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Smokey-eyed Bill vs. Glitter Glambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 20, 2010

Posted at : Monday, December 20, 2010

Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel and Adam Lambert have been lauded for their impeccable, and sometimes outrageous, sense of style. Regardless of the comments, they are always dressed to impress and are even considered style icons that push boundaries when it comes to male fashion. We know better for both Bill and Adam were both here and we saw fans ‘Scream’ for Bill and Adam’s fans act ‘Fever’-ish. Who would win male style icon? Vote now!

CLICK HERE to vote for Adam!


Anonymous said...

Sorry, it's a bit late but Sasha has her Mask and cane from "Strut" up for bid on ebay. Proceeds go to her niece Mia's medical bill. Here's her tweet:

On Sunday 19th December 2010, @sashamallory said:

Ok twitters... So there was a bit of confusion. I have Everything set up for the bidding to start Dec 21, 2010 00:00:57 PST I wanted it to be fair so I didnt start biding right away. Itle be open for 3 days so if anything goes wrong cant find a computer or something the bidding wont end until the 23rd. My name on ebay is Sashaddancer if you want to search that or you can search "Mask and Cane from Glamnations STRUT" If you have no idea what Im talking about Im auctioning off the mask and cane I used for Strut in Glamnation to raise money for my cousin Mia suffering from an anoxic brain injury and Im doing whatever I can to help the family out. I love them so much and I feel like I have the power to help them all thanks to my amazing friend @AdamLambert The items ill be auctioning off were the mask and cane I used in the song Strut The same mask and cane you see in any picture Ive been in for the Glamnation Tour. They’re not in perfect condition because they have been worked hard in rehearsals and many stages across the world but it’s a nice collectors item if anyone wanted to have a little part of Glamnation in their home. I’m only doing this for my cousin Mia shes very sick right now and her family needs extra help with money. All the money made for this will be given to her and her family. <3

Another tweet from Sasha:

On Monday 20th December 2010, @sashamallory said:

Also editing my little behind the scenes vid of the last glamnation show. Its not suuuper long because everyone was busy getting their poop together but I feel like yall deserved it since u dorks been helping my family out :) Why am I in such a good mood? damn... Ok stepping away from the computer now


Anonymous said...

Here's Suz' newest Adam Christmas vid: !!


Anonymous said...

Love this poll. I must confess I don't know any songs by the Tokio Hotel. Haven't heard any of them on the radio yet.

Anonymous said...

how come kaulitz is ahead of adam in poll. i voted, have you?

Anonymous said...

Tokio Hotel fans lack sense of humour.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Tokio Hotel fans has no sence of humour at all.
How often can you vote?


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I thought they were both photos of Adam! Styles are very similar. On these pictures I like the Tokio guy's costume better. However, when it comes to all out "style", Glambert wins hands down. NOBODY can rock a tailored suit like Adam.

Anonymous said...

I don't like Bills style at all.

Anonymous said...

Well good morning Glamberts! When are you going to start your power voting? Time to show what you´re made of.


Anonymous said...

So tired of the ADAM v BILL stuff! Two individuals!ADAM says he likes a guy and the next mimute all speculation runs wild and out of control. I like Bill and have some of his albums but I love Adam.

Anonymous said...

Again! I hate when they compare Bill and Adam
- I love both!
They both seem like sweet yet unapologetic guys who aren´t afraid to stand out in a crowd.
Adam wins on singing ability... but I think Bill might win this one. Anyone gutsy enough to wear eyeliner, color his hair purple and wear a kilt at age eleven and at the same time managed to make it look cool seriously deserves a prize.
Oh and nice to know I have no sense of humor - maybe I should ask Santa for one more present?

Anonymous said...

Stupid Glamberts obey Tokio Hotel fans. Losers!

Anonymous said...

Ok Eva... I'm going right now!!!

Enough with this Bill stuff already geeez, he's got a cute face but the skinny body of an underdeveloped BOY... He NEEDS all those clothes to even be noticed. Is he a guy or a girl... he needs to put on 30 lbs and grow some b-- ooops Anyway, Adam all the way.

Anon @ 4:32 Spot on! NO ONE rocks a suit like Adam. BAAAM!!!
Going to vote now.

Lisa V. said...

I'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND HOW ADAM COMPLIMENTING BILL MADE THE TOKIO HOTEL FANS HATE ADAM. Only thing I can think of is it made them afraid that people would think Bill is gay..? Otherwise it's completely baffling. Learn to take a compliment with grace xx

Anonymous said...

I voted for Adam, but this is a wasting of time, especially when we know that there is GRAMMY voting!
vote :

Anonymous said...

I'm a HUGE fan of Adam and I LOVE his style but personally this poll is not my most pressing issue just a few days before Christmas. I did add a few votes for Adam even though I'm not sure that more than one vote actually counts. Besides, both entertainers are creative and fashion forward in their stylistic choices. This website certainly knows how to generate the motherload of all hits. In real life it's a win-win situation for both guys.

Anonymous said...

@7:38 am .... your comment needs to die. Glamberts rule and so does Adam Lambert!!!

Anonymous said...

Imma voting!


Anonymous said...

I am also very tired of the comparison between Billy boy and Adam. I won't waste my time on this particular voting thread, but I will say that Adam is sexier, more articulate, more entertaining, better dressed, etc. etc. than Billy Boy. I will vote on things more important than this.

Anonymous said...

another stupid poll I am not interested in and will not be voting.

Anonymous said...

No poll is important, it´s just for fun. I don´t give a shit about who "wins" the style contest but watching the TH fans get all upset again about Adam copying Bill, is kind of amusing. Sorry!


LP said...

