Adam Lambert NRJ Radio Video Interview & Live 'WWFM' Nov 18, 2010
Filed Under (interview,video ) by Admin on Thursday, November 18, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, November 18, 2010
Adam did an interview and sang WWFM for a radio station in Paris, France November 18, 2010.
Thanks to devenlane for the video!
And here are some pictures!

(via @GiaGoomOfficiel) with @adamlambert & Ben Goom!

(via @BenjaminGalouye) w/ @AdamLambert this morning for an interview. Great moment. Can’t wait for the show tonight in Paris!

(via @KarineFerri) Adam Lambert en live ce matin dans le 6/9 je kiffe et vous? (Adam Lambert live this morning in the 6 / 9 and i like you?)

(via @nikosofficiel) @adamlambert this morning on nrj, great artist
Thanks to ZZ and Adam Lambert News Network!
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The way he sings this song is so romantic. You can imagine him in a room with someone he loves and he is singing to him like he was just conversing or in a very personal and natural manner.
He looks very french, like a gentleman. I guess he just adores it there. Adamm Lamberrr.
My soul just cracked right down the middle - ADAM, what you do to us!! That was freakin' beautiful, touching, transfixing, mesmerizing. The eyes closed just made it more tender and authenic.....if you're acting, Babe, here's your Oscar!!!!!!
Great voice!! That was beautiful.
Aww! Adam's rockin' that long coat and the hat... just stunning‼ Adam's romantic side is coming through... must be in the air‼ Of course he is in PARIS‼ ☺
Look at the admiration on Lanes face watching Adam sing.
Was it Lane who booked the venues..
Loved this! As usual, he mixed it all up and gave us yet another fantastic version of WWFM. Love the picture of Adam and Lane, and how great is it to have a guitarist the calibre of Monte, who can follow all of Adam's improvs?
Thanks for posting!!
Adam is going to bring hats back in style, loves his hat, as do we love them on him. Another epic version of WWFM. Thought at times his voice sounded a little strained. You think??? After 100+ live shows, it's a miracle he can still speak. This has been a killer schedule, but what a time they are having!!!
Thanks for posting. Adam is one great performer and yes monte is right there, great as usual. This yet proves Adam can sing, even with minimum insrtument. His voice is phenominel. Love ya Adam and take care............indigo.
Nothing more beautiful than the French language except Adam! He looks so dapper and classically elegant. He knows how to dress for any occasion and Paris is the place to pull out all of the stops. Wonder what he'll wear in Milan! He deserves an award for being the world's best dressed man and the most handsome. This has to be such a lifechanging experience for him. So happy for him and the glamily. funbunn40
Adam you were extrodinare!
Another great morning for me with lots of goodies. Love reading all your comments.
@algal - he really loves to improvise and he does it sooooo well. There are only a few singers who can do it that way because you have to be a musical genius in order to pull it off and you have to sing from the soul. I'm so in love with this rendition and it truly fascinates me how he could make WWFM sound so fresh after hearing it for more than 100x.
Being top 10 in all the French radio stations must have inspired him more then ever so they are deserving of this ;-)
ADAM SPEAKING FRENCH! - I'm so in love with him!
Outstanding, soulful performance. I love how he changes up everything he does and you can tell he is beloved by the French, but of course! Adam is so elegant and refined and, at the same time, so humble. He is always perfect for whatever venue he performs - never out of step and always the star without even trying. He is untouchable! Also, Adam's voice, whether singing or just speaking, is so magnetic! You just want to sit and listen and stare at him. And Monte, as always superb! Adam and Monte=perfect performance every time! nancdruuu2
@ dark side: I don't think so..............What an extra ordinary voice he has. He always give me goosebumps with this song and I really like when he change his tone unbelievable. Magnifico Mr. Adam Lambert well done. We miss you so much here in Toronto Canada.............Lots of love
Adom Lamber...mon amore, vous le vous couchet avec moi sesoir?
Fucking Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He turns me on singing along with Monte playing. I can't wait to get this CD! Monte's GREAT isn't he?
I also want the CD because it will have LP patting his Tom Toms... He was the best!
@8:43, if you're a woman, probably not! LOL! Adamluv
@Adamluv - LOL ;-)
Don't think I've ever seen him sing a total song with his eyes shut. Had to imagine something other than that studio!!!
I am 8:43 and the name's lol on you Adamluv and Bing!
Hahaha. I was going to say, Stand in line, 8:43, but guess you trumped us all!! funbunn40
Hi @Chandler ;-)
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