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Adam Lambert in Cool Magazine (Jan 2011 issue)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Adam Lambert on the cover of 'Cool', a French teen magazine from Montreal, QC

Scan Credits: Alreference


Anonymous said...

Awesome! But so sad Adam has to share the cover with Miley Cyrus!

Anonymous said...

Yes, should be Adam Lambert et Adam Lambert and forget everyone else.

Anonymous said...

That picture of Adam was used for the Australian Promo Tour back in March.

Anonymous said...

Starring on a magazine cover is a great, great way to begin 2011!!

Anonymous said...

I wish somebody would find the translation for the articles. It would be nice to know what Adam is talking about. These pictures of look HOT by the way!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice spread there Adam! Yes, do we have someone to interpret?
