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Adam Lambert's New Twitter Avatar

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 25, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, December 25, 2010


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Really, really hot! Sizziling!

Anonymous said...

I just got my twitter acc. to follow Adam and this picture is hot, hot, hot.

Anonymous said...

He should some modeling as well. He is gorgeous! He can wear a trash bag and look hot in it. Just WOW!

Anonymous said...

Very handsome! Love him so much! Adam is just like my first lover,never tired of looking at him!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha 7:21. I was going to say a paper sack. Yes, he just can't look bad.

Anonymous said...

Magnifica estampa!!!
Me encanta este comentario de un fans y lo comparto:
"American Idol fue creado para encontrar a ADAM

Anonymous said...

Kerouac Adam

Anonymous said...

In all its simplicity this photograph shows how handsome this man is. Adam oozes confidence and sex appeal and the eyes are undeniably captivating!


Anonymous said...

Men and women love this hunk of a man. It makes me so happy that after low self esteem when he was young he is as handsome as any man out there in the entertainment industry and is way more talented vocalist than the majority. Enjoy it Adam and soak it all in because you are loved by many!

Anonymous said...

It's too bad the photographer thought he had to photoshop Adam's ears.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam, but have to say I like the manly side of him the best. He looks, cute, beautiful, and boyish is some pictures, but this one is one of my favorites. He has the ability to look different in photos. There is nobody like Adam in show business, he has it all, from top to bottom. He is truly blessed.

Anonymous said...

Look at those two pictures side by side on his Twitter page! No wonder he liked the last one! It’s like he’s found his own versions of the theater masks... you know, smiling vs. weeping faces... In his case, it’s soft vs. harsh look... I’m not too fond of either of them, but that might enough to keep me interested until the next tour! Ha ha ha.

I like the artistry of the picture (I love b/w pictures) but the feeling it gives me... Hmm... The most intense, distant, and unmerciful look I have ever seen in Lambert’s eyes! The light in there combined with the line of the mouth... The non-colors... Come on! It’s like he says: ‘I know what I want and I can have whatever I wish’ and ‘I see you. I can touch you deep inside and own you if I want to, but you can’t reach me.’
But if you leave it to the mouth only (just cover the rest) it’s like he’s studied Da Vinci’s masterpiece before posing for that. That quarter of a smile... Adam del Giocondo!... :-)

Love me some nice, crazy, foolish, earthy Adam pictures...

Happy Holidays people!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link GLb! I agree with you about this avatar photo. Since I feel his energy so strongly, my favorites are his biggest smiles.


Anonymous said...

HH's Dec.25, 7:24 PM

[Magnificent picture!
I'm smitten with a comment of a fan and I'll share it: «American Idol has been created to find out ADAM Lambert!» HH]

by Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Thanks 11:22 pm. I couldn't figure out what wasn't quite right. It's the ears.

What a beautiful man.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 5:46... Totally agree that he looks cold, intens, with no mercy... Strangely, I like it... Fierce Adam, hard to tame !

Anonymous said...

The eyes are incredibly intense and hypnotic, commanding you to not look away, but the ears and nose looks like it's been altered to me. Still beautiful, but his nose seems broader and classically stronger in all other pics I've seen. He has an uncanny ability to tell a story just with his facial expressions and magnetic eyes that draw you to him like a moth to a flame. He is a powerful force unlike anyone I have ever seen. funbunn40