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'Whataya Want From Me' - Pink and Adam Lambert (Mashup)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Anonymous said...

Adam's voice definitely shines so bright with this mashup. Love his voice so much. Way way way better than P!nk.

Anonymous said...

I actually really like it... man the duet sounded good.

Anonymous said...

Sounds great! Get it on da radio!

Anonymous said...

The guy who made this mash-up has a link, under description of this video, which mentions that Pink covering of this song blows Adam's version out of the water. But I think totally the opposite of what he proclaims. He didn't do that much of a great job of this mash-up towards the half end of this song. I love Adam's half end way better than Pink. JMHO!

Anonymous said...

OK, Pink can sing backup for Adam

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

This is good. I prefer a male's voice singing this so I enjoy Adam's version more than Pink's.

Why must controversary follow Adam around with everything he does??

☺ said...

Hey, it's actually good!... even it's just a mashup‼ Adam & Pink should/must collaborate soon because their rock edge voices blend in very well‼ It will be a huge HIT‼ ☺

Anonymous said...

more Awwwwwwwwwwww!/photo.php?pid=333240&id=115690458456155&fbid=147293501962517!/photo.php?pid=312077&id=115690458456155&fbid=143908228967711


Anonymous said...

Why are we even wasting our breath talking about this. It's Adams hit song. Leave it be.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is exactly what I said on the other thread - a duet. They sound great together.

Anonymous said...

Pink has that androgynous look...square jaw and wide shoulders. Bet she'd be a good looking guy just as Adam is gorgeous all made up.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, this really sounds good.
Thank you to whoever put that together.
I think I like it better than him alone.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's voice's his hit, but I gotta admit I like this mashup! Their voices compliment each other!


Anonymous said...

No touchy!!!! WWFM belongs ADAM!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ugh! At first I thought it sounded promising, but then Pink's track was just irritating. I just wanted to pick out Adam's voice...she was in the way. Sometimes I think that men have a blind spot when it comes to Adam.

Anonymous said...

I loooooove Adam's voice in this song!!!!
I've been listen to this song since july and even now when I listen to it I feel butterflies in the stomach (something special).
WWFM was the first song I knew of Adam Lambert.
In June-July I listened twice in a month and I didn't know who sang, so the next time I listen to this song was on TV (the video) and I made a note of who was the singer and the song's name. Next morning I look for some information about it and ...well you know I'm here, I was hook, maybe sick.
I love Adam!

I like this version but I just feel something special when Adam is singing.


Anonymous said...

I love every version of this song that Adam sings especially the AI performance and the acostic on VHI "Unplugged"

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good collaboration.. but still prefer Adam's version of the song n it will always remain stuck on my head forever.... ADAM.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@1:49 your mean American Idol performance, isn't it? (with the smoke and green lights) it was SUPERB (that was the second performance I saw in youtube when I discovered Adam, and I fell in love).
The acoustic versions are really good but I prefer versions like this


Anonymous said...

Pink is okay as Adam's back-up on this song, but Adam is untouchable. His voice is so beautiful and powerful. It's his interpretation that makes this song what it is. As far as I'm concerned, this song is sacred because of what Adam has done to it. No one should try to copy it because they will come up short. ADAM YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Their voices blend well but Adam’s voice is sooooo pure whereas Pink’s voice is quite harsh. I much prefer Adam's solo version but it's a clever mashup.

Anonymous said...

I smell a grammy performance

Anonymous said...

Wow, love it. Visually, they'd be amazing looking on stage together. Pink was generous to share this song with Adam. I know she gets paid as the owner/writer but He put the song on the music map and since it is a hit, I'm sure he is appreciative.

Peeps, be careful to not to be so negative about song writers who work with Adam like Pink because it may keep them from wanting to work with him. There is far too much of this negativity going round these days on the web from Adam fans and it's not good for his career because it's petty, tiresome and just not classy.

Anonymous said...

WELL all this hype just gives WWFM a second life.. which is a good thing.. I'll take Adam any way I can get him and Pink is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Not bad, but I still prefer Adam's version. His vocal talent is just superb and I think the meaning of the lyrics is so appropriate for Adam. I hear the first guitar strum of the song on the radio and I know it it Adam's song. I just have to sing along with it whenever I hear it. The song just strikes something in me and it brings out emotions at all levels. It has been my favorite song of 2010 and I hope that somwhere along the way that Adam gets some type of recognition or award for this song.

