Evidence of Glambulge?
Filed Under (Others,random ) by Admin on Sunday, December 19, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, December 19, 2010

Check out these compilations of videos focused mainly on the Glambulge (footages from the GNT and others). Enjoy!
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That Boner right there is a winner for me *Holy Fuck*
How can i appreciate my BF's weiner when I'm totally fantasizing about this? Anybody with me here?
evidence? I think you have the smoking gun. lol
OMG! I love this fandom! We are so spoiled. LOL ;-)
liking the 3rd video from the top! 3:00 YIKES!!!
2:58 YIKES!!!
Oh gawd! We all know Adam‼ :)) We've seen quite a few gifs! Dreamed about it already!... is this bad or good... lol *stop flaunting it Adam!* NOT‼
anon 8:59 hahaahhahah
@anon 9:00 pm Love it "smoking gun"!
@anon 8:59 hilarious!!!!!!
And about dreaming, are you shure gurl you will sleep good this night?LOL
OMG!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!
@ anon 9:22pm good advice and I am going to do that starting tomorrow.I see you noticed he was sexy too.lol
@anon 9:22pm...I can totally feel your orgasm...The "all caps" gave it away, sorry!
God help me...!!!!!
- Adam Fix
More please...
The boy do get excited.
Adam knows that bulge is delicious..but nothing compares to that Citizen Vane performance that bulge was ..WoW. He touches it durning the perforance and it gets FUKNORMOUS.
First video...St. Jean, Canada....I've had this in favorites since day one of concert
Damn you Adam for distracting me from that amazing voice!
Audio and visual...you are killing me.....
Excuse me...but where can I see that Citizen Vane
performance.....just need to see to make sure......he he!
I see that Adams management team is busy promoting the bulge. Should you be calling it the Grammybulge by now.
You've hit a new low... concentrate on the voice please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adam is not an object.. Think how women would feel if we just concentrated on their vaginas.
Geezzz, don't you all read that article that he need to use some of the energy from grammyglambulge to sing like nobody? HaHa!
Go and check Xtinas UK Xfactor performance and think if she and Adam would collaborate. Don't know should I laugh or cry, but I think I'll laugh first.
I know you naughty fans are just expressing your thoughts.
The Whole Package Indeed.
Be careful what u wish for Ha!ha!ha!
Happy Holidays.......and enjoy with your love ones.
Mom from Toronto, Canada
That Foxwoods WLL is the best ever. That powerful voice just kills me every time.
The fact that this thread exists diminishes some of the hope I had in humanity.
This man has a wonderful voice and should be the main focus. All this attention on the "Glam bulge is distracting and not in his best interest. I am very concerned about his losing his credibility. The make up is fine
and his sexuality isn't a problem for me but I want him to focus on his vocal superiorty
Why does this blog keep focusing on Adam's bulge week after week after week? His hardcore fans get pissed when critics don't focus on his singing, yet they are the ones who keep posting all over the internet that they are sexually lusting for Adam and posting about his bulge. It has gotten REALLY annoying and creepy. His hardcore fans are great at discouraging any casual fans from being involved in the fandom.
We should keep the focus on his voice. This is getting tiresome because he isn't a porn star, he is a fabulous singer.
Who are the desperate people who keep returning to this topic? It's not cool anymore and it's a bit trashy as well.
I think it sends the wrong message to possible "new" fans. If his fans want him to be a Cult-entertainer than keep it up but it's the wrong way to go.
I've stopped recommending him because I can't with good conscience have people go looking for Adam online and run into-the Glambuldge stuff.
I think Adam is better than that and deserves to build a serious career instead of something low-brow.
Anon @356
Believe it or not you can find it on youtube just by puting in:
Adam Lambert Citizen Vein 38 second video
***WARNING shortness of breath, tingles and squeals of OMG have been known to occur...
here's the technical link... lol, have fun.
Anon @3:56 and all interested. Try this , it works better:
Adam Lambert and Citizen Vein at Cat Club Hollywood
Ahem, freeze @ 21 & 24 for evidence of what all above a flailing about (with good reason)
thanks for the above links people but I am definitely not going to check them out.Well I have to go now.
Holy GLAM-@%*K!!! Whew.... Hilarious and holy ---!
Yes Adam Fix God Help Me too!, I have to agree with EVERYBODY, even the reprimands.
This man is other worldy, gorgeous, talented and boy oh boy are we spoiled with even an other worldly 'Galmulge'... WOW, WHAT a bonus..
BUT MOTHER OF GOD & ALL CREATION... Listen to the VOICE!!!!!! I know it's hard (lol) but close your eyes and LISTEN to the VOICE on those "every inch WWL" videos...
