Paula Abdul Congratulates Adam Lambert on Grammy Nomination
Filed Under (Awards,news,twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, December 18, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, December 18, 2010
Paula Abdul was on twitter tonight and she had a lot of nice things to say to Adam Lambert. Read them below:

@shaniceong "I'm having a great rainy wknd! Lol! wish I couldve gone to @AdamLambert's glamnation tour this weekend. REALLY wanted to go xoP"
@Chris3Austin "awww were you trying to go, too? :(( sorry you couldn't make it. I am SO PROUD of @AdamLambert !"
@AdamLambert is one of those people that when you first hear his voice you know immediately, this is a star. This guy is a star!!"
@melirose89 "yeah I know it's a cool show. @AdamLambert is such a wealth of talent smile.gif xoP"
And @AdamLambert I'm not surprised by your @TheGRAMMYs nomination. You're such a genuinely gifted singer it was just a matter of time..."
@AdamLambert @TheGRAMMYs "congratulations on this incredible & WELL-DESERVED honor. You know I love you sweetie..."
@AdamLambert "keep growing that magnificent talent of yours. This is just the beginning of all the awesome things in store for you. Love you!"
Adam replied to Paula....

@shaniceong "I'm having a great rainy wknd! Lol! wish I couldve gone to @AdamLambert's glamnation tour this weekend. REALLY wanted to go xoP"
@Chris3Austin "awww were you trying to go, too? :(( sorry you couldn't make it. I am SO PROUD of @AdamLambert !"
@AdamLambert is one of those people that when you first hear his voice you know immediately, this is a star. This guy is a star!!"
@melirose89 "yeah I know it's a cool show. @AdamLambert is such a wealth of talent smile.gif xoP"
And @AdamLambert I'm not surprised by your @TheGRAMMYs nomination. You're such a genuinely gifted singer it was just a matter of time..."
@AdamLambert @TheGRAMMYs "congratulations on this incredible & WELL-DESERVED honor. You know I love you sweetie..."
@AdamLambert "keep growing that magnificent talent of yours. This is just the beginning of all the awesome things in store for you. Love you!"
Adam replied to Paula....

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Now Paula might have been a little loopy at times on AI but she was the one judge who always pulled for Adam no matter what. I'm so happy to se she is still following him.
Paula was right about Adam....iconic.
I believe that Paula was really sincere with all the things he said about Adam and she never faked any of her body languages. She was truly affected by all of Adam's magnificent performances which made her say that he will certainly be ICONIC!
Thanks Paula for acknowledging genuine talent and proudly telling the world about it.
I love Paula cos she spotted Adam's talent straight away and was always so supportive of him during AI.
Of course Paula was sincere since the beginning of Adam Lamberts Journey. Those people who were annoyed of Paula being drunk or on drugs, it's only a crazy thought. They are just being jealous of Paula's success. She truly believes that Adam will sore in music industry and he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom from Toronto, Canada
I like Paul regardless of her dippy (at times) personality, the girl is all heart. That pic makes me miss Adam's EMO hair cut.
And to think that Paula was Adam's first concert when he was very young because she was his first favorite performer! That has to be so wonderful for him to hear those comments coming from her.
Just remarkable!
Hey Guys you know Paula's new show ! I bet Adam Will Perform on it!! :) Katie
I loved Paula's critique of Ring of Fire - besides Randy she was the one who really got it. If I remember correctly she said "she loved the sitar sound and that it sounded like cashmere Led Zeppelin" she also said that Adam was true to who he was as an artist. I believe there was more but can't remember I need to watch his journey again, I do that every so ofter. Just love listening and watching all that Adam has accomplished up to this point because I believe he will be ICONIC, its just a matter of time. He is on his way. Adam is such a beautiful person, inside and out, I love the positive messages he sends to all his fans, he is one of a kind. Love you Adam.
aww so sweet~ When I watch back AI clips one of the things I love the most is seeing Paula gush over Adam! And Randy too, I didn't realize how much Randy was always giving Adam props and understanding what Adam was going for.
I think Paula does Love him and she glows when she is in his presence. She makes it vocal her admiration for him. He loves her as well!
Another full circle moment: even before Adam's "A Change Is Gonna Come" performance coming full circle with his last performance's proclamation (prophetically accompanied with the President's signing of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy into law, was Adam's meeting with Paula Abdul at his first concert, then again at AI. With Adam there seems a series of circular patterns to his artistic journey. His triumph with "Whataya Want From Me"
completed the circle begun with the AMA debacle.
Trepidations and bias against his guyliner/nail polish/glam look gave way by the sheer power of will and magnificence when he courageously took the world stage and wowed. One by one, Adam sets an example for how to conquer fears, ignorance, adversity and seize the promise of our purpose and destiny. Whether he meant to or not, his world and ours with him on this journey is "unfolding as it should".
I am so proud of Adam. I love to watch the youtube AI videos of Adam when I first saw him perform. A star was born to many of us who had not seen him on the stage before. Of course looking back at his career prior to AI, it was obvious that Adam was born a star. I would like to acknowledge Paula Abdul for backing Adam from the start. The love Paula showered on Adam was identical to all of us fans who saw him on Idol for the first time. Paula was right on in her praises - iconic, worldwide star, etc. She recognized Adam's unique quality, dramatic flair, and star presence as a performer well beyond the AI competition. Randy, Simon, and Kara got on board later, but Paula NEVER, EVER doubted Adam. I will always love Paula for that.
RECONOCIMIENTO,ADMIRACIÓN Y AMOR sincero por parte de la querida PAULA para ADAM, que debe estar muy FELIZ, por tan merecidos comentarios de alguien tan calificada y especial, que reconoció su gran talento desde su primera audición y visualisando su futuro como Icono. FELICIDADES PARA ADAM Y PAULA!!!! por existir entre ellos tan linda amistad!!!!
Aww! Paula‼ :) She's always been so vocal about her support & admiration for Adam from the very beginning... ♥ her‼ :)
Oh, Paula! I wondered why I hadn´t seen any Grammy congratulations from her. She always seemed honest and truly amazed by Adam. She just reacted a bit late. I forgive her :-)
AW, so sweet!! Here's another performer who knows gorgeous when she sees/hears it. I also loved Randy's critique of ROFire - "it's like Nine Inch Nails does country - it's hot, it's young....!!" Love those two!!
I think Paula is just smitten with the blue-eyed Jewish boy from San Diego! She has a thing for tall, sexy-eyed younger men! He pulled her in week after week on AI and Adam said she was the only person to ever buy him diamonds. She really does love him and says it alot!
I think Adam and Paula had dinner dates. She is really supportive and would probably hang on his arm at any event if he would ask! She likes nice arm candy!
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