Anonymous said...

Pink is a selfish bitch, she can,t handle the fact that Adam had a huge hit with wwfm,she does not need to record this song,if this song had not been a hit for Adam would she even bother to sing this,answer NO, also this song was up for grabs by any artist.SHE DID NOT PERSONALLY GIVE THE SONG TO ADAM, shes just jumping on Adam bandwagon
.i will never respect her for doing this to Adam she just wants the credit,go to hell pink

Anonymous said...

It's good and I hope it will boost the sales of Adam's CD and his singles. Adam deserves so much more than he is getting from the media award shows and the press in general. His Glamnation Tour in the US was the most exciting tour this summmer hands down and now he is burning it up overseas. I think WWFM is the best song and video of 2010, too.

Anonymous said...

Hey now, November 11, 6:32 AM...slow it down!
Although you are entitled to your opinion, that was rather rude.

First of all, she is not jumping on the Adam bandwagon. She has way more fans than Adam does....for now.

And second, anything that brings more attention to this song should be good for Adam.

And third, when she has sung this song live, she has mentioned that this song was given to Adam.

I personally like this meshup. Did a great job at the beginning and an ok job towards the end. Too many tracks together towards the end.


Anonymous said...

The fact is that Pink is an opportunist. She criticized Katy Perry's “I Kissed A Girl" and said the song is offensive to the gay community, but she has no problem with collaborating with Eminem, who’s been known to record songs degrading women and gay people. I know she dislikes American Idol and she will never perform with Adam unless he becomes one of the best selling music artists. Anyway, I don't understand why Adam's fans are promoting her version of WWFM. It would only makes people think Adam covered her song. Do you see Kris's fans promoting The Scripts version of LLWD?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam's fans are his worst enemy, and they do not even know it. Sad really.

Anonymous said...


You are right, they will eventually relegate him to Clay Aiken status.. just an oddity.

Its unfortunate, he is very talented.

Anonymous said...

>Anonymous November 11, 2010 8:29 AM

Adam's fans who are prmoting Pink's version are not helping Adam. You do not even realize it. Sad really.

Anonymous said...

I LIKED it!!! I can't belive this...
I actually had like a daydream about this..!

Anon @ 3:47 YES yes Yes Yes!!!!

A duet at the Grammys for Best Song...
(or Song of the Year?)
Award goes to the writer, but the SONG was MADE FAMOUS by ADAM... It has been submitted in that catagory =)

OMG, this would be sooo cool... Pink to start the first few bars...

***Then ADAM in all his manificence stroll out with that incredible voice BELTING out
"JUST DON'T give up...I'm workin' it out"....

Whoever did this did a pretty good job... I was surprised how well their voices blended in the same key. I would have liked to hear more of Adam's voice towards the end, but damn, not bad, Thanks for putting this out there.

Please on the negativity above... =( PLEASE stop the negative vibes! In Adam's words "NO H8" Yes we love and support Adam and you may prefer his voice, but please let's not create something that may not even BE there?

*** I've NEVER heard anything negative from Pink, EVER, OR Adam towards her. In his liner notes he adores her and refers to her as one of his "Pop Princesses" I've *ONLY seen wonderful, POSITIVE, meetings and comments.
On the Grammy red carpet last year she went RIGHT to Adam RIGHT away, and spent quite a bit of time with him... and was VERY kind and complimentary when singing this song in her OWN show... "I found someone to sing this song WAY better than me"...

We all know how amazingly talented Adam is with a voice UNMATCHED, and due to events last year, though FYE is selling well - it is ALWAYS mentioned that it has NOT gone platinum yet as all EXPECTED, and he has been snubbed by this round of awards shows which would certainly put him BACK on the map to the mainstream public who have NOT accepted him...which **WOULD enhance record sales. He NEEDS to perform LIVE on American tv again... (sure I'd prefer SOAKED)
but to HAVE him appear and perform ON the GRAMMY stage??... Yes I WANT him to succeed in EVERY way possible. I have a glorious dream tht the other song submitted "Time for Miracles" which Adam gave a BRILLIANT performance on will ALSO be nominated, and Adam perform THAT song live. His performance would be GLORIOUS!

