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Adam Lambert Posing Backstage at "Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 11, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, December 11, 2010

Here are some photos of Adam Lambert backstage at the "Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark" musical premiere last night, at Foxwoods Theater.

Picture 33 - poses backstage at "Spider-Man: Turn Off Th... on Twitpic Picture 30 - poses backstage at "Spider-Man: Turn Off Th... on Twitpic Picture 29 - poses backstage at "Spider-Man: Turn Off Th... on Twitpic Picture 28 - poses backstage at "Spider-Man: Turn Off Th... on Twitpic Picture 27 - poses backstage at "Spider-Man: Turn Off Th... on Twitpic Picture 25 - poses backstage at "Spider-Man: Turn Off Th... on Twitpic Picture 24 - poses backstage at "Spider-Man: Turn Off Th... on Twitpic Picture 20 - poses backstage at "Spider-Man: Turn Off Th... on Twitpic Picture 13 - poses backstage at "Spider-Man: Turn Off Th... on Twitpic Picture 7 - poses backstage at "Spider-Man: Turn Off The... on Twitpic Picture 3 - poses backstage at "Spider-Man: Turn Off The... on Twitpic

All Photo credits: @adam_pictures


Anonymous said...

Well hellooo‼ just too much pretty‼ :) Just STUNNING... all of the above‼ :)

Anonymous said...

He's wearing those harem pants I think are so cool and all the above from anon 10:02am

Anonymous said...

I love the rocker clothes from the Jingle Ball.
I wonder if he will wear those at the LA concerts or go back to the glam clothes. Love how he dresses!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Face! Adam you must be Alien from Planet Fierce for Real !!

Anonymous said...

Adam was considered to be on the "short list" to star in this Broadway show. You can google Adam Lambert & Spiderman for the 2009 articles about this (i.e. the one by MTV). I wonder what was going through his mind watching this last night (and the night he went to see Hair in 09).

From what I've read the Spiderman production has had a rough time getting off the ground. Featured on 60-Minutes, it would seem this show may have become more about the special effects than the singing or acting. It also sounds like the special effects have not been cooperating. For instance, I read where the premiere started 20 minutes late and that Spiderman got stuck hanging in the air in his flying gear till several stage hands got him down. So glad that wasn't Adam hanging up in the air like that. Has anyone seen this show yet or know any more about it?

I'm pretty sure Adam has flown around in a show before--as a child actor in the role of Peter Pan.

P.S. He looks positively stunning in those photos. Love his fashion sense. Love that hardly anyone but Adam can wear this kind of look. The boots are especially gorgeous.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Wow! Adam looking breathtaking again! If you click on More Photos in the Examiner article you can see loads more of these photos. There is one of Adam with "friend" John. Looks kinda like a pretty boy to me. Anyone know who John is?


Anonymous said...

Was he wearing boots? Probably those he bought in France. LOl

Anonymous said...

Oh fuck, he looks glam in black, or maybe it's the attitude.

Anonymous said...

WTF??? The pictures didn't «fly» to Azores, all frames are EMPTY!!! Please, somebody... Help!
I wanna see «singing» spider!

Anonymous said...

Didnt see them but read that he wore his MC Hammer harum pants. If so, yeah! Lota peeps didnt Like them but I sure did. Wore them at Wango Tango and looked mighty fine! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

No, Adam wore this pants! I another pictures from Examiner or somebody else and I saw that he wore this seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexy pants!!!!!!
Anyway about other than Examiner websites. Did you read that FYE suddenly became masterpiecs of Adam hard work or one of the most successfull albums of the year! I am not completely agree with masterpiece, but FYE phenemenon! How come they relised it only after Adam got Grammy's nom?! This is EXACTLY what I talk about all the time. As soon as Adam will get nom, he will become American sensation (not just American Idol sensation!)As soon as Adam got GRAMMY's nod he became one of the best artist in the world, SUPERSTAR! I read few articles about this. Sure, we always knew that nobody can compete with Adam recenlty, in US, Canada, or any country in the world! But where all of these rats been last year after AMA when FYE deff needed good reviews! Certainly, never to late, but if they would write these reviews last year, FYE became platinum long time ago! Anyway, Adam, congrads again will of your success. Finally you got it, darling.

Anonymous said...

His hair is Glamtastic!

Anonymous said...

FYE is a classic. The songs will be played on radio for a long time to come. I wish they'd release one more single. Maybe should start yelling about it..

Anonymous said...

Oh man...the sultriness! How is one man so sultry? Deee-lish.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Where did you read about FYE Is a classic? I would love to read abot it. Thank you........indigo

Anonymous said...

I believe FYE is classic( I ment FYE in post above) and my faverite vid/song on the album, its about time it gets some recognition.........indigo

Anonymous said...

Uh Oh. Adam found a PRETTY boy! hehe. If there is eye/arm candy within a mile radius, Adam will find it! See example 3-down.

Sigh. I'm just glad I get to enjoy the sexy pose that almost always accompanies a photo with ARM CANDY as his primary accessory! LOL :P


Anonymous said...

Finally, pics arrived to Azores! Yeah... the beautiful sweet Adam shining in my Sunday morning.

Monifa Coffee said...

....I know who John Chandler is!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad u got the pics Fan4fun! Who is John Chandler, 9:46? I saw the 60 minutes show regarding the problems. Hope they will iron them out and a profit will be made.So much invested. Didn't know that Adam was a consideration for part in Spiderman. He would hav been magnificent. Maybe some time in the future when all bugs ironed out and he has time. He has enough to keep him occupied for now. Will try to find 2009 article. Thanks for info. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

2 Boys are cute .. Adam type ;P

Anonymous said...

Thanks Miss Coffee..
As I said... Hi John!