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Kris Allen wants to do the "Amazing Race" with Adam Lambert

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, December 10, 2010

Posted at : Friday, December 10, 2010

Kris Allen did an interview with's PopWrap yesterday:

He says he would not do well on "DWTS", but thinks him & Adam Lambert on the Amazing Race would be great TV.

Thanks to Moon_River


Anonymous said...

Intriguing idea, but Adam's just got done doing the Amazing Race, and he won! He isn't even back to LA yet. BTW, is he still homeless?

They would be very funny together :). But does Adam have time?

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I am not American, what is this Amazing Race?

Anonymous said...

LOL the title is a little bit misleading considering that he was asked about Adam and he was not the one who brought him up.:D In fact, he didn't seem to be too pleased about it.
Anyway, I like Kris, he's incredibly nice.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam said he would do Amazing Race with best girl Danielle.

Anonymous said...

Amazing Race sounds like something Danielle would do.

Anonymous said...

Chris looks good. I wish him the best. He's a good guy and he and Adam really do love one another. They will never forget their time on AI.

Anonymous said...

I was hesitant to click on the comments for fear of hateful Kris posts, but none! Yeah! I agree with anon 1:23, they had a wonderful time together on Idol and then the tour. In the fan videos of them together, Adam never looked happier. I think they definitely had a very strong bond of true friendship. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

another one climbing on the back of adam now that he is a Grammy Nominee,has anyone heard if kris congratulated adam at all? just saying

Anonymous said...

I'm positively surprised too. Wait, if they stopped hating Kris, who are they hating now?

Anonymous said...

Kris and Adam have incredible chemistry together. i'd love to see this ! in the same room ,these two cant keep their eyes off each other and act like goofy ,giggling teens . They've been apart too long 1 Its time for a reunion . TALK ABOUT MAN CRUSHES Come on Kradam

Anonymous said...

Amazing Race is a reality show where pairs have to go around the world and complete missions. The last to complete their mission is eliminated. Part of the race is to get from one place to another as quickly as possible.

The Dark Side said...

Think Adam and kris remain good friends. And why not. Kris has done well this year, and I believe we should congratulate him on his successes. I would put money that Kris congratulated Adam on his Grammy.

Anonymous said...

Kris looks a little like Tommy in that picture. Kris seems very nice and I would definitely watch the TV reality show if Adam was on it. Adam is so funny and OTT.

Anonymous said...

Sorry...Adam is very busy with his music career
No time....

Maybe they could do something on AI together

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:44, keep it positive. Don't be so overprotective of Adam. Makes us all sound like sour grapes. He was asked about Adam. He did not bring him up and is not using him. Good god!
They are grown men who truly are friends. The rest is none of our business.

Anonymous said...

I love that show *Amazing Race*! I think Adam will do well on that show cuz you have to be quick & a quick thinker & Adam is and you have to have patience and Adam has patience?... yes, maybe?‼ :) On a second thought I think NOT... sorry Chris you're on your own on this one! :)

Anonymous said...

You know I agree with anon 4:06. We need to stop being so over reactive and over protective. We are starting to get a bad rap and I don't think it's good for Adam.
We need to get excited about the good stuff and ignore the negative just like Adam would.
Buy his records, share his music, go to his concerts and just love him UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing more!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe that anyone is still pushing that Kradam bullshit. "Can't keep their eyes off each other...giggling like teenagers". Geezuz, these are grown men !!!!

Anonymous said...

I googled and found out that Kris Allen has a wife.

Anonymous said...

Who is Kris? I don't live in U.S. I'm Adam fan.

Anonymous said...

Whaaa???? Adam and the amazing race? No, no, no, no, no, no. Adam is not a reality celebrity type celebrity. Even though he was on a reality show, that was just his platform for the world to see him. And with Kris, no way no how. Sheesh!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Kris is pretty cute and has nice expression thru his eyes. It must be a little hard being in Adam's shadow. I think they did share a bond being thru the same experience. I mean, who COULD keep their eyes off Adam?

