Adam Lambert Met a Fan Today in Amsterdam 11-21
Filed Under (pictures,The Fans ) by Admin on Sunday, November 21, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, November 21, 2010

@Nady_81: me and @adamlambert in amsterdam today!! THANKS to @UhHuhHerMusic Wink Wink
@Nady_81 met adam just 2 hours ago in amsterdam... i cant believe how fucking awesome he is, THANKS @uhhuhhermusic, you are amazing, love you both!
Photo Credit: Nady_81
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lucky uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!You are both freaking hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, such a sweet picture!
See everyone, he is still the Adam we know, the real life Adam.
Last night was only a performance.
" Enlace GRACIAS a Ls."
WWFM.versión acústica
@Nady_81 - you are one LUCKY GIRL! Death by jealousy :( But i would feel a lot better if you can just give me a can of stroopwafels ha ha ;-)
Que linda imagen, no hay hojas el los arboles,
pero hay mucho amor entre ADAM y su fans.
Ooooops sorry that wasn't her toink :( mind still asleep.
Anon 2.13 you said in a few words what I tried to say at the end of the Amsterdam link.
He is a different Adam on stage to the sweet real life Adam. Its a performance.
Jadam NZ
Adam looks so fierce in his winter clothes! And lucky lucky girl! Glad Adam is spending some time in this beautiful and fascinating city. The Dutch are very kind, gracious people and I have such warm and wonderful memories of the many trips made to this part of Europe. Adamluv
i just wanna Hug Squeeze and Kiss Adam..cause hes just so Delicious...but i,m saving that TREAT for next week:) lol
Glambrit IOW UK
Adamluv....well i hope you inhaled when you were in the wonderful Amsterdam (*-*)lol
Glambrit IOW UK
Adamluv, Bing, Fan4fun, GIOW/UK, Urethra - Thank You for your nice comments in the AL Mic Slow Motion thread, sorry it's taken so long to come back, but due to my one week internet connection problems, I'm like the headline of that thread SLO MO, have so many vids and threads to catch up!!
Currently weighing my options: Do I want to start reading the HUMONGOUS Amsterdam thread or just enjoy rewatching and rewinding the MORE THAN VIVID vids from Paris, Cologne and GLAmsterdam…
GIOW/UK - so happy for your next week rendezvous!
GGD Gal in SLO-MO, hoping our Rock God rests on Sunday too!
This is from another lucky fan that met Adam on the street in Amsterdam.
If anyone is watching E True Hollywood Story tonight check on your TV guide when it starts. I had heard from everyone it was 9:00 pacific time. So I thought I would set it up early , so I wouldnt forget to record it. Turns out it comes on at 6:00 pm. So I put it on record for 6:00. Hope this helps someone.I live in CA.
GGD....i would read the *SHOCK HORROR* Smoking a joint thread...yeah there a lot of Nasty FORMER ADAM FANS.....but far more...LOVE ADAM TIL I DIE FANS...its gets more fun and light hearted towards the end..
really starting to shake with Delight at seeing the Amazing Adam Lambert......theres a little Adam Interview on offical Adam Lambert UK..called Adam Lambert UK Shout OUT.where Adam is saying *Hey Glambrits thankyou for your support on my SELLOUT UK TOUR,i can't wait to perform for you all..... ..i cant stop listening to Adam saying *Hey GLAMBRITS* makes me go all drooly......good luck in catching up...i still have loads of Adams Glamnation Concerts on my bookmarks..but i am saving those for when Glam Nation Tour is over as an extra special treat
Glambrit IOW UK
Glambrit you make me smile. I hope your Adam experience remarkable. You are getting the best of Adam in Europe, and we are green with envy. Please give us a total recap of your experience, especially if you are on the Fan Site. LOL
Glambrit IOW UK, yes I did and as often as possible!!!! And on a serious note, the voters in Calif. just voted down a bill legalizing marijuana. Too bad, since I was gonna use the stuff in order to not feel the Adam tattoo! Well, no tattoos for me now. LOL! Liberal California is not so liberal after all! Adamluv
LP, that's strange about it coming on at 6:00. The LA TImes has it at 9;00 but they dont mention who is on so dont know what to think now. Thanks for heads up! Adamluv
@GGD Gal Nov 21 2:45PM - Regarding your
"Currently weighing my options: Do I want to start reading the HUMONGOUS Amsterdam thread or just enjoy rewatching and rewinding the MORE THAN VIVID vids from Paris, Cologne and GLAmsterdam…"
Okay, you didn't ask for it :), but my opinion - skip the Amsterdam thread and hit the vids! From what I can glean of you reading your posts :), you could live without that thread, lol. Which is not to say that it isn't provocative and interesting reading, it is, and for the most part civility exercised by all, which is nice... but with all your catching up to do :), I'd put my time into the vids, stellar stuff there, (some of the best vocals on the planet IMHO) but that's just me, lol!
