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Adam Lambert Mic Slow Motion in Paris

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 19, 2010

Posted at : Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanks to suz526 for the video!


sas said...

going to paradiso amsterdam tomorrow
zo veel zin in

glitzylady said...

Okay...Suz is getting the vids up from Colone...just watched the encore Purple Haze and Whole Lotta Love, the Rock Version!!!!!! and it is very, very, very, .........good!! You will LOOOVE the end of WLL...whoa, baby!!! I'm going out to find a cigarette to smoke now...(I don't smoke, but may need to start....after that one...) And I don't know how Suz can be capable of doing anything after being that close.....

Anonymous said...

I enjoy watching your videos but When you pick them apart and showcase this mic just ruins it for me....

Anonymous said...

I think the mic part is unnecessary. Some of his actions repulse me. I love Adam and follow him every day but he sometimes goes beyond good taste.

Anonymous said...

I hope my fist would fit in his. HaHaHa!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glitzlady, I am screaming at my damn computer cuz I cant see the video. It stops every few seconds! UGH! Read the comments below and when I read that during WLL, Adam "f*cks each and everyone of us", I knew I'm missing something special!!!!!! Just need to be patient! And @3:26, just dont click on the videos that pick the performance a part since you already know you dont wanna see it! Now gonna go eat junk food to compensate for not being able to watch the video! I hope you feel my pain! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, have you tried pausing the vids until they are completely loaded? Then they will play without intreruption.


Anonymous said...

Adam is so sexy. I Love him.

Anonymous said...

It sure taste like ice-cream. What favor is it? Anybody try? Mmmmmmm, its blueberry, he loves it. LoL

glitzylady said...


Sorry about the vid..mine stopped three times and I was screaming "NOOO!" and then of course "YES, YES, ...YES!!!" at the end because what you read is correct..and I feel like I have just been been...royally....f*****d (excuse the french..)!!!! LOL!!!! Oh my, did I just say that???!!! Oh my!! Sorry, its just the truth! Phew!!!!!!! I do believe he is trying to kill us!!!

Anonymous said...

Here is today IIHY vid:


Anonymous said...

That was just...have no words. I realised I sat and pulled my hair with both hands in the end till I got Adams Paris look, cheeks glowing, sweat pouring. How does he do that?
bfvhydvbhyobv n *head on keyboard* (dead)


Anonymous said...

And Fever!! So sweet kiss. He was so beautiful in Aftermath and sweet to Monte. I think I like that guy.


Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

FINALLY saw what you all were talking about, and damn but that boy is gonna be the death of us all! That WLL ending with those vocals and movements were beyond sexy and sensual. Gotta come up with a new word to describe this hot crazy mofo!! He did really f*ck the audience, didnt he? Death by Adam F*cking Lambert! Yes, please! Adamluv

LILY said...

to suz526, i was thinking of giving a donation for your efforts but after this video and others i changed my mind. IF YOU REALLY SUPPORT ADAM YOU DO NOT NEED TO SHOW THIS TASTELESS VIDEOS. i do not know what adam is thinking but HE LOST ME NOW AS A FAN AND I REALIZED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE RIGHT, ADAM IS NOT SAFE.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Oh Lily get over yourself.

THAT performance is the BEST hes ever done on ANYTHING. Its better than Fantasy Springs in my opinion. Thats saying ALOT!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Correction: WLL in COlogne is the BEST...wrong thread.

Anonymous said...

Hey, sweet Adam,

Some of your fans may be quite right when they say you shouldn't touch yourself so many times or make all those sexy «acrobatics» with your mic!
I VOLUNTEER TO DO IT FOR YOU, INSTEAD... let me, LET MEEEEEE(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), you sweet devilish openly GREAT!


Anonymous said...

He is do damn funny.

Anonymous said...

dear lily,
you need to chill because you are gonna lose out on ALOT if you give up on adam just with this one little performance.
he was in PARIS for gods sake!!! No KIDS went to this concert!! If their were any, he wouldn't do this! ADAM IS A GENUINE PERSON!!! (sorry about the caps)This IS safe, in other words how on earth is it dangerous???

