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New Picture of Adam Lambert in Paris

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 24, 2010

Posted at : Friday, December 24, 2010

Adam standing in front of the Louvre Museum in Paris.

Thanks to Adam Lambert Help!


Anonymous said...

Nice picture !! Would love to see a picture of ADam Lambert in front of the Opera de Paris... He wants mentioned in a question and answer session (thatis until now still shown on his American Idol (AI) profile on the official AI website )... that he wants to sing in the "Opera de Paris"

Anonymous said...

What an honor that would be for Adam! It would certainly give him great press and silence those that say he can't sing. [I question their intelligence and hearing anyway,]He really needed that time to be anonymous and be able to walk the streets like anyone else. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous picture. Love him so much.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone here! <3 Stay safe!!

Anonymous said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone from Spain!!!
This year has been important for me because I discovered ADAM LAMBERT and also I've found all of you (we share our love for Adam).
Thanks to 24/7news I can know almost everything about Adam and thank you to all of you because I can talk about it (because in Spain there isn't a lot of people who know him, by now).

Have fun during the holidays!!!


Anonymous said...

It looks like a pic you take as a tourist. Do we know who the photografer is?


Anonymous said...

Makes me think of the DaVinci Code

Mysterious...glad he got to tour Paris.....

Anonymous said...

Could it be a pic taken by a certain Sauli? ;-)

Anonymous said...

That was my thought also :)


Anonymous said...

Who is Sauli????

Anonymous said...

A finnish guy that was a week in Paris with Adam (or perhaps it´s just a rumour).

In my serious GNT withdrawel I found this. Holy shit, I had forgotten how truly amazing this was.!


Anonymous said...

Isaac took the pic. It's been doctored as Isaac doctors all of his pics.

Anonymous said...

Happy Holiday to you all. Love Adam in Paris and make me want to go there too, of course with him. HeHe!!

Anonymous said...

I hate it when I can't open links +*#$%&

Anonymous said...

To open links here, you have to copy/paste.

Anonymous said...

I'm usually not into gay men, but I find him attractive. His voice is one of the best I've heard in a very long time. Paris looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

what kind of comment is that...not usually into gay man, adam is a man. with a beautiful voice and as humble as can be...i'm so sick of the gay thing, so what!

Anonymous said...

10:26 don't start with me!!!! I know Adam is a man, but straight women don't usually desire gay men. Did I make myself clear! Adam is human and has feelings, so don't take it the wrong way. He is a very talented person and attractive. I know many women desire him, but he made it clear what his preferances are. nuff said!!!!

Anonymous said...

anon 10:26 needs to chill! Adam likes men and alot of his females fans would love for that to change! Some straight women are confused to why they find him attractive. The talent he posesses is very sexy, but I'll leave it at that!

Anonymous said...

anon 11:20 is pissed!!!! I think all women are confused to why they find Adam sexy! He kisses men, but women are turned on by it. It doesn't do anything for me, but that's my opinion. No need of getting all pissy over a comment.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam Lambert should makeout with a gorilla on stage!!! The gay issue is getting old! MoVe on to the next subject...NEXT!

Anonymous said...

Alot of straight women are turned off by gay men, so I don't see what the fuss is about. I think Adam is attractive, but what he does in his bedroom is his business and don't need to be put on display in every performance. Adam likes heterosexual sex, because he posed in Detail magazine with a woman! He is curious about SEX with the female species. I love his music and whatever else is his business.

Anonymous said...

Adam will turn hetero! just wait and see!

Anonymous said...

He looks hetero in that pic! All sexed up in black and that nice scenery behind him! I bet Paris is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

We're all sick of the gay thing! Move to the next thing! I wanna here about what he likes to do in the bathtub! Does he have a rubber ducky? Adam should let's us in on the thing that goes on behind the scenes in the Lambert household! Does he do his own laundry? Does he spy on his neighbors having playtime? I wonder how he keeps himself ENTERTAINED?;-)When will the next album be finished? Paris is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Does Everyone know that Mrs. Claus is a HOHOHO!!! Happy Holidays ADAM F****** LAMBERT!!! Looking Forward to all the Glamtastic Raunchiness that you have in store for us in 2011! Have a Glittery Christmas with all the Glamily!

Anonymous said...

I loved the louvre when I was In Paris.

Anonymous said...

Although our boy Sauli is a party boy, he's not the sluttiest type. Be careful Adam or there's gonna be a shotgun wedding. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is very attractive in person. He is a loving and generous person with tremendous talent. I have him in my dream all the time that make me very happy. Adam and Paris, very romantic to fantasize.

Anonymous said...

did he mingle with the ladies at the Crazy Horse? I want some details! I hear there is some pretty hot chicks that dance there!

Anonymous said...

This pic was taken by Sauli while they were both there, it is on his facebook, Isaac was not in Paris with Adam on his second trip in December...just saying

Anonymous said...

Who is Sauli? The smile on his face says it all;)

The Dark Side said...

The Louvre and Adam seem a perfect fit somehow.

Lili said...

Adam looks good but the color effect on this picture is really bad !!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam should do a photoshoot sitting in a vintage chair with his pimp cane surrounded by his hot famous women! I think he would look hot with Dita or Evan!

Anonymous said...

The picture was taken by Isaac on the Glam Nation tour. Not during the post-tour Paris promo.

Adam & Sauli are not dating.

Anonymous said...

The picture was taken by Sauli when they were in Paris together, it'n not on Isaac's picture but on Sauli's facebook ~Saulbert

Anonymous said...

Proof that it's on Sauli's facebook? Link to it? Otherwise, it's Isaac's.

Quit trying to prove that they're together. Adam said while he was IN PARIS that he doesn't have a boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

We know this pic was not taken by Sauli. And they are not dating. We are just teasing.

Anonymous said...

Let it go Paula, Adam does not recycle boyfriends!!! He said so himself, besides, you don't know Adam, you are just a fan. He was with Sauli in Paris. If you want proof of the facebook pic, I'm sue you can do that yourself since stalking Adam is your specialty. BTW aren't you are a bit old to obsess on Adam's private life?? Creepy..I must say and a lot of peolple agree. ~Saulbert:)

Anonymous said...

Who in the hell is Paula? My name's Sisely, honey.

We are ALL just fans. All we know is what Adam has said. We can't rely on rumors as truth.

Anonymous said...

Hey 12:20 anon, you must be a stalker, since you obviously found the link to the pic.

Anonymous said...

i hate to tell all of you, but it's called a "private life" for a reason. it means that none of you know what's happening, unless adam decides to tell us. right now, he tell us that he's single, so until he says otherwise or there are new pics of him kissing someone, that's all we have. like he'd tell fans who he's dating anyway, if he's saying that he's single.