and your reference to GLAMsterdam - LOVE IT!! If you starting with the GLAMsterdam thread, check this vid out:
@GGD Gal in SLO-MO Nov 21 2:45PM - oh, and also, re your "hoping our Rock God rests on Sunday too!"... IKR! Ha, just Perfect.
Adam just needs to stay in Europe and never leave.And we have so many cute boys here;)
Hi Dark Side..well i think smiles are needed after the last downer of a thread we all need some light hearted banter:) and a smoke:)
Adamluv...Good Girl :)....yeah i was following that california news..Bloody hell!! i did have my fingers crossed it would happen..but i don't think it ever will in our US or UK even if our Idiot Prime Minister..apparently smoked it when he was at UNI but guess what he did'nt inhale...yeah right no of course he didn,t (Liar)
Adam Tattoo..(SHOCK HORROR) now your'e start those former fans raging again lol
did you find my message ...i found that drop dead gorgeous picture that you commented about on another thread a while Must have it if you can't have a TAT....
check it out
do an ebay search might only be UK ebay..not sure...but heres the details
Adam Lambert 16 x 12 Reproduction Poster 29
seller is called musicposters 2009..
he has 22 different posters for sale....i,m greedy i want them all lol
Glambrit IOW UK
Pots smokers arent the Devil. They are normal everyday people. Not so sure why everyone is flipping out over the mere idea that he smokes pot. It doesnt change his character in the least. CHILL people!!
Awwwww! Great picture!
adam lambert dont smoke -only for the stage show-people chill out.
Hey we are CHILLIN OUT...smoking a spliff as i
Glambrit IOW UK
wow what a lucky fan
RE..Urethra and anon 3.52... no offence just asking but are you replying on the wrong thread with these chill out remarks...
we are chillin..or have you just got seriously wrecked yourself lol or maybe don,t quite get my scarky English humour:)
Glambrit IOW UK
Way off-topic, feel free to scroll on by:
Oh Glambrit IOW UK/4:05pm - why am I tempted to say "that explains a lot" Ha Ha - I say it with total love and devotion to you ;)! But seriously glamsista - the other day when you were talking about some artists you'd seen in the 70's, I wanted to chime in and ask you if you'd ever seen The Doors before Jim Morrison died in 71 in Paris (I think))? Not a big Doors fan or anything, not old enough maybe, don't know much about them, but was just thinking about it when you talked about some iconic acts you'd seen live, and 'ya know, Adam in Paris last week and all... and Jim had a different but certain "IT" factor too, like Adam, and so I was just wondering...
Well anyway, as Morrison sang when he famously delivered his bandmates' "Touch Me" lyrics I too say to AFL:
Yeah! Come on, come on, come on, come on
Now touch me, baby, Can't you see that I am not afraid?...Now, I'm gonna love you, Till the heavens stop the rain, I'm gonna love you, Till the stars fall from the sky..."
ps. sorta wouldn't mind seeing Lambert cover Light My Fire someday????
Come on. Pot in California wasn't voted in because it's de facto legal. It's being done everywhere, and no one cares!!!! Passing bill would hurt current growers because it would open it to everyone, so they were some of the major opposition. It's not always as it seems. Pot is no worse, better or different than alcohol. Remember prohibition. I guess you don't, but that didn't work either :)
Adam is an entertainer and if we see something on the stage it's part of the entertainment. It doesn't mean that he will be like other rockers.
Just relax and don't panic he knows what he is doing just to please the fans in a good heart.
Life is too short people just enjoy life...........
Thanks Glambrit IOW UK & MGF for caring!
Have to confess, have watched (and rewatched) the Amsterdam PH/WLL vids already - got my Internet connections back late Saturday evening, so NATURALLY stayed up, waited for vids and… did the ”bad” thing, went straight for the encore, WOOAAAHHH!! Knew to expect something fierce, have enjoyed A(mster)dam vibes myself so many times, great city, great fun! Needless to say, restless & little sleep last night…
And still so many other vids I want to see!
