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Adam Lambert says diplomacy is not really his specialty

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 23, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, December 23, 2010

While in France during his Glam Nation tour last month, Adam Lambert interviewed with various media outlets at a Parisian press conference. Today, an article has been published by, in which Adam was asked about his album, his sexuality and his stage performance. Probably the most interesting new information provided in this interview is when Adam was asked whether kissing boys onstage is a natural or political move. He has been asked about kissing his bassist onstage during the American Music Awards many times. However, this time, Adam discussed why he continued to kiss bassist Tommy Joe Ratliff at every opportunity. A translation of his response:

“Well at the very beginning, when I kissed a musician onstage, it really came quite spontaneously, just a craving that I had at that time. Then when I saw all the reactions it generated, I started to do it again systematically, as an affirmation to each concert. I said ‘Ok I must continue.’ It became a kind of additional effect, which I find also very Rock and Roll, and then it meant that I had not particularly agreed that it is a mistake. Instead I had to show that I was proud and so I had no excuse to make. You know, I'm a little stubborn, and also pretty dominant ... There is another part of me that does not make people happy and say "please" all the time.Diplomacy is not really my specialty.”

We know Adam sometimes likes to be a little rebellious. In fact, his rebellious side was just featured on CNN HLN’s Showbiz Tonight’s "Rockers & Shockers” a couple of days ago. But it was obvious by the crowd reaction at Adam’s concerts that they loved it when he kissed Ratliff during the show.

What do you think of Adam’s “lack of diplomacy” when it surfaces?


Article and Translation Credit: Renee Snyder


LP said...

Stubborn, yes, not always diplomatic too. What I have gleaned from some of his interviews, is that if you don't like what he does, then don't watch, and I believe he threw in the F word to make his point. Don't take me wrong, I am a great fan of Adam's, but he is still learning, we know he is gay, and he is proud of it, but we don't need it shoved down our throats at every concert. He is smart enough to know not to do that stuff on TV. So he is aware that it is not always acceptable.
Just the same I am eagerly awaiting for his next album, and I think the album he has is a tough act to follow. We will all be in a frenzy for the album next summer, because we are Adamholics, lol.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Diplomacy is for the boring.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is not for sensitive people. That's why I won't go too near him.

Anonymous said...

It it what it is. He has made no secret of the fact that he is gay and that he is a sexual person. He associates that type of rock n' roll music with sex so he acts on it in an OTT way on stage. If that has consequences, well then he has to deal with them or adjust accordingly. I for one am a fan of his music and do not think that just because its rock he has to kiss another band member on stage and do oral-sex simulation (it looks a bit vulgar at times and I don't say this just because he's gay but because in general subtlety would better suit a singer of his caliber) but I don't let that hinder my appreciation for his music and his voice. Those that can't get past all that theatricality are missing out imho. But even though I accept him the way that he is, I do hope he doesn't repeat what he did on the AMA's on another award show because audiences will marginalize him even more. He deserves mainstream success because of his talent and it looks like he's finally getting that which is great.
I just don't get why he feels like he has something to prove though...he seems very conflicted about his stance on being a gay 'public figure' and he keeps going back and forth, at times contradicting what he says with what he does, so in my humble opinion, I think the best thing to do is to just ignore all that and if I were him I would tell people (albeit nicely) to stop asking him questions about that because he really does want to focus on his music. Plus he has already addressed those issues ad nauseum. There is a point in which it can overshadow the music which is a shame because he is more than just a 'gay singer'. The whole point of the Rolling Stone article was to get past his sexuality yet people keep bringing it up. People need to just get over it.
Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

I think a kiss is a kiss and it would've been just as sexy with a woman. People make alot out of little things. I really don't get off on a kiss, so I really don't see the big deal. If he wanted to kiss a woman on stage, he would've done that as well! He will kiss who he wants, so people need to let it go.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is a PERFORMER! don't forget that.
And, he is a very self loving person who will take risks but he is not out to hurt anyone.
I hope that he continues to be creative on his tours and that he doesn't rely on the sex, crotch grabbing antics. Michael and Madonna did that for years and it has become tired.
Adam has way too much elegance, brilliant talent and a brilliant career ahead of him.
Can't wait to see what he does next!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam learned a lot within the past 2 years and even after AMA performance (although I loved his AMA performance. The only thing that lacked in that performance was his voice. His voice wasn't showcased the way we heard him on Idol even the finale Queen performance). He now knows how to tone down his performances on TV performances and where his antics are acceptable. I personally think that his stage acts are kind of early since he is new. But he likes to stay true to himself and his art which is understandable but only a few. But he is very unique in the pop scene and he has a great chance of becoming a pop icon. He needs to learn the business side of what works what doesn't work in order to make his art more acceptable. It all depends on his 2nd album and he needs four to five mega hits.

sheila said...

Adam is fine just the way he is. Just a laugh kissing tommy on stage. No harm in a few sexy antics - just part of normal life - gay or straight!

Anonymous said...

