Fleckingrecords 'Most Stylish' Poll Results
Filed Under (news,Others ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Adam Lambert took the second spot on the MOST STYLISH poll provided by Fleckingrecords.

Are you wondering who got first place?
Dougie Poynter

It was McFly bassist Dougie Poynter who topped the list, beating fellow musicians Adam Lambert and Joe Jonas, as well as A-list actors Robert Pattinson, Leonardo DiCaprio and Zac Efron.
It was VERY close between Dougie and Adam, with only a handful of votes deciding the outcome.

Are you wondering who got first place?
Dougie Poynter

It was McFly bassist Dougie Poynter who topped the list, beating fellow musicians Adam Lambert and Joe Jonas, as well as A-list actors Robert Pattinson, Leonardo DiCaprio and Zac Efron.
It was VERY close between Dougie and Adam, with only a handful of votes deciding the outcome.
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I still say Adam is the most stylish!!!!
Huh?! how did he win if he's not that famous... cuz I don't even know him! And check out the list of "A" listers that he beat! OH WELL, at least Adam came in 2nd‼ *something's not right*
The winner looks pleasant but so ordinary. Nice looking, but in this pic, wouldn't call him stylish, at least in comparison to fashionista Adam! funbunn40
Altho I have never heard of him, in this pic, Dougie's hair looks a bit limp and the shirt a bit tacky and not fitting properly - suppose you can guess I'm an Adam fan!
Huh - don't know who Dougie is (did his parents really name him Dougie??) so I google'd some images of him. Cute guy...but very casual, from what I could tell. Lots of t-shirts. I think Adam is, by far, one of the most stylish males out there...but I'll take solace in the fact that he was only beat out by a handfull of points.
- Adam Fix
Sorry, in my book, Adam is the most stylish! He's always dressed exactly right for the occasion looking drop dead gorgeous consistenly!
I don't even know this guy Dougie...and look at his pictures...stylish ? may be stylish of 1999 not 2010!!!! THat guy must be voted by those who have no idea what stylish is. Too bad there are so many of bad taste people around. We ADAMfans must be busy this time of the year!! Please send us the link to vote more often ....please! i blame on myself too! will do it BETTER next time !!
OT - I finally posted a little bit about getting the chance to see Adam's last show down in LA on Thursday - it's under "Amazing Picture of The Day 12/20/10 " (the one with Adam standing on-stage, with the gold fireworks behind him...LOVE the picture, BTW) if you're interested...
- Adam Fix
Dougie is a well known popular star in UK.
Fleckingrecords is an UK company. I think Adam did great to come in 2nd. place. Just because we haven't heard of Dougie doesn't mean much. A lot of people in UK haven't heard of Adam either. Dougie aparently has a good fan base, the same as Adam. Don't be so harsh on people you do not know. Adam also wears a lot of t-shirts too, his fashion of choice. I am a big Adam fan too.I love to see him up there with all the big wheels now a year and a half ago he wouldn't have been in the list.
Found this great old vid: a literal 'trip down memory lane'. I truly enjoyed this!:
Thank you @daydreamin! You always bring us the best links. I love it. :)
i can't believe adam did not win! i do not find the winner stylish.
Coming in second in a country where Adam is not that famous yet is just great. I would settle for this and congratulate the Glamberts who voted for a job well done ;-) And of course CONGRATS AGAIN ADAM!
Adam Fix i've been looking forward to that so i'll go look for it. Thank you so much for directing us to the thread ;-)
daydreamin thanks for all the very interesting links you've been providing us. ;-)
The past two years has been the best i've ever had & it's because of a stranger who brought real joy and happiness into my life. I've never been entertained like this before and i hope this continues for as long as Adam enjoys sharing his talent to the world. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT!
You asked for help to watch blocked videos. I gave ju a hint about "Hide Your Ass" in an earlier post, but it disappeared down the rabbit hole, so I give it to you again:
Go to this site
copy and paste the link (the Aftermath video)
in the box where there is a youtube link
then hit "Hide My Ass"
your online identity is hidden and you can watch the video.
does anyone know if Adam is going to be on a special on MSNBC next Tuesday? I was half asleep last night and thought I saw his picture flashed for the promo of the program.
Never heard of Dougie. Stylish? What a crock. There is no male/female more stylish than Adam.
I tried to help you watch blocked videos, but the post disappeared down the rabbit hole, so I try again:
Go to this site http://hidemyass.com/proxy/
copy and paste the link (The Aftermath video):
in the box where it is a YouTube link
then hit "Hide My Ass"
your online identity is hidden and you can watch the video.
Thanks daydreamin for that video link. That was one of the most touching videos I have ever seen and I've seen them all! On topic again, whose this dougie guy? Sorry, I checked him out, no comparison, but happy Adam came in second.
As this is for the UK, it's amazing Adam got a look in with all the lack of promotion that he has endured over there, and go figure why!?
Of course Adam is the most 'Stylish'!
He is still 2nd place though. Fans are starting to get interested in U.K. and we are still on top for Adam because they voted for him.
Congratulations indeed............
I voted on that poll & every comment was in favor of ADAM ... maybe 10 for 'Doogie' ... out of I don't know how many posts ... plus it was a CLOSED poll ... we never knew what the tally was for each celeb. Now Katy Perry came out the winner for the females & practically every comment chose ADAM & Katy as the two most stylish. How did Katy win & not ADAM if most VOTES were for the two of them or ADAM & another Female? Sorry! I don't buy it ... NO WAY!!!
Don't forget ... this was the same site that said ADAM was voted SEXIEST MALE CELEB & then came out with their own choice of Ian Somerhalder .. whoever the hell he is!! THAT'S MY OPINION!! No more closed poll voting there for me!!
Okay, I don't have any idea who is this guy, but like somebody said he is very popular in UK. Adam got the Sexiest Male and Best Entertainer. I guess both of these recognitions include styling. Sex and entertainment are always include clothes style. So, I get Adam already got his best styling male. Lets somebody else to get something:) Have anybody relise how many awards, noms and recognitions Adam got just in two weeks?!
Also, I guess we were little bit slow down with our votes because the Christmas shoppings and, also, we were sure Adam will win. Am I right? I hope we still have chance to vote in Logo for top 10 2010 music videos.
On this picture Adam dressed better than this Dougie person anyway. Just let give guy a chance to enjoy his "victory" just once:)
Congratulations for first to Dougie, and second to Adam. Also, don't know who Dougie is, but respect the UK fans who voted for him. Adam is traveling in very good company these days.
Don't you worry, Glamily, everything is gonna be alright, our souls are gonna be OK! It doesn't matter WHO(?????) won first «Most Stylish», all of us know it was sweet ADAM for real, even coming in second... what the hell??? It matters only that NO MALE beats him in «Best Naked in Makeup Style» ... Ha!!!
You gooooo, sweet Adam! You are the BEST of BESTS in EVERYTHING ever, for me and for a huge legion of glamberts all over... YOU! Keep on winning! Let them talk about you! Let them vote for you! The wall for your achievements and awards should be larger than China's rampart... (just thinking out and loud).
Bing, Eva, Browie, you are are most welcome. Happy to oblige!
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