AMAs Hit All-Time Ratings Low
Filed Under (Others,random ) by Admin on Monday, November 22, 2010
Posted at : Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday night’s broadcast of the 2010 American Music Awards (AMAs) was the lowest-rated broadcast in the awards ceremony’s history, The Hollywood Reporter said Monday.
The broadcast, which featured live performances from Rihanna, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus and the combined members of the Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block, among others, drew 11.6 million viewers and a 4.3 preliminary rating among adults 18 to 49.
It was the lowest-rated broadcast in AMA history, and a decline of 22 percent from last year’s viewer numbers.
ABC, which aired the AMAs, said the show’s ratings were up 12 percent among teenagers and up 19 percent among children age 2 to 11.
Teenage pop sensation Justin Bieber was the biggest winner in Sunday’s ceremony, taking home awards for breakthrough artist, favorite pop/rock artist, favorite album of the year for “My World 2.0,” and artist of the year. He was the youngest performer ever to win artist of the year at the AMAs.
Other winners included Taylor Swift for country female artist, Rihanna for soul/R&B artist, and Shakira for Latin music artist.
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No surprise there!
NO Adam, NO interest!! And hey, we all know that toddler demographic is just sooooooo important with advertisers, LOL...
I have been waiting for this. HAAA! I LOVE IT!!! I never paid attention to this show before Adam and I never will again unless they bring him back. These numbers speak volumes about just who has TRUE audience appeal. Soooo, the numbers are up for children age 2 to 11, huh? I bet the advertisers just love that!! Love you, Adam honey.
Aaaah, sweet revenge! We were all watching ADAM F. LAMBERT!! Hope we'll find out the ratings of his show last night. They should be good and, hopefully, better than the AMAs.
Ha!... too funny how the network probably misses Adam's "controversial performance".....SO LOVE ADAM and so glad he was not on this lame awards show this year!!! AMA's 2010 zzzSnorezzZZzzzz
Oh this news just warms my heart!
It's quite the proverbial slap in the face of the AMA's!
Curious what the parents of all those 2 - 11 year olds thought of this years content? I didn't watch, but I'd assume there was some off-putting performances. And the best question, why were there 2 - 11 year olds up so late? them parents and their mad parenting skills!
My 2 year old granddaughter thinks Bieber sucks!
I heard the "live" singing was pretty bad except for a couple of performers. Made my night. Would love to know how the E! channel ratings were. lol
They needed our GLAM BOY in there. :)
I told them to have Adam on or their ratings will sky rocket and they didn't listen... hahaha Oooops I meant to say HAHAHAHAHAHAH‼ We told you so... ☺
It's all about the ratings AMA leave your egos behind‼ I can't believe with all the big names you had and even hit all time LOW‼ *sigh* Sorry we don't want to add more salt to your wound... how would you like it kosher or table salt?! :))
I hope all the little kids enjoyed watching endless crotch thrusts by Rhianna and endless butt thrusts by Aguilera's dancers in our faces. Barf.
I did watch bits and pieces and found the show very boring. Adam's show didn't air in my country, but just watched it here and LOVED IT!!
I am not surprised at the low ratings, Bieber has a pretty good following, he was the reason for the ratings they did get.
OT I see Susan Boyle is putting out a Christmas album, she should do very well with that, I might even get one.
Is Bieber putting out an acoustic this month, because Adam is. Is Bieber going overseas in March because Adam did. Did Bieber write his memoirs because Adam had his life story on TV.
Well, this is all just fricking GOOD!!! And it I hear Taylor Swift's name one more time I think I will PUKE!!! AND, Adam has more talent under his little finger nail than Justin Bieber!! aLSO, I have NOOOOO interest in the damn AMA's anymore. I'll just follow Adam Lambert around on the internet!!!
Very interesting stats on the AMAs. I am an entertainment junkie, and always watch award shows. But, I refused to watch it because of the Adam Lambert situation from last year and the fact he was snubbed. I of course was watching E! But, Adam wouldn't fit it on that have to be talentless, lip-syncing and be unexciting. Not a good fit for our entertainer of the year/breakout artist of the year/most gifted singer in the world - Adam Lambert
I can't believe some singers have guts to sing live on TV, it was bad. I just watched in Youtube today. So glad for Adam did not miss anything at all.
Anyone remember that Tatum O'neal was the youngest actor/actress to win an Oscar. Seen her lately? I didn't think so. You go while you can Bieber, once your voice changes you'll be lost.