Adam stubborn, dominant & lack of diplomacy!... I'm shocked‼ :))*to a point-right Adam?* Lack of diplomacy usually is out the window when someone really pisses you off... js And this is just Adam's personality, take it or leave it! He knows when to have or apply one... we know‼ :) *♥ him*

Anonymous said...

Adam is more like Neal and Eber than some of us like to think. Apple doesn't fall far.... you know the rest. He is a sexy alpha male, much sexier than any man I know regardless of orientation.

Adam has a lot of anger, probably justified because of all the crap he had to put up with before Idol, during and after Idol. We forget sometimes that AMA was right after the gay magazine editor wrote the condemnation of Adam for not being gay enough. He was being attacked from both sides.

If you watch AMAs carefully, you will see the anger and the FU attitude, and at the end he makes no secret what he thinks about convention.

I personally love who he is and will take the whole package as it presents (that package also). He always shows us his human side, and what we see is a real person with all the emotional baggage a real person carries. Like he says, he's an open book.

Knew all along he was making a statement kissing TJR just like he's messing with us when he does the sexual stuff during his performance. It's rock and roll, and he's Adam. We like it, he likes to do it, so it's in his act.

He is a genuine person, something we see less and less of these days. You either like what he is, or you don't. He's not going to kiss up to you in any way to make you like him, and I respect that. I'm a senior citizen, and there's almost nothing he could do to offend me. I think he has already made a profound influence on our society.

While there are many advocates of gay marriage, repeal of DADT, It Gets Better, Adam's message rings more sincere and stikes a powerful note. He's a voice of the future.

Anonymous said...

It is the press and the public are stubborn. Two years already, still question his sexuality and his performance. Haven't we learn anything yet?

Anonymous said...

So true 12:24!! Sometimes I wonder about our collective intelligence ;)

Anonymous said...

Agree, 11:12AM & 11:16. I understand his frustration and impatience at the inequities of this world and don't blame him for wanting to prove his point, but unfortunately life is not fair and progress is slow in coming. I think some has been made. I'm thrilled that DDDT has finally passed, bullying is getting the attention that it deserves and gay rights should be kept in the public eye until they are treated with the same freedoms and respect that we are entitled to under our constitution. With that said, Adam is still learning to cope with fame, what type of artist to be, pleasing others and most importantly, being true to himself. He will in the end have to live with his choices and find his comfortable place, if there is to be one. I love his sensuality and playfulness, but also think because he is so mega talented, he doesn't have to be that explicit. He oozes sex, just by being on stage, body rolls, facial expression, etc. When you do something salacious over and over, it loses impact[IMHO]and seems too contrived. I think he would do better to save the crotch grabbing, mike masturbation and tongue flicking for the European audiences, where it is more accepted and rely more on his magnificent talent here in the US. Many here just want to hear him sing and enjoy his beauty and sexiness and be able bring their preteens to see his amazing talent. Elton John early in his career resorted to duck outfits crazy eyeglasses, etc. until he felt comfortable enough in his own skin to rely on his musical abilites. Christina Aguilara also tried to look outrageous for attention and was ridiculed for it. In their cases, it was just for attention. Adam looks magnificent and dresses and looks just fine. In his case,it's not for attention , it's who he is and it works. I think he just needs to relax and choose his audiences, act accordingly and it will all work out just fine. I love him and will always be a fan, no matter what his choices. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

anon @12:17 and one of my favorite posters, funbunn40 !! You have read my very thoughts and written them down here.
As a gay activist and the mother of a gay son, I have had the opportunity to listen and learn about their "journey" of self acceptence. I think Adam's anger comes out every now and then and it is entirely understandable. Do you remember his teacher's interview? She teared up when she said in essence that Adam was living the lyrics of Mad World as a young man. He himself told us he didn't know anyone else who was gay growing up.
That said, I think Adam is evolving. He didn't want to have his orientation be part of the picture, but everytime he kissed Tommy he reminded people that he was that "openly gay artist". I wasn't happy with the maturbation bit and left the site for a time. But Adam amazes us...and confuses me sometimes. He is a great example of how unique humans...all humans are. We can't put him in a slot. That is what I admire most about him.
This music business is crazy. People like Neil Diamond are named to the Hall of Fame and there are complaints all around. He's not Rock and Roll enough! I think artists want to show an edge..but at the same time if they are too over the top ,what will we remember them for..biting the head off a bat? That is why I didn't like the hands in the pants....
I hope he finds what works for him so that he will be around for a long time. His voice is magnificent, his stage performances are fierce and yet he has such a generous heart and boyish smile.

Happy Holidays Glamberts!


Anonymous said...

Adam: "You know, I'm a little stubborn, and also pretty dominant ... There is another part of me that does not make people happy and say "please" all the time. Diplomacy is not really my specialty.”

--Right On!

I aboslutely adore Adam for his veracious personality. I would never change a thing about him, just as I don't believe I should have the right to change anyone. The beauty of the world is that we are all individual beings.

To me, his immense spirit and positive attitude & message overshadows any and all of the "sexual" overtones he displays.

May he live long and prosper.

Anonymous said...