Anonymous said...

Bye Lil

Anonymous said...

I agree this one is vulgar and beyond good taste. I don't think Adam is "dangerous", just lacking class.
The defiant/"innocent" look at the end shows he couldn't care less about being crass and obviously still has an agenda to prove. Sorry, just being honest.

Anonymous said...

The shoulder shrug at the end makes we want to vomit. You don't need to tell me to go away, Adam has already accomplished that after this video..
What happened to that sweet guy who tricked us all into voting for him on Idol??

Anonymous said...

Some perfectly fine and good people like a little vulgar, a little cheeky... And why is it an "agenda"? It is normal for Adam's cheeky displays to involve male on male symbolism... and so too normal for many citizens among us. You will say "oh I would have found it to be about agenda if it was hetero symbolism", hhhhmmmm, not so sure I'd be convinced of that. I believe you might still find it vulgar, but not so sure we'd hear the "agenda" comment if we were talking about a graphic gesture that was otherwise hetero, js.

Anonymous said...

9:06, I'm going to respond as if you're not a troll, why can't Adam be both a sweet, kind & honorable person and an on-stage sexy sensual being as well? Quality human beings aren't black & white, they are all kinds of gray, like life itself. Perhaps you are the one with the problem, or hang-ups, perhaps? Gosh, it must be so stifling to always see things so B&W. Oh well, to each his own.

Anonymous said...

I have a legitimate question. I don't follow any other artist but Adam on the blogs, youtube, etc. Do other singers have these slow-motion repeats of the more, uh, risque moves performed during a concert on fan-sites? If not, could it be because no one else is getting quite this exuberant with the sexual moves? I am NOT judging, not my place. But I honestly wonder if his peers (by that I mean those in the same genre he wants to conquer) do this kind of thing as well. Could the extreme attention to detail (highlighting those moves rather than just showing it in real time as part of the performance) be a detriment? It puts a spin on things that can take away from the overall concert and focuses on what some may view as extremely offensive or may freak out the powers that be. Or haters in general. It is a sad fact of life that in order to succeed in his business (any business really), you must please the hand with the money. Will the execs take this behavior with a grain of salt or run screaming? Please don't hate on me and call me a troll, I have not said I hate it. I would just like some intelligent feedback on my original question. I am honestly curious.

Anonymous said...

I'm 9:06 and I'm not a troll. Actually 9 21 and 9 33, you make some good points. Maybe I'm just getting old and yes, I am fairly conservative. I don't like it when Gaga does crass stuff in her videos or pop singers similate sex on stage. Why can't people just sing and entertain for the love of the MUSIC?
It's like the music isn't enough. (girls AND guys). The same applies to ads for jeans or cars - buy this and you might be able to sleep with the sexy blonde girl with her blouse undone.
I do see your point of view though and I appreciate that people find Adam very sexual.
I apologize for a somewhat rude comment written in haste and a grouchy mood. I do need to open up my views.

I guess that's just what pop stars do these days. (acually maybe our symphony would get a better turnout if the people were topless..) I found Adam extremely sexual on Idol just standing on the stage! All said, I think Adam has potential for a brilliant career.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, adam's talent is beyond compare, why does he need to do this??? Could this be an attitude that adam would like to portray or remnant of his days at zodiac show? I hate to think that one day adam will wake up doing the shitty show again at zodiac? It is sad, he worked so hard at AI to go this far but at the moment he is not doing himself a favour.
Hope he will realize that before it is too late.
concern citizen

Anonymous said...

Adam is strong-willed and won't be told what to do. Some of the passion is probably "in the moment" as well.

Overtly sexual acts haven't hurt the careers of lots of people like Madonna, Brittany, etc., but hetero is still more accepted in our present culture.. Adam might be ground-breaking in this sense - whether or not it will hurt his career remains to be seen. Certainly some countries are more open than the USA.

Adam needs to be himself, even if this might create few bumps in his career. He would not want success based on something he is not.