Sorry, my posts are OT in this thread, but I don’t think our beautiful, most photogenic BB minds, so hopefully you don’t either…
GGD Gal, I heart A(mster)dam
Did anyone get a count on how many Rhianna crotch shots there were on the "family friendly" AMAs?
Just curios.
4:20 nope right thread. Its carried over. it opened up with this idea that what he did on stage isnt REALLY him, "its OK" hes off stage now. Like the person he is on stage is the "evil" pot smoking side or whatever. I was just trying to make the point that he is who he is and people who smoke pot shouldnt be feared. Its safer than booze. Smokers are NORMAL people. Thats all.
And the irony of your post being at 4:20 isnt lost on me. LOL
I am not watching!! Protesting cuz they turned their noses up at Adam, so I am turning up my finger, oops I mean my nose at them!! lol
not really off topic but don't read if you are anti weed
re 4.50 yeah i mentioned on the Adam smoked a joint thread...about the dangers of Alcohol. yesterday...ppl really should do some searches on HEMP..because there are more GOOD points than Bad its just the Lying goverments and Corprate Businesses. of the world..really DON'T want you to know that...can,t have anyone saying Alcohol is more would so affect the greedy shareholders of this world thats for sure...there is alot of ignorance about smoking weed...look i am still ALIVE and KICKING.....I am lucky...i have no kids only my loved one and my beautiful 4 cats..i live in a lovely cottage surrounded by trees 5 mins from the sea...i live in my *world* no one elses well apart from ADAM Heaven..i am very creative...i work from home....i don,t need todays selfish greedy hectic lifesytle...just to add another point..back in the 1970s after the last Isle of Wight Festival that Hendrix played at...well alot of the hippies never went home and i feel thats why our isle is Mellow and Chilled Out..with alot of very nice kind Creative loving people and i Like it...sorry to rattle on..gotta just say this cause it is so making me laugh..i have'nt heard the phrase POT used since the 70s...we call it weed or Bush or cabbage..
Glambrit IOW UK
Glambrit IOW UK, thanks so much for the ebay info. Will definitely look that up. And just in case anon didnt get my humor, I voted "yes". Adamluv
I don't really understand why Adam let down the AMAs. I suppose they gave him a big opportunity. The dislike is mutual so I'm not expecting any solution anytime soon.
E! True story Adam Lambert on in about 1/2 hour.
Glambrit, I was commenting at the same time as you. It sounds like a heavenly place to live and lifestyle. Interesting fact about after the festival and the creative folks that stayed on. And I do agree with you about marijuana vs. alcohol. Thank you for your imput. Adamluv
Off-Topic again. Well sort of - if anyone's online passing some time before E THS - you could always check out the vid linked below...
@GGD Gal/I heart A(mster)dam Nov 21 5:04PM -
Hey There again. You went right for the encore did 'ya...well, it's hard not to isn't it?!! :)... 'though I do love the idea that some other blogger posted here in the other thread about watching the vids in the true concert order... however, since you've already watched the Amsterdam vids anyway :) - check this mofo vid out:
It's the PH/WLL encore - unfortunately the audio is lousy, a real shame, cuz the visuals - Holy Hot Hell, not to be missed (PEEPS, I SAID NOT TO BE MISSED... other than you folks who are in it only for the music, which is a perfectly wonderful reason to be in it for, totally understandable, it's all good). It is very clear and well, just very very... My Hubby's out for a bit (usually HATE when my guy's out on a Sunday night, but tonight, it's workin' for me, lol) and the little ones are fast asleep and I was passing the time, NOT watching you know what, and waiting for 9pm EST for the E THS and so was blogging and came across this vid, NOT TO BE MISSED in my humble opinion.
Sorry to be long-winded and rambling -truthfully, trying to calm my nerves because, honestly, I am very wary of this E THS special, but have never hoped so much in my life to be totally and completely wrong about something. Happy catching up GGD Gal.
10:01 EST - tears. E THS over. So blissfully happy to have been proven stunningly wonderfully wrong... not a weepy person, never have been - but tears.
Just switched off the TV. I really enjoyed the E program re Adam. He comes across as the great guy he is! Wow!