Adam says he plays by no rules! He could kiss a monkey on stage if he likes!!!! He does everything unexpected and that's what makes him entertaining! When his fans expect one thing, he will do another! He plays with his audience and that is what keeps everyone interested! he should kiss both sexes on stage and see what the press will say about that! Keep the tongues wagging!

Anonymous said...

I see Adam's lack of diplomacy as the result of his listening to his negative critics and reacting with 'in your face' actions and words instead of listening to positive fans and going on his way. He's gotta blow off these nobodies who upset him.

Anonymous said...

He has this limited amount of hardcore fans he respects, but he plays with everybody else. Even with the producers I think. He really shouldn't do that though. Otherwise those hardcore fans must prepare to spend more and more money to keep Adam entertaining them.

Anonymous said...

You can buy FYE album mp3 on Amazon for $5.00. Tell your friends about it and let's make FYE platinum before 2011.

Anonymous said...

Check out the full English translation of this French interview:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, BUT he's a master of PARADIPLOMACY! :-)

Anonymous said...

@ 11:16 you know how to watch a good concert indeed. Creativity is totally the no. 1 aspect in doing a live concert. Adam is very smart and he knows how to push the limit indeed. That's why in this generation he is the most exciting performer I've ever seen so far and I think more people will be interested on watching him perform in anyways. No boundaries in his concert so be it...... If people doesn't like his style too bad because Mr. Iconic will stay here for a long long time.

Mom from Toronto, Canada....PEACE TO EVERYONE HERE....

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:38PM

Thank you so much for the translation! Good interview.


Anonymous said...

Anon 11:12: You cannot see why Adam has to prove anything because we are not privy to everything Adam has to go through in his life and career. He doesn't dwell on it. But all his fans watch as others with half his talent perform on certain shows, and get awards he should have. That is what makes the Grammy Nomination (from his peers) so sweet. It represents truth and honesty. He absolutely deserves it. But, for all those doors slammed in his face, and all those people who don't give him a chance or throw slurs in his face, he has a rebellious side. Super talent and a rebellious side that comes out every once-in-awhile makes for a Superstar!

Anonymous said...

Everybody has to compromise. Adam doesn't want to. He gets pissed off and someone is going to get hurt. Who gets the revenge and where. What is the connection in the AMA? I think he chooses the place and people randomly.

Anonymous said...

Read the translated interview,a very good one. I feel there is sadness in Adam when he admitted the label want him to change the CD cover for international because the US didn't like his feminine cover. Some of you are hurting his feeling by telling him what not to do. But I think he also choose his path when he said "F**k You" all in the Encore in Los Angeles concert.

Cheril said...

anon 3:50: Adam and the entire GLBT community could write us (heterosexuals) a book on how much compromise one has to do to get along and exist in this lopsided country we live in. If Adam is sick of being told "no" while others do what he is told he is not allowed to do - then I support Adam. I want fair and equal rights for every citizen. He has described himself as a "nice rebel" and that is all I have ever seen. The pop divas do all kinds of sexual antics on stage and nothing is ever said about it. Adam is one talented man. I loved his Scarlet Letter "A" and the back meaning of that and I love the kiss to Tommy. It doesn't seem so shocking anymore does it?? Mission accomplished Adam.

Anonymous said...

I have always thought that the Tommy kisses weren't just meant as crowd pleasers, or Adam being himself, but also as Adam's way of telling us, without words, that "I'm gonna keep doing this till it becomes a familiar thing you accept, and it no longer shocks." And isn't that just what has happened? A lot of fans are now saying they're tired of the kissing. Mission accomplished, Adam!

Maybe Adam didn't start out to make political statements, but I think he has seen that his popularity and visibility can be a positive force for convincing people to be more tolerant of differences and less ready to judge. And being the open, generous, great-souled person he is, he can't help but act on that.

Anonymous said...

I live in a country where gays do get support from the highest governmental levels. Hate crimes against homosexuals are illegal. Still there is homophobia. The far right extremists are the most untolerant. Adam should concentrate on the It gets better campain more. Kissing Tommy is just kissing Tommy. Don't get the point really.

Anonymous said...

Then I think his next mission is to accomplish all the sex antics by the first openly gay singer in US? Am I right?

Cheril said...

anon 4:36: I think we are in total agreement. Adam Lambert is one of the good guys! A totally gorgeous super-talented good guy! Can't wait for that DVD and his new cd next year! 2011 is already shaping up to be a glamtastic year!

Anon 4:48: "Am I right"? Yes, it is obvious you are totally on the right. Wishing you peace and love in this joyous holiday season.

Anonymous said...

