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Adam Lambert is #13 Most Played Act on Australian Radio

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, December 26, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, December 26, 2010

Adam Lambert was the 13th most-played act on Australian radio for 2010.


Thanks to Adam Lambert Help!


Anonymous said...

Yaaay, way to go ADAM‼ Sooo happy for you bb‼ :)

Anonymous said...

You´ve probably seen this, but it´s a bit funny and its from Australia so it´s not all off topic.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Eva, somehow I missed that interview. Thought it was very intertaining.

Anonymous said...

Err.....that it Entertaining.

The Dark Side said...

Wow,lucky number 13. BTW are those purple leather pants??? Another Wow!

Anonymous said...

Adam, please wear those raspberry leather pants again. No one can rock raspberry like you! One of my very favorite photos of Adam.

Anonymous said...

I'm grinning here from ear to ear with all the recognitions that our dearest AFL is getting just before the year ends. I'm thrilled that this is happening now because he is deserving of all the accolades which are more than enough to inspire Adam and encourage him to produce great music for 2011. Lastly anything that puts Adam in the limelight is most important because we need more and more people to notice this huge talent and the rest will follow ;-)


Anonymous said...

#5 in Australia with airplay too! Oz loves Adam with such a passion!