I think he would be wildly successful if he would just "sang" but obviously this is not the route he wants to go. For all of us who are worrying, remember the flak Elvis got..
Sometimes he seems like he has a point to prove
like an defiant teenager, but maybe he DOES have a point to prove..

But for the record, I would rather just watch people sing than watch them orgasm during it..
(tho I'm prob in the minority haha)

btw, I have also wondered about the slow-mo gifs like poster 9:49

Anonymous said...

anon 9:06 @ 10:43

It takes a very big person to admit they've been wrong in their thinking. You have my admiration. Thanks for reposting.

Anonymous said...

I'm 9:06 here again. Thank you - I think I have a few tears now... I don't feel very big but I am working on it...

Anonymous said...

OMG glitzylady, Eva, Adamluv & Fan4fun, you guys rocks! My jaws are hurting again reading your posts. Still waiting for the vids to load and it will take quite a while so i just went through the messages LOL.

@Lily - it's okay if you have finally decided to pull the plug on him instead of forcing yourself to still like Adam after his very raunchy performances which aren't really your cup of tea. You are free to do whatever makes you feel better than be miserable following him unless a miracle happens that he decides all of a sudden to be family friendly. I also think that you have given yourself enough time to arrive at this point and it is okay. Who are we to question you, it is your choice after all.

@Anon 9:06PM - i really loved it when you said that you need to open up your views. Your willingness to do this is so meaningful and i'm sure that it will make a lot of difference in your life. I remember reading a post of nancdruu2 saying how prude she was before and yet Adam made her see things differently though not her exact words but something like that. I myself was surprised that Adam introduced me to things i never thought that i would like before. Your positive attitude means that there is another accepting soul who is willing to be with Adam in this very exciting journey of his life. It would be fun if we could really support him all the way. It would be lovely if you continue to enjoy the many sides of Adam ;-) I better check if the vids are ready now. God bless!


Anonymous said...

JC of course that should have been rock and not rocks mwahahahaha sorryyyy :(


Anonymous said...

I'd rather just watch someone sing than give a blow job to the mic - call me a prude I guess!

Anonymous said...

I think everyone want to get F*** here, can't you see the image here before you click the button? English is not my language. I still understand what the title about. Nobody hold a gun to you to vote for him, be honest to yourself.

Anonymous said...

SUZ,PLEASE remove the mic/Slo motion vid from you tube..I am a big fan,& everything else may be"ok",but NOT that for me..OMG,I can just see the nasty remarks on you tube & everywhere else.I don't want Adam to lose anymore looked much worse in slo motion than it realy was.Thanks!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You can do that if the audience were like morons..

Anonymous said...

I am not young and also a big fan of Adam but I don't mind this mic thing, I just find it a little silly and funny and it's all rock and roll. Adam is very young comparing to most of us, I want him to have tons tons of dedicated fans to grow with him, he need much younger fans, at least in his age group to get old with him along his path and he won't feel "lonely" when all of us go to "Haven". I saw lots of so called smart comment similar like many of the above in the other articles as well. It is all this driving a lot of younger generation away from him in US. Don't you see you have done enough for him? Please do not do this to his international fans. All you see is his GB and magnify it and make him look dirty and cheap. He is a very beautiful person and listen careful to his music, it is all his life.
Fan from oversea.
BTW, a lot of people just act like morons in concert, but most of them are very nice people.

Anonymous said...

Here's why I love Adam - because he has two distinct sides to him. He is so geniuine, smart and sincere off stage. Then, he gets on stage and turns into a "performer" with a capital P: Adam the Rock God. He is totally uninhibited and in-your-face! His sexuality is a big part of who he is, and expressing it is important to him. Look at a lot of his choreography for his tour...he has embellished it as the tour goes on, added lots of flourishes, button-pushing, etc, but even a lot of his original dancing/choreography was very sexual to begin with.

Although I VERY, VERY much enjoy Adam pushing it, because I find him so sensual and I want to see him work it, I do have to agree that there is just too much "sex" used to sell everything and crammed down our throats every day! It's become such a norm. And I'm in the fashion biz...I get a big dose of it every day. But it just gets to a point where it feels gratuitous and over-used and you become numb to it. The fact that Adam can cut through that numbness and make me feel a giddy exhiliration really says something about his talent as a performer.