Some very exceptional posts here. I think, as others have stated, that Adam has been hurt to his very core. From what I have read, Adam was always a very sunny, giving, friendly, personality. When he officially came out, I'm sure he was traumatized when he realized his true self was unacceptable to others. For such a sensitive and special person like Adam, the pain must have been unbearable. He tells us of being rejected at love when he has tried to reach out. True, we all have been rejected at one time or another. But, I can imagine being rejected when you are trying to be the "real" you for the first time must be really awful. Remember when Adam said he had lots of friends until he reached middle school and then realized he was different. He said he was very lonely. That's a lot of years to be lonely and live in fear that someone will "find out" who you really are. Adam tried to fit-in on Idol and made a lot of friends and fans. We have to remember, that was not the real Adam. When he started his career, he wanted to be himself. Again, he was rejected by many. I know Adam is learning a lot about how to incorporate who he really is in his act and be accepted. I know Adam is fearless and dominant, but everyone wants to be accepted. His talent is too great to be limited to just the people who get Adam.
I have every confidence that Adam knows what he's doing and I'm sure he's smarter than most of us (well, me at least!). I will happily go along with the wild ride that is Adam's career. He is pure genius to me and I can't get enough. Sorry for this long-winded post. I know I am obsessed. (but happily so!)

Anonymous said...

Oh the sex antics. They are for the sex hungry women who only come to see that in the concert. Their analysis about Adams high notes make me laugh.

Urethra_Franklin said...

4:48 he isnt the first and isnt the only openly gay artist with "antics"

He does it cause he likes the reaction he gets from the crowd. Its that simple.

Anonymous said...


Why would you think a sexy little kiss is shoving his sexuality down our throats? You wouldn't being saying that if he were straight. Your discomfort is your issue, his fans love his sweet rebelliousness.

Anonymous said...

Huuuummmmmmm!......... I am thinking!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 12;17 pm I totally agree with everything you just said and you said it much better than I ever could. I especially love your last paragraph "while there are many advocates of gay marriage, repeal of DADT, It Gets Better, Adam's message rings more sincere and strikes a powerful note. He's a voice of the future."
I believe he has open more minds and hearts by being out and proud and showing his sexuality (homosexuality) and I agree with @LP 5:31Pm, those who are uncomfortable with Adams display of homosexuality its their problem and how will we ever be comfortable with homosexuality if it must be kept hidden. There are far more sexually explicit performances on TV and nothing is ever said about it because it is Heterosexuality and most people are comfortable with it because it is always in your face. I rest my case. Love and Light to all.

Anonymous said...

Should ask Adam what he wants from the audience. I don't think I'll ever go to see him in concert though.

Anonymous said...

I remember Adam said in CNN Asia that the straight people has shove their sexuality down his throat whenever he turn on the TV. There is something that people don't know about and they panic.

Anonymous said...

Total acceptance and pure love from audience. That's all he need from you if you ever go to his concert.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:42, good to know. I'm not the right type then.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:27, then I hope you still enjoy his CD or may be a couple of his hit songs.

Anonymous said...

Huuuuuummmmmm!... I am still thinking!
I'll sleep on it!
Good night all!
Good night, sweet Adam!!! Do not justify yourself, do not say a word, do not change, do not MOVE!!!!!

The Dark Side said...

Actually, I am not a sex hungry female, but get a bang out of Adam kissing Tommy because he is sending us all a message. If you don't get that message, too bad. Adam is who he is and if you want change, think maybe you need to change not him. He is a very sexual being, and is proud of it. I wouldn't want him any other way--and yes, he knows when to tone it down--learned that lesson the hard way.

Anonymous said...

There's that old saying "Pride comes before a fall".
I know it has happened to me and I think this saying rings true.
I think Adam just has to stay strong in himself, once he gets into the "fight you" mode, it won't work. I hope it's not his undoing.
He doesn't have to prove himself anymore - the Grammy nom says it all

Anonymous said...

If he wanted to show he had no regrets after the AMA's then, sure, continue to kiss Tommy.
But do we need the long, tongue down your throat, and the blow job to the mic and and masturbation.. yuk..
I think it cheapens the performance of immense talent. Sure some of the zealous fans love everything he does, but can that small zealous group carry him into an iconic career? You won't be able to clone yourselves each 100 times so Adam can play to an full staduim! The people who cheered him on on the AI stadium concerts were the ones who liked the Adam that was presented on Am Idol.

Anonymous said...

hey everyone go to Adam's Official Youtube site and give him some points on this contest.Even if you are mad at him! follow him on iTunes Ping too. Even if you are mad at him!lol

Anonymous said...

I have no idea why some of you people are even on this site. I've read from one of you that you won't be attending his concert and another one says yuck to the simulated masterbation and mic antics. I would ask you if you've ever been to a real rock and roll concert anytime anywhere? Probably not. They are wild, crazy and sexy. As Adam would say, "maybe I'm not for you." I would add, go see a Lee Dewyze concert. I guarantee you that he won't do any of these things.

Anonymous said...

Can people only be on this site and like Adam and his singing if they enjoy the mic blow job?
Looks who's excluding now!

