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Adam Lambert Interview with Purefans News

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 9, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, December 09, 2010




Anonymous said...

Adam is so well spoken. What a sweetheart. Simply love him.

Anonymous said...

People who follows him... Sigh!
If I had money to afford it, I would follow this amazing young man wherever he could go, Heaven or Hell, every single stop in the middle of the way... and by that I don't mean Internet or in spirit at all, but «physical» presence, eye contact all the time... (deep sigh!!!!)...(another sigh!.. this one from Icon!)


Anonymous said...

Adam looks stunning here. You know, if I had the money and with possible technology, I would transformed myself into his kind to be close with him. I know, I know, just my thought, he is so worth of everything. Right now, keep him in my heart and wait for the next life. Believe it or not, we must have something that connect with him, otherwise we won't follow him so close. Sigh!

Anonymous said...

Hi there Fan4fun - you're in top form 2day!

I would be satisfied seeing him everyday buying his salad & "that green stuff"...I'm sure that would vigorate my life tremendously plus I could drink that green stuff, too! See his gorgeous face, hear his voice, laughter...
*BIG sigh*


Anonymous said...

Wow, Adam loves long walks along the beach!... how romantic?! Adam is such a complete package what most women want‼ Yes Adam, please re-energize cuz we all need one even you! :)

Anonymous said...

Sigh!! Wish I were a 28 yr old "pretty Boy!" Hi Fan4fun and all!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Hey, Glamily,

I tell you what: let's go everybody for a long walk along some beach looking for a bottle with a sweet genious inside... (Sigh!)


Anonymous said...

Werent those close ups on that magnificant face the best ever!!! Drooling here on my computer.... Adam has to be an interviewers dream - ask a question, sit back, and listen to an articulate, funny, self assured and very honest answer. What a sweetheart he is! Adamluv

coloforadam said...

OMG - look at that outfit - has he EVER looked more gorgeous??? The silky t, plaid shirt just peeking out of an almost tux like jacket, perfect chains and rings and chunky boots and GOD his face is so beautiful, serene, gentle, intelligent, relaxed, warm.... (my fingers are melteddddd toooo t keysssssssss)...

Anonymous said...

So beautiful.... and so eloquent! I remember those Wicked days so well!

Anonymous said...

**Les Sigh***

- Adam Fix