I watched at the beginning and the vocals were so bad. And of course I quite and turned to E. Fantastic E
OT - LP - Susan Boyles new album is already out and it's #1 in the US and in the UK. This is her 2nd #1 album in one year, a feat not achieved for more than 40 years since the Beatles in 1969 and the Monkeys in 1967. Didnt buy the first one nor will buy this one but good for her. Info. comes from LA Times. Have to say I am surprised the AMAS didnt do better since they had all the current pop artists either performing or up for awards. I think I read someplace that all awards shows have been getting lower viewership. Am I correct that the last performance of the nite was the Backstreet Boys and New kids on the Block? if that's true (?), THE GUYS IN SUITS WERENT TAKING ANY CHANCES THIS YEAR, WERE THEY! Hysterical IMO! Adamluv
No Adam No Gaga No one watching
Well, my little one came home just this very afternoon and said that the teacher said today (for reasons I won't bore you with) "It's not nice and not polite to laugh and get pleasure out of the misfortunes of others"... and my paternal Grandmother always said "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all"... but surely, surely I can come up with a little something positive, understanding, empathetic and respectful about this...
um, 'ya no - I got nothin'
MGF ;)
ps. and Grandma never said anything about privately enjoying the comments of others who were reveling in a certain kind of comeuppance long past due (or come-down-ance as it were ;)) LOL
Oh yeah, the choreography of Rihanna and Shakira is just what I want my 2-11 year olds watching, NOT! Hyprocrisy is alive and well in corporate big business media
I guess they pretty much got what they deserved. I am glad it happened so soon.
LMAO :)))
Just sayin.
GOOOOD!!! Ha haaa!!! Sooo happy to hear this. Down 22%... I love it. That's what they get for hyping the hell out of Adam's appearance last year to get the viewers, and then snubbing him this year..
Go on and cater to those TWO to ELEVEN YEAR olds---- That's a good time for them to be up and a wonderful show for them to be watching!
That stupid show has NADA, Nothing to do with Adam - why is it even getting a thread on this site!!
Good ABC. You deserve the 12 year olds. Right on you homophobic narrow minded biggoted bastards.
My mama also always said, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." So I won't say anything, except I'm filled with schadenfruede (I word I don't get much chance to use) and LMFAO!
With the exception of Taylor Swift and Justin B. and maybe a couple others (didnt watch the show, just speaking from their performances in the past), I wouldnt want young children to be watching this show and they should be in bed by this time too! Adamluv
BTW does anyone know if the ratings from last year were higher than in previous years? Adamluv
Can you remove the beaver picture? it shouldn't be on this site.
Adam Lambert E! THS. can't get tired of watching it. so good
Haha Finally Karma catching up with the hypocrite AMA producers..
I have nothing against Justin Beiber..but to bad for the AMA..Karma is so sweet....your dirty little trick did not work on Adam after all. Let the girls do dirty things but when a man does something a little bit naughty call the FCC,cancel;insite panick. Since when does it matter what a "few" think. Homophobes you are speading the hate and ignorance like wild fire. However so many are NOT listening one year later and it speaks for itself. I bet more people watched Adams show last night. Everyone at work came up to me and said that was wonderful about Adam; such a great story. Stay strong fans, stay strong Adam we will prevail. Peace,love, and acceptance to all. Above all bring on the music!
This information is hysterical but I agree with 7:04 pm, please remove the Beaver's picture, it's making me very nauseous.
My take on a # of things: Susan Boyle's album will do very well, as it is great marketing--same time as last year, very nice holiday present; 2) Just watched Adam THS for3rd time--on a few more times this week. 3) Bieber has taken over where Hannah Montana left off, and if his promoters can find more ways to exploit this kid they will; 4) with this kid up for so many awards and winning them, great portion of adult society not interested in watching, just a good sitter for the kiddies; 5) a large portion of last year's audience were watching THS and boycotting AMAs, Yada, Yada, Yada!!! Dark Side saying goodnight--I got my CD.
I am very happy for Adam. I don't think anybody will care about AMA after these year nom and awards.
There were more news about AMA. They that Lady GaGa was snubbed by Justin B. She got more vote than Justin as Artist of the year nominee. Does anybody still belive in this s.........?! Heith Ledger got Golden Globe and Oscars after his death!
Adam, we love you. Have a fun, boy. Less work, more fun, please:)
Haha, I've been curious to see what the figures were like. Must admit it feels good reading these. And I really wouldn't be going around promoting the increase of teens and 2-11 year olds, I mean thats just sad...