Just LISTEN!! the VOICE is INCREDIBLE.. and what he DOES with those notes...UNREAL...(ear-gasms anyone?) Beyond amazing.
This site is losing all credibility when it runs threads like this.
Seriously, this fascination with his package is beyond reprehensible.
Peeps, I'll try my best to keep Adam in my head. Only comment on the less "aggressive" thread if it help. Keep the best to myself and don't be so hard on yourself. I listen to his voice a lot than you can imagine. Everybody, have a nice Christmas.
You dont find this disrespectful? Do people rave on about Lady Gagas vagina. Would you like to have your private parts exploited, wonder how he feels about this? and his mother has to read it. How about his singing,the grammys,his talent,his career.
At the risk of sounding like a prude, I have to agree with some posters that this is not what should be focused on... Yes, Adam is very sexual, but he is a singer first and foremost. I agree that he is very visually beautiful, that is a given. But if this was a female getting this kind of attention to their "parts", there would be a revolution! Adam is WAY more than his crotch, I find this quite insulting. That he is eye candy is such a plus, but it is not WHO he is... Personally I think seeing his brilliant smile is the sexiest thing ever.If you want to be a credible force for Adam, then please act like one! This only cheapens Adam's talent, I think he deserves WAY more than this. We all know he has a crotch and we all know he LIKES his sexuality, that is a given. But please take take the focus off this, MOVE ON.
I agree Dinah-mite
This is soooo hot!!! <3333
I don't think that the people who posted these pictures are fans of Adam at all. I think they are trying to turn him into a joke and ruin his chances to become a bonafide entertainer
Please stop diminishing this artist's talent with this drivel. I have seen 5 shows, and to think that someone can be in the presence of such pure talent and only film his crotch is insulting.
If you listen to Angelina Kalahari's interview on the Juneau and Xena radio show, she describes how Adam's "reaction" to singing happens to a lot of male performers as a function of properly singing and using all the abdominal muscles down to the groin. What separates Adam from the other male singers, is that he doesn't hide it or get embarrassed by it.
Furthermore, the third video is from one of his vocal masterpieces of Glamnation. San Fransisco night 2, Whole Lotta Love. Let's focus on the VOICE people. This is a Grammy nominee after all!!!
My sister is pretty crafty,now I know why she never offered me her binoculars at his concerts.lol
OT, if you are on iTunes don't forget to follow Adam on Ping, and also check out Adam's Official Youtube Channel to give him points and you can win prizes too. Fun things to do!
I will say it again guys, you are just expressing how you feel especially u are truly adam lambert fans. No matter what people say about him or what they put in this post, if you really believe in his capabilities and strong mental ability u don't have to worry. I'm not worried at all because the first time I saw this amazing young man, I know in my heart that he will go further and further in music business. He just shook everyone in this business and for sure there are more people will realize that u can't beat this young man just like that. NO!NO!NO!
If you are not strong enough to see the real Adam I'm sorry my darling you just have to go on the other direction. LOVE and PEACE to all of you who believes that Adam will conquer anything........
Mom from Toronto, Canada
The endless videos of the licking and kissing Tommy aren't really focusing on his voice either..
I am not a prude at all. And, have flailed over much about this extremely talented and drop-dead gorgeous man. His sunny disposition, articulate interviews, wit, candor, and generosity have won me over like no one else before. But, it's time to move on. He has a crotch. He is sexual. He's not embarrassed. This is just PART of what we love about him. That picture up top is not, in my opinion, how he wants to be represented. It's just a natural reaction to proper singing technique. It happens to a lot of male performers. We would like to think that he's so aroused by his own performance or by an audience member that he can't contain himself. But, real professional singers know differently.
I think Adam would get a laugh out of this. He loves showing off his sexuality.
A lot of the other male singers, actors, etc don't get this attention because they are just not sexy in the same way!
I've had enough of the Adommy videos too. And, I'm not a prude. I just think it's time to move on. Yes, Adam is sexy, sexual, steamy hawt, good lord, we know he is just sex on a stick, gay, straight, who cares? I'm just saying, it's time to focus on Grammy Nominee Adam Lambert's voice.
Gee I thought I DID see quite a few posts about his VOICE which we aalll agree is beyond phenomenal.
To some of you who have gotten upset with this thread, and in general to anon @ 9:30
Adam is without a doubt the greatest entertainer of his generation, and probably many future, WHILE being an extremely sexual being who not only does not hide, but SHARES and entertains with this onstage... have you not noticed???
Among other moments **I invite you to view WWL during his last show?? When he gets on his knees beside Monte.. that little move with the microphone certainly shows that he is NOT embarrassed at all by notice of the glambulge... but is proud of it and has FUN with it...
