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Adam Lambert as Captain Sparrow?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 2, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 02, 2011

As we all know, Adam dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow on New Year's Eve 2011. Unfortunately, no picture has surfaced yet. But would Adam look something like this?

Photo credit for first picture: simple_sunshine


Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha! He looks very cute! I want him to kidnap me to his island!!!

Anonymous said...

Not certain my favorite Adam look. Hey just an opinion--looks so photoshopped.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, why would he be dressed like that on NYE. Some inside joke maybe. Why should people get to see pics from him anyway. He's on holiday.

Anonymous said...

ARR! Even the real Capt. has black finger nail polish...I can picture diamonds in Adam's beard..a little glitter....

Anonymous said...

Yes! Good job! What a handsome pirate!


Anonymous said...

I don't like the hat on him, but that thing around his head is pretty sexy! The sexy Lambert eyes would really make that work.

Anonymous said...

IT IS photoshopped.....thats the whole point, as no picture has surfaced, fans are making them up.

Anonymous said...

Glitter in his hair and beard would look HoT!

Anonymous said...

Adam said that the costume chest at his house was not just opened Halloween but all year.. A lot of the underground clubs he went to..the people dressed up...look at the IIHY video...
People just want to have fun...

We know he's on holiday..but Adam dressed up like Capt. to see it! If he will let us..if not....OK

Anonymous said...

I like saying ARRRRR! why hasn't a picture of Adam surfaced as Jack Sparrow? ARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't get too serious. Adam is having fun while on holiday. But fans can also having fun online too . Both ways are good.

Rebecca said...

well i must say as much as a adore Adam and i think he is absolutely the most adorable thing on earth for me there is only one Captain Jack and that is Johnny Depp sorry Johnny stole my heart and even has beautiful as Adam is Johnny will always be my captain Jack

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you did this Sunshine, but it is amazing! I don't have any skills for photo-shopping but admire those who do. It's funny that some people thought this was a real un-adorned photo. It proves a point though; Adam can look the part of any role wonderfully. Ok, that made no sense, but you know what I mean! Hope he had a great NYE.

Anonymous said...

I have worked with photoshop so I know how it is done. Good work! But it is true; Captain Jack is Johnny Depp. Now, please Tim Burton, Johnny and Adam as goofy partners in a movie. You can do it!


Anonymous said...

As we all know? I didn't know. But , bet he rocked the outfit! He could make rags sexy.

Anonymous said...

Adam love costumes so Capt. Jack is one of them ha!ha!ha! I can't wait to see his Captain Jack version. Love u Adam.........

Enjoy your peace and quiet holiday although I know it's only a short period of time. You have to finish your 2nd album for the next tour.

We miss you a lot Mr. World Superstar......

Anonymous said...

Maailman laidalla - At world's end. :)

Anonymous said...

OMG, this is amazing work! Wish I can do it!
@Eva 3:49pm Actually, Pirates of Caribian isn't Tim Burton movies, this is Disney Production movies. And I don't think Adam is Tim Burton type of artist. Adam is to hot for Burton's movies. Usually Tim Burton is using dark colors with really strange makeup and depressing music. I know he is very talented by the same time pshycotic producer. Adam is all about glam, colors, fireworks.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Adam had a sword - maybe to spear the martini olives lol

Anonymous said...

hahah! close enough‼ And a pretty Captain Lambert... indeed‼ :) Now, I really wanna see the real one‼ :) Adam is keeping us in suspense... Ok Adam, my birthday's coming... js *present Capt?*

Anonymous said...

ME like!! OK, I just like imagining Adam as Cap'n Sparrow...could totally see it. Remember the dreadlock wig he wore for Longineau's last show? Now picture that with a pirate hat over it. Ha, ha! HOT! Hope a picture does turn up...but seems like it would've by these will have to do.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

OK! This is just 'whetting' my appetite for the REAL DEAL!! Is there a REAL picture of ADAM as Capt. Jack Sparrow anywhere? If so ... can we PLEASE get a peek at it so we can all keep our sanity ... or at least ... I can keep MINE? lol ... Happy New Year 2011 to all Glamberts Worldwide!!


Anonymous said...

I don't think there is any picture of Adam on New Year. Because we would see it already. As less photographer was slightly drunk for two days after New Year Eve:)And pictures of Tomy had been make by somebody else, or by Adam:)

Anonymous said...

Since Adam looks so good in this photoshopped picture, I would love to see him in the next PIRATES movie with Johnny Depp. If they could put Keith Richards in a previous one, why not Adam Lambert? It wouldn't have to be a major role, just something to get him into the film business perhaps as one of Capt. Jack's old friends/cohorts. He could add his own special twist to the character. En garde!!!