Any way of finding out viewer numbers for Adams THS compared to other THS's?
HK fan
YEAH! Justin may be a teen favorite, but his voice cannot hold a candle to Adam's; and adults know this. Therefore, I feel that this is a large part of the decrease in viewing. Awards should go to "real" singers.
Guess they will have to get Babies R Us and Toys R Us to sponsor next years AMA..I hope Justin and the kids had a wonderful night but sound like the adults watched Adam on E!
schadenfruede Great word !
Schadenfruede! Love it!
with respect to the low rating and boring recent AMA, a comment from another site refers AMA as, America Missing Adam show. Love it.
Very clever anon 8:56PM LOVE IT too!
AMA awards 2010 - The year of the mediocre. The only part i enjoyed at Beiber's performance was his song was all about GOD and PRAY! Oh by the way, the piano part was a trick, am sure he was not playing, take my word for that, even concert pianists can't carry on without looking at their fingers.
MGF - ha, ha!!
Anon 8:56 - this is great!
- Adam Fix
Bieber's fame is fleeting - wait until the little girls get tired of him. No one will ever tire of Adam, that's for sure!
The finale with the Back Street Boys and New Kids on the Block was supposed to be a highlight? It was SO BORING. Most of them can't really sing as individuals and the dance was basic.
No one compares to Adam!
And are we surprised???????? The AMAs missed out big time...afterall the real Superstar is touring Europe right now and pouring glitter over the entire world everywhere he goes! In your face AMAs!
Ha Ha Love it. That's what happens to AMA ratings when you reject the brilliance of Adam.
Heck, not one person on that entire show could hold a candle to ADAM Lambert.
Big time loss to the AMAs and big time gain to the world. That's what happens when you mess with the Glambert.
Adam is in a league of his own. Seeing him on that AMA stage would have just shown everyone else up bigger time.
"What goes around comes around."
AMERICA MISSING ADAM! Priceless and my new mantra! hahaha!!!I have nothing against Bieber. He is after all a kid that wants to sing too and I'm not into kid bashing, but he is being exploited by his mgmt.and probably is being worked to death before his teen fame fades. I think he's a nice kid and teens have to have their own idol too. He of course is no match for Adam. I don't know anyone that is, but think it was a blessing in disguise that Adam wasn't nominated this time. This really turned out to be the Teen Music Awards. I think Adam had some sympathy and press with the obvious snub, which only made ABC look shallow. Bieber was a shoo in this year anyway and the lower ratings won't go unoticed. Adam is building momentum and credibility and the E nod showed a very human personal side to Adam. I think if Adam's next album is a success it will be his time. I spent time rewatching his Idol performances again with all of the judges comments. I was thrilled and blown away all over again. He was brilliant and I really was awed all over again. I wish Susan Boyle success with her Christmas album. I did buy her 1st one, but didn't play it much. She has a beautiful voice and was a victim of bullying and suffered oxygen deprivation at birth. I'm glad when an underdog has a gift that is rewarded. funbunn40
The AMAs should be on the Disney channel. 2-11 yr,olds being rated? Guess nursery rhymes are a hot ticket item now! Have to admit, it warms my heart that adult ratings were down 22%! Couldn't happen to a better network!! Just waiting for Bristol Palin to win DWTS for another tv debacle. I did see Bon Jovi on AMAs, [on dvr] as I do like him and Train, who was wearing major GLITTER leggings! Too bad they didn't have the real deal! haha funbunn40
Children age 2 - 11? omnomnomnom...
Now I'm DYING to know what the ratings were for E!THS last night!! Hope it's off the charts. It was TERRific ... I've watched it 3x on TV .. once on Ytube .. plus I taped it for my future ADAM fixes. Wonder if ADAM has any specials planned for the People's Choice Awards night ... that would be EPIC KARMA!! Good for the Bieb .. his voice will soon change & the 2 to 11 yo will move on to someone younger ... and his now fans will move on to someone more talented so Strike While the Iron's Hot I always say! Not really!
BTW .. OT .. Go to This website 'n vote for ADAM for SEXiest Male Celebrity ... hourly ... (but I clean my cookies & vote more often) ...
ADAM is ahead .. let's keep it that way
Love & Light
kaaaaaaaaaaaaaak =D
AMA fat cats will twist the low rating saying no one tuned in this year because of Adam's performance last lol
oh gaawwwdd Anon 4:08am, don't even go there :)! I giggled at your post, and would still be laughing at the humor if I didn't think way down deep you may have a point...