Anonymous said...

anon 8:13 ITA. You hit the mail on the head...He has said many times that he went to American Idol to create opportunities for himself and use that as a platform to garner mainstream success but that platform won't support you if you make radical changes in your performance style like he has...its a sad fact, but a fact nonetheless...someone up thread said that the Adam on AI was not "the real Adam" and even though he has negated that sentiment I think its true...musically it might have been him but his overall demeanor was very pageantry like many other question is if he did that for AI why can't he continue doing it now that he's got everyone's attention? I understand he wants to be his own artist and be theatrical but I don't think its such a stretch to tone down the antics a bit especially if he truly wants more success...I mean you can't have your cake and eat it too ya know?...I mean that album cover was just ridic especially for a new artist and the record label knows it and made him change it for international releases...
we'll see what happens with the next album...its a lot of pressure. I feel for him in that respect.
I really hope he can cope and just put out an album of great music...hopefully that will be enough.

Anonymous said...

One thing Adam is never boring and I think he will be around for many years. He is predominantly about love that is what his concerts emit anyway. I just finished watching Madonna's sticky sweet concert on television and whoa she can get away with a lot. Yes i know she is famous so she is entitled. Well actually I don't want to live in a world like that (even though it is) Its that double standard and somebody has to try to change things and Adam is doing his little bit.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:58 PM. Why use Idol as a platform and then just throw it away?
I think this being stubborn might cost him some success. There's always room for a little diplomacy in the business world.

Anonymous said...

Fuck, I meant "NAIL on the head" not mail lol and its go ON AI not "to"
oopsies :P
and also, Happy Holidays to all :)))

Anonymous said...

lmb and funnbunn40 I couldn't agree more. Thank you. I would never cut off my nose to spite my face. lmb thank you for coming back! There are many more here that think the same. Yes, we do love Adam in every way shape and form, but if he wants longevity in this business he will learn what works. Everyone has their opinions and we should respect that it's just that: their opinion. Just as Adam says of the 3 idol judges. They are just the opinions of 3 people. He knows there are many more differing opinions out there.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:40 give it a rest. Have you ever wondered that maybe you might actually be in the minority at this sight in those feelings? Keep it positive. That is all ALL of us wants for Adam to be as successful as HE really wants. He has plenty of time AFTER he gains his success to tweek his performances to be whatever he wants them to be. Time will tell what sells.
Love and Light and PEACE

Julia said...

Anon @12:17 , 4:36 PM and Funbunn40 , i enjoyed reading yours and i agreed with some of what you all said . I believe Adam does not want to make any political statement but while he felt that his fans encouraged him for repeating the kissing of TJR, he also wanted the world to get used of it. Guess what? I think it is fair. Like he said in Asia CNN, the straight people kept shoving these heterosexual acts down his throat everytime he turned on the TV (and he did not complaint). Hey, he is a gay man and he has the right in his world to do whatever he feels like (just like the heterosexual people). Adam is fair. WE all share our worlds. Homosexual world exist within Heterosexual world AND VICE VERSA. I think the only people who should be blamed is the homophobia people. ADam is doing the right thing. I don't see anything wrong with it. IT's TIME FOR A CHANGE. A change to end discrimination ! Period ! ADAM is a GENIUS and HE IS SMARTER THAN MILLIONS of people watching him (No need to argue or explain further). ADAM was so nice trying to prove himself (which he does not have to). It's very rare to have an artist that smart and mega talents . He is a sensual and sexual person (again no need to explain - just like do you need to explain to the world if you like to put on a sexy dress for a party sometimes? ) My attitude is just like ADAM. "fY" Why not? ADAM is a whole package. ADAM has strong character just like ELVIS or MICHAEL JACKSON. Some hate them, some love them and these SUPERSTARS never compromise and don't need you if you don't like them (simple: they are born for the music/performance, not primary for money so they do not please anyone who object of his music/performance.) ADAM's being-true-to-himself and his VISION will surpass all the hardships and obstruction on his road one by one. It takes time and i have faith on it. Wishing ADAM GREATER SUCCESS . I am his forever fan (watch me..... :-)

Anonymous said...

'Master Plan' reveals a lot of what Adam wants to do. I have attended 10 live concerts in the past two years and I believe the live audiences (except for the first couple of rows) rarely see all of the masturbation antics because he's usually close to the floor. When you view the videos, that is when you see all of sexual nuances up close. I really love Adam but I don't always like everything he does. I absolutely hated the final expression and the finger given at the end of the AMA performance. I also do not like the use of the Fword because to me it is the negative of the word 'love'. Adam's dance with Brooke at every concert was one of the hooks that made it interesting for me. Adam's kisses with Tommy, for the most part, are intriguing but not necessarily sexy. Adam appears to be a rough kisser with possibly too much wetness. I had the misfortune to have a date with a guy that caused me to 'mop up' after every kiss and that was not very sexy. May be what guys like when they kiss guys - I'm learning more about homosexuality than I care to sometimes. Adam is definitely taking us 'to the brink of what you believe'. I just hope he gets 'some' so he doesn't have to act out to the point that it costs him the success he rightly deserves. You could tell what kind of sex he was getting toward the end of the long tour by what he was doing on stage.

julia said...

BTW, i believe this article is extracted from the original site:

and is translated by alreference in English:


Anonymous said...