I like my rock gods sexy. I appreciate musicians who incorporate some danger into their live performances...who take us to the brink... It's like fashion - I don't want to see a model wearing clothes that look like the people on the street. I want a fantasy, an escape. I don't want "real life" - I have enough "real life" in my real life! Ha, ha! I don't want Adam just standing in front of a mic...I want him to titilate me, make me feel adrenaline coursing throgh my veins, take me to the next level...because he's capable of doing that! It would be a waste of his immense talent NOT to! That's what rock&roll is, and always has been, all about.

Perhaps I'm more immune to his antics...I grew up with punk rock. If you want to see something over the top and shocking (and you probably don't) go find some videos of Lux Interior performing with The Cramps! HE was probably the first guy to give the mic a blow job...and that's only when it wasn't shoved down his pants, as he flailed around on stage! Adam's like a pussy cat, comparitively!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix, I doubt you liked punk rock. Was it you that kept complaining when Adam shaved his hair from the sides..?

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix, it's better than Adam grows his hair back, cos he doesn't know anything about punk rock either.

Anonymous said...

You all cry "why can't Adam be on USA TV ..why do the awards show not want him to sing"
You post this "slow mo" video....and what do you expect?......I really appreciate your videos Suz...I seen the first video of this in real time OK..but the slow motion..seems are not doing your friend Adam any favors..

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:51 - no, wasn't me complaining. I loved his shaved-on-the-side head, and commented that he should do a mohawk! One of my favorite pix of Adam, that I have saved, is when he first shaved the side of his head, had the silver glitter going from his eye up to his hairline, and his top hat on. From the picture, it appeared he'd shaved his whole head (he hadn't) and everybody freaked.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I also think that the slow motion mic thing is just too much.In slow motion,it looks so dirty,& WAY worse than it really was.Everything else he did,I can accept,if there were all adults @ that concert.Kids can see this on you tube,copy it & their parents may restrict all of Adam's videos from them( I mean even tweens,too)I think younger kids probably should have lots of restricted sites that they can't go to,but many have none.Some parents aren't that familiar with you tube like their own kids are and that's really the truth.

Anonymous said...

Who wants to put a microphone in his mouth, a kid.

Anonymous said...

@3:57pm, regarding safeguards for children, that's a much larger issue, and can not be put at Adam's feet IMHO. It's not that you don't have a point, but it's too large an overall issue to lay at just Adam Lambert's feet. Insert parental involvement here.

Urethra_Franklin said...

I cant even read all this...if you wanna leave over a lil faux fellactio with a mic, theres a big read X on the right of your screen. BUH BYE. We dont need a grand announcement or a press conference...just go.

But regarding "the children" : If they know what the hell hes doing with that mic, maybe Mamma should have a talk with them.

Ill close with Adams reaction to such audience reactions:
OUT Magazine: "I have to say, I didn’t really expect to see someone on Idol tour jerking off a mic stand."
ADAM: "You know what was really funny about that -- a woman came up to me in the autograph line and was like, “This is a family show. You need to make this more appropriate.” And I looked at her and said, “I don’t need a lecture from you.” I kinda smiled and she was like, “But there’s little girls in the audience.” I said to her, “They probably don’t know what I’m doing. You do. They don’t know what I’m doing. They just think I’m playing with my mic! They don’t know that I’m jerking off. They don’t get that yet. Come on! And, if they do, then…sorry.”

Dont apologize honey!

Anonymous said...

With TV and the internet I think a lot of kids know what he is doing with mic......the thing with Adam is ..his fans are 8 to 80 years old
and really he doesn't know the age of everyone in audience.....front and center is not "the audience and you asked for it" majority....
love the show but not the "slo mo"

Anonymous said...

With the children stuff, I saw 2 kids age about 10 watched almost porn movies type action on Youtube in public library with adult walking by them few days age. American, get real. You just don't want to accept what your children are doing right now. Don't blame Adam.