Of course they are going to milk Beiber for all they can. They know that this kid will go the route of all tween idols. I predict in a couple of years, you will hear nada about him. Maybe he will make a comeback in his thirties or something. Godd advice for him is to handle his money well. Invest. Or at least Mom needs to make sure there's enough for college. - abby
I mean "good" advice.
This is priceless news!! I have nothing against any of the ruling "pop stars" selling a lot of records but Adam is in a league all his own. This was the year the awards shows snubbed Adam when he deserved to win them all. I watched and taped E Hollywood Story that night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Adam will be around for a long long time.
Oh, this is so good to know. Must take a sec to leave a note on ABC’s site about how as a 30-something I did not feel the 2-11 year old target audience material would be of interest to me and spent that time on my computer searching the internet for any new footage of Adam Lambert…
ditto to MGF, Funbunn40, and AdamFix!
I LOVE "America Missing Adam"!
YAY! I almost squealed when I read the title. Good thing I didn't, because I was at work,sneaking into this site :p LOL
But really.. I feel like shouting "Eat that,AMA!!" LOL. Adam made them get a very big attention last year, and they couldn't forgive him??!! I think this year's rating serve them right!
@ Tess4ADAM
Thanks for head-ups on voting for adam's sexiest celebrity. He is leading by 68%. Lets see if they screw around with these numbers also.
@4:08 I was thinking the exact same thing, they will blame this on Adam somehow, we'll see.Would love to know ratings of THS however.
No, yo estoy siempre presente siguiendo cada actualización y dejando comentarios.
ADAM por siempre!!!!!!!
Yes anon @ 4:08...Of course they will!!!
They have no conscience.
America Missing Adam! Love that! Although some more:
Adam Missing in Action
Adam Missed in the Awards
Awards Meant for Adam
funbunn40 1:00am - you know, I should just start my posts with "whatever funbunn40 has said, or is about to say, is what I want to say (but she says it better) and I totally agree with her post, even though she hasn't written it yet"! :-D I have nothing against Beiber either. He is here for his own fans, who love him. To each their own...I wish him success.
Anon 9:23 - oooh, those are really good, too! Ha, ha! Will have to think on more...
- Adam Fix
HAHAHA! So what if they do blame the low ratings on Adam. It's not like its the first show Adam broke. AI, anyone?
What is this post saying? So now it is a KIDDIE SHOW! So now you can show this in the day time.
would just like to say to ALL the SPINELESS AND GUTLESS so called Stars of the AMA's....and that includes.. Gutless...PINK...K$sha..the GAGA..christine Agu....Rihanna and Kate all know that Adam Lambert is a Very Talented Star who gets unfair treatment at all the American Music of you Spineless creatures...could of so easy held up your or A award and dedicated it to MR ADAM all are so low life in my eyes now...from a disgruntled Glambrit IOW UK
ditto to MGF, Funbunn40, and AdamFix!
and Hi Sweetie
..........~*AMERICA MISSING ADAM*~.....
Love it and agree new mantra
.....along with ~*Yes Please*~:)
Glambrit IOW UK
i was happy to see Usher and Lady A win. plus i give justin praise for showing respect to usher and sharing the award with him as he was the one who gave him a shot in the music biz
Glambrit, that would have been the classy and right thing to do. But it just shows how they are just out for their own success and to hell with anyone else. Adamluv
I'm not missing anything at all because I'm busy with my ADam Lambert tour ha!ha!ha!ha!. Who cares about those nonsense awards ha!ha!ha!
@ Adamfix, I can't tell you how many times you have taken the words out of my mouth [Glitzylady and MGF too]expressing exactly what I was thinking! Guess we are in the same Adam abyss, so embedded we'll have to remain there forever. Life is revolving so much around him that I have to make myself get away from this laptop instead of doing what I'm supposed to do. My circle of friends think I've gone round the bend and tho' they think Adam can sing, they're not as besotted as I am. You all are as bad as I am and I'm sooo glad!lol funbunn40
UK fans, Still excited for you! Adam's getting closer! Bring smelling salts and don't forget to breathe!! Have fun!! funbunn40
@ 4:08 a.m. "AMA fat cats will twist the low rating saying no one tuned in this year because of Adam's performance last lol", I was thinking the same thing until I read this sentence from the article above, "ABC, which aired the AMAs, said the show’s ratings were up 12 percent among teenagers and up 19 percent among children age 2 to 11." So that means that the moms were not tuning out so their children can't watch. So that CANNOT use that excuse.