Have all of you not heard Adam himself say "its ALL in fun, it's all for a laugh, people shouldn't take it so seriously, it ain't that deep "...
As far as his poor MOM goes... God bless that woman, she did a wonderful job raising an amazingly fair minded, talented and loving human being. She's been AT these shows. I believe she was AT the one I mentioned, as well as others where Adam has been frisky.
I certainly appreciate the respect, caring and protection of your favorite artist... but I DO think that is more those who are upset - that are the ones who are embarrased. If we were talking about Tony Bennet or Micheal Buble, yeah, they'd probably be embarassed. Not Adam.
This is PART of the way Adam entertains and who he is. He doesn't know how NOT to be sexual... as WELL as having the the greatest voice on the planet. Enjoy. =)
If Adam wanted to downplay the fact that he gets aroused when performing, he wouldn't wear skin-tight pants.
Even the female singers who are extremely talented include a little sexiness in their performance, because people LIKE it!
So, this is Anonymous at 9:30 again. I agree with you Cindy. Even the people who tweeted after the Jungle Ball didn't know that the GB is legendary in Glamantion and in Adam's fanbase. I'm saying that it might be time to just grow up and move past it. I know it's hard ( pun intended ) to do. But, this is my opinion. And, hey, I've had a lot of fun commenting on the GB, noticing the GB, laughing and kidding. Adam obviously doesn't care what shows when he's performing. He just goes all out, and has nothing to hide.
This is just disgusting!
Now I'm going to watch through just a couple more times to make sure...
Female singers can be as sexy and outrageous as they want, and they are. But, men's sexiness is more "visible." Adam's obviously is!!
Oh yeah...
I also thought this was being bandied about again as part of an ongoing response to the "Q102 Radio" Tweet about not realizing the glamb--ge was real, AND saying they 'should have noticed when Adam was "bringing the house down".... Anybody feel better now?
Cindy your post is beautiful.
Cindy, that's what I made reference to at 10:23
There are not that many videos out there showing this "side" of male movie stars and performers because they are just not that sexual, and rather boring in this department imho
To 10:25 haha, good point
But the females dress in a much more revealing way to make up for it - sometimes they are barely clothed!
Of course, the voice is the cake. This is just the icing.
We all know he would be nowhere without the vocal talent.
Cake, frosting, icing, jimmies, sprinkles, candles and cherries on top!!
I love it all!!
I just wouldn't want Adam to become cliche` about this.
Just watched the Purple Haze and WLL finale from LA. Good lord, if that's not sexy, sexual, sexually charged, then I don't know what is!!!!
Remember that interview a long time ago with a youngish guy maybe at a radio station..
anyway, he asked Adam what do you think is your best feature and Adam replied my Glambulge!
(and then he jokingly said to the guy don't you think of that as your best feature..)
10:53 cont'd
I should have put "your best feature too.."
I don´t mean to objectify anyone and I do believe things can be taken too far but recently the glambulge has gotten some press and makes the topic relevant. Now...to quote Adam: "you're talking about my crotch? Good!"
Adam has many sides (including quiet ballad singer) and willingly shares all of them with us.
People (including all of us) are at their best and most powerful when showing their AUTHENTIC self.
I wouldn't want to see Tony Bennett perform in skin-tight jeans any more than I would want Adam to tone it down.
OK, FUN, BUT ENOUGH. I am trying to get my gay and straight friends to listen to Adam and it's tough enough because he was on American Idol. (Hard core music fans that don't take AI seriously).
But I too would not turn them on to this site as they would think it is so juvenile. Fun, but juvenile at times.
Let's move on shall we?
anon 11:37am I think you need some new friends.They sound snobbish to me,and you too.
okay going to go sit in the corner and take a time out
Come one people. Is this the first hard on you have seen? WTF, this is a natural phenomenon that happens occasionally for a variety of reasons. Read somewhere that some singers sing from their nether regions. What is the big fuss??? Besides if you have seen one, you've seen them all! I have looked at these pictures several times, and will personally attest that the extent of this post is hugely exaggerated.
Interesting, most other subjects on this site have about 14 responses. For all you people saying this should not be an issue, you are making up the going on 100 responses. LOL
Thank goodness Adam is not a dull entertainer. We all love his showmanship, along with the vocals. I noticed a long time ago that at certain times and songs Adam would get emotional. I told my husband and he said that happpens in sports also, that it just happens to a guy sometimes. My husband was a sexual guy and was a soccer player. This just adds to Adams
charm, along with many other qualities
To 1:58 PM - that's like saying to a guy, haven't you ever seen boobs before, why are you still wanting to look at some!
This is fun you know even loyal fans are fighting with each other ha!ha!ha!ha!
You are so naughty Adam Lambert, you make everyone crazy indeed.
