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Adam Lambert Dominates The BEST MALE POP VOCAL Vote!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 13, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, January 13, 2011

Adam Lambert is currently leading the poll with nearly 78% of the votes!

CLICK HERE to vote for Adam Lambert!

Do you think Adam has a chance to win this award at the GRAMMY?


Anonymous said...

heheh, I was just there voting & it's now at 78%... yaaay‼ :)

Anonymous said...

adam lambert will deserve to win this grammy award- technically-he should. grammy oficials let adma win-hes the real winner. u know that we know that.adam lambert is a unique singer artist
juts like mj and elvis presley.

Anonymous said...

Yo! bet yeah!... not counting the chicks before they're hatched but it's pretty obvious‼ :) Don't stop voting tho peeps... vote 'till the end. :) *bye4now*

Anonymous said...

I'm going to be honest and say NO. he won't win. Being nominated and win in his debut year is almost impossible. The GRAMMYS rarely award newbies.

Anonymous said...

I am slightly suprise that MJ has less vote even than Mayer. Eva made a comment about MJ fans. Probably they still don't know anything about this pole. However, if we would know how tweeter/53 Grammy works,Adam got more than MJ, deff!Because, only Adam competes with MJ right now. Nobody else has so many votes than these BIG STARS!
Adam, you are winner, anyway!<3

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I think not. It would be a major coup, but it's political. Also, if I can continue to be honest, Adam's fans are fanatical, and for that reason polls don't really mean a lot. It's sales and politics, and while Adam has done extremely well in this market, others have done better. I visited the Grammy Twitter site, and they are bein inundated by demands to have Adam perform. Of course, there are demands from fans of other artists, but I wonder if the powers to be pay any attention to all this. I so hope I'm wrong, and that we get Adam not only performing, but winning. He has the best talent, no question there, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

Adam should walk away a Grammy winner! I think Beyonce won a Grammy her first year as a solo artist? She has enough grammy awards, so they need to give them to the new artists. Adam sings better than the other four artists up against him. May the Best Singer win!

Anonymous said...

I don't think he will win but will perform instead... wishful thinking ? or not ?

The Dark Side said...

It's a crap shoot, but doubt that Adam will win this award. The fact that he is nominated and recognized is great. This has not been Adam's year for awards--the future is at hand. I pre-ordered the Grammy Album on Amazon, as it is a great keepsake. I am happy to be able to see him there as part of this great night.

Anonymous said...

Great, but the vote is extremely close between Adam and MJ on this website:

Although the Recording Academy does not officially take into consideration such web based voting, it can't NOT help if they see that the public votes for him.

Anonymous said...

If the voting is based solely on vocal techniques. Adam should win this category hands down. If it is based on other factors then no he won't win. I hope my first statement will be true and he'll win this award. Still being nominated in this category is a very big deal and we shouldn't get upset if he doesn't get it. It's like being nominated for best actor for Oscar. But this is for music which is a big deal.

Anonymous said...

This proves that Adam has many avid fans who will vote for him on any poll. What it doesn't prove is how the Grammy voters feel about him. I sincerely hope that we are not ruining his chances by being so "over the top" about him.

I posted my opinion so it can be discussed, not so that I can be jumped on with the zeal of all Glamberts everywhere.

PS I love him and voted for him.

Anonymous said...

Just that Adam was nominated and that he's gonna be at the ceremony and on an international broadcast and his name is gonna be mentioned as a Grammy nominee is a WONDERFUL thing and will great for his career. Major validation, especially against the naysayers.

If they let him perform, that will be HUGE icing on the cake. (whether it's him solo or duet with Pink or whatever, I don't care)

If he should win.... well, then it's gonna be a PARTY TIME in Adam-land. It will be indescribable what that will mean for him and for us dedicated fans. That being said, I do agree that it's gonna be a bit tough for him to get this one. But, hey - it sets the stage for the future.

Anonymous said...

WELL SAID @anon 1:22 and 2:03.
I agree fully.

Anonymous said...

I know it is such an honor just to be nominated for a Grammy esp. since this was Adam's first successful single from his first album/CD. He does give the best male vocal performance, but considering all other factors, he probably won't win and that will be such a shame. Talent doesn't always win out unfortunately. His fans will still continue to support him and look forward to his second album some time this year. I would love to see him perform WWFM either alone or with Pink, but nothing has been said about him yet. He is the main reason I intend to watch this show even if it just to see him in the audience once or twice. If he does win the award, it would be the icing on the cake. Best of Luck to Adam on this night.

Anonymous said...