First off on the AI concert tour Adams performance was very sexual and the audience were going crazy. Yes, he used AI as a platform and that is where he started accumulating his fan base. I know I don't just talk for myself there are a lot of you on here that started watching AI because of his controversial performance of Ring of Fire. Adam has said more than once he is not for everybody, and why these discussions on his sexual performances his concert had it all, playful, sexy, serious, and joyful. If you have a problem with his sexiness don't watch the videos of his sexual performances. He will become Iconic, he is that good, Madonna wouldn't be where she is if she listened to all the bullshit about her in the beginning of her career. Everybody is entitled to their opinion and whatever is their comfort zone. So again please don't watch the videos that you find offensive, but don't deny those of us who enjoy them. In my opinion Adam is paving the way so we can all become one community and as he has said not a straight community and a gay community but a human community. Again this is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

When I see people said how much they love Adam, how much they love his voice ,but...blah..blah...
I start to think there is a problem somewhere....all about yourself. How many of you hang on him after watching his first GNT on youtube? How many of you come back after his Grammy nomination? How many millions vote for him? What happen to all those Idol detractor? I rather be friend with those dump him after AMA and never come back because they know what they want. For those hanging on and on for the last 2 years, I have nothing to say but Merry Cristmas to you all. You buy Adam's CD and go to his fucking concert because you love his music and want to be with him in the same air, show your appreciation and fully enjoy him at the same time.

Urethra_Franklin said...

OY VEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you dont want to watch his antics DONT GO TO THE SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

All Adam needs is a great album with couple of great mega hits songs. It seems some of you haven't been to any concerts. I went the Eminem concert and from beginning to the end was all vulgar makes Adam's stage antics rated PG. Same with Usher, Pink and what not. Watch some of their concerts videos on YouTube if they don't take them down cause they do that no videos are allowed at any of these concerts and you know what I'm talking about. Adam with his first successful concert allowed his fans to take a video of him. I went to few of his concerts this year and his so-called stage antics were hardly noticeable. Some fans are turning out to be like some media outlets. You are hurting Adam by saying non-sense. His immense talent is more noticeable on live stage than all these stupid videos that you had the privilege of watching. Buy his CDs and watch him on his live concerts. Happy holidays to you all and let's support him on his 2nd album cause there are no one like him in the pop scene. Love you Adam!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, I can't bear going to other articles about Adam because of those educated comments. They are persisted and everywhere. It really make him so "laughable", for God sake, he is a pop star now. Don't go around and try to educate the whole world. It only make you a silly 20th century fan trying hard to stop him going into the 21st century era.

Anonymous said...

Some of you have made the same points that I have made on this board, only to be told that I wanted Adam to cover up who he is. Not the case at all, but whatever. I find subtle innuendo extremely sexy because it leaves so much to one's vivid imagination. I don't consider fellating a phallic microphone, giving that mic a hand job, or simulating masturbation sexy at all. One of the sexiest things Adam does is pour out his emotions with his stunning vocal chords. That voice can give you chills, as he did the other night when he sang A Change Is Gonna Come. His dance moves are also sexy, and he moves his tall body with grace. I've said before that I'm not sure what Adam wants because he contradicts himself so much. If he wants to get away from the "openly gay singer" label, perhaps he might consider not sticking his tongue down his straight bassist's throat, not asking men in the audience if they play for his team, not diving into the audience to French kiss some guy he doesn't even know. Those actions keep the media labeling instead of focusing on the music. However, he's young and still finding his niche. I am sure, like Madonna, there will be several incarnations through his career. (Remember, Madonna fellated a coke bottle on Truth or Dare and simulated masturbation on stage in Like a Virgin. That stopped and she moved on). I am hoping that Adam evolves musically too and moves away from some of the techno/electro pop to music which truly showcases his astounding voice without drowning it out. I'm not a big fan of electro background noise on recordings. Love his live band. I anxiously await the next phase of Adam's career with all its twists and turns. I'm still disappointed that Sleepwalker wasn't released as a single in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Adam has already given you an acoustic CD. Didn't you buy it? What more do you want from him?

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is not getting enough promotion from the professional people, because he is there for this zealous group of fans only. The money put on him would go to waste. If 2010 was the year for Adam, the year 2011 could be for someone else. Still think that Aftermath would have been a big mainstream hit, but again this small group of fans and Adam himself too (what a friend Alisan has got) didn't want it to happen.

Anonymous said...

Sleepwalker got tested in Canada. Sadly it didn't do very well. Aftermath is a radio single in Finland and is doing well. I know this is a small country, but our music taste happens to be good. Also FYE single is the most played from Adam now.

Anonymous said...


Here we go again. You with "the others and the other others" and "Adam just cares for his hard core fans". What a load of crap! How do you know Adam didn´t want Aftermath as a single? And how do YOU know it would have been a hit? His managment decides these things (right or wrong), not him or his "other" fans. And Alisan has a friend in Adam and you are a troll.


Anonymous said...