Mom from Toronto
Peace and Love
Oh, well... where was I yesterday when THIS was posted??? Oh, yeah... I remember now... in «Hell's Kitchen» cooking off the glambulge... errrr, cooking off FOOD, thinking about glambulge (that is better or at least that is «safe»)!
You goooooo, Diamond Bulge, errrr.... Diamond Boy!
He likes to unleash the animal when he is onstage and probably offstage as well! The dirtier the dancing, the better! I don't like a stiff person on stage that just stands there! I like action and Adam takes his fans on a sexual journey! Rock and Roll should be called Sex and Roll! It' all about the sexxx! Sexxx is Sexxxi!!!
anon 7:31pm...unleash the animal???LOL ANACONDA??? O_O
I love glambulge.... And I am sure Adam gets the kick out of this. He definitely enjoys the attention. Every guy likes when people talk about their animal people....Relax!
Adam, if you are reading, anything wild is welcome by me baby. More is More....
oh, is pic one a BONER??? Dayummm.... I am WORSHIPING this guy more and more :)
Adam ,please be my GURU???
@ Mom from Toronto
Ok MOM, sigh, if we have to... but do we have to go to the corner too?? lol You're right, he's making everyone crazy =}
On that idea one of my FAVORITE fan creations (because it's true, whether he intends it or not) is a BEAUTIFUL picture of Adam from the "AOL SESSIONS" video where Adam is siting with chin on fingers, knee bent, looking VERY seriously-mischeviously at the camera... (those eyes--another bonus) The caption perfectly reads... "Hhhmmm"
"How can I F**k with people's hormones today?"
Thanks everyone for making this a very entertaining and interesting thread.
ANONS @10:24 - 10;51 - & 1:50 ... I actually burst out laughing on those.
Anon @ 10: 28 Thanks so much. Glad you liked it. Yes, lol you already posting =) while I was still typing.
Dark Side... lol You're being very dark...
Personally have never agreeed with the "seen one" quote... kinda quite the opposite.
Fan4fun ...lol {{shaking head }}
Cindy, you are amazing, dear. I love to read your posts. These two @10:16am and 8:18pm revealed that you have great since of humor and try to tell some of us do not take everything so serious. I used to be like some of these gurls, but then I saw a few pictures of Adam, listen a few comments and it was enough to relise that Adam just has fun. If he would see these videos I am sure he laughs a lot.
Thanks againg, Cindy
My, the first pic .....
The Glambulge is a swinger .... and a winner!! :D
winner winner chicken dinner O_O Pic#1
We are Sure fire "Weiner" oh oh yeah big time "HItter"....LMFAO
Ha Ha Ha.. Here we go again...
I’m sorry, still don’t get it! I mean, I like the details of the pants (I used to make my own clothes) but other than that.. nothing glorious but a very well proportioned male. Indeed.
Anyhow, if I would be more of (any kind of) a hole I might be interested to run this endlessly, but I’m more of a one-neuron bump.. sorry, I mean, brain.. therefore eyes and lips, looks and smiles, sounds and speech work better for me.. over and over again... :-)
But many of you seem to be happy, so I'm just wondering if I should lose some grey matter (not dark, people, come on) just to have more fun in my life?
Thank God all our hearts are in the right places.. Are they?
It doesn't matter what Adam thinks about his "bulge". It's still wrong and embarassing to concentrate on and objectify any part of anyone's body - male or female. None of the excuses I've read make this ok. And just how do you know Adam would totally love and laugh about this?
Some of you women would NEVER think this thread would be ok if it were a woman instead of a man in these videos. Some of you are mothers. Would you want people to be talking about your son or daughter in this manner? Also, if you're a woman and have ever been objectified or the victim of sexual harassment shame on you if you're making snide and degrading comments about Adam's body parts. It makes you a hypocrite.
Heey GLb, hmmm...
...become less intelligent?? lol, I dunno, I sure have a lot of fun... BWWaaahhhaaaaa..(Guess you told us!)
You keep that brain sharp and enjoy, because we are all sooo lucky that Adam has ALL those visuals, and attributes. He's a pretty perfect example of all the things you mentioned isn't he?? AND he knows how to use all of them, including his incredible voice beautifully. We're all happy! =)
@ Delilah, aw thanks... I'm glad you can see a sparkle of a sense of humor and mentioned 10:16 & 8:18 -- but whatup?? Did ya miss 8:19am the day before??... =) lol. Just giving you a hard time.
Thanks for the nod, and for understanding. Just spreading Adam's example of love and acceptance. =) And ahh.. h-e-double- toothpicks, gotta have some humor!
Some women are fans of the bulge only. They are either sex addicts or seriously lacking sex. They don't understand that you might get tired of listening to people who only talk about sex.
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