2011 Calendar Scans
Filed Under (news,photoshoot picture,pictures ) by Admin on Friday, December 3, 2010
Posted at : Friday, December 03, 2010












Scanning Credit: stealinyourgay
Thanks to Adam Lambert Help!












Scanning Credit: stealinyourgay
Thanks to Adam Lambert Help!
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March..i already have this as a poster..scream...
July my birth month Fantastic as i love this new EP Cover and
October.......STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL...those lips are for kissing Adam....get in the queue everyone
are these still available to buy...i have to know...if so is it only fan club..help me i,m desperate:(
Glambrit IOW UK
just been using magnifer to checkout December and its hundreds of little Adam Pictures..Amazing....
and clever
Glambrit IOW UK
Do you want to hear all acoustic songs? In Germany the EP downloads are available from today, so listen to them here:
Some beautiful pics but wish they wouldn't have included one with smoking
OMG..beautiful and i absolutely love Novembers
re,,5.57pm......lol Adam is not smoking its a joss stick..
.haha so funny
The first one is an incest for some kind of spiritual purify process,something like that. It is not smoking. LoL
I will put October on my night table for the rest of my life.
Anon 6:13 - You do mean incense, don't you? Let's not complicate Adam's life.
All the pictures are gorgeous, I mean c'mon it's Adam Lambert but ....... OMIGOD that October pic is the most beautiful I have ever seen of Adam. It seems like I say that quite often when speaking of new pics of the GlamGod!!! Pictures like these prove I ain't dead yet! lol
Anon 6:26, you are right .I do mean incense. Spell check does not work this time. LOL
LOL 6:13 .... touche'!!!
anony 6:13...ha ha yes i agree.....
you guys are funny lol
oh dear
sorry should be anony..re..6.26 .
ha ha yes i agree...
..and not @ 6.13 typo error.lol
I'm feeling the month of October! meow!!!
October.... I'm dead. Yikes. After the year is done, I'm cutting that one out and framing it. (BTW- it cracks me up how many people think he is smoking in the first pic. Haven't you guys ever seen incense? Adam is an ((adorable)) hippie- incense just goes with the flow...) Lee Cherry is a God. Photo God.
I freaking LOVE the october pic...wish I would have ordered one...:(
re again 5.57pm...Adam also has JOSS STICKS in his Hat as well as holding one..it is not a ciggie or a spliff lol
Glambrit IOW UK
some of the comments are so funny and confusing because of their spelling. You are right my darling be careful when u post guys we don't want to complicate adams life ha!ha!ha! He is a good person though ha!ha!ha!ha!
The October picture is breathtaking! My birthday month is October and what a gift to myself this will make! Love all the pictures and can't wait to get my calendar!
Awww! I love all the pictures of each month but my fav is........ JANUARY‼ :) cuz it's my birth month & you know who else?!... ADAM's... sweet‼ ☺
Well, shoot! I was hoping to be surprised when my calendar got here (it's on it's way now!!), but of course I couldn't NOT look. I think February is my least fav pic of all he has done. The rest though, woohoo! Agree with most, October is my ceiling poster, lol.
Definitely, October is the hottest pic reason being Adam is shirtless, eyes closed just waiting for ______ fill in the blank‼ :) Ok, a KISS‼ ☺
My favourite is July - I think he looks very "rock" and masculine in it. But October is definitly second place - I'm not surprised why all of you love it!
Poland Loves Adam
QUOTE December 3, 2010 6:26 PM :
"Anon 6:13 - You do mean incense, don't you? Let's not complicate Adam's life."
LOL lOL LOL .. you're too funny!!
The calendar is filled with gorgeous pics. But the winner for me is October. Goosh.. those lips.. I think it's sexier than Kim Kardashian's lips. lol.
Okay, I was doing really well at not being depressed about not owning this calendar... THIS IS NOT HELPING MY EFFORTS 'THOUGH!! These pix are to die for, geezus frick. ILHSFM. Oh Well, I have my acoustic cd coming, it's all good... and what could be better than knowing that AML will be attending the Grammys as a nominee!! All's right the world for this morning.
@Anon 6:26 - hilarious...just the way you put it - hilarious
My two favs July (my birthday month) and October were taken at the same time. Check out his jewelry.
I also love January and December.....the sight of him will certainly help with the cold weather months.
Can't wait for mine to arrive.
Funny right of the bat . I pick d Oct. As my favorite. Wish it was my birth month. And I look at comments and a lot have also chosen that oneDo you think it is because it is the most androgenous picture of all?. The incense incest talk was a hoot.
@Anon Dec 4 6:37am, who wrote re Oct. "Do you think it is because it is the most androgenous picture of all?"
I could give you a whole bunch of lofty, high-brow and sophisticated reasons why I like Oct. so much - but the truth is, simply put - IT'S THE MOUTH :).
July is delish - my birth month... and honestly, that June grouping totally rocks my world... wish I had gotten that T-shirt this summer.
I'm laughing at our comments and thinking - like, if this is how it is down at the local automotive body shop when one mechanic puts up a new girly calendar and all the other mechanics stand around and check out the monthly pix, LOL. (hope that's not offensive to anyone, just an image that popped into my mind that made me chuckle... and if I don't chuckle about this calendar stuff, I'll cry :)).
Everybody go to AfterElton.com & VOTE for ADAM .. Gay/Bi Man of the Year Award ... Chris Colfer?? is ahead of ADAM???
Please go VOTE as often as you can .. Chris Colfer?? REALLY????
wow i want this calender so much..but same old problem, monster shipping fees...
October is so breathtaking beautiful stunning...i can't stand it...this boy is killing me...>-->-0
chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx
I personally didn't order it (shhhh! don't tell anyone..LOL!) because my husband already thinks I have "lost the plot"..with everything else I have spent big $$$$$ on this year that is Adam related...although I'm REALLY thinking about it...I'd just have to keep it in my bedside table anyway, along with my Details, my Rolling Stone, etc. etc..Come to think of it, not a bad idea! Hmmm...And I would give up the calendar any time to spend 1 minute with Adam (still "openly" jealous...)!!! And yep...October is suddenly my favorite month too!
Yes to October at first glance because the photo simply captured everything that is beautiful in Adam's face. And December is my second choice because of the concept of the shot.
@chezza-sherbert/brit fan - yes same problem here with the shipping fee. It's good that i have a very close friend in Pennsylvania who collects Adam stuff for me. I wouldn't mind waiting ;-)
@glitzylady - you are so funny ;-)
Gonna be lots and lots of October in 2011 !!
March is the only one that shows off his eyes.
I remember some beautiful photos with the eyes...
Great calendar though
MGF - HA HA!! Love the girlie-calendar comparison.
- Adam Fix
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