Anonymous said...

>Anonymous November 20, 2010 5:17 AM

So, you think 5 year olds should be able to watch porn because they don't know what those people are doing all naked on the bed together? Even if Adam was right, and these kids didn't know he was simulating self-sex on stage, he has to be a complete idiot to believe most parents would be okay with exposing their kids to that when taking them to a family concert. He basically ambushed them. They thought the show would be wholesome (remember, Adam never did sexual antics on Idol), and he cames out and forces their kids to see simulated self-sex. At the very least, Adam should respect that the American Idols Live concert wasn't his concert, it was a concert based on a family show, and performing the way he did knowing parents wouldn't be okay with it either demonstrates a scary lack of self-awareness, a deep lack of respect for the concert's intended audience, or an unfortunate level of ego.

Anonymous said...

@8:45, I am an Adam fan with a conservative streak, and IMHO, you are way off. Adam is fairly on the mark on this one IMO. On the tour, the suggestive mic play would be/should be totally lost on anyone under the age of 10/12-ish, and if it's not, there is a larger issue, probably at home, and with supervision, supervision of electronics, media, etc. The bait and switch AI8 argument is riddled with holes and flaws, and if I were sure you weren't a troll, I would post further as to my position. You probably aren't a troll, but as I can not be sure, I don't feel like wasting my time on a troll. I will grant you this, Lambert's DANCING on the AI8 tour could get fairly sexy, but I, conservative viewpoint in mind, still purport that most kids under the age of 10ish would simply see it as a person moving their body to music for the purpose of dancing and being musical and fun; in term of anyone over the age of 10 who viewed this dancing, they might be a little wiser, but unless they are not allowed any media whatsoever, including Disney, Nickelodean, video games w/ dance elements like the Wii and such, etc... they are exposed to a healthy dose of similar displays regularly and would be better served by some open discussion with their parents about their parents expectations and what behavior was acceptable for their daily lives than laying fault at the feet of an entertainer. My pov.

Anonymous said...

Adam himself is still a kid. The US cougar fans will rescue him if he falls though. Did you know that Adam has gougar fans in the US only and they travel around the world to see him.

Anonymous said...

I didn't mind Adam's dancing and body movements on Idol tour after all the young female singers of today are half naked when they sing...I did think the microphone stand thing was a little too much for that tour...

Anonymous said...

Oh BTW...that should have been called the AI Adam Lambert Tour because he rocked it!!!

Anonymous said...

@8:45am, No the AI8 summer tour wasn't Adam Lambert's concert, but it should have been.
(Well, it wasn't in theorgy anyway, but it was in practice, according to many accounts from those who attended and why. Check out how the AI9 summer tour did btw.)

Anonymous said...

It looks like no one is interested in the forthcoming Acoustic EP. Well, neither am I! What a big mistake from Adams management.

Anonymous said...

Okay, and with 9:30am's comment, I know we are dealing with some trolls here today. Ridic. Some of you, many of you, have some great points, on both sides. Too bad the silliness of would-be trolls has to outweight them.

Dinah-mite said...

WHAAAAT? Not interested in acoustic EP??? Ah, beg to differ... I LOVE Adam when he sings ballads, it is most BEAUTIFUL!!! I'll take it ANY day...

Anonymous said...

Always someone tries to pull the troll card, when we try to discuss real issues here.

Anonymous said...

@Anon on November 20, 2010 9:19 AM:

Um, I would hardly call age 28 (29 end of this Januarly I think) a KID?

And as for the rest of your comments, you are quite simply incorrect and ill-informed. I like to treat this forum as a place of opinions, no hard rights or wrongs, but Adam's international tour has been well documented as having many younger home-grown citizens/fans attending his international concerts. That's the problem with the global community we live in nowadays Anon 9:19, it's so much harder to spin things the way you want or to serve your own view, because instant and global communication reveals the truth so precisely, ;).

Anonymous said...