I also read an article that stated that the 2009 AMAs had the highest ratings they had in years. Wonder why. And now this year, 2010, had the lowest. I hope the big honchos know how to do the math.
@funbunn40 12:18am
Welcome to the abyss!! Along with Adam Fix, MGF and many, many more!! Its such a nice cozy place to be and becoming more crowded by the day!!
O. T. I have a funny little story to relate that happened yesterday: My husband asked me if I had remembered to do something mundane, like put his shirts in the dryer, and of course, I had forgotten, due to some pressing Adam business...He said, well, you remind me of the story of the dog and his friend who were out playing fetch with a ball and everything was going along just great until all of a sudden the dog noticed a squirrel running by, and the dog immediately said "Squirrel!!! Oh boy, oh boy! Squirrel!! Woo Hoo!!!" and happily took off running after the squirrel. Eventually the happily panting dog came running back to her friend, who asked "where's the ball??" and the dog looked at the friend and said "Ball, what ball??" I laughed long and hard about that because, yep...Adam is the squirrel, so to speak, and when he is around, figuratively or literally, everything else is sort of forgotten for a little while..My husband is a fan too, fortunately so he gets it just a little bit, and it was all in good fun, but he did have a point! So yes, we are all in this together!
since Adam wasn't there AMA was never better than last year.....
come on need to bring him back for the next year's awards!!!
Fun thread y'all. At the moment, I can't let Adam be the "squirrel" to my Thanksgiving prep, but shit, it's hard, lol. Why oh why couldn't I/family have GONE to someone else's house this year!! :).
@Anon 6:33 AM - you know what my pipe dream is - it's that Adam would be invited to be on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve... but I know it won't happen, for many reasons, big wigs egos being one of them... but if these men-in-suits, who value the almighty dollar above anything else, usually even their egos, really pondered the potential ratings bonanza they could pitch to their advertisers, they really would be putting money first, in my POV, and at least the viewing audience would be getting some out of it too. Don't mean to be Adam-centric, but I do think ratings could be better than normal for DCNYRE because even non-fans would tune in I believe if Adam were among a strong, slightly more adult focused line up. Well, whatevs, it's not going to happen.
Glitzylady, you rock! And yeah, the abyss is getting more crowded by the day, love it, come one come all, resistance is futile.
@ Glamily
A-B-Y-S-S ????
Oh, Glamily! Soooo, even after I've been warning all of us to be careful... it finally happened? We all fell down the edge of the flat planet! Ouch!!!
Yes yes Glamily count me in the abyss and i will never ever think of leaving as long as the sexiest man in this planet keeps on serenading all of us with his angelic voice and devilish look. And i'm willing to support his many other endeavors in the future ;-)
LOL to all the acronyms. Well, all things do happen for a reason and the AMAs can blame Adam & Eve, global warming, widespread hunger etc for their lowest rating for all i care but don't they ever dare point a finger to Adam after exploiting him then & now.
There is enough room for every singer in the music industry & Adam must be enjoying the healthy competition now that he is in. He is not one to put done his fellow artists but he knows exactly whose got the talent & who is mediocre. And deep inside Adam knows what he is capable of doing but will always stay humble. So he may not be that affected by these shows after all.
Having said that, i congratulate all the winners and it is my wish for them to continue aspiring for greatness while honing their crafts. It would be ideal for them winning awards if they are most deserving rather than just be mere products of marketing and advertising. It is every artist's dream to be recognized for pure talent because that will pay in the end more than anything else. And i know in my heart that with Adam's extraordinary abilities, he shall be given the appropriate recognitions he deserves at the right time.
Squirrel. Like it, Glitzylady! When I think of squirrel's, I think of bushy tails, and who could forget when Adam was wearing that big, ol' bushy tail hangin' off his hip in China/Japan/Malaysia (wherever he was - his tour is all a blur in my mind, now)!
Abyss. Yes - for sure. I have set up camp in the abyss. Just totally gave into it. Here I sit, chin falling down on chest, can barely keep my eyes open, but god forbid I go to bed...NO! Too much Adam news and great conversations to have w/all of you!
- Adam Fix
Karma's a bitch. AMAs and Dick Clark productions got what they deserved. Sorry, but it is true.
It was the lowest-rated broadcast in AMA history, and a decline of 22 percent from last year’s viewer numbers.
It was the lowest-rated broadcast in AMA history
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