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Adam Lambert Interview in X-Factor Magazine

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 10, 2010

Posted at : Friday, December 10, 2010

Scan by cultureslut1

Thanks to Adam Lambert Help!


The Dark Side said...

Now this is a funny story. I agree with the pfft, like he didn't know he was any good! He said right off, I can sang. Well he faced the music and won.

Anonymous said...

I totally believe that he got not much of a promotion abroad by his label or maybe he wanted the same thing. Still he got zillions of fans abroad. That shows how great of an artist he is. But honestly UK got the best of FYE album. I bought it and I can't get enough of listening to it. Love Can't Let You Go! Should be heard on the radio, imo! Buy FYE UK version if you don't have it.

Anonymous said...

"Cant Let you go" is also available on the Glam Box CD which I purchased here in the states. What does that last line mean about begging and gaga? It's in the yellow box with the checkmarks. Adamluv

Anonymous said...


Could you please tell me where I can purchase The Glam Box CD? If it's got Can't Let You Go in it, then I've gotta have it!

So happy, finally got an email that my Acoustic Live CD and poster have shipped! Yayyyyyy!!!


Anonymous said...

I think Adam made the right decision to come out clean & be done with all the rumors and innuendos. I also think if you leave a little mystery about youself makes it more interesting and exciting for the public... JMO Adam really got it, learn how to have a thick skin & at the same time he can be so sensitive... guess it's just Adam's personality... easy going and out going = FUN‼ :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not british, but I guess there's nothing happening in the british music scene at the moment. Their dance music is crap and nothing new in the pop scene either. Perhaps that is why they are bringing back Take That.

Anonymous said...

Adam will win the Brits one by one, and I think that it's the right way to go. The UK is the country that launched the "Idols" shows as well as the "XFactor" and the ..."Got Talent" shows of this world. They are probably somewhat reticent to embrace artists stemming from other countries similar shows. But, Adam is currently proving to the UK and the whole world that AI was a launching pad for him, not a limited goal.

Anonymous said...

Forgot Keane and Hurts, their music is good brit pop, but nothing new.

Anonymous said...

@ CT

Shipped to where? Where do you live, which country?... just wondering.

Anonymous said...

CT, the site is for $26.00. You get 2 CD's (FYE tracks plus CLYG, Master Plan (personal favorite), dtrh and Voodoo. 2nd CD is 4 remixes of IIHY. Also a DVD (3 songs from the Stripped performances, 4 songs from Sessions @AOL and the 3 music videos plus video of the making of IIHY). No TFM video included. IMO, so worth the money. Also received an email about the CD and poster on its way! Did I read that you're going to the Dec. concerts? Or am I thinking of someone else? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@4.34....DON'T Diss the Brits Please!!!!!!!!
..our charts are FULL of mainly CRAP AMERICAN MUSIC...if you dig deep into our UK Music Sounds you will find Loads of Good Stuff..Most of the Top Music Bands are British.......

as for the interview well my cats could of done much better interview with Adam
.....who is the prick..sack him

I don't know how many fuckin times i have to say....Adam has a Very Strong and Fast Growing Fanbase in the UK..but Adam's music is NOT being Played on the goddamn fucking radio!!! because theres not bleeding room what with Fur Bitch Rihanna..lady fucking GaGa..Bieper.perry, you want me to go on or do you get the picture....Adam's Management are to blame for lack of PROMOTION AND NOT BEING ABLE TO BUY ADAM'S SINGLES IN THE MUSIC SHOPS.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
SCREAM!!!!! now banging head on wall big time
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

but on a lighter note....i have this poster on my wall sorry i know i keep on about it but its heavenly and the only good thing to say about interview is thank fuck they put a red hot piccy
..sorry but i always swear loads when i'm angry:)
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

the X Factor Fans love boys with Pretty Faces so here,s hoping they will check Adam out...and discover his voice and all the other wonderful things Adam has to offer
P.S Adam fans in UK boycotted X Factor last 2 weeks cause Adam was not choosen to sing on show which would of given Adam a massive Audience in UK...despite all the hard work from Adams BRITISH FANS!! FUCK YOU Simon Cowell and your RIGGED X FACTOR...Enuff said!!!!
Glambrit IOW head hurts

Anonymous said...

