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RCA Ed: Acoustic Live! sales is off the hook!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Some updates regarding the EP from RCA Ed on Adamofficial:

"yes, as I wrote below, they're back-tracking through ALL of the orders to make sure all who ordered get their track."

"The "WWFM" (almost) instant grat download is coming through now, guys, and they're back-tracking ALL order to make sure everyone receives it. Sorry for the delay, but we caught a skip in the file delivered to us and had to re-ingest, blah, blah, blah.

And guess what...orders are SO off the hook that we're already working to print more CDs! I told them to pay heed the Glamberts!"



The Dark Side celebrating!!! said...

OMG, OMG, OMG, WOW! WOW! WOW! OFF THE HOOK!!! Does it get any better??? Well, may a brand new album, but in the meantime...happy, happy, happy, and freakin happy!

Anonymous said...

Power to the Glamberts. Watch the sales of his new Album go through the roof.

Anonymous said...

Well DUH!!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I ordered the Acoustic CD, got an order number but no confirmation or anything. Hope this means that they will be checking MY order and send it out soon. Has anyone else had this problem?

Anonymous said...

Ed sounds crooked.

Anonymous said...

I thought the saying was "off the charts" or "off the roof". Off the hook used to mean you didn't have to do something..?

Anonymous said...

hahah, RCA Ed knows the cray awesomeness of the Glamberts‼ Magnificent news, so happy it's doing sooooooo well‼ ☺

Anonymous said...

I've ordered mine too! Hope they don't forget me......

Anonymous said...

I ordered the physical CD and poster a email confirmation right away and no trouble ordering at all. Would like to know if anyone has received info yet on how to get the instant download of WWFM? I emailed Customer Service and said my request was being investigated!!! Hope this delay is only because of our order "Ringing off the Hook!"

The samples off Acoustic Live sound WONDERFUL!!! What an angelic voice! Way to go Adam!!! Love it, Love You!


Anonymous said...

Anon; I immediately received an email saying my order was complete and they'll be sending another email when order goes out. dont know if this helps or not? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the input, Adamluv. It worries me that you got an email saying your order was complete and I didn't. :-( It showed that they charged me for the order .. ??? All I can hope for is that I receive the CD!!!

Anonymous said...

So happy for BB!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, also rec'd an email immediately. If you didn't get one,I would check back on Adam Official??? I wish we could buy more items on the fan site, but not everyone belongs, so understand.

Anonymous said...

Ordered my CD (the bundle) and got my free download of WWFM....
Does anyone know how fast the presale on CD lasted before it sold out..I ordered mine about 8 am (EST)......

Anonymous said...

The sales would be even more through the roof if people could actually go into record shops and buy the cd. Certainly for us overseas fans it would make life a lot easier. And surely only fans know about the websites to order, whereas if it was sold in shops, non fans or casual buyers mught be tempted to pick it up.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

does anyone know the ratings on adams bio on e let me know please

Anonymous said...

I am thinking Adam's acoustic CD will do better than the other performer that is releasing one. Adam doesn't need auto tune for his perfect voice. I ordered my CD the minute it became available.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys ....don't forget to vote for ADAM
here is the link

Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

I received the instant download of WWFM when I ordered the bundle it is beautiful also conformation and a receipt.....

Anonymous said...

I agree with 3:13 pm. The other artist releasing an accoustic CD will probably have his displays all over the store. Why not Adam?

Anonymous said...

yeah come on! someone please tell us why again we cannot walk into our music stores and see stacks of these CD's for sale...Sony Please Wake UP!!
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Yeh here in NZ I have no idea how to get this EP. Local record shop says probably an itunes release on 6th Dec, but would love the actual CD, cause of the cover etc.
Any one else in NZ have any information.

Anonymous said...

RCA/Ed - Thanks sooo much for getting us Acoustic Live so quickly. I'm in Glamheaven listening to free download of WWFM/Berlin - OMG! Adam's voice/rendition is not of this earth; Monte's guitar spectacular. Get those CD presses moving -this EP is going to be HUGE! Happy Thanksgiving to RCA, Ed, Adam and Glamily and Glamberts everywhere. I'm ecstatic!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It should be sold in stores in Canada before Christmas. We are huge fans of Adam and close to US.

Anonymous said...

Happy One Year Anniversary For Your Entertainment Album!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i got the email confirmation but couldn't do the instant download. i sent them a message and they received it but no word on the instant download. hope it comes through.

Anonymous said...

Hearts sooooooo full for ADAM! Love him so much
and knew International Superstardom would hit.....just been waiting patiently and promoting him 24/7 watching the world catch on!He means so much to our family and he knows how much we will always love, respect and adore him! Hugs ADAM!

Anonymous said...

This RCA promo is so amateurish. Can't figure out is it an entitled fan or some enemy who wrote that, but definitely not a pro.

Anonymous said...

I got worried when I read that sales were off the hook, but it was all good.looking forward to getting my little bundle in December. Does anyone know if this will be on itunes?

Anonymous said...

hope it will be available in stores- it should be a perfect gft!

Anonymous said...

perfect gift..perfect price....perfectly Adam

Anonymous said...

English isn't my native language. Now do i get it right that this man is a little impressed now with their recording artist? Anyway what he thinks doesn't really matter to me. I'd give more weight to what the Chairman of RCA will say to Adam when he goes back from his international GNT.