Because 9:46am, sometimes you can just tell. I appreciate your point, I do, and you are right too, but sometimes you can just tell.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 8:45PM´

Hey there, calm down, will you???!!!
After the AMA's incident (btw, I loved that FYE performance, even though the very sweet Adam didn't like it himself) I remember sweet Adam, more than twice, saying in the following interviews: «I'm not going to apologise, I'M A SINGER, I'M AN ENTERTAINER... I'M NOT A BABY SITTER!!!!!»
And you know what? Sweet Adam has never forced himself to anyone... from 5 to 85 years old!!! Haven't you heard of that????? And about American Idol being a «family show»... don't you remember? You «family guys» didn't let him WIN!!!!(Thanks God! Because he is too much shining for people who enjoy the darkness and a life under a rock!)

Anonymous said...

@@Anon on November 20, 2010 9:19 AM: This is Anon 9:46. You are correct on some level, I apologize, I misread your comment. However, when I reread it, it rubbed me the wrong way on another level, and my 9:46 comments still sort of apply, 'nuff said.

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun on 9:52 AM who said "And about American Idol being a «family show»... don't you remember? You «family guys» didn't let him WIN!!!!", I was going to make the same point, thanks. I also like your comment "(Thanks God! Because he is too much shining for people who enjoy the darkness and a life under a rock!)".

Anonymous said...

Adam can do what he wants, but we should be allowed to comment or analyze it. I think his motto is Do what thou wilt, from Aleister Crowleys Thelema.

Anonymous said...

Lily 6:25
Geez, I'm glad I'm not you and actually have some balls. You sure need to grow some cuz you'll be one sad and unhappy lady some day. I wish I could donate money to Suz but spent so much money on my own plane tickets :(
Poland Love Adam (and Suz;)

Urethra_Franklin said...

8:45 anyone who compares "micology" to porn is a fucking idiot!! If you were so offended by the "micology" on the AI tour OVER A YEAR AGO, why are you trolling an AL blog NOW? Rhetorical question, I really dont care what the answer is...

And AGAIN I will say this, if YOUR child knows what he is doing to the mic stand, YOU, THE PARENT, need to sit down with that child and have a conversation. Because YOU, THE PARENT, at this point in his career KNOW what he will be up to on that DONT. PLAY. DUMB. and OFFENDED!

Just had to get that off my chest...

Anonymous said...

@Urethra_Franklin 10:17am
Good point on the "If you were so offended by the "micology" on the AI tour OVER A YEAR AGO, why are you trolling an AL blog NOW?".
Ha, I didn't even think of that until you said it, ha.

Anonymous said...

Are we going to have a lengthy conference call every time when Adam come in slow motion? People, I really need this moment with him, nobody force you to take part in this group sex. Please leave us alone. If you have too much time, use your talent to run for president in your country.

Anonymous said...

Adam does whatever Adam wants, and that's fine. That's what it means to be an artist, and to live in the free world. As to the rest of it, if you don't like it or can't deal with overt sexuality in general, then just go someplace else and do something else. There are no children in these clubs, and it's EUROPE, for f**k's sake! Myself, I'm just wondering how many pairs of those leather pants he HAS, lol! What is he on now, gig # 80 or more?

As for the rest of it, I had an interesting moment with this concert, because my mother was born in Cologne, Germany and had to flee the Nazis in that city, in 1939, to come to America. Nice to see an American Jewish boy there, taking the stage by storm in 2010.

As for Suz, we all owe her a vote of thanks (how the heck do you get so close to the stage every time, girl?) My only request, Suz, would be... can you just pan over the crowd a WEE bit at these gigs? Would love to see what kind of audience he's getting in these different cities...


Anonymous said...

This is to THANK all the openminded, outspoken and Adam Lambert loving fans and especially these remarkable people (in no special order), whose posts I’ve been reading and following almost as long as I have been following Adam’s career: Adam Fix, Adamluv, Bing, Cindy, CT, Eva, Fan4fun, funbunn40, FF, Glambrit Isle of Wight UK, glitzylady, MGF, PassionN2010, PLA, PRS, Urethra_Franklin, ZZ…

Like with Adam, I’m so often in total AWWWW with your witty, funny, right-on-the-money comments on anything related to Adam (and much more). And I have enjoyed this JOY RIDE Adam has given us SO MUCH!!!

