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Video: Adam Lambert's Calendar 2011

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, December 5, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, December 05, 2010

Here is a video version showing the Calendar Photoshoots! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I WANT ONE....stamp stamp....sob sob
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Hi 24/7...thanks everso for all the Wonderful Adam Treats coming up thick and fast...almost thought it was Xmas Day.....
and talking of not too much to do...hang decs..decorate tree...gather in goodies..write cards..wrap pressies..spring clean the house...just sooooo much to do. how come i am still sat here on 24/7 drooling over Adam? ......any ideas guys?
Glambrit IOW UK

glitzylady said...


I think asking anyone here that question will be a waste of time..because I am in the same boat and don't have any kind of helpful solution...LOL!! The only thing I can think of would be to cancel my internet connection, and we KNOW that isn't going to happen! Case in point: Here I am!!

Anonymous said...

What's Christmas again? Everyday is christmas in Adamland. hehe.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello,please its vote is very important for ADAM.

HH. By by

Anonymous said...

I especially like how Adam is singing "Happy Birthday" in my birthday month on this calendar video.

Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this video 24/7.


@Glambrit IOW UK - same question i'm asking myself here. Was in the same boat last Christmas and didn't even bother to find any solution for this year LOL.

Finally saw your London GNT recap! Had a lot of catching up to do here and didn't know where to look for it until i saw the link you posted. Thank you so much for that. I enjoyed reading the installment posts which made it even more exciting haha. Just so happy for you because his live performances are to die for. Thanks again Glambrit IOW UK for your wonderful and fun report ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Bing, so glad you enjoyed reading..its was so much fun but i thought i would never recover from the cold let along being part of Glamnation Tour and seeing and hearing Adam..... Adam's voice was Incredible on the night i am only supposed to be popping in and having a quite look around,fat chance of that bang goes another few hours......
Glambrit IOW UK

lois from Iowa said...

I got my calendar today sssssoooooooooo neat

lois from Iowa said...

Adam, your song can't let you go touched my heart, just found out my husband has lung cancer, don't know if it is operable yet or what but doctor said looks stage 3, if he doesn't make it to long I will use that song, lv it

judys dancin said...

Lois,I am a lung cancer survivor of 6 years!! Tell him to keep a positive attitude! I think that's what has gotten me thru! They gave me a 30% chance, so Good Luck, and hang in there!

Anonymous said...

OT...Lois,as Judy said,"Tell him to keep a positive Attitude" it's 1/2 the battle. I"ve taken care of many ca patients over the years and have seen many miracles that medicine couldn't explain. My husband had a brain tumor, 3 strokes, malignant tumors in both of his kidneys and numerous other battles to fight. He survived 14 years and none of these things was his cause of death, which was a urology problem that was resistant to antibiotics. All of his doctors were amazed and I credit his will to live for his longevity. Each day was quality time, even the difficult ones. Hang in there and don't give this illness the power to control your strength. Judy, so glad for you. The human spirit can move mountains. funbunn40

Anonymous said...


If i may @lois from Iowa, i agree with what both Judy & funbunn40 are saying. My father-in-law was given barely a year after being diagnosed of a severe case of cirrhosis in 1994. The medical world couldn't explain how he survived for another 16 years, he passed away last May 2010. We all attributed it to his strong will to live & he would have died earlier had we prevented him from doing what he loves most. 3 months before he died he still had his own radio program which was 6 days in a week, playing for his listeners rare music from the 40's to the 80's. He would dedicate an entire program each week to his idol ELVIS PRESLEY with his mantra ELVIS IS ALIVE, being one of his most invested fans from the get go. It was also a blessing that he was able to work despite his ailment. Moreover, he had the best support system around him. A strong positive attitude certainly works wonders one could ever imagine. And you have to believe in it as well. Just want to share with you.


Anonymous said...

@Judy & @funbunn40 thank you so much for your posts for lois.