@Glambrit IOW UK

I was wondering if Adam had not been invited to perform on British X-Factor by Simon Cowell because Cowell and Idol producer Simon Fuller (Adam's career manager?) are reportedly at war with one another. I read an interesting story about the two Simons on MJs Big Blog not long ago re: the clash of their two mega egos. Do you know anything about this? When asked a while back in an interview, Adam said he had not heard one word from Simon Cowell since his finale show of Season 8.

Another possibility is that with all the problems X-Factor and its contestants seem to be having, if Adam performed on the show (because he is so good) it could underscore contestant weaknesses in comparison to him. This seemed to be the case with his fabulous Results Show performance of WWFM on American Idol last Spring the week Adam mentored the contestants. Of course, Simon Cowell was there to witness this.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:06 - Thanks so much for the info re: CDWOW. I just ordered the Glam Box Set! Sounds like a terrific deal, but now I've got to wait for something else to be delivered! My Adam calendar ... Acoustic CD ... Glam Box Set ... waiting .. waiting ... waiting

Anonymous said...

@AdamLuv 6:06 pm ..Thank you so much for the info on where to order GlamBox! I'd heard about it and checked on AO but didn't see a way to order here in the US.

And, Yes! I'm going to both L.A. concerts and am getting more excited by the minute! I drove by the Music Box Theater today to check out parking and what's around the area!. Can't believe Adam will be there in person next week! It's a very small venue and that's why I'm so excited 'cause Adam won't be far away from wherever I'm standing!!! I'm squeeling with joy!!!

@Fan4fun....Yes my Acoustic Live CD is on its way!!! I live in L.A. (guess you can tell by statement above saying I drove by the Music Box Theater today!!! For anyone that needs to know it's located on Hollywood Blvd. between Vine St. and Gower St. There's a parking lot right next to it but gotta there super early I think to get a spot otherwise there are various public parking lots around and street parking too. There's an opening act before Adam, sorry don't remember their name and never heard of them. I'm only there for Adam! But you could have guessed that.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting to know how the radio station work but still don't understanding why the radio station only target for the young generation in US or UK. I came from the other side of the Atlantic ocean, still now people rely heavily on radio broadcast. During the day, it is those stay home moms sometimes grandmoms calling the stations to request song, so we have different types of songs being broadcast that target to a wide age range group of people, so as the commercials. Of course the rush hours and the weekend are for younger group. My mom in her eighties, still cling to the radio when she rest because she knows there is something for her to listen. I have been living in North Amercia for almost 20 years, I stop listening to the radio because I just don't want to hear same rap song over and over again. Instead I turn to my CD. I grew up with lots of nice English pop Songs in my early age.

glitzylady said...

@ anon (is that you CT?)

You were mentioning Adam's opening act for the two concerts: it will be his very good friend Alison Porter and The Canyons.

Anonymous said...

Yea, something is going on in the UK for ADAM to be snubbed so much! More to it than meets the eye for sure. This review is the same old, same old yet again!

Anonymous said...

Alittle off the subject...But yesterday I saw an ad about all the stuff you can buy of Justin Biebers...Where the Adam's people...HE should have had BLACK nail polish, not JB, and a book, what a joke and all the rest...Where are the marketing people for ADAM, I wanted a DVD,perfume for Christmas & etc....I want more of ADAM and don't feel he is getting the marketing he needs. Let's face it I love Adam...but so do a million other people and he would be a zillionare by noe if they had gotten on the stick!!

Anonymous said...

Remember Adam did songs from British artists for the AI tour saying he liked Britain?

I agree there should be more stuff to buy and not order thru the mail and wait. I would get lots of stuff for my college tenants if I could just pop out to the store.

Any news on a New Years Eve gig yet?

Anonymous said...

Well said, 9:53 AM !

Anonymous said...

Adam is bringing back the style of music that started in Britain years ago. I think Glam Rock started in England? I may be wrong, but it is hard for them to accept an American artist singing their style of music. that's the way I see it.

Anonymous said...

Glam rock is from Britain. I'm not sure if it annoys the british as it sometimes annoys me that he has made some concessions to the US fans at the expense of Glam.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome about the Glambox CD info. But I always use a tag - Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Anon. 12/10 10:28 PM - do you post here with a tag? I will be at the Thurs. LA hoping to meet any fellow 24/7 Glamberts!

- Adam Fix