool photos and a big poster of Adam in a very sexy come hither pose. Yum!

Urethra_Franklin said...

The only thin not on the list was Allison Porter exclaiming "What the FUCK?" That gave me a big belly laugh. She speaks for America!

Anonymous said...

That was priceless wasn't it Uree/5:49am... the truest things always are.

@Eva - I have to admit that I did love those interviews that Slezak did with AL immediately following AI. Slezak knows AI, for sure, so I appreciated specifically his skill and depth of knowledge when interviewing AL for that interview.


Urethra_Franklin said...

Slezak's cool. Loved when he told Adam he "took it [CIGC] to church!"

Anonymous said...

Go to the link below to order Adam's For Your Entertainment album to celebrate it's one year anniversary of its release:

Anonymous said...

Siempre estoy presente siguiendo todas las actualizaciones y haciendo comentarios. Días de mucha emoción, sigamos positiva y con la música
Saludos cordiales a ustedes.

Anonymous said...

Go to the link to watch 3 videos of Adam Sony Music in Italy is promoting on Italy's t.v.:

Anonymous said...


HH 8:31AM
«I'm always present, following all updating and making comments. Days of much emotion, let's keep positive and with ADAM's music FOREVER. Cordial greeting to all of you. HH»

PSH hey Glamily, I'm just going back to translate HH's comment in the ETHS thread. It's a very good comment, trust me!

@ HH
Hola querida! Tienes la traducción de ETHS, entiendes todo ó necesitas que te tradusca alguna cosa, ó TODA la cosa??? Besos, Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Querida fan4fun, todo bien con la traducción
de ETHS, la he visto muchas veces, y con los comentarios y análisis relacionados, tengo controlada la situación de está fabulosa historia
de ADAM por siempre.
Mil gracias por tu atención. besos para tí.......

Lolita said...

"The only thing not on the list was Allison Porter exclaiming "What the FUCK?" That gave me a big belly laugh. She speaks for America!"

I agree with you, Uree, that comment should have been number one on the list! lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I too loved the Slezak / Adam interviews after AI last year. I have them saved and watch from time to time. I've actually forwarded them to non-fans to help explain my "addiction". And they did agree that they get what a nice and talented guy he is.


Anonymous said...

Remember everyone today (Tuesday November 23) is the ONE YEAR anniversary of Adam releasing "For Your Entertainment"!!!! Show your love and support by purchasing the album and get Adam back on the Billboard Hot 100 and Top 200 albums charts!!!!

Anonymous said...

ETHS vids Part 2, at 3:08 - Adam talking about his parents being liberal, cool , accepting and saying “We still love You, no matter what…” Look at his eyes, listen to his voice! What a touching, tearful moment (shame that they’ve cut it so abruptly). That’s how I’ve felt ever since I layed my eyes on this multitalented gorgeous hunk of a man!!! Unconditional love. Total acceptance. Pure joy.

I enjoyed the vids - and looked like a racoon after I was finished with them (well, you’ve talked about badgers, beavers etc…I love animals too!) What a ride it has been already…

GGD Gal, eagerly waiting for more

Rebecca said...

loved the evil infant remark by Ebr as a parent i know where he is coming love the parent

Anonymous said...

I also remember the Slezak/Adam interviews and thought Slezak did a great job...had a nice raport, was very comfortable and funny, asked good questions...

- Adam Fix