This is one poll, I would like to see them both be even. They are both fashion icons. Now if we were talking voice, then Adam would win ,hands down. We need to bring Adam's numbers up, His sense of fashion is as good as Bills.

Anonymous said...

It seems like we have vote for something more important than this poll. Adam was nominated for three awards on IT Australian Awards. I guess this is POPtv. He was nominated for best Single-IIHY, as International Malea artist, and the best 2010 tour. You can find all information in Examniner's Renee post. I think it will not so easy to vote for these awards. Just read the article to fine way how to vote. They included this troll Justin B and MICHAEL JACKSON in this list!
Why they didn't include in all rock music nominations Freddie or Elvis?!

Anonymous said...
Adam is Zoik's entertainer of the year
Adam Lambert nominated for Finnish EMMA Award
some serious things about Adam , not this poll

Anonymous said...

and btw Adam won Best gay singer of the year and best song of the year in AfterElton poll

Anonymous said...

I think they both look good and appeal to different types of people and just follow their dreams as everybody. Ppl, no need to get upset before holiday season, keep positive and rock your Christmas. Personally, I love Adam.

Anonymous said...

@amelie. I just made a comment about Adam-Bill poll.There are more very important polls to vote for Adam. But it is not very easy to vote for Australian awards. Renee explained how to do it.
So happy for Adam. A lot of nominations and awards!

Anonymous said...

Adam & Bill have their own fashion sense. To each his own, same goes with us fans which ever you prefer. Kind of like food, might taste good for you but not for me‼ Of course I love Adam's styles, looks, persona, talent... basically everything about ADAM‼ :) *that's why I'm on this site-obvious* hehe

The Dark Side said...

Why in the world would anyone be comparing Adam to Gaga when this Bill guy is around. Don't know who he is, but if that outfit if any indication of his style, then he should be considered a runner up to Gaga. Adam doesn't come close to either of these two--Thank the Gods. Well maybe that outfit Adam wore at the Madri Gras in Australia? You know, the one with the cod piece.

coloforadam said...

The costumes are an expression of the message of the music and the money available to make that statement - NOT a personal style. I imagine that it is the same for Gaga and Bill. This is just one of many silly polls that I, of course, cannot resist participating in since everything "ADAM" is tops!! LOL

Anonymous said...

p.s. - I like that Adam looks like a boy and Bill(?)......well......


Anonymous said...

The people who frequent 24/7 are Adam fans (except for the haters). We all know who he is. Some of us, me included, had never heard of Bill until Adam said he was pretty. I still have never heard him sing. I guess my point is...why is Bill even on this site? We are Adam fans and this is an Adam web site. If we want to see stuff about Bill, we should go to a web site created for that purpose. Do you think Adam WANTS to see another comparison between he and Bill? Do you think he WANTS to get Bill's fans riled up again? If you have paid any attention to Adam in the last two years, you would realize that this is not something he would condone. Just my 2 cents.

glitzylady said...

If people want to vote in this little poll, its fine with me..everyone has their own way of supporting Adam. Although I am not particularly a fan of Tokio Hotel, I don't dislike them either (I don't have that kind of follow more than one artist!!!..) , and I find these little rivalries to be fairly goofy, but then again...what the heck. My niece is a huge fan of TH, and Bill K. in particular, but once she heard Adam sing and saw him perform (ahem..thanks to me..LOL!) she is a big fan of his as well. I wonder how SHE would vote??!! The only reason I would vote in this one would be to keep Adam's name out there, especially amongst the younger fans. And I just really want him to win the Grammy!!!. (Not asking much)......

Anonymous said...

Great! The Teens fight the Cats again! Where's my popcorn?.. Or my cigar? I'm in writing mode tonight. I'll put down something deep! :-))

Anonymous said...

The SuBo fans has joined forces on the Grammy poll. She´s leading on the "snubbed" poll and she has 81% on "Best Pop Vocal Album".


Anonymous said...

I don't care about BIll..........not concern at all. Adam is resting right now and you guys has to relax also and forget about this poll it's a waste of time and fun for the holidays ha!ha!ha!

Anonymous said...

What the fuck is Willow Smith doing with Adam Lambert? Are they whippin their hairs? LOL


Anonymous said...

FYI I am sick of all these polls... Life is so freakin Depressing without Glamnation...God I am suffering of PGS (post glamnation syndrome).I better fuckin fix a drink *slaps self*


Anonymous said...

PGS haha good one!
I think I see a billbulge..

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, Bill makes Adam look tame, in this photo comparison! :)

I confess I don't know much about Tokio Hotel or Bill. I google'd them and here's what I will say: I give props to Bill for being WAY out there! I do love his sense of! But I swear to god, he's the most effeminate looking man I've ever seen! In a couple pix, I truly thought I was looking at a woman. No hate...just was amazed.

Then I listened to some of TH's music...sorry folks, but after being an Adam fan, I just don't have the patience for someone who really can't sing! TH is not for me. I still give Bill the style points, though. But he's's almost not fair to compare a European to an American! ;) Europeans are less afraid to take fashion risks and are ahead of the trends here in the US.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I'm only curious of the TH fans reactions. I'm not surprised that Bill has 75% and Adam 25% of the votes.

sepide said...

I Love Adam and Bill and both is stylish .

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix since you are the fashionista on board i would trust your judgment in this area. Since i'm into anything that is ethnic & tribal i couldn't appreciate Bill's style that much. And i absolutely agree with you that he looks so effeminate.

Having said that, i think that both of them are stylish & who ever wins doesn't really matter to me. This is subjective & would highly depend on the fashion sense of those voting.

@amelie - thanks so much for the links ;-)


Anonymous said...

I prefer Bill