Anonymous said...

it must be hard for kris allen to face that adam is more well known than him being a winner but everyone should move on adam does.

Anonymous said...

Poor Cris! He always asked about Adam. Having seen Amazing Race on TV a few times, I think it would be better if Adam be the one choosing his partner since Adam being the Alpa male will be the leader of the pair. Just sayin and no offense to Criz.

Anonymous said...

I think that «Kris Fan Christy» will drop here pretty soon to mess this thread up... where did I leave my brazilian book of exorcisms?


Anonymous said...

It's not that deep (quoting a great man with a great mind). Kris isn't riding on Adam's Grammy nomination, the interviewer is the one who brought up Adam. I think they will always have a special bond because of the time they spent together, but I think they are moving in completly different circles now. It sure was fun seeing them together during AI and witnessing thier great friendship, but time marches on, and sadly the days of them working together are probably gone.Kris looks handsome and yes....a little like some of Tommy's features.....I think his new little puppy "Zorro" is adorable! I'm loving on Adam each and every day, but I sure wish Kris all the best in life. Let's show a little love on this site. Adam doesn't diss his friends, and we shouldn't try to do it either. I think I will go watch an Adam video on YouTube now!! I need to smile. Have a great weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hey Fan4fun....put that book away you know what happen last time remember you fucked U*p y&Ur C%8Pu£er last time and blamed Baby could you!!! lol
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

A great man once sings "... tell a stranger that they're beautiful.. so all you feel is love.." - in response to those no so good comments made here.

Anonymous said...

Adam once said that he is a more uptight person while Kris is more mellow and easy going... Adam is not really the sporty type, Kris Allen is... Adam can handle the interviews while Kris can drop some hilarous one-liners. So they can complement each other. Maybe Adam and Kris will end up playing that board game (settlers of Catan)together with that guy from MTV (Jim something).

Anonymous said...

Kradam on SNL !!

Anonymous said...

@ Glambrit IOW/UK

Oh, you remember! Hahaha... Icon sends you licks&kisses.

Have a nice weekend, Glambrit! Welcome back to Earth! Funbunn40 will take another trip after her body and visit Heaven after she hugs sweet Adam TODAY!!! And Chezza-Sherbert will also have a great weekend remembering the live touch of the Universal Power of Adam Lambert and still feeling as sweet Adam called her... FANTASTIC! Yay, I'm so happy for you, guys... God bless!


Anonymous said...

I also think that Adam and Kris became real good friends considering their memorable experience in AIS8, genuinely supporting each other up to the end and nothing can change that anymore. They are both confident with their artistry and i do believe that the respect they have for each other as human beings is deeper than what we all know and see. Wish you all the best Kris.

Adam was brought up well that's why it has never been his practice dissing people. But he can also be brutally frank at times LOL.


Anonymous said...

Adam has already been on the amazing race, around the entire world for Glam Nation!....forget the show!

Anonymous said...

anon 5:09 They ARE grown men but the giggling and silliness does happen whenever theyre together and it's really cute. I went back and looked at some of the AI tour vids.TAMPA- Dont stop believing and LA are my favs also where theyre interviewing each other and one from LA where Kris talks about riding in Adams Mustang. OOPS almost forgot interview where Kris admits to man crush on Adam. Adam's expression priceless ! and the KISS of course that was a surprise >

Anonymous said...

Ahh I remember all those (anon 9:50) moments as well ! Think I'll rewatch these now . They were good clean fun no licking, crotch grabbing etc but still VERY SEXY in a sort of innocent flirting way . Thank you for reminding me I'm just gonna enjoy these two incredibly talented great friends and hope they do get to perform together sometime in the future .

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Kris happy! And that just confirms the friendship they shared. That never will go away. Even though they are so opposite in the music they both have great sense of humors and a fan base they are proud of. I think it was a very nice interview!

Rebecca said...

i am looking forward to hearing new stuff from Kris

Anonymous said...

I'd rather see him on "Celebrity Apprentice" or "I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Outta Here!"