Given past events something like this duet ON the Grammy stage CERTAINLY wouldn't hurt.

If he doesn't do this song himself on the Grammy Awards, then I would CERTAINLY prefer a collaboration of BOTH... think about it. I would SO love this to happen.

Cheril said...

Anon 8:27 and yourself again at 8:29:
"Adam's fans are his worst enemy, and they do not even know it. Sad really." Giving judgement to ALL of his fan base as you have sort of sounds like you personally wouldn't like Adam because he is "gay". You know the mentallity of putting down an ENTIRE group of people is called PREJUDICE. Every fan is an individual. We all love Adam Lambert's music and his beautiful voice - that is what we have in common. Otherwise we are all INDIVIDUALS.

Lolita said...

Cindy: you gave me goose-bumps! lol

The Dark Side said...

Not bad, not bad at all. This was a good mashup. Adam's and Pink's voices blend well. Good show.

Anonymous said...

The correct thing to do would have been for Pink to wait until Adam's WWFM was no longer on the charts to release hers, and preferably until his second album is released. This timing creates confusion, and I have already seen several mainstream press articles that say that Adam covered Pink's version. Most non-hardcore fans do not know that Pink's demo was so different from Adam's version. Now she has hijacked Adam's first, and at this point, only true U.S. hit. It makes me sick, and I cannot find a way to respect Pink's motives. You can dress this move up in lace and ribbons, but if it looks like a rat and smells like a rat...

Anonymous said...

Pink gave that song to Adam. I'm sure she received and will be receiving lots of money. I know she wrote it, but it would be like Matthew Bellamy suddenly recording Soaked, the song Muse also gave to Adam. It just ain't Kosher. We know that Pink wrote it as Adam reminds us constantly about that, but it's Adam's arrangment, not Pink's. Just not classy Pink, not the right thing to do. Adam would never say anything because it was a huge hit, and he's just not made like that, but what you are doing is not right. Don't do him any favors in the future. You are an established star. Adam is just getting started. You are selfish. He thanks you all the time; yet, you want more. I use to really like Pink. Not any more.

Anonymous said...

When Pink sang this on stage, it sounded different. Now she has hijacked Adam's version. Disgusting Pink. You already have an established career. Are you trying to destroy Adam's.

I would respectfully ask this site to remove this song. It is representative of nothing. It only tarnishes both Adam and Pink.

Anonymous said...

i'll admit,, as a hardcore adam fan.. this is really good. Adam's version is still 10,000 times better than pink's alone, but i really enjoyed this

Anonymous said...

5:21 I have to agree with you. Adam has been asking to collaborate with different people i.e. Christine Aguilera, but I'm sure he would not mind singing with Pink. Singing with her can only be good for his career. So guys, back off with all this negativity. This mashup could be the best thing for Adam

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand why so many of you think this will be good for Adam, I can't see how this will help Adam in any way, from now on the press will constantly comparing the 2, and yes, they will all assume that Adam has copied Pinks version. If people hear Pinks its not going to make them go out and look for Adams, in fact it sounds so alike they;ll probably think it was Pinks they'd been hearing on the radio all the time! I don't get why you keep promoting her version on here. And I don't think she ever gave him proper credit for singing it, she never named him, just said 'a guy', i'm sure many people at her concert had never heard of him and would have had no idea who she was refering too.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

@ Cindy

I'm not nearly good at judjements because I effectively don't understand a glamshit in the world of music. Never payed much attention to, never had favorites in, never got the wave, the contests, the charts, the awards, the fashion... nothing, because along all my over a half century life I only had eyes, ears and heart to the movies! Until about 2 years ago, except maybe for a half dozen of big stars, I had no idea who was who and doing or singing what in the world of music. I've just started my journey across this «new universe» for me (yeah, I know, what a shame!). And this is happening to me only because suddenly, one night I was home feeling lonely, looking for who knows what on my TV, I SAW+HEARD AN ANGEL called sweet Adam Lambert singing and being judged. From that special night on, after recovering from my initial and almost mortal shock, I have had this opinion: WHEN AN ANGEL SINGS, ALL SINGERS (every single one) of the planet SHOULD STAY VERY, VERY, VERY QUIET, JUST LISTENING, JUST LEARNING! (pshisssssssshhhh!!!!)