You called someone a troll because they have an opinion that doesn't mirror yours? Not cool. Everyone has a right to express an opinion. Geez, get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

Oh, excuse me anon 9:48. How dare I express my feelings. No, I didn't buy the acoustic. I already have those songs, and two of them on that CD were live with a bunch of screaming in the background. I await the next phase of his recording career. FYE is a done deal. He's versatile. I know he will surprise us. Now go lash your tongue at someone else.

Anonymous said...

peeps, you will never satisfy, stay away from neggie.

Anonymous said...

Anon @7:28, if everyone stayed silent just because they will never be satisfied, we'd still be living in caves sweetie.

Long live different opinions!!!

Anonymous said...

11:16 You want me to give it a rest, but you can pontificate all you want. Yep, light and love up your butt.

Anonymous said...

And BTW,11:16, it isn't sight. If people on this site don't like and enjoy what Adam does, they are NOT fans, including you. Quit trying to dictate another Wayne Newton clone. What a boring group of people. I'm out of here permanently. So hope you can all enjoy slamming Adam. That seems to be your main talent.

Anonymous said...

Apparently some of you don't see the problem, or excuse me, some of you say the problem is with those who don't think Adam pees Crystal champagne all the time. The people that are voicing their opinions on this site, I believe, ARE Adam's fans. Those that aren't, are not going to care enough to be here.
I think most of these people really care about Adam and want to see him succeed, but if fans can see mistakes and political agendas and inconsistencies, something's wrong. I think it's hypocritical to go around preaching about love and openess and how we should all accept EVERYTHING Adam does without question, and then the second someone has an opinion slightly different than that be told to get the hell out of here. Hmmmm...makes you wonder.

Urethra_Franklin said...

11:16 BAHAHAHA!!!

3:32 Agreed. However some of these "opinions" are complete fucking hog wash designed to stir up more angst on the comment section of a blog. The key is to not fall prey to such antics. Its called feeding the clown. Let the bitch starve to death. K?

Anonymous said...

This is an entertaining fan blog, most of us come here to enjoy Adam, love him and make fun after a hard long day. When some start to turn this into some kind of "social blog", I thought this only happen to another famous site. Hope do better next year. Focus on entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech....unless it's deemed "hogwash" by anon 3:32. LOL Some things never change.

Anonymous said...

Still, hope we can exercise our freedom of speech to fulfill our happiness with Adam here. It is a good thing. LoL

Anonymous said...

I think the "hogwash" comment was made by Urethra at 7:20 AM.
Remember that none of us owns this site..

Urethra_Franklin said...

Yep "hogwash" was me.
And let me just clarify...when someone makes a statement about a FACT it isnt an OPINION. It is a statement of FACT. And when someone makes a statement of FACT they should get their FACTS straight before making said statement of FACT. "Opinions" are a personal view, attitude, or appraisal. So under my Freedom of Speech rights I can walk around saying George Washington is the current President of the US. But Im gonna look like a complete fucking idiot because I obviously dont have my facts straight to make this statement of FACT which is NOT an opinion. So the "hogwash" Im referring to is the bullshit statements of FACT that have no merit...they are NOT opinions. Thats all.

Anonymous said...

it is just different now because you can see everything on youtube. back in the day you could love your fav artist and the most you could learn is if someone covered them in a mag. i am nuts about adam. im not big on the antics but i figure david lee roth or axel rose had a few i just never saw them. different time.

Anonymous said...

Couple of days ago, I was reading a recap of a fan who attended the L.A. shows. Somewhere along her report she mentioned she had such a great time at both concerts but she had to watch people's videos of the events to see what she missed. To assure herself that she grasped every moment of her enjoyment at both L.A. shows. I'm telling you, people read too much between the lines watching these videos and replaying it. Whatever Adam did at his shows, the so-called suggestive moves, ARE HARDLY NOTICEABLE WHEN YOU ARE THERE LIVE. Come on people we are obsessed about Adam and sometimes we read too much between the lines. As we are approaching the new year, let's unite and make it another epic year to support Adam with his new album. Adam worked his butt off this year. I think he only got two weeks of solid vacation from the beginning of the year until 12/16/10. He performed more than 115 shows this year. This can take a lot from you. We shouldn't fight over things we take out of context. Hope everyone had a great Christmas day. Peace out!

glitzylady said...

@ 7:04 pm
Interesting...wondering out of curiosity if those were my recaps you referred to ...since I posted two recaps of the two LA shows on my Adam Lambert Fans page ("glitzylady" of course)...Chances are they were from someone else (lots of peeps were there...) but I did make pretty much that comment in my recap of the Club Nokia show..because it is true! Perhaps a common thread with many of us! My eyes are GLUED to him every second of every live show and I have to watch Suz's vids to catch whatever else is happening around him! It so nice to see the "big picture"!! Everyone on the stage is so very talented and I don't want to miss their contributions to the overall production..And quite honestly, it is true that unless you are in the first few rows, many things are not so noticeable until you see the close ups..The "visual" has much greater impact when seen very close up in videos...

glitzylady said...

