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Adam Lambert on MTV Japon

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Skip to 1:40

Video credit: glamatubeJ


Anonymous said...

Love that background music‼ :) Anyway, you're right Adam, make it more special. Don't just hand it to him/her... unless he or she is not that special... js :) Aww! Adam is very thoughtful & romantic‼ *im dead*

Anonymous said...

Wish there were sub titles so we could understand the NON English speaking artists. ADAM sure seems to be a romantic guy!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

been watching on ebay, adams signed infinity pendant, the bid is up to $1,426.00, 7 more hours to go... and the money goes to his charity!

Anonymous said...

Does Christina and Adam have mutual celebrity friends? I thought Christina divorced because she wanted to be more with women, but now she has a new boyfriend..?

The Dark Side said...

Think the gist of this was maybe having a special evening with someone special. Adam does it with gifts??? Intriguing! Who was he guy with so much hair he could have been a Muppet.