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New (Old) Video: Adam Lambert at Hollywood Club

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 30, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, December 30, 2010

"January 10, 2010: American Idol star Adam Lambert was at Hotel Cafe in Hollywood to perform a few songs, then later on his way out is swarmed by cameras and fans."


Anonymous said...

Wow! Adam can't go anywhere without getting swarmed by adoring FEMALE fans and paparazzis... where did all his boys go?... lol *hes so hot*

Anonymous said...

On Idol Adam was compared to Steven Tyler a lot. Watch Tyler's stage antics back in the days.

Anonymous said...

I just die when he smiles!!!!!

The Dark Side said...

So that's what an underground Hollywood nightclub looks like. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

@ The Dark Side, You are funny :)


Anonymous said...

That was so sweet of him to do that for those fans many celebrities would have just blown them off

coloforadam said...

That gorgeous, gracious man has not changed a bit through this rough year ....thankfully! Danielle is so protective - he has the greatest friends.

Anonymous said...

Danielle just plowed ahead. If it were up to her, Adam would not have stopped. He knows who butters his bread, and while DS is his BFF, it's not her.

Anonymous said...

Well! It's about TIME we saw Adam out with some adoring fans again! Hope he's not in hiding too long. He needs to be out there getting seen! The public (other than us Adam-maniacs) needs to know he's a star with lots of fans who want to see him out and about. Sorry, Adam. You're "rest time" is just about over!

Anonymous said...

4:21 do you realize this video was taken almost a year ago?

Anonymous said...

this was an old video...... He's so adorable

Anonymous said...

There were some rumours about Adam and Ferras. ;)

Anonymous said...

When it comes to his fans Adam has always been accommodating specially when they are behaving teehee. I guess he has learned to accept was comes with the territory other than really being kindhearted person in the first place. Please don't ever change your personal traits Adam ;-)


Anonymous said...

when everyone else is gone, Danielle will always be there. She has his back and calls him "BABY". they are the cutest!

Anonymous said...

Where's the fucking Scion???

Who cares

Anonymous said...

I love that he recycles his clothes

Maybe I'm weird but I find this sexy!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's like

OHHHH I remember him wearing that when he did this show

Anonymous said...

Oops! Yes, it's an old video. Sorry, but I was just so eager to see Adam out in public again that I missed the headline. Hope we see him out again soon. Grammys are coming up!

Kate said...

I to am missing anything from Adam. Just viewed Adam singing Broken Open at River Rock, beautiful and so emotional.

Anonymous said...