I have really tried to stay out of this discussion up until now...but here goes... (This thread is probably "dead" but maybe this is the perfect time to post this! LOL!!) Adam has had a long rough road to travel to get where he is today and I think his determination and "stubbornness" has probably for the most part been a plus for him, as he has had to overcome so much in his life..He wouldn't be where he is today without that little "stubborn streak" of his. Just putting himself out there to be on Idol took a great deal of courage and single-mindedness on his part, knowing that if he was even modestly successful, there would be questions to answer and his private life would be revealed at some point. He had to be as "well behaved" as possible on the show (Idol Season 8), to counteract the slightly "different" image that he often portrayed, beginning with "Ring of Fire".. although he came very close to giving us a hint of being "himself" with that song, and again with "Whole Lotta Love"...and most people LOVED it. It's one thing to be surrounded by a loving and accepting, and even sheltering, community of friends and family, and another thing entirely to stand alone and be stripped of your anonymity in front of millions..Some would say this is the price of success, but in his case it comes with more "baggage" and the chance to be verbally attacked and sometimes ridiculed by a certain segment of the population, simply because of his orientation and the fact that he is different than your "average" male singer/entertainer. For instance, most of us find him to be an extremely attractive man (and then some..), but he is often called otherwise in blogs and comment sections and he is well aware of that and I'm sure it is very hurtful. His stubborn (or perhaps a more positive word, "determined" or "resolute") nature serves him well and allows him to cope with these things on most levels, and helps him to stay positive about himself, and to believe in himself..I think he has also developed an outer "veneer" of seeming to let things just slide off of him like water in a rainstorm ..Lesser men might have just given up after the AMA brouhaha..(which scared many of even his most loyal supporters such as myself for several reasons...) and would not have forged ahead with a full-on headlining (and successful!) international tour or kept the positive demeanor that he displays at least 95% or more, of the time..

End of Part 1 : )

glitzylady said...

Part Two...

However... once in awhile that veneer cracks and he perhaps allows just a little of his true feelings and perhaps other aspects of his inner being to show through. I also think he is feeling a little more secure in being more forthright in letting us see a slightly different side of him..and not just the sweet PC "little boy" (safe) side of his personality. I have to admit I am not always 100 % happy ( but almost!!!...not that it matters) with everything he has ever said (gulp! sometimes TMI) or done (not bringing up specifics) but then that would apply to myself as well : ), and I truly admire his ability to outwardly, at least, ignore most of the negativity and just forge on ahead, and I continue to sincerely believe that he will ultimately make the right choices in the future to be the successful singer/entertainer/actor that we are all expecting him to be. I DO have to say that although some of his "friskier" moves don't bother me for the most part, (and I find them "rousing" to bring back a term I used here awhile back..[in the 24/7 blog]) I also realize that mainstream America (and many here commenting on this [24/7] blog as well) are not interested in seeing him use his mic in certain ways, for instance, and would just as soon not, in fact, see sexually explicit moves at all, because he is amazing enough just singing and dancing without the other more provocative moves. IMHO he is amazing no matter WHAT he does...whether in flat-out on fire sex-god mode in Whole Lotta Love, or Fever, or sweet and baring-his-soul pure emotional honesty in Soaked acoustic, Broken Open, or AI Mad World. I also do not believe he will again do anything quite so "sexual" ( not talking about "The Kiss" here..) on network TV any time soon, as I think he has learned that isn't the most advisable thing for him to do in the interest of longevity for his career, particularly at this stage.

End of Part Two

glitzylady said...

Part Three

So, it remains to be seen what he might do in the future in his live concert shows, after he has had time to review and reflect on his Glam Nation Tour shows, the "big picture" response to them and what he will bring to us next time. And as for the "kissing Tommy onstage during the tour" thing, of course he does it because he can (its his show), and to make a statement as well. The same with the "Scarlett A" that was his trademark on the tour...All in all, this is such a huge and complex topic to address that it would probably take many pages to even scratch the surface of the subject of Adam Lambert and who he is and why he does what he does, and the implications of his actions on stage, and whether his "lack of diplomacy" at times will ultimately hurt him or help him in the long run..I personally find him to be quite "diplomatic" the majority of the time but not always "PC". Sometimes PC just doesn't get the point across! Just being an Adam Lambert fan myself probably puts me in the "non PC" category and I am very happy to be there! I wouldn't have gone to nine Adam Lambert concerts throughout the country this year if I wanted to be PC, since many of my non-AL friends just sort of shake their heads and wonder why I would do that "well gosh, you've already been to one..isn't that enough??!!"!!! I really wish him well and am looking forward to his next album and tour. The sooner the better-er!! Meanwhile, its off to "virtual" Adam Lambert rehab for me! Not to be "cured", just to seek the company of other so-afflicted peeps like me!!

Anonymous said...

To glitzylady - I loved all these posts.
You are right in the first post about the sense of determination getting him where he is - I had never really thought of it that way.
The guy certainly has a fearless quality about him

Anonymous said...

Don't you worry Adam the hardcore fans will support u all the way. Just focus of what u believe is right for u and for your loyal fans.

Mom from Toronto, Canada