Michael BublĂ© is the "expert pick" on the Yahoo poll. He got 1%. I think he is the kind of singer that gets awards, good but oh, so boring. I must say I´m a bit pessimistic because so far no one has done the PC thing to do: Give Adam Lambert an well deserved award, not only because he is the best singer, but because he is who he is, brave and proud, and it is time to show America that being gay should not stop you from having a career. It would be such an inspiration to all those gay teens who live in fear and agony. So, please Grammy jury, do your duty! Make a difference! Be brave and set an example! Make those cowards on MTW and AMA blush in shame. It would be a sensation and Adam would be on top of headlines again, not Eminem with his 10 or so awards.


Anonymous said...

If Adam will get 100% on fuse poll, are they gonna stop to vote?:)LOL. Also, Adam got more vote so far on poll.
Only poll Adam is behind MJ now is tweeter/53_Grammys.

Anonymous said...

delilah, I hope you are voting on

I just got Melinda Doolittle up to third place on the best American Idol of the month. I wont let her pass Adam of course :)


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

@Eva 2:41pm Sure, darling. When I made the comment about tweeter/53_Grammys I was talking about http// Seems I finally understood how to vote on this poll.LOL

Anonymous said...

Good gurl delilah!! :)


Anonymous said...
know somebody what is about ?

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the link! Adam, shaved and gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

@2:51 Does this mean he'll be at the Golden Globe event?

Anonymous said...

@amelie I just went to the Hollywood
Celebrity Gossip Golden Globe Awards Globe Gifters Link and saw the 2 awesome photos of Adam! Drop dead gorgeous, stunning, LONG black hair, man in black! OMG!!!!! He is breathtakingly beautiful!!! Sorry, I'm running out of adjectives to describe this man!!!


Anonymous said...

BTW, on tweeter/faxo poll MJ at 197,774 and Adam at 191,044. It's been running with MJ about 3000 votes ahead of Adam for the last 2 weeks or so. You can vote every 20minutes!


Anonymous said...

polls mean nothing. Look at that People's Choice disaster. Don't waste your time.

Anonymous said...

I saw the pictures which been attached to this reveiew about Golden Globe event. Adam's nails look like he forgot to have manicure. Is it his new style also? I deff didn't get it.

Anonymous said...

Not The American Idol, not the openly gay singer but the FYE rocker, wow it gets betterer.


Anonymous said...

YES, YES, YES - provided there would be justice in the music business and they would be TRUE to the category in question:

GGD Gal, voting for THE just decision!

Anonymous said...

I use to be manic about these polls until I was disillusioned a few times like that Time Magazine fiasco. I think polls are for the benifit of the site holding the poll.Some can be fun though.I just don't get into them anymore.

Anonymous said...

Fab new pix up on OMRG of our Adam.

Anonymous said...

Looks like our boy is going to the Golden Globes on Sunday. Can't wait to see his look this time around.

Anonymous said...

Adam deserves to win the Grammy, but who knows? I was a little disappointed to hear on E I think that Katie Perry, Rhianna, and M @ M (yuk!) are going to perform - together I think. Nothing was said about Adam of course. Maybe Adam's performance will be a surprise at the Grammys! A girl can dream right! Can't wait to see ADAM!!

Anonymous said...

@Eva, Where are you, darling? Am I sound as troll or Adam's enemy?

Anonymous said...


You? A troll? No, sweet heart, where did you get that from?


HK fan said...

wow, I just watched the interview on the Fuse page up above, next to the voting part. I know its an old interview but I hadn't seen it before. Omg, its sooo good, my new favourite interview, he looks amazing, and sounds so intelligent and wise. God I would love to just have an hour to sit and chat with him...

Anonymous said...

I saw the list of entertainers for the Grammys and Adam wasn't on it. It's the same cast of characters at all of these events which is so redundant. How many times can people watch Katy Perry sing those same songs?

Whomever produces The Grammy's show has No imagination.

Anonymous said...

GGD Gal/January 13 4:01PM - cute. MGF

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOOOOPS! I guess MJ fans found about FUSE poll. There are some changes about This Is It. The song start to get more votes!Vote for Adam

Anonymous said...

Twitter is holding this event called the "Shorty Awards". They celebrate and award the best accounts on Twitter and other social networking sites and currently Adam is:

#13 in the Best Celebrity on Twitter Category
#18 in the Best Entertainment on Twitter Category
#15 in the Best Music on Twitter Category
#12 in the Best Fashion on Twitter Category

Everyone please vote for Adam so he can win as many "shorties" as possible:

Anonymous said...

@Delilah5 You must be right, the MJ fans are voting like crazy on the Fuse Poll! Adam's votes are dropping fast and MJ's are increasing at the same rate!!! Wow, between voting for Fuse Poll and tweeter/faxo poll there's no time for RL! LOL!