New Pictures From Issac's Twitter!
Filed Under (pictures,The Band ) by Admin on Sunday, November 7, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, November 07, 2010
"Sasha waiting for the luggagessss"


"Hawaii pleasures! Photo by Sophie Carpenter"

"Sutan attacking poor Terrance."

"Tired Neil"

"Taylor on the floor "

Courtesy of IsaacTheCarp (Issac's twitter)


"Hawaii pleasures! Photo by Sophie Carpenter"

"Sutan attacking poor Terrance."

"Tired Neil"

"Taylor on the floor "

Courtesy of IsaacTheCarp (Issac's twitter)
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Looks like a beach in Hawaii. Good times. Not sure what Tommy doing--I think he hides behind that mop of blond hair at times.
Great pictures! They have a lot of fun together.
Do you know if Adam will get any profit from this new magazine sales? I would like to buy one, but if Adam is getting some profit , I'll buy two or three of these magazines.
Whoooooa! thanks Isaac!... you're the best-est! Do you have anymore?... like of Adam's? ☺ Btw, I hope you got Neil's permission 1st before posting this... lol JS ☺
Ooops I spelled Issac's name wrong‼
Yea, send a picture of Adam. Love them all and thanks a bunch...
aaww, Neil is wearing the hoodie with the name Adam Lambert on it. He must be a big fan. Love their brotherhood.
"It Gets Better" - Adam Lambert. Has this video been posted yet?
aww Taylor looks so cute!
These are great - love the filter, or whatever, that was used because these look kinda raw and gritty! Love the one of Tommy - yo, whatcha lookin' at, there, cutie???
- Adam Fix
Notice Tommy has an overhead projector behind him...maybe he's thinking about projecting something...ha!
Actually this is what Isaac said about that pic:
"He was probably getting dressed. I like to sneak up on people."
(poor Tommy-does he get no privacy?!?)
Neil's twitter is threatening Isaac after taking the pic of Neil:
negativeneil Neil Lambert
@isaacthecarp "enjoy your last drum solo."
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Here is another pic of Terrence being squashed:
Finally! I have been searching for this video of Sasha trying out for So You Think You Can Dance where Nigel actually says to her "Whatya Want From Me?"!!! before she gets told she is "Going to Vegas"!!:
Thanks Isaac Pls steal that shirt Tommy's wearing and burn it . Just kidding ! He's BAD we know and we luv him . Damn
What season was this of SYTYCD? I have followed the three or four last seasons, but I don´t remember Sasha. Perhaps she didn´t get to the final 10 couples.
Cool out's all in fun..don't abuse yout position...BB is the Boss!!!!!
oh good lord anon 4:12am, really... I'm hoping you're kidding, like Neil was, you're kidding right?
and speaking of Neil, dayum the smooth hip, dayum.
@daydreamin Nov 7 11:16PM -
I AM SO LOVIN' YOU RIGHT NOW!!! (well, I pretty much always do ;)). Thank you so much for that SYTYCD clip! I've always wanted to see it but never took the time to look for it, what an idiot I am, lol, it was lovely. It might have been posted here before, there are some SYTYCD lovers on 24/7, but I never saw it. I REMEMBERED her the second the clip began. I remember thinking how smart she was with the splash of red in her outfit... and then the sweetness. I'm so glad she's getting the opportunity to do something she loves as a vocation right now, as I am always happy when someone can make their living doing something they love. My heart is so full right now, I'm being silly and mushy I know, dance does that to me :). I hope people reading this thread take the time to open the link.
Okay, back to work, but one last thing - LOVE THESE PICS! Neil, um, yum...something 'bout those Lambert brothers.
Bahahahaha!! Tired Neil.
Thank you Issac :)
cute pics thanks to Issac and great post
GRACIAS!!!!! por el enlace de SASHA BRAVO!!!!!
It looks like Tommy is tryingto take of his pants ;)
I think I saw something NESTING under Isaacs armpit in that pic also something similar on Neils belly right above his belt buckle . From the way Tay is laughing he just may have put them there !
Thanks sooo much for that clip of Sacha from
STUN!... good thing I went back & read the caption on the 4th pic down.. that black hair, at first thought it was ADAM & Tommy & almost had a heart attack!! lol (yes noted no nail polish, hands look a little narrow... but GEESH!) Don't think I've ever seen Sutan w/o a hat?
Adam is out & about, glad he's feeling better
doing what he enjoys & they're having fun.
Thanks for sharing these =)
"Tired Neil" -- Right click save!
Hahaha! neil is funny
negativeneil "Tonight's show will be performed with a drum machine."
Thanks for the link to see Sasha. She is quite a beautiful dancer. It's nice to see her exceptional talents are being put to good use. Hopefully this tour with further shine a light on her, and she will be given other opportunities.
On twitter:
ChrisGunnestad "@Adamlambert Fuck, just missed you by 5 min:( sitting outside freezing. wanna say hi and give me a warm hug?"
ChrisGunnestad : Guess who got to squeese Adam Lambert? Meee! (my translation from norwegian)
pic to prove it:
"Adam and me in a hot embrace,that´s how I like to see it anyway"
Hmm Sasha wearing Ugg boots with tights looking like Adam's that were a gift from the Aussie dj. A new fashion trend? Like Isaac's swimsuit! It would look good on Adam, but our fair haired BB has to cover up his burn prone skin. The same pic on twitpic had pink in the sand and water and is beautiful.Nice tan! Tommy may have a problem when he needs blood drawn. It'll be tough to see his veins with the tatt ink[couldn't stop myself, silly to say, I know] Sutan has lush locks like Adam! Poor Taylor that floor is hard!Looks like he just got tickled in the last one of him. Poor Neil! Jet lag's a b*tch! Isaac may find his drumsticks missing!haha Isaac's a fun guy for sharing these pics. Appreciate also Daydreamin posting Saha video. I'm also a fan of SYTYCD and figure skating. Saw pair skaters yesterday skating to Adam's WWFM! funbunn40
OOps, Can't type today! Meant Sasha's video! funbunn40
From M&G:
FactoryGirl8 I just met Adam fucking lambert
FactoryGirl8: ALL IN BLACK
FactoryGirl8: THE HAIR IS SO UNF
FactoryGirl8: And hes such a great hugger omfg
waiting in freezing cold
FactoryGirl8: "Omfg Neil has such a sexy voice"
"Hahaha guessing adams waving from window down front- thought someone was being murdered for a
Funny tweets! Is that Bela Lugosi on Tommys left arm? if so, the boy is really going back in time! Ha! Assuming that Sophie Carpenter is Isaac's wife? Love this thread. Adamluv
Hey tommy do you need help with your pants???????????????????
Thanks Eva - the FactoryGirl8 stuff is presh! MGF
Just shows how desperate for more and more frequent videos. Thought Suz526 was going to Europe? Neil cover up your tummy, causing a panic on this end. WTF is Chris Gunnestad? Should we all know? Well he wants to give Adam a hug, could probably use one in that cold climate. I'm getting cold just looking at these pictures. Sweden is full of beautiful people. Everyone enjoy.
@The Dark Side
Suz will be there...soon...she tweeted that she and Rolando left home today..
Can't wait for Suz videos! Tommy's tatt was of Noferatu and guess Chris is an Adam fan that got very lucky! funbunn40
can't help it, I just love Neil!
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