Adam Lambert's New Year's Resolution!
Filed Under (magazine scans,news ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Picture of Adam Lambert in a Swedish Magazine. He says for his new year's resolution, he's going to stay positive and live for the moment.


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Lovely - can't see the resolution for the ad blob over it!!
He is going to stay positive and live for the moment.
Adam Lambert's New Year's Resolution!
Filed Under (magazine scans,news ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Picture of Adam Lambert in a Swedish Magazine. He says for his new year's resolution, he's going to stay positive and live for the moment.
What a beautiful fresh faced gorgeous photo!
Great New Year's resolution there Adam‼ Almost like mine... live life like there's no tomorrow‼ :) *Adam's motto: think positive*
How about we all take Adam's advice and commit to being positive in this blog.
No trashing other artists, here or anywhere else where Adam is concerned.
We can be passionate about our guy but let's show that we can bring it to a much higher level.
If we want world peace, we can start with this and all other blogs concerning Adam.
How about it:
NO NEGATIVITY!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Adam's name.
What ya think ya'll?
Could be good for us and great for Adam as his fans can be a positive a force as he is!
PEACE! and of course, LLLOOOOVVVVVEEEE!!!!!!
9:38 excellent idea!
I think that's the same resolution as last year! Stay positive Adam! :)
I didn't think this site really trashed other artists much. It seemed much of the conflict was disagreement over stuff Adam was doing and offering opposite opinions.
Other than the odd troll lurking, I found this site pretty excited about Adam. People should be able to state their mind if done in a respectful way. We don't all have to be clones of each other or the site would get pretty boring, just keep it respectful to one another and to Adam.
Love that photo! He's so young looking and happy! Yet, he's so natural looking, hardly any makeup at all! Wow! He is so good looking!
Swedish Magazine? What swedish magazine? I haven´t seen Adam mentioned anywhere not even when he´s outrageous in Amsterdam. It´s so frustrating. I´m glad he won an award in Denmark.
Yes Adam continue staying positive because you've been an inspiration to many of us ;-)
I also love this look and i miss a lot but it's okay and i have no problem with his other looks. All i have to do is stare at this photo for as long as i want. Adam is simply beautiful inside out!
I agree with the post that AGREES with ADAM!!
Stay POSITIVE ... LIVE For the Moment!!
Love .. Light .. PEACE!!
Thanx @Anon Dec. 21 9:21PM for the heads up on where to find the magazine scan w/o the ad blurbs. I've been going nutz trying to figure the titles out up till now. lol ...
Beats the **** out of mine to lose ten pounds, and hit the gym a little more than just occasionally. Peace & Love Adam--your message is always the right one.
Hei Eva!Her i landet har det vært lite om Adam i aviser og blader.Trodde de skulle skrevet mer når han var her,men jeg fant ikke noe om han.Han blir spilt ofte på de mest populæreste radiokanalene men er alikevel ukjent.Jeg synes det er merkelig,vi vet jo hvor fantastisk artist han er.Han skulle ha vært på Skavlan når han var her!Føler at det er noe som ikke helt stemmer med hvordan plateselskapet jobber for han.Adam fortjener sååå mye mer!
Peace and love from Norway
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