Very last of Adam's words from E special:
"I feel like I'm getting to be... thanks guys"
oops, take #2: "I feel like I'm getting to be ME...thanks guys" (to be ME that is :))
I just watched "E" and it was so great to see Adam put in such a positive light. He is who he is and that is such a blessing to so many. The likes of Adam Lambert only come around every so often. I am so happy he has friends and family who love and get him and ofcourse his fans who he makes feel so special too. At is nice when an entertainer actually give his fans props like Adam does. Thanks so much Adam. You ARE LOVED!
Loved the E! show! Hope people watched it instead of the AMA crap!! Adam came across beautifully. Very personable, friendly, open and honest! Love me some Adam!!!
I too enjoyed every second of the E program. Such a great job!
Have my son here from NYC and made him watch also. I could tell he was interested but still thinks I may have a problem as I showed him my necklace. But, when I reminded him it was for charity, I think all is ok now.
Sleep tight everyone.
Just watched Adam on E!!. Good program, I enjoyed it. Thought they gave extra time to the AMA's, which according to them its still an open subject. Also the bit about the paparazi, at the beach, is still pending.Maybe they are waiting for Adam to come back off his tour, to close the case. It might take a court appearance.
Overall it was a good show, I am sure glad I checked out when it was coming on, so I could record it, cuz it was on at 6:00 not 9:00 here in CA.
MGF, I think his "I feel like I'm getting to be me" should be engraved or sketched on something special.
Tiene que ser una MARAVILLOSA Historia. no tengo ese canal, como lamento no poder verlo,lágrimas.. Tengo la esperanza que más adelante lo pasen por E!latino y traería la traducción en español.
Me alegro por ustedes y pronto llegaran sus opiniones de este programa Especial de ADAM LAMBERT.
OMG! Just watch E! I was smiling and crying, laughting and been upset. Adam is the artist, singer, performer, and golden heart person who is deserves a lot of rose petals in his way to success. Lets spread this petals and be sure they smell as Coco Chanel;)LOL
Estoy viendo por YouTube- E! True Hollywood Story
part 1 Fabuloso!!!!
Loved the E special on Adam! I thought the comments by Adam's music teacher so touching regarding his Mad World performance on Idol. Also, Adam wanting to sing for his teacher because of an emotional day or something to that effect, pure ADAM! He's no fake-the real deal! Loved the comments from his friends; also Neil, he is so loved! I appreciated Randy Jackson's comments about Adam as well - he recognized his singing talent early on. The best comments were from Adam himself- humble, honest, sweet, and polite as we know him to be. Well done Adam. May your star forever shine brightly! nancdruuu2
E special - I thought I knew everything about Adam but found out his parents divorced a few years ago? OK then! The part about the police report can't be correct - didn't the police decide not to press charges? Why is the investigation still pending then since it's now moot? We have the universe to thank for our boy Adam!
@GGD Gal - you are most welcome my dear ;-)
@MGF - you won't believe it but Light My Fire is my cellular phone ringer mwahahaha! In fact, i've been wanting to comment on the cover of Adam's Acoustic Live Album that it's very Jim Morrison from how i see it hahahaha. Now here i go again just thinking aloud, maybe it would be fun if someday, Adam could come up with a cd singing some of the greatest hits before he was born, those that are suited to his voice. And Light My Fire would be nice ;-)
GIOW/UK at 5:20PM - thanks so much for this very informative post, highly appreciated. Have a blast on your GNT ;-)
Just watched adam on E. I have to say, good job! We need another hour however to cover the last 6 months of glamnation tour (didn't cover much on that) I was really happy the way everyone talked about our BB and even happy with myself that I didn't watch AMA's. It was tough, but in adam's honor I did not watch!
Great thread, guys!
GIOW/UK - thx for the interesting info about the IOW...sounds like an awesome place. I am counting the days (FOR you) that you get to see Adam live!!! Yes - we will need a full report from you!
MGF - ha, ha! I know why you enjoyed that Glamsterdam (love that) footage - um, it was the camera angle, right? Shot from down-under, hmmmm?
- Adam Fix
GIOW/UK,Adamfix took the words out of my mouth! " " " " " " " " funbunn40
Wow! Very nice footage about Adam particular the young Adam I did not see a lot. Very touching, I now have I will watch mad world in a new angle, means so much to him. A legend in the making, I have a feeling we will have more episodes to come in the future. I also hope more people would understand where he originally come from and won't judge him in their own respective view of point. Its all good.
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