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Adam Lambert Interview with Andy from ArtMagazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, December 07, 2010

This was translated from German to English by Nadine. (from

ANDY: In your interviews you always seem humble and down to earth. Where does your confidence come from? Have you always been so confident?

Adam: No, I haven’t. I mean I think when I was younger I was really kinda unconfortabel in my own skin. I was unconfortable with myself. I did lots of travelling over the past ten years and doing theatre, different shows here and there, rockshows, I was in a band. I think just my experiences have just kind of made me feel more that I knew who I was and what I was about. And I started meeting more and more people that I really clicked with and I just outcome my awkward face, you know? I’m 28 so, you know I get towards 30 I kinda like okay, I get it know, you know what I mean?

ANDY: At what age did it start, that you feel more comfortable in you own skin?

Adam: I think porbably around 23. I acutally was in Germany for six months. I spent six months there doing a musical called Hair. And that kinda was about the hippies, it was just like ‘we’re crazy, we’re partying a lot’ there was nudiy on stage, so it was really liberating and I think after that I just kinda, I don’t know, I just clicked.

ANDY: Has anyone who never liked you ‘come crawling back’ to you after becoming famous?

Adam: Yeah, a little bit. There’s been a couple of friends at home in LA, someone I would hit on and like wasn’t interested and that’s all of a sudden like ‘oh hey!’. Yeah, it happens and it’s acutally really fun to be on the other end of that. I’m nice about it, but I’ve had the opportunity a couple of times saying ‘hey you know what, you didn’t want me to be your friend before, so why are we even talking?’ Feels good to say it, you know? (laughs)

ANDY: If somebody asks you out and you kinda like the person, but your’re not really into him, what would be you exit strategy?

Adam: My exit strategy! (laughs). I would porbably just try to be really honest and say you’re really sweet, but you’re not my type, something like that. I’d be nice about it and try to not make the person feel bad, ‘cause I’ve been in that position before. I hate getting shut down. So I would try to just be sympathetic to that. I’d be really nice, really gentle. (laughs)

ANDY: You’re touring around the world right now and see a lot of different places. What do you normally do after a concert? Do you like to go out or do some sightseeing?

Adam: Well if we’re in a city where we can stay, let me put it this way: Amsterdam, Kologne, Paris where three very crazy nights. We try to make the most of the city we’re in after each night.

ANDY: Do you like going out?

Adam: Yeah, yeah of course I like to out.

ANDY: Do you have the energy after a conert to go out?

Adam: Well you know I slept all day yesterday which was helpful. I went though Amsterdam for a little while and slept on the bus on the way here. I think tonight will be a resting night, I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet, but you have to focus on how much energy you have. Because that’s the most important thing.

ANDY: What about a studio album? Did you already get inspiration on your tour?

Adam: I mean, yeah. I have a lot of ideas, I haven’t actually started writing any music yet, but I’ve written like concepts down and lyrics, things like that. I might start working at probably in february.

ANDY: What are your rolemodels when it comes to fashion?

Adam: I think that Russel Brand looks great and I would totally borrow his clothes. I like a lot of the avant-garde runway stuff, you know, I love Galliano and Gareth Pugh. I just went to Rick Owens to buy a pair of boots in Paris that I was really excited about (laugh). I like stuff that is just a little bit androgynous and a little bit just special. I don’t like to do anything that’s normal, it has to have a little extra special.

ANDY: Katy Perry became famous after singing ‘I kissed a girl and I liked it!’ Do you think that this is a positive message that is being portrayed to the masses?

Adam: I think it’s hilarious! I think the thing that’s so funny is, it’s really easy for people to take things too seriously that are not inteded to be taken seriously. That song is tounge in cheek, it’s camp! It’s hilarious, it’s adorable! And I think it’s a problem, when people think that what you’re doing is supposed to be taken so seriously. That’s the one thing in pop music that gets missed is the humor. I think sometimes the audiences miss the humor. It’s a comment on society as women are always making out with each other, you know. It’s a joke! (laughs)

ANDY: What are you personal favourite artefacts that you always carry with you when you’re on tour?

Adam: Well the iPhone is like my lifeline, you know, ‘cause I can text, call, check twitter, I can do my facebook, my music is on there. I mean that’s like a one-stop-shot, that’s a must have, yeah for sure! And a good pair of sunglasses! (laughs)


Thanks to Nadine!


Anonymous said...

Adam's 3 favorite things from this interview are, his Iphone his lifeline, shopping for boots or shopping in general and of course going out... hello‼ Adam loves to party & a very outgoing guy, we all know that‼ :))

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Adam had a very crazy night in Amsterdam.....I had many of those when I lived there many years ago and I remember them all!!!!
Amsterdam Rocks!

Anonymous said...

If you like going out in Amsterdam, Cologne and Paris, what would be the priority? Not just the gay bars I guess.

Anonymous said...

AHHHH So he does hav a FB I knew it :) Katie

Anonymous said...

Watched a hippie parody music video Sin Sin Sin from RW. If Adam was a hippie guru the women would be older..

Anonymous said...

Liked this and the French interview too. Very smart.

Anonymous said...

Another good one, thanks to all

Anonymous said...

I liked these questions.
Anyone from the old cast of Hair want to come forward with some more details on the "look"? haha

Anonymous said...

Please continue to request IIHY and WWFM to your local radio stations. I've noticed in my area (fairly urban I must admit) that a few of the stations have started to play Lambert more since the nomination. It might be my imagination, or wishful thinking, but I don't think so. Let's try to keep requesting locally. TX

Anonymous said...

The thought of anybody turning down a date with Adam, just can't imagine! Ah, sweet revenge..

I've seen this happen at high school reunions too
where the geeky kid grows into a hot item. I was skinny with thick glasses then but I like to think that I have become quite the "milf" now! Take heart, teens, there's hope!

The Dark Side, slightly broke said...

Shopping for my twentyish grandsons for Christmas, and I do believe that Adam has had some influence on what men are wearing. My boys are from ranching backgrounds, yet the clothing they wear is real rock star chic, not to mention expensive. When did males become clothes divas?

Anonymous said...

whoever typed the interview didn't have spellcheck obviously-
But I will ready a n y t h i n g about Adam XXX

Anonymous said...

did he hit up the Crazy Horse in Paris? I hear there is some sexy women that dance there! sounds fun!!!

Anonymous said...

The Dark Side, I've always loved stylish guys who put an effort into how they look. Cant understand the male performers that put on a T- shirt and jeans plus a cap, and think that's all they need to do for a performance. To me, it's disrespectful to the audience. I want to see that they've given some time to their appearance. We know Adam sure does and we love it! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv
You may not to believe me but those were the same words (but in Portuguese) I used last week talking to a friend of mine about sweet Adam's performances and the way he got dressed for GNT. Is this just a coincidence or do we really have some SAME opinions? Ha!

Anonymous said...

Adamluv and fan4fun I totally agree with you about putting some thought into what you wear to something so important!

Anon 1:46 loved your comment about "teens take heart"!

Dark side, my 17year old son is a bit of a clothes diva, but my 18 year old could care less.


Anonymous said...

daydreamin, are you going to the Dec. concerts? Maybe you posted it somewhere but I missed it? I believe you live here in Calif. Fan4fun, yes, I do believe you! Great minds etc. . . . Adamluv