(PS: @ Cheril, I know, I know, it's a very individual opinion...)

Anonymous said...

totally agree with HK fan..

and why do some of you guys think pink gave the song to was out there for the taking not a personal gift to Adam. i have seen enough videos of Adam in interviews and never once heard Adam say pink GAVE him the song......yeah its her song but betcha she would have never bothered to release had Adam not made a HUGE Hit with it!!
it wrangles me as it seems its hard enough for Adam the get all the credit he deserves for all the hard work and talent he gives... Glam Nation Tour did not get the all the publicity it should have...same old thing with music awards everything is so fixed
and pink did not need to do this version...end of !
it will always be ADAMS song as we know
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you HK fan. I bet even Adam is surprised and feel a bit upset by Pink's move.
Notice he never tweet about her version of the song even though a lot of his fans have been tweeting about it.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever think that Adam is a person with very high expectation, that means very high self esteem. The only singer he wants to duet is Christina Aquilera that he mention her thousand times. I think he would rather make on those so call "award Show" just by his own. Look at how he is so proud of himself whenever he talks about his GNT in the interview. I am totally agree with HK fan. In addition, no more "idol" image, no more cover song, no more comparision with other singers, write his own song with his band. I think he will be more satisfy with his career. One day I hope he can make his own label and he will.

Anonymous said...

They make a good duet. Pink has commented that adam sings this song better than she does. Kudos to her for writing it, and i think that she and Adam do a very, very good duet. i would like to see them sing together sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I like Pink but the song really fits at Adams voice. Well done and hopefully Pink will make more good songs for Adam. Respect for Pink pls.???????

Love them and more power indeed. Miss u Adam come back to Canada soon...........

Anonymous said...

good grief......these comments makes my head spin.

Anonymous said...

WWFM is a mega hit song worldwide, it will be loved and heard by millions people for many more years to come. Pink did a wonderful job to write it. In reality, from this moment, Adam has to share with her to whatever he's been achieved on it. It is not easy.

glitzylady said...

@Glambrit Isle of Wight

I am SO glad to see you here again..Hope you are feeling much better and just have missed you!! Your comments are always completely honest and straight to the point!! I hope you will feel up to commenting more often...... : )

Anonymous said...

Speakin of the Devil....Glambrit Isle of Wight UK is back. Where the heck have u been dude, 24/7 missed u. Glad to have you on board you RIOT! LOLzzz


Anonymous said...

oh, FYI I read somewhere that WWFM has made Triple platinum. not sure how true that is though...But if you think about it, is possible, right. Internationally it has been selling like hot cakes. I have seen it in the top 10 of itunes continuously in almost 20 countries' charts.


Anonymous said...

Love it. Adam is totally standing out even with mega star like Pink.

It is interesting that male vocal is higher then female vocal.

Sony music should totally release a WWFM duet.

Anonymous said...

Hi glitzylady and ZZ....yeah im back feeling much better, got a bit lost backtracking finding all Adam stuff that i missed,but still cannot track down the last two threads that i left messages have not read any of your comments,but trust me i will find them.......
just to add to my previous message.
..IMHO...Adam should ditch these American DIVAS.....and do a duet with La that would really work and no EGO'S involved...sounds good to me!!!
fan4fun....i love your story aaaah bless yer xxx
see this is the Wonderful Power of Adam Lambert he cures Most ailments and brings SUNSHINE to all our lives...pretty cool i'd say
Love to all Glamsistas xxx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

algal said...

I've always liked Pink, and I've bought more of her music than any other artist except Adam. But I don't understand why she recorded WWFM. I know she CAN record the song because she wrote it, but WHY did she? And why does her version use the same backing track, making it sound almost identical? Why didn't she try to change it up a little? Also, why put this song on her greatest hits album? It isn't one of her hits -- it's Adam's. From what I hear, she is releasing it only in Australia, but the internet is worldwide, and here we all are listening to it and talking about it. As someone said earlier, if she recorded the song next year, after WWFM and the FYE album have run their course, it would be OK. But why now? I can't see this as a plus for Adam at all. It's a stab in the back. But Adam will be OK!

Anonymous said...

Adam's a star in his own right he does not need other stars to make Adam shine he can do it all by his self

Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious Cindy, you go girl! I can feel your excitement and energy WOW. Thanks for the sharing.
