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Adam Lambert Trending on Yahoo at #2

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Most likely due to the press the 'Acoustic Live' EP has been getting yesterday and today.


Anonymous said...

So what? The same happened with the Purple Haze.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Adam!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome :D

Maria said...

Anon 1:52

So what? So this means people are yahooing Adam and his new CD. This is good publicity!

Anonymous said...

It's the American fans that are yahooing.

Anonymous said...

And what is your problem? Don't like Adam, don't look up Adam news.

Anonymous said...

Be sure to vote for Adam for best male vocal performance. We want him to stay on top. He was #7 on downloads on ITunes last night. I did see him at #5 earlier. I think that is really good. No other Post Idol is doing it. Love You Adam!!

Anonymous said...

When I downloaded EP yesterday it was #3. And today Acoustic Live! is #1 in Itune (pop)
@anon 2:24pm. You are right!It is always suprises me, why people who don't like Adam open this blog and making the comments! Don't they have anything else to do? Adam is amazing, Acoustic Live! is so different from FYE! WWFM and Soaked are SUBERB!!!!!!!!!! I can't stop myself to listen EP again and again.

The Dark Side said...

We need a post to keep these posts/charting/ voting posted. Did that sound redundant? I am feeling redundant at the moment. Go Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

@anon,2.09pm, you sure are a moany miserable Adam fan and thats some huge chip you have on your shoulder,its your loss but you are really missimg out on some good times that most Adam fans are enjoying,maybe being a Adam fan is not what you are looking for if it drags you down so much!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:29, I have felt the same as you do, about fans who don't like FYE. Adam is dividing his fans.

Anonymous said...

OMG, lunacy
but that's the Internet for ya
watcha gonna do?

Lolita said...

delilah5: I am with you. I think I have fallen in love with Adam Lambert all over again! *sigh*

Anonymous said...

That's ~~~~ soooo ~~~~~~~ COOL‼ :)

To all the negative ones... life's that bad HUH?!? :(( Well, if you just stop being negative it should get better‼

Anonymous said...

The acoustic EP is very addicting.Now I mutiple addictions. The EP and FYI, all his videos and anything on youtube with him in it.SOMEONE HELP ME!LOL

Anonymous said...

anon 1:52...
"So what???"....SO it is time to set your hair on fire.....


Anonymous said...

Hey ZZ, where you been?

Anonymous said...

yeah ZZ where you been crazy one....Not rehab again:(
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

whats up girls....GIOWUK, how I wish I were in rehab LOL whats up girlfriend...fuckin Real life called baby. I had some projects and tons of meetings.Fuckin hate the word "dead line" and fuckin hate work. WTF is with all these hate I see all over this site? have the parasites (haters) hit again? Time to exterminate them all fuckers....


Anonymous said...

Why aren't negative posts by the TROLLS automatically DELETED 'before' they even get into PRINT? This is after all an ADAM LAMBERT fan site! If you want to SPEW VENOM go to vote for the worst or some other garbage site ... only RELEVANT posts are accepted HERE! If you are NOT an ADAM fan ... don't bother to comment HERE!!