On the other hand, I’m equally in total BLAAAA with fact that there (also here on this site) are so many people, who STILL don’t get it and yet STILL hang around and read every bit of news, tweets and watch vids related to Adam. Urethra at 10:17 am said it so well!

Nothing Adam has presented on or off stage has made me frown, not in the least. Ouite the opposite, he has made me Smile Again! Heck, I chuckle and even laugh out loud at my crappy computer…Not to mention all the other positive things he has brought back to my life, things that needed ”lubing”,,,


Greetings to you all!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with 8:45 am. (I know it's several posts back..)
To your last sentence, I would add "all of the above."

Urethra_Franklin said...

GGD Gal, youre welcome. lol I think I like you. :)

And check my comment sin the latest post on purple haze...youre gonna LOVE the vids that have yet to surface from Amsterdam!! WOOTS!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

**comments in

not comment sin...although Im probably guilty from time to time.

Anonymous said...

ggd gal, thanks for including me in your kind shout out. I also love the comments/rants/ etc. from all those you mentioned. Fun loving, happy peeps that know it aint that deep! Urethra, you too! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Urethra, thanks - info duly noted! And yr correction was not needed, but hilarious...
Adamluv, thank U too!

Forgot to mention The Dark Side, so awful of me, sorry! She's a riot!!!

Off to see A(mster)dam...


Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix - i love your sexy analogy which is spot on. And i also agree with the capital P, in fact it should be all caps because he is the epitome of a CONSUMMATE PERFORMER. There are so many singers out there who also have great voices but that isn't enough to be able to wow a crowd. It has got to be the total package or the audience will be going home feeling shortchanged. Adam being a musical genius effortlessly creates the need for people to see him live because he makes it all worth it and that is how it should be.

@Anon at 11:52AM - thanks so much for your very interesting post. Who would have ever thought that after more than 7 decades an American Jewish boy whose dreidel spins the other way can be so fierce & proud performing there, unbelievable.

@GGD Gal - awww that is so sweet of you and it feels great that you are enjoying the ride with so many special people here in 24/7 which is my sanctuary now. GGD Gal since all of us have great taste Adam being the gauge, that makes all of us here truly remarkable. Thanks for your wonderful post ;-)


Dinah-mite said...

Wow Anon@10:07! An Aleister Crowley quote on an Adam Lambert site, life is very interesting, no? One thing for sure, luving AL sure isn't boring!! :-) Let's see how the story goes tomorrow night, I'm sure there will be PLENTY of buzz around that... Yup, AL has definitely spiced up my life, how about you???

Anonymous said...

@ GGD Gal

I think I haven't said yet, but I've been enjoying your posts and references to me since you «came out» from 'the anonymous status quo' several weeks ago! I'm really
glad you've joined our Club Weird. You are so welcome on board! Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Hi GGD Gal....Thanks for your comments....geez some of these guys are sooooo serious and really need to lighten up..lifes too friggin short...are all the anti mic comments from America?..come on it aint all that deep..its fun..maybe some of these young kids should stick to bieber ....or listen to gross and vile fur draped Rihanna singing rude boy it big enough or 50 cents....i let you lick my lollipop its ok for most American female singers to wiggle and ram their crutch at all camera angles...but if Adam does it...Shock bleedin guys are funny..really think Adam should do what he wants its his life he is a grown man...I love the fact that he used Idol as his spring board to launch his music career..great forward thinking...well i am just enjoying the whole damn ride
i don't have kids so i dont ever have to think about kid related stuff...its just me, him all 4 cats and Adam.....oh and 24/7..Suz and all Glamsistas on this wonderful 24/7 site
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
not forgetting to say...see yer Lily..your loss

Anonymous said...

FYE album has pretty good songs, that's why this annoys me. Maybe next album won't be as good, then he can start stripping.

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:14 Dont know what videos youre watching but Adam always keeps his titties in his shirt. Hes a lady that way.

Anonymous said...

glambrit, liked your comments. Like cats too!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...